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g FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/SOFTWARE ENGINEERING BSEH351 AND BITH451: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE May 2019, Time: 3 Hours Py INSTRUCTIONS Answer all four questions | Each question carries 25 marks _BSEH3S51 AND BITH4S1; aRTINICIAL INTEL PAGE 1 OFS Question 1 (a) (i) Whatis intelligence? How do we measure it? Are these measurements useful? (3) (ii) What would convince you that a given machine is truly intelligent? [2] (iii) What is an autonomous rational agent? 2 (b) (i) The field of Artificial Intelligence emerged from a number of older disciplines. List the three that you think are most important, and explain why (6) (ii) Describe two examples (from different sub-fields of Al) where scientific models of human intelligence have led to useful real world applications. (4) (©) Things that might come under the heading “Al” are increasing being incorporated into everyday systems and devices. Discuss the use of Al techniques in: () Word processing/typesetting systems. (ii) Mobile phones. (iil) Web-based shopping sites. (iv) Photocopier machines. [8] Question 2 (2) Whats meant by “Weak Al’ and “Strong AI"? Do you think the distinction (b) is useful? (3) How do you think artificial neural network systems fit in yith the above definitions and classifications? What level of achievement is required of an artificial neural network before you would accept it as an example of Al? : (4) BSEH351 AND BITHAS1: ARTIFICIAL INTELGENCE PAGE20F5. Knowledge Representation (©) Translate the following sentence into First Order Logic: Every rose has thorn, (d) Study the following Semantic Network below has $ \ ica | | studies Represent the semantic network in () Natural Language i) Prolog syntax Represent the following knowledge in a series of semantic frames. Dogs are Mammals Mammals are Animals Birds are Animats Fish are Animals : Worms are Animals Cats are Mammals Cats have Fur Dogs have Fur BSEH351 AND BITH4S1: ARTIICIALINTELUGENCE PAGE3 OFS [3] (1) (4) [10] Question 3 : N-Queens Problem (a) (b) (co) (a) What is a constraint satisfaction problem (CPS)? [2 Why do you think backtracking algorithm is suitable for solving this kind of problems? 3] N-Queens is a combinatorial problem based on chess. Regarding queens can attack vertically, horizontally, and diagonally in chess, N-Queens problem asks: How can N queens be placed on an NxN chessboard so that no two of them attacks each other? Write a back tracking algorithm to solve the n-queens problem. [10] Demonstrate the n-queens problem solution and solve them via Hill Climbing, [0] ” ’ BSEH351 AND BITH451: ARTIFICIALINTELUGENCE PAGE 4 OFS Question 4 (a) (c) (d) Describe the Alpha-Beta Pruning Algorithm. (5) Two agents are playing with four coins ($1, $2, $5, $5). Player1 goes first and they take it in turns to place a coin this 2X2 black and white board. Player is only allowed to put a coin on a white square and Player? is only allowed to put a coin on a black square. At the end of the game, if the sum of the coins on the white squares is more than those on black squares, Player will get all the coins otherwise its Player2. Drawn below is the top of the search tree used in a MinMax search to determine Playert first move: What are the states and operators in this search? (2 What symmetry assumptions have been exploited to reduc the search size? [1] Copy and complete the above diagram and put the scores for Player1 below the final board states. [10] Use the MinMax principle to propagate the scores to the top of the diagram. [5] Explain why Player can always win and describe their first move should be in order to win 2 BSEH351 AND BITH451: ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCE PAGES OFS

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