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ene Date. UNIT 1 Sitcom: Nice to meet you. ‘A. Check ij the occupations you hear in the video episode. O chef (nurse (doctor engineer (student) singer architect pilot athlete (teacher QJ writer actor B. Write a short answer to each question. 1, Ishe the president? 3. Is she the receptionist? 4. Ishethemailman? _5. Isshethe office manager? _6, Ishe the president? C. Match the name with the correct occupation. 1. Mr-Evans receptionist —— 2. Marie bb, tour guide == 43. Poul . president —— 4. Cheryl d. office manager Copyright© 2006 by Person Education Inc Permission grated to reproduce for classroom use. Top Notch TV Fundamentals ‘Activity Worksheet 29 Nome Date UNIT 1 Interview: Hi. How are you today? \. Match the pictures with the sentences. Be 1. “lm Dan” 3. "My name's Vanessa.” 5. “Im Alvin.” 2. "My name's Christiane.” 4, "My name's Emma." B. Complete each sentence. Choose the correct words. 1. Vanessais__. a, astudent b, ateacher anurse 2. Emmais___. a. areceptionist. b. anarchitect. © «. a writer 3. Alvinois__. a asinger b, businessman «, adoctor C. Read what the interviewer said. Then circle the person's response you hear on the video. Seri lc at RAT) 'a. Good moming. ) b. Hello, a Hi. Howare youtoday? tidal aoe Al a. Fine thanks w 3 7 It’s nice to meet you. ted to reproduce for classroom use b. Good. How are you? ‘a. Nice to meet you, too. b. Glad to meet you. a. See you later Well, take care. ) b, Bye-bye. Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education Inc Permission 30. TopNotchTV Fundamentals Activity Worksheet Date Name UNIT 2 Sitcom: Who's that? A. Read the questions. Check ¥ Yes or No. Yes No 1. Isthe man Cheryl's friend David Ducain? = ss 2, Is the man Jeff Davis? Gee 3, Is the man Mr. Evans? oF ea 4, Is Mr.Evans a musician? a: 5. Is Mr.Evans's neighbor a doctor? Qa. .a B. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. our your Mr-Evans's That’ Alan Reese. He's lawyer. y That's Arturo Montoya. He’ 5 neighbor. | & 2 z = 3 That's Mr. Evans, He's 5 boss. : ae a é = C. Match each person withthe correct description. g 1. David Ducain a. a musician from England i 5 2. Arturo Montoya —b, anartist g 3. Jeff Davis . awriter from France g 4. Clark Thomas d. adoctor from Mexico : & TopNotchTV Fundamentals Activity Worksheet 31 : 5 a 3 3 & i 2 t 7 Copyright ©2006 by Pearson Educot Ce Date UNIT 2 Interview: Where are you from? A. Write a short answer to each question. We: 1. Is he from Mexico? 2. Is she from France? 3. Is she from India? B. Complet 1. Her phone number is 2. His address is Concord Square. 3. Her e-mail address is_____. 4. His cell-phone number is __. C. Check Yj each statement True or False. True False 1. Natalie and Chris are both from Bristol, England. a Qa 2. Chris is from India. Qa Q 3. Deepti’s last name is Gupta. Q a 4. Deepti is from the United States. Q Qa 5. Elli’s last name is Fordyce. Q Q 32. TopNotchTV_ Fundamentals Activity Worksheet Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education inc ermisson granted to reproduce for clssroom use UNIT 3 Sitcom: How do | get there? ‘A. Check df the locations you hear in the video episode. bank 1 café busstation taxi stand bookstore 1) pharmacy () newsstand] museum B, Checkidj each statement True or False. True 1, Mr-Evans says,"Dont't take the train.” Q 2. The Red Café is in the train station. a 3. The Red Café is next to the bookstore. Q 44, The Red Café is next to a pharmacy. Qa . Complete Mr. Evans's directions with the words from the box. Then 1 train station post office False oooo watch the episode again and put them in the order he said them. Use numbers 1-6. ————EE Nextto left blocks Around across Next to a. ‘Go through the station and the street to the bookstore.” b. “Gotwo and turn right.” pana ne the pharmacy is the Red Café.” a" the comer is the train station.” e. “Go to the comer and turn ae the bookstore is a pharmacy.” Top NotchTV Fundamentals ‘Activity Worksheet 33 UNIT 3 Interview: Is there a bank near here? A. Which place did the interviewer ask each person about? Match the person with the place. a. = b. e#. “ 1. bank 3. restaurant 5. train station 2, newsstand 4, taxi stand B. Read what the interviewer said. Then hear on the video. le the person's response you 1. “Is there a bank near here?” “No,there aren'tany.” b, “Actually, there are several.” b. “No, there isn't.” 2. “Is there a newsstand nearby?” —_a. “Yes, there is. 3. “Is there a restaurant nearby? b. “No” 4, “Is there a taxi stand nearby?” b. “No, there isn't.” ‘Complete each sentence. 1. "There's one on the comer up here, and one right behind us, the street, and then one diagonal.” Permision gronted to reproduce forclosroom se “There's one right down the street, two blocks, make a +90 ‘one block, and it’s right on the right-hand side.” 3. “Just walk straight down this street for about _ blocks and youll run right into it.” Copyright ©2006 by Pearson Educa 34° TopNotchTV Fundamentals ‘Activity Worksheet Copyright © 2006 by Person Education Inc emission granted to reproduce for classroom use Name UNIT 4 Sitcom: Who's this? ‘A. Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words. 1. Cheryl has (a son and a daughter / a brother and a sister). 2. Cheryl says her (mother / grandfather) is not old. 3. Chery!’ sister has a (daughter / husband). ‘4, Cheryl says her sister's (son / brother) is young. B. Check fj each statement True or False. 1. Chery!’s brother is thirty-four. 2. Cheryl's brothers an architect. 3. Cheryl's brother has a wife. 4. Cheryl's sister has a son. 5. Cheryl's sister's husband is a doctor. 6. Cheryl's mother is eighty-five. 7. Cherylis in one of the pictures. sentence with an adjective from the box. cute short handsome old Pretty 1, mother “But she's so 2. brother “He's so 3. brother's wife “She's very “He's so “Who's thi 4, sister's son. 5. Cheryl TopNotchTV Fundamentals True oocoooo How does Marie describe Cheryl's family members? Complete each old woman?” z OOOOCOO™g Activity Worksheet 35 Name ——————— Date UNIT 4 Interview: Do you have any children? ‘A. Match the pictures with the sentences. at al b. « 1, “Ive got one sister.” 3. "Ihave two children—a son and a daughter.” 2. "Ihave two girls and a boy.” 4, “Ihave one younger brother.” B. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1. When the interviewer says,"Do you have any siblings" he means,“Do you have any _?” a. children b. brothers or sisters «. parents 2. Rita says,"_.” a. Ihave two children, Ihave twogirls anda boy — «, Ihave a boy anda girl 3. Ritas sonis__ a, forty-five b. forty-two «forty-one ‘4, Maiko says her brother is __ a. handsome b. old short €. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Rita's Mauro’s. Maiko’s Chris's als brother is tall and thin, 2 sister is twenty-six years old. 3. daughters are forty and thirty-four years old. 4 children are both students. Copyright© 2006 by Person Edcation ne Permission granted o reproduce for classroom use. 36° TopNotchTV_ Fundamentals ‘Activity Worksheet —————— Date UNIT 5 Sitcom: You're late. ‘A. Complete each sentence. Circle the correct time. 1. Cheryl saysit's _. 2:06 6:02 2. Bob saysit’s _. 555 5:06 3, The Mozart concertis at_. 750 730 4, The ball game's at _ 7:00 75 B. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1. Bobis __ minutes late. b. ten «. fifteen a. on March 3 b. on Saturday . inJanuary 3. Cheryl wants to go toa a. party b. French movie _, baseball game 4. In the end, Cheryl and Bob go toa a. talk b. play «. baseball game 9 cle the prepositions you hear in the video episode. 1. “There's a Mozart concert (at / on) Saturday.” 2. "There's a great French movie (on / at) the Avalon [theater].” 3. “There's a play (in / at) the Arts Center (at /in) 8:00 pm.” 4, “There's a talk by the writer Ellen Lee (at / on) the University (on / in) Saturday night.” D. Check J the person who says each 1. “Youre late.” 2. “mot late.” 3. “Is your birthday on Saturday?” 4, “I's your birthday.” 5. “Would you like to go to a baseball game for your birthday?” ooooo ooooo Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc emission granted to reproduce for classroom use Top Notch TV Fundamentals ‘Activity Worksheet 37 Copyright© 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Name Date UNIT 5 Interview: Do you know what time it is? A. Circle the time each person says. : pi @ 28 . 3. 4. a. 5:00 b. 6:00 a. 1130 b, 10:30 a. 415 b, 4:50 B. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1. Alexandrais at a_ a. park b, movie theater «concert 2. The movies at a. 5:30 b. 5:45 «. 6:00 3. Alexandra says,"Itis _ now.” a. 5:30 b. 5:45 ©. 6:05 4, The interviewer says,"You're a. very early b, late . righton time C. Write a short answer to each question. 1 iz Does she have the time? Does he have the time? Does she have the time? 38 TopNotchTV Fundamentals oa a. 12:10 b, 11:50 Activity Worksheet Name Date UNIT G ‘com: Do you like this blouse? A. Check of the clothing items you hear in the video episode. GD shirt (Q blouse shoes O pants O suit Oi dress tie skirt jacket sweaters B. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1. Cherylhasanew __. 3. Paul says,*__." a shirt a. Those shoes are beautiful b. dress , I dont like those shoes «jacket . [really ike those shoes 2. Cheryl doesnt have a new Bob says Cheryl looks ike a_ in the dress. a. sweater a. rockstar by skirt b, movie star «. blouse «model . Circle the words you hear in the video episode. Do you lke (this / that) (This/That) blouse is blouse? beautiful 1 2 g What about (those / these) ike (these /those) shoes. & shoes? 3. 4 Treally like (that this) dress. } ‘And what about (that /this) dress? TopNotchTV Fundamentals ‘Activity Worksheet 39 UNIT G Interview: Do you like that color? A. Complete each conversation. Circle the correct word. * Chatsanice (sweater Why, thankyou. | at a (That's a realy nice (shirt tie.) ei pana Thank you. 3+ ('sthata new (olouse/ skirt?) an aes Yes itis. i bees B. Check WZ each statement True or False. True False 1. Vanessa's blouse is old. Qa 2. Lorayn only likes black. a 3. Dan and San both like blue. Q 4, San likes many colors. Q 5. Martin needs new shoes. Q 6. Natalie says,"A woman always needs new shoes.” C. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use some words twice. blue yellow black red green purple white 1. Dan likes 2. Lorayn likes and 3, Martin likes and 4, San likes 5 vand Copyright ©2006 by Pearson Education I. Permission granted to reproduce fr classroom 5. Vanessalikes 40 TopNotchTV Fundamentals [Activity Worksheet Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education Inc Permission granted to reproduce for lassroom use. Name Date UNIT 7 Sitcom: Welcome to my new apartment. A. Where are these items in Cheryl's apartment? Match the furniture and appliances with the rooms. 1. sofa a. in the office 2. table b. inthe kitchen 3. desk . inthe living room 4. refrigerator B. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. around across at 1. “Iliked your old apartment 24 Oak Street better.” 2, "The parkis just the street.” 3. "And my office is the comer.” C. Check fj each statement True or False. True 1. Cheryl has a new apartment. Qa Qa 2. The apartment is near a park. a a 3. Cheryl's mother lives at 24 Oak Street. Q Q 4. Cheryl's office is near the apartment. a Q 5. The kitchen is small. a Qa 6. Cheryl's apartment has three rooms. a Q 7. Cheryl's mother really ikes the apartment. a Qa 8. Cheryl really ikes the apartment. Qa Q TopNotchTV Fundamentals ‘Activity Worksheet 41 Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education inc Persson granted to reproduce for clssroom use. Name UNIT 7 Interview: Do you live ina house or an apartment? A. Does the person live in a house or an apartment? Circle the correct answer. . house apartment house apartment house apartment house apartment B. Check Yj each statement True or False. True False 1. Catherine has a large living room. a Q 2. Emma's apartment doesn’t have many windows. a a 3. Christiane's apartment doesn't have a balcony. Q a 4. Chris has a microwave in his kitchen, Qa Qa 5. Rob does not like his apartment. a a 6. Christiane calls her apartment “my little castle.” a a C. Write the furniture and appliances each person talked about. sofa dishwasher microwave picture loungechair freezer TV bookcase — refrigerator lamp —coffeetable stove Rob's living room Chris's kitchen 42 TopNotchTV Fundamentals Activity Worksheet a Date UNIT 8 Sitcom: What do you do in the morning? ‘A. Check fj the things Marie says she does in the morning. D listen to music take out the garbage D dothe laundry read the newspaper Q watchTv O take anap O exercise clean the house i go food shopping B. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1. Marie gets up at __on weekdays. 8. 7:00AM. b, 5:00AM. 2. Paul never gets up before _. a. 8:45 AM, b, 8:30AM. ©. 8:00AM. 3. On weekends Marie sleeps until _. 10:00 b. 8:00 ©. 6:00 4. Marie does laundry in_. a. the morning b. the evening . the moming and the evening 5. Marie exercises on _. a. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Mondays, Wednesdays, _ ¢. Saturdays and Sundays and Fridays 6, Paul says he does laundry __. a. on Tuesday or Thursday —_b. on weekends . in March and September C. Write short answers to these questions about Marie's morning activities. 1. Does Marie make breakfast? 2. Does Marie wash the dishes? 3. Does Marie take a bath? 4. Does Marie check her e-mail? 5. Does Marie put on her makeup? Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education Inc Permission granted to reproduce for clssroom use. Top NotchTV Fundamentals, ‘Activity Worksheet 43, Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc Permission granted to reproduce fo classroom use Name Date UNIT 8 Interview: What do you usually do during the week? ‘A. Match the person with the sentence. PY ye Ry 1. “Ilove to have dinner around 6:00." 2. ‘Im more of an evening person.” 3. “Idon't take a nap in the afternoon.” B. Check iz each statement True or False. 5 € e False 1. Angelique goes to the movies during the week 2. Jessica usually eats dinner late. 3, Lisais a morning person, 4. Deepti doesn't have time for a nap in the afternoon. 5. Alvino usually has breakfast after eight. 6. Jessica does the laundry every day. ooooce ooocco C. Complete the sentences. Use affirm: simple present tense. ‘or negative forms of the 1. Angelique to concerts during the week. 90 2. Jessica laundry often. do 3. Alvino breakfast between 6:30 and 7:00. have 4. Blanche lunch at 1:00, eat 44 TopNotchTV Fundamentals Activity Worksheet Nene Ea Date UNITS Sitcom: What are you doing this weekend? A. Check 4 who is doing each activity on Saturday. 1, goto the movies with her sister 2. make breakfast for some friends 3. do laundry 4, exercise with a friend 5, take an art class ooooo ooooo B, Use the cues from Exercise A to write what Marie and Cheryl are doing on Saturday. Use the present continuous. 1. On Saturday, arie is going te ith her 2. On Saturday, 3. On Saturday, 4, On Saturday, j 5, On Saturday, lssroom use, C. Complete each sentence. Use the present continuous. my parents until 10:00." “What are you this weekend?” 3. "Im afriendatthe 4. "Im toa baseball game art museum until 1:00." with Bob at 1:00: Copyright © 2006 by Porson duction. Inc Pemson granted 10 reprodice fr ‘TepNotchTV Fundamentals ‘Activity Worksheet 45 Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. UNIT 10 Interview: What do you like to eat and drink? A. Circle the foods and drinks each person talked about. coffee juice eggs vegetables 3. cheese rice B. Check iZj each statement True or False. 1. lan likes soda. 2. Dan doesn't like fish and rice. 3. Natalie usually eats a salad every day. 4, James eats a lot of soup. 5, Matt doesn't eat a lot of soup. milk water milk icedtea bread fish tt False € ooooo coooo C. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1. Natalie puts _ inher salad. a. tomatoes. carrots «. eggs Dan plans to eat lunch around __ today. a. 12:00 b. 1:00 «. 200 3. Matt does not eat alot of _. a. fish b, vegetables «. soup 4, Lorayn eats a lot of soup in the _. a. summer winter «. fall 5. lanhas __ in his refrigerator. a. rice b. vegetables. soup 48 TopNotchTV Fundamentals d. onions . 3:00 d. bread . spring d. cheese ‘Activity Worksheet Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education, In Permission granted to reproduce for clossroom use UNIT 11 Sitcom: How was your trip? ‘A. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1, Dr.Anderson went to London _. 4, Dr. Anderson was in London _ days. a. for vacation a. four b, for business b. seven &. to visit her sister ten 2. Sheate__. 5. She didn't __. a. in some good restaurants a. watch anyTV bb, ina bad restaurant every day b. meet any doctors «. ater sister's house «. see the city 3. She said the city looked nice from _. a, the hotel window b. the bus . the airplane B, Use the cues to write questions that Marie asked Dr. Anderson. |. visit / lots of museums Did you visit lots of museums 2 2, eat / in some good restaurants 2 2 3. see / any plays or concerts 4, take / some nice walks around London 2 C. Complete the true statements about Dr. Anderson. Use the affirmative ‘or negative forms of the verbs. 1, Dr.Anderson (visit) didn't visit any museums. 2. Dr.Anderson (talk) with doctors from all over the world. 3. Dr.Anderson (take) any nice walks. 4. Dr.Anderson (watch) Vin the hotel room. 5. Dr.Anderson (see) any plays or concerts. 6. Dr.Anderson (eat) at the hotel restaurant every day. TopNotchTV Fundamentals -ctvity Worksheet Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education Inc Permission granted to reproduce fo classroom use i Date UNIT 11 Interview: What did you do last weekend? A. Check fj each statement Tr True False 1. Maiko studied with her friend last weekend, Q a 2. Alvino worked outside last weekend, a Qa 3. On Sunday the weather was pretty good. Q a 4, Mauro went to the museum yesterday. Q a 5. Rob had a nice weekend, Qa a B, Complete each conversation. ** (This past weekend, what 1- | was the weather like? V tewas oe "| pleasant. 2 {Oh last weekenditwasnot { This past weekend, what too good. It was rainy, but | was the weather like? think Sunday was pretty good. | a= Sa 3. ( what Wel yesterday it you do all day in New York, so just yesterday? to the public Ja es Iibrary Last weekend 50 TopNotchTV_ Fundamentals rt 2 = palate ( What aid you do last ‘running in the park. 1 | | weekena? ——— ee driniswnh, «| Macy dageetpes irl friends. the | T- See | ‘Activity Worksheet Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education, In Permission granted to reprodice fr classroom use igen Date UNIT 12 Sitcom: She has a fever. ‘A. Check UZ the ailments Paul says Marie has. afever OD anearache aheadache i abackache astomachache 1 asore throat i acough 1 atoothache O acold B. Match each statement with the person who said it. Is Marie here? a. as 1. "She's not feeling so well.” © 2. "She went to the doctor.” 3. "She has a fever.” €. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1. Marie is meeting ____forlunch. a. her sister b. Mr.Evans 2. Why did Marie come back to the office? a. She's not feeling well b. She needs her jacket. 3. When Mr. Evans says,"You do look awful,"he means*__.” 1a. You look good b. You don't look good |. When Mr. Evans says, “You're not going anywhere,” he means” a. You should stay here b. You should go home TopNotchTV Fundamentals Activity Worksheet 51 ee Date UNIT 12 Interview: What do your parents look like? ‘A. Match each sentence with the person who said it. mir k b. 1 «as 1. “Ithink he’s very handsome, but hes my brother.” 2. “My mom isa little smaller than me.” 3. “The other one looks more like my mother.” B. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 41, Martin has _ ‘a. many brothers and sisters, three brothers ¢. one sister 2, Jessica's father has big _. a. blue eyes b. ears «. teeth 3. Martin says his sisters are a. nice b, handsome . pretty 4, Angelique has a. abrother b asister two brothers C. Describe the people with the words from the box. Use some words twice. {bia blue eyes big ears black hair beautiful | straight hair brown eyes white hair handsome 1, Jessica's father 2. Jessica's mother 3. Martins brothers re Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use Copyright © 2006 by Person 52 TopNotchTV Fundamentals Activity Worksheet Copyright ©2006 by Pearson Eduction, ne ermisson granted o reproduce for classroom use. UNIT 13 Sitcom: Could you do mea favor? ‘A. Check (Zj each statement True or False. 1, Mr.Evans is having lunch with a client. 2. He spilled coffee on his shirt. 3. Mr. Evans asks Marie to wash his tie. 4, Marie says she can play the violin for Mr. Evans. 5. Marie buys Mr. Evans a new tie. occooo?Z B. Read the questions. Check YZ Yes or No. 1. Does Mr. Evans really want Marie to buy him a new shirt? 2. Does Mr.Evans really want Marie to fix his car? 3. Does Mr. Evans really want Marie to buy him a tie? ‘4. Does Mr. Evans really want Marie to play the violin? ‘5. Does Mr. Evans really want Marie to buy him a cup of coffee? 6. Does Mr.Evans really want Marie to buy him a new suit? 7. Does Mr. Evans really want Marie to buy him a newspaper? ¢. Complete Mr. Evans's requests. Write Can you or Could you. 1°, go to the store and buy a new tie for me?” zs, buy me a cup of coffee, too?” 38 buy me anew shirt?” a" get me a new suit?” 3.7. play the violin for me after lunch?” 6. *____ fix my cartonight?” TopNotchTV Fundamentals coooo€g ooooococs oooooouF Copyright ©2006 by Pearson Education Inc Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use en Date UNIT 13 Interview: Can you play a musical instrument? Circle the correct answer to complete the statement about each person. 2 30 She can (sing / dance). She can (swim / dance). He can (speak five languages / knit) f ! 4. | He can (play the guitar / play the drums). She can (fix a car / run five miles). B. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 11. Matt started to play the guitar when he was ___ years old. a, eight b. eleven, «. fifteen d. eighteen 2. Stephan's native language is_. a. Spanish, French . English . Greek 3, Stephan also speaks French, Spanish, English,and _. a. Italian b, Chinese Russian , German 4. Vanessa wants to_. a. learn Greek b. runamarathon «. playthedrums —d. dance 5. San can cook and __. . draw b. sew « ridea bike d. sing C. Use the cues to write true affirmative or negative statements about each person's abilities. 1, Matt /play the guitar Mott con play the guitar : 2. Elli/ play a musical instrument 3. Stephan / play the drums 4, Vanessa / ski 5. San /play sports 54 TopNotchTV Fundamentals Activity Worksheet UNIT 14 Sitcom: I'd like to get married. ‘A. Match the pictures with the sentences. al « a. 1. “Id like to get married and have 3. “Tm going to write a book.” children.” 2. “Tm going to learn to speak Chinese.” 4, “Id like to get married and have children, too.” B. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1. The fiends aretalking about __ 4. Marie says Paul doesn't _ a a. dance a ; b. play the guitar d «cook 2. Marie fivein_. 5. Bob says that he and Cheryl are_. a. going to a party tonight 'b. going to a movie tonight ‘& going to get married tonight 3. Paul ito play _ 6. Cheryl and Bobs newsis that _. a. they are gcing to go to a movie b. they are going to have children . they are going to get married C. Write true statements about the four friends. 1. Bob (go) toa movie tonight. (get) married. (learn) to play the guitar. (write) a book. g 3 2 3 é i : Top Notch TV. ‘Activity Worksheet 55 UNIT 14 Interview: Where were you born? A. Match the pictures with the sentences. b. 1. "Id like to play the violin.” 2, "Td like to learn more about writing.” B. Check YJ each statement True or False. 4 True 1. Christiane lives in Thailand. Qa 2. Christiane likes the weather in Thailand, a 3. Joe studied in New York City. Q 4, lan likes writing. Q 5. lanis planning to get married soon, Q 6. Maiko would like to learn to play a musical instrument. Q C. Read what th hear 45 2 Conyright © 2006 by Person Edcation nc Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ‘on the video. (Where were you born? (When were you born? ha 3 (Where did you study? L * (What did you study? 56 TopNotchTV Fundamentals interviewer said. Then circle the person's response you Date a. 3. ‘I'd love to learn more about skiing,” like to move to Thailand.” ouoocooco a. in New Jersey. b. In New York City. a. On January 28, 1969. b. On July 28, 1969. a. inNew Jersey. bb In New York City. a. English. b. Psychology. Activity Worksheet

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