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(Pesticide Calculation)
Ronel D. Roberto, Lic. Agr.

1. If insecticide X contains the active ingredients imidacloprid at 300 g/ liter

of the formulated product, what percentage of the product is its active

Conversion Factor: 1 ml (milliliter) = 1 g (gram)

1 L (liter) = 1 kg (kilogram)

300g/L is also 300g/1000g.

Answer: 300 x 100 = 30%
2. Insecticide Y has 3% active ingredient. Express the concentration of
Insecticide Y in parts per million.

Conversion Factor: 1 percent (1%) = 10,000 ppm (parts per million)

Answer: 3% x 10,000 ppm = 30,000 ppm


3. During severe corn borer infestation, Furadan 3G should be applied at 33.3

kg.ha. How much of the product is needed for 15,000 m2 of corn in case
of severe corn borer infestation?

Conversion Factor: 1 hectare (ha) = 10,000 square meter (sq. m)

Amount of pesticide = Recommended Rate (RR) x Area (ha)
RR = 33.3 kg/ha
Area = 15,000 sq.m

First, convert the area to ha:
Area = 15,000 sq m x 1 ha = 1.5 ha
10,000 sq m

Amt of pesticide = 33.33 kg/ha x 1.5 ha = 49.95 kg

Crop Protection - Pesticide Calculation Ronel D. Roberto, Lic. Agr.


4. If 33.3 kg Furadan 3G had been used and it has 30 g Carbofuran active

ingredient/kg product, how many kilograms of Carbofuran was applied?

Amount of formulation = RR x active ingredients
Amount of formulation = 33.3 kg x 30g/kg = 999 g or 1 kg

5. At the application rate of 33.3 kg Furadan 3G/ha, how much would be

applied per plant if there were 75,000 plants in the 15,000 m2 farm?

Amount of pesticide per plant = RR x Area / total number of plants

Amt of pest per plant = 33.3 kg/ha x 1.5 ha = 0.000665 kg
75,000 plants
Note: Convert to other units if necessary

6. How much of Confidor SL 100 is needed to prepare a 2,500 liters of spray

solution if the dilution rate is 25 ml/100 L of water?

Amount of pesticide = Total spray solution x Dilution rate

Amt of pest = 2,500 liters x 25 ml = 625 ml
100 L

7. If the only rate available packaging in a farmer’s favorite store is 250 ml

bottle of Confidor SL 100, how many bottles should the farmers buy if he
needs 2.25 liters?

No. of bottles needed = total amount needed/ bottle’s capacity

Since the capacity of bottle is in ml, convert it to liter

250 ml x 1L = 0.25 L
1,000 ml

Bottles needed = 2.25 L = 9 bottles

0.25 L/bottles

Crop Protection - Pesticide Calculation Ronel D. Roberto, Lic. Agr.


8. Confidor SL 100 costs P750 ml bottle. How much does a mango farmer has
to pay for 2.25 liters of Confidor SL 100?

Total Cost = Cost per bottle x total no. of bottles

Solution: (question 8 and 9 are related)

Total Cost = P750/bottle x 9 bottles = P6,750

9. Sumidicin 3EC has to be mixed at 5 tbsp/16 L water. What is the dilution

rate of Sumidin 3EC to water?

Formula: (It will depend on what is asked and what are the choices given. Since
the choices are in ratio, we will follow accordingly.)
Dilution rate to water = Amount of pesticide: Amount of Water

Convert 1 item so they will have the same unit. (eg. tbsp to L, L to tbsp,
tbsp/L to ml)
In this question, we can convert 5 tbsp to Liter (or 16 Liter to tbsp)

Conversion of tbsp to ml to L:
5 tbsp x 10 ml x 1L = 0.05 L
1 tbsp 1,000 ml

Using the formula above, our dilution rate in “ratio” form will be:
0.05L: 16 L

Simplify by dividing both sides with 0.05 (since it is the smallest unit among
the two)
0.0.5L/0.05L : 16 L/0.05L

= 1 : 320

10. If Sumidin 3EC has to be mixed at 5 tbs/16 L water, what is the percentage
of Sumidin 3EC in the spray solution?

Percentage/Concentration = Amount of pesticide x 100%
Amount of water

Crop Protection - Pesticide Calculation Ronel D. Roberto, Lic. Agr.


Solution: (Question 10 is related with Question 9)

Convert 1 item so they will have the same unit. (eg. tbsp to L, L to tbsp,
tbsp/L to ml)
In this question, we can convert 5 tbsp to Liter (or 16 Liter to tbsp)

Conversion of tbsp to ml to L:
5 tbsp x 10 ml x 1L = 0.05 L
1 tbsp 1,000 ml

Now, use the formula and substitute the given value:

Percentage/Concentration = 0.05L x 100%

16 L

= 0.003125 x 100%
= 0.3125%

11. At the seeding stage of the rice plant, insecticide M should be applied at
19 16 li-sprayer loads per hectare. How many liters of spray solution have
to be prepared for a 1.25 hectare rice farm at seeding stage?


Total spray solution = No. of sprayer loads x sprayer capacity x Area


Total spray solution = 19 loads/ha x 16 L/load x 1.25 ha

= 380 Liters

Crop Protection - Pesticide Calculation Ronel D. Roberto, Lic. Agr.

12. As seeding stage of rice plant, recommendation calls for 40 ml of
insecticide M per sprayer load with spray volume of 19 sprayer loads per
hectare. At vegetative stage, rate of application is 30 ml of insecticide M
per sprayer load and a spray volume of 31 sprayer loads per hectare.
How much more insecticide M is needed in spraying a hectare at
vegetative than at seeding stage?


Total amount of pesticide = Pesticide per load x No. of loads

Solution: We need to compare the amount of insecticide during stage and

vegetative stage so we are going to solve them separately.

Seedling stage:
Total amount of pesticide = 40 ml/load x 19 loads = 760 ml

Vegetative stage:
Total amount of pesticide = 30 ml/load x 31 loads = 930 ml

Subtract the amount of pesticide during seedling stage from the amount during
vegetative stage:

930 ml – 760 ml = 170 ml

Therefore, vegetative stage needs 170 ml more of the given pesticide than the
seedling stage.

God Bless!!

Crop Protection - Pesticide Calculation Ronel D. Roberto, Lic. Agr.

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