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1. The Philippines has a land area of about

a. 20; b. 30; c. 40; d. 50 million hectares.
2. The average annual rice consumption in the Philippines per capita is
A. 93 kg; B. 103kg; C. 123kg; D. 133 kg
3. The author of the law on Philippine Agriculture Modernazation Act is
A. Chito Lorenzo; B. Arthur Yap; C. Proceso Alcala; D. Edgardo Angara
4. The Philippines is still primarily an
A. agricultural country;
B. agro-industrialized country;
C. industrialized country;
D. under-developed country
5. GATT-WTO is about
A. Joint military exercises;
B. Agriculture trade liberalization;
C. Mutual defense treaty;
D. Agriculture subsidy
6. At present the human population in the Philippines is around (in millions)
A. 71; B. 81; C. 91; D. 101.
7. The major agricultural export product of the Philippines include
A. rice and corn; B. coconut products and bananas;
C. sea weeds and carrageenan; D. soybeans and wheat
8.The total land area planted to rice in the Philppines ( in millions Has.)
A. 1.7; B. 2.7; C. 3.7; D. 4.7
9. The average national rice production in the country (in metric tons)
A. 1.19; B. 2.19; C. 3.19; D. 4.19
10. A typical rice farmers is only 50% efficient as the best rice farmer. Which means that,
A. 50% of Filipino rice farmers have yields of 4t/ha or less
B. 25% of Filipino rice farmers have yields of 4t/ha or less
C. 25% of Filipino rice farmers are able to attain a yield of 4t/ha or more
D. all of the above
11. The group of people considered as the first agriculturist
A. Africans; B. Canaans; C. Cushites; D. Indians
12. The early civilization of Asia have established a diet consisting mainly of :
A. sorghum and beans; B. rice and soybeans; C. maize and peanut; D.wheat and beans
13. The Indochinese-Indonesian region of which the Philippines belongs to is believed to be the center of origin of:
A. rice; B. corn; C. coconut; D. garlic
14. The center of origin of rice is:
A. Thailand B. Vietnam C. Philippines D. India
15. In terms of total agricultural production (2010 statistics) one of the following information is not correct
A. Crop sub-sector= 45.47 %; B. Livestock sub-sector=12.69%
C. Poultry sub-sector=; 14.93% D. Fisheries= 26.91%
16. Crop production, as a science, is very much related to:
A. Botany, zoology, physiology and biology;
B. Botany, soil science, breeding and genetics;
C. Soil science, Chemistry, and biology
17. Corn (Zea mays)has originated from:
A. Africa; B. Europe; C. India; D. Mexico
18. The event(s) that led to the development of agriculture:
A. food shortage; B. collections of plants; C. power and prestige; D. all of the above
19. Peanut is a plant native to:
A. South America; B. Mexico; C. Europe; D. Indonesia
20. In order of importance of world cereal grains, sorghum ranks 4th behind:
A. wheat, rice and maize;
B.wheat, rye and barley;
C. barley, sesame and rye;
D. any of the above
21. Durian (Durio zibethenus) belongs to family
A. Annonaceae; B. Bombaceae; C. Rosaceae; D. Myrtaceae
22. Strawberry (Fragaria Vesca) belongs to family
A. Annonaceae; B. Bombaceae; C. Rosaceae; D. Myrtaceae
23. Annona muricata “guyabano” belongs to family
A. Annonaceae; B. Bombaceae; C. Rosaceae; D. Myrtaceae
24. One of the following fruits belongs to family Myrtaceae
A. guava; B. grapes; C. pineapple; D. rambutan
25. One of the following fruits belongs to family Sapindaceae
A. guava; B. grapes; C. pineapple; D. “rambutan”
26. Cultivar is a short term for
A. variety; B. species; C. cultivated variety; D. culture
27. The name of the plant that is common everywhere is
A. common name B. local name C. English name D. scientific name
28. A group of individual plants within a specie that differs from the rest of the specie
A. variety; B. class; C. family; D. genus
29. An annual herbaceous plants that are grown in a farm in large scale
A. agronomic crops; B. horticultural crops; C. pasture crops; D. forage crops
30. Annual and perennial species which are grown under a system of intensive culture
A. agronomic crops; B. horticultural crops; C. pasture crops; D. cover crops
31. Agronomic classification of crops that belongs to family Fabaceae
A. Cereals; B. Legume seed crop; C. Root crops; D. Fiber crops
32. Crops belonging to the grass family which are utilize as staples
A. tuber crops; B. pulses; C. cereals; D. oil crops
33. One of the following crop is not a cereal
A. Triticum sp; B. Eleusine corocana; C. Saccharum officinalis; D. Zea mays
34. One of the following does not belong to the group
A. Arachis hypogea; B. Glycine max ; C. Vicea fab ; D. Ipomea batatas
35. One of the following is a legume
A. Manihot utilissima ; B. Beta vulgaris ; C. Oryza sativa ; D. Pachyrhizus erosus
36. The scientific name of yam is
A. Dioscorea alata ; B. Vigna radiata ; C. Colocasia esculenta ; D. Ipomea batatas
37. The scientific name of peanut is
A. Arachis hypogea; B. Glycine ma;x C. Vicea faba; D. Beta vulgaris
38. The scientific name of yam bean is
A. Phaseolus vulgaris ; B. Vigna radiata ; C. Pachyrhizus erosus ; D. Colocasia esculenta
39. The word cereal is derived from the name of the most important grain deity
A. Roman Goddess Ceres;
B. Goddess of love Aphrodite ;
C. Goddess of milk;Cerelac
D. Goddess Ceresoy
40. One of the following is a crop mainly intended for industrial processing
A. Saccharum officinarum; B. Sorghum bicolor; C. Ipomea batatas; D. Arachis hypogea
41. The system of farming in which a piece of land is planted with different crops in succession in order to control
crop pest and diseases
A, multiple cropping; B. intercropping; C. mono cropping; D, crop rotation
42. A soil conservation method of farming that avoids the use of plow to till or turn the soil
A. Conservation tillage; B. No tillage; C. Zero tillage; D. All of the above
43.A protective covering of organic material laid over the soil around the plants to prevent soil erosion, retain
moisture and sometimes enriched the soil
A. crop rotation; B. cover cropping; C. mulching; D. conventional tillage
44. The cultivation of plants in a liquid nutrient solutions
A. greenhouse; B. trellising; C. hydroponics; D. Sorjan farming
45. The method of farming recommended for mountainous terrain or steep mountain slopes
A. terrace farming; B. contour farming ; C. strip farming; D. all of the above
46. A lattice of wood, metal, or plastic to provide support to plants like vines
A. trellis; B. fence; C. props; D. post
47.A tillage operation whereby plowing and furrowing are made across the slope, the waterways stay in the furrows
and sink into the soil rather than running off.
A. terrace farming; B. contour farming ; C. strip farming; D. all of the above
48. Crop grown solely to be plowed under and serves to increase the organic matter of the soil
A. green manure; B. white manure; C. black manure; D. none of the above
49. A glass or transparent plastic structure often on a metal or wooden frame in which plants that need heat, light,
and protection from weather are grown
A. greenhouse; B. white house; C. dark house; D. wax house
50. A natural or artificial barrier to protect the crops or field from strong wind, encroaching sand, sand dunes
A. sand block; B, sand storm; C. wind vane; D. wind break
51. A system of soil conservation whereby a crop is planted between main crops to prevent soil erosion and are to
be plowed in to enrich the soil
A, multiple cropping; B. cover cropping; C. mono cropping; D, crop rotation
52. The judicious removal of plant parts with a purpose is called
A. Propping; B. Desuckering; C. Pruning; D. Reforming
53. The process of providing physical support to the branches with fruits or to the tree itself is
A. Pruning; B. Pooling ; C. Training; D. Propping
54. The process consisting of cutting or removal of the growing tips to allow the development of lateral buds is
A. Heading back; B. Thinning out; C. Pinching; D. topping
55. The process of removing some flowers or fruits to allow the remaining ones to to increase in size is called
A. Thinning; B. Budding ; C. Deflowering; D. Rejuvenation
56. The art of shaping plants into animals, basket, building etc is called
A. configuration; B. rejuvenation; C. disbudding; D. topiary
57. The process involving the physical interruption of the flow of photosynthates from the leaves to the root system
is called
A. Girdling; B. Propping; C. Pinching; D. None of the above
58. The practice of cultivating plants not in the soil but in a in a nutrient solution is called
A. Urban agriculture; B. Mulching; C. Hydroponics ; D. Green house
59. The practice of using organic or inorganic materials such as cut grasses, or other type of materials to control soil
erosion, conserve soil moisture, prevent the growth of weeds etc. is called
A. contour hedges; B. urban farming; C. mulching; D. “gen-gen”
60. The physical method of flower regulation that initiate flowering in guava and atis
A. pruning and defoliation;
B. Propping and girdling;
C. Thinning and desuckering;
D. Girdling and disbudding
61. The irrigation method where water is applied and distributed over the soil surface by gravity is called
A. surface irrigation; B. strip irrigation; C. surge irrigation; D. basin irrigation
62. The method of irrigation whereby water is applied to the top end of each furrow and flows down the field under
the influence of gravity is called
A. furrow irrigation; B. strip irrigation; C. surge irrigation; D. basin irrigation
63. The issue associated with surface irrigation where water can cause the plant to shut down delaying further
growth until sufficient water drains from the rootzone is
A. waterlogging; B. deep drainage; C. salinization; D. all of the above
64. As irrigation draws water from the river and distributes it over the irrigated area hydrological results such as: the
downstream river discharge is reduced;
A. the evaporation in the scheme is increased
B. the level of water table rises
C. the drainage flow is increased
D. all of the above
65. Surface irrigation is often referred to as
A. furrow irrigation; B. strip irrigation; C. surge irrigation; D. flood irrigation
66. Irrigation can also be done by extracting ground water using
A. plumes B. sprinklers; C. tube wells; D. flexible hose
67. The most common method of irrigating a lowland rice field is:
A. Surface irrigation/flooding;
B. Furrow irrigation;
C. Localized irrigation;
D. Sprinkler irrigation
68.The most common method of irrigating corn and sugarcane is:
A. Surface irrigation/flooding;
B. Furrow irrigation;
C. Localized irrigation;
D. Sprinkler irrigation
69. Because of water scarcity, pump irrigation is recommended for lowland rice and corn only if :
A. Feasibility indicate an increase in production and profit;
B. Stage of the crop is at milking stage that coincide with adequate rainfall;
C. High value crops are to be harvested dry;
D. All of the above
70. In mango and lanzones, irrigation after dry months can induce:
A. Flowering; B. Defolation; C. Leaf abcision; D. Ripening of fruits
71. Threadlike structure of DNA coiled around a protein core found in the nucleus.
a. cell b. plastid c. chromosome d. mitochondria
72. Any measurable or distinctive traits of an organism.
a. genotype b. recessive c. phenotype d. all
73. Gene that control two or more traits/characters in an organism.
a. dominant b. recessive c. pleiotropic d. epistatic
74. Constriction point which divide the chromosome into 2 section or “arm”.
a. satellite b. spindle fiber c, kinetochore d. centromere
75. Phase of the cell cycle where the cell undergoes cell division.
a. G1 b. S c. G2 d. M
76. An organism with a DD genotype will produce how many kinds of gamete?
a. one b. two c. three d. four
77. Which of the following is/are optional requirements for favorable seed germination?
a. Optimum temperature
b. 20% oxygen concentration
c. Light
d. Proper amount of water
e. Both A and C
78. Among the following desiccants or drying agents, _________ is the most effective
a. Lime b. silica gel c. charcoal d. wood ash
79. High relative humidity can cause:
a. Plant wilting c. high disease incidence
b. Grain drying d. breakage of seeds
80. Most tropical seed usually germinate in air containing
a. 50% O2 b. 55% O2 c. 40% O2 d. 20% O2
81. The treatment that removes the seed coat or alter it making it permeable to water
a. Scarification b. stratification c. vernalization d. separation
82. Another term of propagating material
a. Vegetative b. separation c. division d. propagules
83. The US president who described agriculture as “ the mother of all industries and the maintainer of human life” is
A. Clinton; B. Bush; C. Kennedy; D. Garfield
84. Because crop production is a regular activity of people in the rural areas and if taken away they will never have a
normal life because farming is
A. an art; B. a business; C. a way of life; D. a technology
85. Trade liberalization could result to decrease demand for locally produced products as shown by
A. Increasing tendency to buy imported food products;
B. Greater utilization of modern technologies;
C. Greater patronage of advertized products;
D. increase income of small farmers
86. Rapid industrialization has resulted to increase in the value of agricultural lands in the urban areas because of
A. more workers work abroad;
B. massive conversion of agricultural land to industrial sites;
C. greater utilization of technologies;
D. Excessive pollution
87. High population growth rate could mean
A. more mouth to feed;
B. more unemployment;
C. more pressure in the environment
D. all of the above
88. Rice self-sufficiency in the Philippines is difficult to achieve because
A. area planted to rice is small;
B. irrigation facilities is insufficient;
C. high rate of increase in population;
D. all of the above
89. The Philippines is a tropical country in Asia consisting of two distinct seasons such as:
A. wet and dry seasons;
B. very wet and very dry seasons;
C. wet and very wet seasons;
D. dry and very dry seasons.
90. Bulb onion belongs to family
A.Liliaceae; B. Apiaceae; C. Brassicaceae; D. Cucurbitaceae
91. Vitis vinifera belongs to family
A. Araceae; B. Vitaceae; C. Moraceae; D. Moringaceae
92. Pine apple belongs to family
A. Meliaceae; B. Basellaceae; C. Anacardiaceae; D. Bromeliaceae
93. Avocado belongs to family
A. Lauraceae; B. Meliaceae; C. Moraceae; D. Myrtaceae
94. Citrus grandis belongs to family
A. Sapindaceae; B. Sapotaceae; C. Vitaceae; D. Rutaceae
95. All life forms existing and within the immediate vicinity of the crop
a. Edaphic factors c. biotic factors
b. Abiotic factors d. climatic factors
96. This describe the evolution of the flower with its pollinator to make them better adapted to each other
a. Homeostases c. balance
b.Equilibrium d. coevolution
97. Which is not true about insect-pollinated flowers
a. Sweet-smelling c. colorful
b. With nectarines d. odorless
98. The relationship existing between a nitrogen-fixing bacteria and a legume plant
a. Commensalism c. parasitism
b. Symbiosis d. predation
99. Unicellular or multicellular, achlorophyllus disease- causing organisms which exist as saprophytes or parasites
a. Fungi c. bacteria
b. Biological control agents d. insects
100. The substance which gives the pink color in nodules
a. Leghaemoglobin c. anthocyanin
b. Chlorophyll d. xanthophylls

1. B 26. C 51. B 76. A

2. B 27. D 52. C 77. C
3. D 28. A 53. D 78. B
4. A 29. A 54. A 79. C
5. B 30. B 55. A 80. D
6. D 31. B 56. D 81. A
7. B 32. A 57. A 82. D
8. B 33. C 58. C 83. D
9. C 34. D 59. C 84. C
10. D 35. D 60. A 85. A
11. C 36. A 61. A 86. B
12. B 37. A 62. A 87. D
13. C 38. C 63. A 88. D
14. D 39. A 64. D 89. A
15. D 40. A 65. D 90. B
16. B 41. D 66. C 91. D
17. D 42. D 67. A 92. D
18. D 43. C 68. B 93. A
19. A 44. C 69. A 94. D
20. A 45. C 70. A 95. C
21. B 46. A 71. C 96. D
22. C 47. B 72. C 97. D
23. A 48. A 73. C 98. B
24. A 49. A 74. D 99. A
25. D 50. D 75. D 100. A

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