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Preparatory : 1
Sub: Chemistry Marks:50
Class: 8 Std.

I. Write answer for the following questions. 1X10=10M

1. Metals are generally solid. Which of the following metals is in the liquid state at
room temperature?
a) Mercury b) Silver c) Aluminium d) Sodium
2. Which of the following can be beaten into thin sheets?
a) Zinc b) Phosphorus c) Sulphur d) Oxygen
3. Which of the following is not a metal.
a) Copper b) Aluminium c) Sulphur d) iron
4. Which of the following reacts with cold water vigorously?
a) Carbon b) Sodium c) Magnesium d) Sulphur
5. Which of the following is not a constituent of petroleum?
a) Paraffin Wax b) Lubricating Oil c) Petrol d) Coke
6. Petroleum was formed from which organisms.
a) Living on the land c) Living in the Sea
b) Living on the plants d) living on the rocks.
7. Naphthalene balls are obtained from coal tar and are used as.
a) Mosquito repellent c) Moth repellent
b) Honey bee repellent d) Snake repellent.
8. Give examples of exhaustible natural resources.
9. Give formula for Sulphurous and Sulphuric acids.
10.Write two important uses of Coke.

II. Answer the following in 30 to 50 Words. 2X6=12M

11.Fe + + →? Give the product and explain.

Give any 4 uses of Metals in everyday life.

12.Aluminium foils are used to wrap food items. Explain/

13.What happens when iron nails are placed in copper sulphate solution. Give word
14.Explain why fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources.
15.Write any four advantages of CNG and LPG.
16.Define Inexhaustible natural resources. Give examples?
III. Answer the following in 50 to 80 words. 3X6=18M
17.Explain Coke, Coal tar, Coal gas.
18.Give the list of various materials used by us in daily life and classify them as
natural and manmade. ( At least 9 materials).
19.Define Petrochemicals, Black gold, Petroleum refinery.
20.Explain the chemical property of metals with Oxygen. Write about nature of rust.
21.Explain the reaction between metals and acids, bases.
22.Explain what is meant by displacement reaction. Explain with an activity.
a) Copper cannot displace Zinc from its Salt Solution.
b) Sodium and Potassium are stored in Kerosene. Give reasons.

IV. Answer the following in 80 to 120 words. 5X2=10M

23.Give the list of Physical properties of metals and Non metals. (at least 8) (Not in
table form).
24.Explain the formation of Petroleum with neat labelled diagram.
Give the table of various constituents of Petroleum and their uses.

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