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November 30, 2021

Over the last week, temperatures were 2 - 6 degrees below normal across South Florida and 4 - 8 degrees below
normal across much of the southeast. Rainfall has been slightly less than normal, at less than 1 inch in most
locations, although precipitation for the month remains 2 to 3 inches above normal across the peninsula.

FAWN Weather Summary

Date Air Temp °F Rainfall Ave RH Ave ET
Min Max (Inches) (Percent) (In/Day)
11/9 - 11/30/2021 43.66 82.87 0.47 90 0.07
Belle Glade
11/9 - 11/30/2021 47.48 84.96 0.76 82 0.07
11/9 - 11/30/2021 48.43 84.76 1.69 84 0.07
Ft Lauderdale
11/9 - 11/30/2021 54.07 86.85 2.71 78 0.07
11/9 - 11/30/2021 48.85 86.32 2.03 85 0.07
11/9 - 11/30/2021 45.77 86.47 1.43 81 0.07
11/9 - 11/30/2021 18.46 84.43 0.92 85 0.07

“Remember, when in doubt - scout.”

The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Cooperative extension works in agriculture, family and consumer sciences, sea grant and 4-h youth
in partnership with U.S. Department of Agriculture, the State of Florida, and Boards of County Commissioners.
Crop Report
Prices over the last two weeks have remained mostly steady on corn, eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes.
Cucumbers and squash have seen a slight decrease and beans have had the normal price dip after the
Thanksgiving holiday. With temperatures dropping, harvests continue to wrap up on many crops in Central
Florida, with production in full throttle in South Florida.

7-Day Forecast

The National Weather Service forecast indicates a low-pressure system will move across the area in the next
couple of days. With little in the way of moisture to work with, it will likely be dry with the possibility of some
showers over the relatively moisture rich local waters.

Dry air continues to close out the work week before the next disturbance approaches from the northwest early
Saturday. Some return of moisture over the area is possible, which could allow for a chance of showers along
the Atlantic waters and east coast through the weekend and into early next week. Guidance diverges with a
variety of scenarios possible to close out the forecast period with the potential of a frontal passage late in the
weekend. At this point, a middle-of-the-road approach favors a drier atmosphere and lower rain chances.

Through the week overnight temperatures will range from the 50s over inland Southwest Florida to the 60s
along the Atlantic coast, with the presence of northerly wind (colder) or easterly wind (warmer) affecting
temperatures by a few degrees. Daytime highs will mainly stay in the 70s, though some southern portions of the
peninsula could reach into the lower 80s on sunnier, more moderate days.

2-Week Outlook

For additional information, visit the National Weather Service in Miami website at


Growers and scouts in SW Florida indicate that whitefly numbers remain fairly low in most crops
for this time of year, but adult numbers have been increasing in several places and nymphs are being
reported in some older tomato, eggplant, and watermelon. Population spikes have been seen in some
melon fields, and these have been hit hard by several of the cucurbit viruses. As fall fields are
destroyed, populations will start moving around the area and may cause more problems on younger

In Homestead, reports indicate whitefly adult and nymph counts are increasing around field edges of
beans and squash. Sporadic population spikes have been observed in tomato.

Respondents in the Manatee Ruskin area report seeing widespread whitefly pressure across all
vegetables. Numbers remain low to moderate depending on location.

Management of whiteflies later in the season depends on early suppression of whitefly

populations, growers need to be aggressive with the best systemic materials (Venom, Sivanto
Prime, Verimark) early in the season. Growers who are on seepage and not drip are at a particular
disadvantage if whiteflies and virus are high early in the season.

Efficacy Ratings for Insecticides and Miticides on Tomato

Other pests controlled
Whiteflies Spider Stinkbugs Leafminer
MOA Armyworm
Active Ingredient
4A dinotefuran E** G
4A imidacloprid E**
4A thiamethoxam E** G
4D flupyradifurone E**
23 spiromesifen E† E
23 spirotetramat E† G
7C pyriproxyfen E†
28 cyantraniliprole E** E E
1B malathion G*
3A beta-cyfluthrin G* F G
3A bifenthrin G* G
3A esfenvalerate G* G
3A fenpropathrin G* F F
3A lambda cyhalothrin G* F
3A permethrin G* G
3A zeta-cypermethrin G* G F
4A acetamiprid G
9 pymetrozine G†
16 buprofezin G†
21 A fenpyroxiamate G G
4A clothianidin F**
Unk. horticultural oil F† G
Unk. Azadiractin F†
Unk. Soap, insecticidal F†
* OP+Pyrethroids tank mix. † Effective primarily against nymphs ** Most Effective as a
drench. Check labels before using any pesticide.

Silverleaf whitefly thresholds

0-3 true leaves 10 adults/plant*

3-7 true leaves 1 adult/leaflet

NOTE - *If the source of whiteflies is believed to be tomato or melons, where virus is present,
the threshold will be lower!

Proper scouting is essential to manage silverleaf whitefly. Over the years, UF entomologists have
developed usable action thresholds that have been successful for many tomato farmers. However,
these thresholds are only guidelines. Farm managers may modify them to fit their particular situations
and expectations.

Preventative soil applications of either imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, dinotefuran,

flupyradifurone or cyanatraniliprole should be used preventatively in tomato and cucurbits.

Systemic insecticides applied to soil for whitefly control

Common name Mode of Action Trade Names Rates
Imidacloprid 4A Various Check Label
Thiamethoxam 4A Platinum 75 SG 1.66 - 3.67
4A Venom 70% 5 - 7.5 oz./ac
Scorpion 35 SL 9 -1 0.5 fl oz./ac
Certador 10% 32.5 - 47.5 fl oz./ac
Flurpyradifuron 4D Sivanto 200 SL 21-28 fl oz./ac
Verimark 28 Verimark 18.7% 5-10 fl oz./ac

Field hygiene should be a high priority and should be an integral part of the overall strategy for
managing whitefly populations, whitefly vectored viruses, and insecticide resistance. Growers
are advised to be alert for volunteer tomato or cucurbits that may be present in row middles and field
margins as these may be a source of whiteflies and virus.
For more whitefly management tips – see: Management of Whiteflies, Whitefly-Vectored Plant
Virus, and Insecticide Resistance for Vegetable Production in Southern
Florida -


Around SW Florida, scouts report worm pressure continues to rise. Populations of southern and beet
armyworms are reported in most crops, while fall armyworm is increasing in corn. Tomato
fruitworms, loopers, and hornworms were also reported.

Respondents in the Manatee Ruskin area report that worms are active in a variety of crops. Scouts
report, with some flair ups were seen in packinghouses a few weeks ago, yet damage has declined
over the last week.

On the East Coast, respondents report worm pressure is fairly low in cukes. In peppers, worm
populations have been more variable, with beet armyworms and loopers quite persistent. Leaf roller
worms in spinach flared up a couple weeks ago and remain a concern.

Worm pressure was reported to be steady over the last few weeks in the EAA.

Around Homestead, sporadic hatch outs in corn have been reported, primarily of fall armyworm.
Melon and pickle worms are persistent in squash, cucumber, and oriental cucurbits.

Fall is worm time in south Florida. Scouting is extremely important in detecting worms early
before they can do significant damage. The Florida Tomato Scouting Guide indicates a pre-bloom
threshold of 1 larva/6plants and post-bloom threshold of 1 egg mass or larva/field.

Fortunately, growers have a wide array of excellent worm control materials at their disposal
these days.

Consult the UF/IFAS Vegetable Production Handbook for labeled products.


Around SW Florida, leafminers have required treatment in multiple locations. In some tomato fields,
leafminer exit wounds have been reported to significantly aid the development of bacteria leaf spot.
Leafminer are also showing up eggplant, melons, pepper, squash, and tomato and will continue to be
a problem over the next few weeks.

In Manatee and Hillsborough Counties, leafminers continue to increase in tomato and eggplant and
in some cucurbits.

In Homestead, leafminers continue to increase in younger bean plantings.

In south Florida, leafminer populations peak between October and March while in central
Florida they are a problem in both spring and fall.

The adults are small yellow and black flies about the size of a gnat. The female punctures or
"stipples" the leaves with her ovipositor to lay eggs in the leaf tissue or to feed on sap.

Leafminer damage is easily recognized by the irregular serpentine mines in leaves. The tunnel
is clear with a trail of black fecal material left behind as the maggot feeds.

Leafminer damage to foliage can render plants more susceptible to fungal or bacterial diseases,
which can cause further harm to plants. Bacterial spot, Alternaria, target spot and other diseases
often become established in leaf mines.

Pepper Weevil

On the East Coast, respondents have reported pepper weevil populations remain high around St.
Lucie County. At other locations, populations remain moderate.

In Manatee and Hillsborough counties, pepper weevil populations remain a concern.

Around SW Florida, pepper weevils are showing up in many locations, especially in order fields and
specialty peppers.

Peppers weevils are also widely present in specialty peppers around Homestead.

In the absence of pepper blossoms and fruit, adults feed on leaves, but cause no significant
damage. However once blossom buds and immature fruit begin to form, adult and larval feeding
can destroy both blossoms and fruit and cause fruit and bud drop.

Larval feeding within the mature fruit is another important form of damage, causing the core
to become brown, and often moldy.

Fruit drop is common and is the most obvious sign of infestation. The stem of fruits infested by
larvae turn yellow, and the fruit colors prematurely.

Adult population estimates are best obtained by visual examination and yellow sticky
traps. Action thresholds are one adult per 400 terminal buds or 1% of buds infested.

Insecticides are commonly applied to the foliage at short intervals once buds begin to form.
Insecticidal suppression is feasible, but insecticides vary considerably in effectiveness, and even in
the presence of chemical insecticides some loss commonly occurs.

Consult UF/IFAS recommendations in the Vegetable Production Handbook of Florida for

currently labeled insecticides for pepper weevil control in Florida.
Silk Fly

Growers and scouts continue to observe silk fly adults in the EAA, while silk fly maggots remain 2%
or less.


Chilli thrips are present in pepper in Central Florida. Incidence is mostly low to moderate but
higher in some fields.

Around Southwest Florida, Florida flowers thrips, western flower thrips, and melon thrips have all
been reported at low numbers. Asian bean thrips have also been reported on beans at low populations.

Around the EAA, growers and scouts continue to see the occasional thrips in snap bean blooms.
Asian bean thrips have only been reported at very low populations.

Around Homestead, reports indicate thrips population spikes have been observed in tomato, yet
tomato spotted wilt virus remains low (<3%). Asian bean thrips continues to be the dominant species
in beans, although melon thrips is increasing.

On the East Coast, Florida flower thrips have been reported at 1-3 per bloom in pepper, but
populations have been reduced with recent sprays. Slight fruit damage has been observed.

When encountering thrips, it is important to follow these recommendations:

• Cultural practices can be effective in reducing thrips. Use reflective plastic mulch on field
margins can help repel this virus carrying thrips. Some ornamental plants are hosts to flower
thrips. If possible, growers should avoid planting tomato within 1,000 feet of an ornamental
nursery. Planting non-host crop as a barrier can also help reduce flower thrips infestation on
vegetable crops.
• Do not use insecticides unless you are sure about pest status of the thrips on your crop.
In order to be sure, get your thrips identified by the nearest available thrips authority
(extension agents, scouts, researchers, etc.). Some thrips can be harmless or even beneficial.
• Once the species is confirmed to be a harmful one, immediately plan your IPM program.
• Scout fields regularly to confirm the level of infestation. If population is below threshold
levels, use softer products to reduce impact on beneficials.

Unfortunately, there are few effective chemical controls for thrips. Radiant SC (spinetoram) is an
effective thrips management tool, with Exirel (cyantraniliprole), Torac (tolfenpyrad), Assail
(acetamiprid) and Sivanto Prime (flupyradifurone) serving as rotational partners. Rimon (novaluron)
is effective against thrips larvae, but does not impact adult thrips. Entrust (Spinosad) is registered for
use in certified organic production. All of these above mentioned insecticides will provide
suppression of thrips populations, but none of them is a silver bullet. Other softer materials,
including insecticidal soaps, oils and sulfur-based materials require further evaluation. Not all of the
materials listed above are labeled for all crops. Ensure that the product of your choice is labeled for
use on the intended crop.
Consult UF/IFAS recommendations in the Vegetable Production Handbook of Florida for
currently labeled products for control of thrips in Florida.


Around SW Florida, broad mite populations have been up and down in several pepper fields. They
are also present in some watermelons and eggplant. Spider mites have also been reported.

On the East Coast, broad mites continue to be persistent in older pepper plants and require constant


Bacterial Spot

Around Southwest Florida, bacterial spot remains active in tomato and susceptible pepper. In some
locations, bacterial spot and speck have been identified moving up to the top of the plant, infecting
stems, new growth, and fruit. Interestingly, some varieties exhibit symptoms of a yellowing lower
canopy, more common with early blight. Further complicating diagnosis, the leaf spots sometimes
have the concentric pattern also seen with early blight.

In Central Florida, bacterial spot remains high in many locations after the last round of rain. While
bacterial spot remains the main problem in tomatoes, scouts report that target spot is right behind it.

Respondents in Homestead report heavy bacterial spot in susceptible tomato varieties, especially in
fields without Actigard.

On the East Coast, reports indicate bacterial leaf spot is low in tomato and not significant in pepper.

Bacterial spot is one of the most serious diseases of tomato and pepper in Florida because it can
spread rapidly during warm periods with wind driven rains, and because fruit symptoms
reduce marketability.

Bacterial spot is caused by several species of Xanthomonas spp. Four species have been
identified on tomato: X. euvesicatoria, X. vesicatoria, X. perforans, X. gardneri. In Florida, the
major species encountered is X. perforans.

Symptoms of bacterial spot appear as small, water-soaked, greasy spots on infected leaflets. On
tomatoes, distinct spots with or without yellowing occur. Individual leaf spots may coalesce with
each other, resulting in the browning of entire leaflets. Fruit spots often begin as dark specks with or
without a white halo. As spots enlarge, they become raised and scab-like.

Entry into the plant occurs through stomata or wounds made by wind driven soil, insects, or
cultural operations. Bacterial spot can be seed transmitted, but most inocula comes from volunteer
plants or infected plant debris in the soil. Temperatures of 75-87°F are ideal for bacterial spot but
infections can occur at higher or lower temperatures.

Xanthomonas perforans is seed-borne, which allows for the movement of strains on a global

An integrated approach is needed to manage this disease. At the field level, most inocula comes
from infected transplants, volunteer plants or infected plant debris in the soil.

Exclusion is the best means of managing bacterial spot on tomato. Unfortunately, even the best
bactericidal treatment offers only limited protection when environmental conditions are favorable for
rapid disease development, especially during periods of heavy, wind-driven rains.
Sanitation is important. Pepper and tomato volunteers and solanaceous weeds should be destroyed
between crops. Purchase only certified disease-free transplants and seed.

Infected transplants can provide for long distance transplant of the disease. To reduce the
incidence of disease, transplant houses should be located away from tomato or pepper
fields. Transplant trays should be inspected daily for signs of disease and trays should be rouged out
and destroyed at the first sign of disease. Transplant house workers should wash and sanitize their
hands frequently to avoid movement of bacteria from tray to tray and house to house.

Since water movement spreads the bacteria from diseased to healthy plants, workers and farm
equipment should be kept out of fields when fields are wet because the disease will spread
readily under wet conditions.

No resistant tomato varieties are available commercially. In pepper, several excellent varieties
with resistance to races 1 -10 are available.

It is important to apply sprays before and during rainy periods. If conditions are favorable,
frequent spraying may not be sufficient to maintain bacterial spot below damaging levels.

The traditional recommendation for bacterial spot control consists of copper and maneb or
mancozeb. Attention to application techniques is as important as choice of material in achieving
adequate control. The effectiveness of copper is limited, because of the widespread occurrence of
copper tolerance among strains of Xanthomonas.

In the past few years, several products have come on the market that have given good results in
research trials when used in rotation or together with traditional controls such as
copper. These include Tanos (Dupont) as well as the SAR elicitor Actigard (Syngenta), Leap
(Valent), Double Nickel 55 (Certis), Regalia (Maronne Bioinnovations) and Serenade and Sonata
(AgraQuest). Leap is unique among the products mentioned above as it contains two active
ingredients providing growers with disease management and caterpillar control.
In replicated trials at UF, two products Actigard (acibenzolar-S-methyl) and Cueva (copper
octanoate) consistently performed better in the management of bacterial spot over standard
applications copper hydroxide in repeated trials alone or when combined with other products.

Attention to application techniques is as important as choice of material in achieving adequate


Consult UF/IFAS recommendations for formulations, rates, and intervals of currently labeled
materials for bacterial spot in Florida.

Target spot

In the Manatee Ruskin area, target spot continues to increase in mature tomato, coming behind
bacterial spot. Severity is moderate to high, depending on the field. Growers also report finding target
spot in cucumber and melons.

Around Southwest Florida, target spot remains low in older tomato.

Target spot has also been reported in Homestead.

As the season progresses, growers and scouts should be look for target spot as canopies develop
and remain wet for extended periods in the morning.

Target spot is frequently misdiagnosed as in its early stages as symptoms are difficult to
recognize and can be confused with bacterial spot and early blight. Scouting is important to
detect early signs of the diseases. Growers are often taken by surprise as in the beginning of
the season while we are still experiencing frequent rains, they are targeting bacterial spot and then as
the rains subside and canopies develop target spot emerges as a larger concern.

The name derives from the bull’s eye appearance that is often displayed in lesions caused by the
disease. Since concentric rings are not always visible and not all lesions with concentric rings are
target spot, it is recommended that a laboratory diagnosis be obtained to ensure that a correct
diagnosis is made.

On tomato leaves and stems, foliar symptoms of target spot consist of brown-black lesions with
subtle concentric rings giving them a target-like appearance. These can sometimes be confused
with early blight. With early blight, the lesions are often associated with a general chlorosis of the

On tomato fruit, lesions are more distinct. Small, brown, slightly sunken flecks are seen initially
and may resemble abiotic injury such as sandblasting. As fruits mature the lesions become larger and
coalesce resulting in large, pitted areas. Advanced symptoms include large deeply sunken lesions,
often with visible dark gray to black fungal growth in the center. A zone of wrinkled looking tissue
may surround the margins of lesions on mature fruit. Placing suspect fruit in a moist environment
for 24 hours will often induce the growth of dark gray mycelia providing telltale diagnostic evidence
of target spot infection.

Optimum conditions for disease development include temperatures from 68° - 82°F and long
periods of free moisture.

In trials, wounding was essential for reproduction of the fruit symptoms. Wind-blown sand is
probably important in outbreaks of target spot on tomato fruit in the field.

Strategies for the management of this disease require an integrated approach for best results.
Growers should rotate fields to avoid carryover on crop residue and avoid rotations among
solanaceous crops. Eliminate any volunteers and weed species that can act as a host.

Start with clean, healthy transplants and maintain proper fertility as nitrogen deficiencies
favor the development of early blight.

Currently, target spot is controlled primarily by applications of protectant fungicides. It should

be noted that tank-mix sprays of copper fungicides and maneb do not provide acceptable levels of
target spot control.

Widespread resistance has been documented to Qol fungicides including both strobilurins and
non- strobilurin fungicides in FRAC Group 11 and their use is not recommended for target
spot control.

In addition, moderate resistance has been documented in the SDHI fungicides FRAC Group 7
which includes boscalid, penthiopyrad, fluopyram and fluxapyroxad. These should be used with
caution and attention paid to rotating with alternative modes of action.

In recent efficacy trials, at the University of Florida – Approvia Top, Inspire Super, Luna
Tranquility, Revus Top, Rhyme, and Scala are top performers. Contact protectant fungicides
like mancozeb and Bravo are effective and should be used early in the crop cycle switching to more
efficacious materials once disease is present.

Consult UF/IFAS recommendations for currently labeled fungicides for target spot control in
Florida vegetables.


Low levels of damping off associated with pythium are being reported in beans, cucurbits, and
peppers around SW Florida. Low levels are also reported in beans around the EAA.

In Homestead, reports indicate recent rains have also increased aerial pythium in beans.

Growers and scouts report low to moderate levels of rhizoctonia dropping some beans around the

Southern Blight

In SWFL, southern blight has increased in tomato and pepper, yet incidence remains low.

Reports indicate southern blight remains active in pepper in Ft Pierce area.

Early Blight

In Central Florida, incidence of early blight continues to be reported at low to moderate levels.

Low levels of early blight continue to show up on tomato around SW Florida.

In Homestead, early blight has also been identified at low levels in tomato.

Around the EAA, sporadic incidence of Alternaria have also been identified after water damage in

Early blight is a fungal disease that causes yield loss each year on all varieties of
tomatoes. Eggplant and pepper are also susceptible but early blight is not a significant problem on
these crops in Florida. Early blight is caused by the fungus, Alternaria solani.

Foliar symptoms generally occur on the oldest leaves and start as small, pencil-point-size,
brownish to black lesions. These leaf spots enlarge up to ½ inch (1.3 cm) in and usually have readily
visible, concentric rings that look somewhat like a bull's-eye. These concentric leaf spots are
distinctive enough to make early blight one of the easier tomato diseases to diagnose.

Stem lesions are dark, slightly sunken and enlarge concentrically. Basal girdling and death of
seedlings may occur. This expression of the disease is sometimes called collar rot.

Contact fungicides such as chlorothalonil and mancozeb provide moderate levels of control
when applied preventively. Newer chemistries including strobilurin fungicides (azoxystrobin,
pyraclostrobin, etc.) have provided excellent control in university trials.

Consult UF/IFAS recommendations for currently labeled fungicides for early blight control in

Many of the newer fungicide chemistries including the strobilurins have a narrow mode of
action and are prone to the development of resistance by fungi. Be sure to rotate these with
fungicides from different groups and include cultural methods in your disease management strategy
to avoid the development of disease resistance.
Southern Corn Leaf Blight

In the EAA, growers and scouts report that southern corn leaf blight continues to be present at low
levels on sweet corn.

In Homestead, respondents note that SCLB has been identified, but that control has been good with a
rotation of fungicides.

Southern corn leaf blight is caused by the fungus Bipolaris maydis. Although seedling blights
can also be caused by B. maydis, symptoms of Southern corn leaf blight typically occur on
leaves. Mature foliar lesions can be rounded on the sides, but they tend to be parallel-sided, often
restricted by the veins.

Lesions are light tan in the center with a reddish-brown border. A greenish growth near the
center of the lesion may be evident if spores are present. Mature lesions range from 1/4 to 1 1/2
inches in length and may be tapered, flat or serrated on the ends.

Lesions caused by southern corn leaf blight are much smaller (up to ½ inch wide and 1 inch
long) than those caused by northern corn leaf blight. Southern blight lesions are also lighter in
color (light tan to brown) and have parallel sides rather than the tapering sides of lesions caused by E.

When severe, lesions may become so numerous that they coalesce and turn the entire leaf
necrotic. Southern blight, like northern blight, moves from the lower canopy to the upper canopy.
Fungal sporulation may be observed with a simple hand lens on foliar lesions following periods of
high humidity.

Fungicides should be applied early, particularly if the forecast is for warm, humid weather. As
with northern corn leaf blight, the sterol inhibitors and strobilurin fungicides are most efficacious.
These products should be used together with a broad-spectrum protectant to minimize development
of fungal resistance.

Consult UF/IFAS recommendations for currently labeled fungicides for southern corn leaf
blight control in Florida.

Downy Mildew

In Central Florida, downy mildew continues to be severe, being found on a variety of cucurbits
including cantaloupe, cucumber, squash, and watermelon.

Around Southwest Florida, downy mildew is widespread in cucurbit crops at moderate levels,
reaching higher levels in some older squash and cantaloupes.
Around the East Coast, downy mildew has increased from rare to commonplace at low to moderate

Downy mildew is also present on cucurbits in the Homestead area.

Control of downy mildew on cucurbits is achieved primarily by the use of resistant

varieties (cucumber) and/ or fungicide spray programs. Fungicide sprays are recommended for all

Squash, pumpkin, cantaloupe, and non-resistant cucumber varieties are very susceptible and
should be sprayed every five to seven days. If cucurbits are planted close to established fields
infected with downy mildew, a spray program should be initiated as soon as the first true leaves
are present.

Spray programs for downy mildew are most effective when initiated prior to the first sign of
disease since once a planting becomes infected; it becomes more and more difficult for
fungicides to control downy mildew.

A range of fungicides is available for the control of downy mildew depending on the crop.

Consult UF/IFAS recommendations for currently labeled fungicides for downy mildew control
in Florida.

Powdery Mildew

In Central Florida, respondents indicate powdery mildew is low to moderate on most cucurbits.

Powdery mildew is also reported to be increasing in squash in Homestead and in Southwest


The fungus first appears as subtle, small, round, yellowish or whitish spots on leaves and
sometimes stems. These spots enlarge and coalesce rapidly. As the white, fluffy mycelium grows
over plant surfaces and produces spores, it gives the lesions a powdery appearance resembling talcum
powder, which is evident on the upper surface of older leaves or other plant parts. Young leaves are
almost immune.

Heavily infected leaves appear dull and chlorotic and eventually become dry and
brown. Extensive premature defoliation of the older leaves can occur if the disease is not controlled.

Yield reduction from defoliation is proportional to the severity and length of time plants are

Gummy Stem Blight

On the East Coast, gummy stem blight has been identified at low levels in cukes.
In SWFL, gummy stem blight remains low and in check.

Symptoms appear as light to dark brown circular spots on leaves or as brown to black, lesions
on stems. Wilting followed by death of young plants may occur. Stem lesions enlarge and slowly
girdle the main stem resulting in a red-brown-black canker that cracks and may exude a red to amber
gummy substance. Vine wilting is usually a late symptom. Use of a hand lens will reveal small, clear
white (when young) to black (when old), pycnidia embedded in older diseased tissue.

Gummy stem blight typically progresses from the central stem of the plant to growing tips. Leaf
spots are variable in shape, red brown in color and initial infections are generally seen on leaf
margins and veinal areas.

Growers often comment on this disease occurring “overnight.” What they are actually seeing are
the results of secondary spread, which is more difficult to control than primary spread simply because
of increased spore numbers with increased diseased tissue.
Temperatures and moisture conditions are often ideal for development during fall watermelon
season in Florida. Gummy stem blight is most severe in wet years since moisture is necessary for
spore germination.

Multiple applications of fungicides are necessary to control gummy stem blight. It is important
to begin a fungicide program prior to the first sign of gummy stem blight. In south Florida, the
spray program should be initiated soon after emergence. In other areas of the state, fungicide spray
programs can be initiated when the vines begin to “run.” Fungicides like mancozeb or Bravo in
rotation will provide good protection before disease is established in the field

In recent years, strains resistant to the strobilurin fungicides have been detected throughout the
Southeast, so it is important that growers practice resistance management and avoid repeated
applications of these and all fungicides.

Consult UF/IFAS recommendations for currently labeled fungicides for gummy stem blight
control in Florida.


In Southwest Florida, scouts indicate anthracnose has been found in pepper and cucumbers, but that
severity remains low.

Anthracnose, caused by the fungus Colletotrichum lagenarium, is a destructive disease of

cucurbits occurring during warm and moist seasons. Significant damage can occur to cucumber,
muskmelon, and watermelon unless resistant varieties are grown.

All aboveground plant parts can be infected. Symptoms vary among the three principal cucurbits
infected. Leaf lesions begin as water soaked and then become yellowish circular spots.
On watermelon foliage the spots are irregular and turn dark brown or black. On cucumber
and muskmelon, the spots turn brown and can enlarge considerably. Stem lesions on muskmelon can
girdle the stem and cause vines to wilt. Stem cankers are less obvious on cucumbers.

The most striking diagnostic symptoms are produced on the fruit, where circular, black,
sunken cankers appear. On watermelon the spots may measure 1/4 to 1/2 in. (6 to 13 mm) in
diameter and up to 1/4 in. (6 mm) deep. When moisture is present, the black center of the lesion is
covered with a gelatinous mass of salmon-colored spores. Cankers lined with this characteristic color
can never be mistaken for any other disease.

Consult UF/IFAS recommendations for currently labeled fungicides for anthracnose control in

Fusarium wilt

In Central and SWFL, growers and scouts report and increase in Fusarium wilt in older tomato crops
after recent heavy rains.

Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus

In SWFL, reports indicate that TYLCV remains mostly low and stable with a few scattered plants
showing up here and there.

In Homestead, reports of TYLCV incidence remains less than 3%.

Cucurbit Viruses

Around Southwest Florida, growers and scouts are finding lots of sporadic virus in watermelon and
other cucurbits. This includes cucurbit crumple leaf virus, squash vein yellowing virus (aka vine
decline), and cucurbit yellow stunting disorder, as well as the newly identified cucurbit chlorotic
yellows virus (CCYV), and watermelon crinkle leaf-associated virus 1 and 2. Virus incidence is low
in some locations, reaching moderate to high in others. Initially, field symptomology displays an edge
effect, before spreading inward. Without significant gaps between fall termination and spring
plantings, the virus load may be severe at in upcoming months.
Research Highlight
Dr. Shouan Zhang
Professor of Plant Pathology
UF/IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center

18905 SW 280 St.

Homestead, FL 33031-3314
Phone: 786-217-9233

Use of Carvacrol for Management of Copper-resistant Bacterial Spot

Bacterial spot of tomato, caused by four species of Xanthomonas, is a serious disease in Florida tomato
production due to the development of copper resistance. The primary species associated with the disease is X.
perforans, and previous reports indicate that nearly 100% of X. perforans collected from Florida fields are
copper resistant. Breeding efforts for bacterial spot resistance have largely been ineffective, and other
approaches are needed for sustainable management.
Carvacrol is a plant-derived small molecule with high antioxidant activity. It is found in essential oils of
oregano, thyme, and other plant species, and is effective against many human and plant pathogens. Dr. Zhang
evaluated its effects on copper-resistant X. perforans. Results from this study demonstrate the potential of
carvacrol to control bacterial spot of tomato, either alone or in combination with reduced copper-based
Lab leaf-disc bioassays demonstrated that low levels of carvacrol additions slowed disease progress similar to a
high rates of copper (Figure 1). Additionally, there was an additive effect towards the copper-resistant strain.
Low levels of carvacrol increased the efficacy of low levels of copper.

Figure 1. Bacterial recovery of a Xanthomonas perforans strain after 24 h on tomato leaf discs cut from leaves of tomato plants
sprayed with carvacrol, copper (Kocide 3000) and their combination. Copper applied at 76.8 and 153.6 mg/L are equivalent to
Kocide 300 applied at 3.4 and 6.8 oz per 100 gal, respectively.

In addition to leaf bioassays, a greenhouse study was conducted with the same treatments. Similar results were
observed at 10 and 20 days after infections. Carvacrol and low levels of copper provided the greatest reduction
of disease severity compared to the inoculated control (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Effect of carvacrol applied alone or in combination with copper on bacterial spot development in greenhouse tomatoes.

Field trials were conducted to continue to assess effects of carvacrol and copper on bacterial spot of tomato
disease severity (Figure 3). Experiment 1 was a winter experiment in which disease severity was low and no
differences were observed between copper and carvacrol treatments. Experiment 2 was a late spring study and
disease severity was much greater. Results were consistent. Carvacrol significantly reduced disease severity and
increased the susceptibility of copper-resistant bacterial spot to copper application for an additive effect.

Figure 3. Effect of carvacrol and copper on bacterial spot of tomato in the field. Copper at 630 mg per liter is equivalent to the
Kocide label rate of 1.75 lbs per acre in a carrying volume of 100 gal per are.

Interestingly, these results were similar to another study performed by Dr. Zhang’s lab, in which another small-
molecule compound, N-acetylcysteine, provided bacterial spot disease reduction rates similar to copper in field
studies. Similarly to carvacrol, N-acetylcysteine also provided greater efficacy in combination with reduced
copper-based bactericides (
Original Publication:
Qiao, K., Q. Liu, Y. Huang, Y. Xia, and S. Zhang. 2020. Management of bacterial spot of tomato caused by copper-resistant Xanthomonas perforans
using a small molecule compound carvacrol. Crop Protection 132:105114.
News You Can Use
What is the Future of the Vegetable Industry in Florida?
By Craig Frey

If you subscribe to the South Florida Vegetable and Disease Hotline, you receive countless emails
from Gene McAvoy each week on vegetable industry news. Many of these highlight the difficulty
Florida farmers face today. I took some time to add them up to get a clearer picture of the plight of
the agricultural industry here in Florida.

Over the last year there have been nine articles about how trade is negatively impacting Florida
vegetable growers. Most have focused on Mexican dumping of fresh produce, while others have
highlighted other unfair practices. There have been seven articles about policies which have the
potential to negatively impact Florida farmers. These include land use issues, the stepped-up basis for
taxation, and worker regulations. Then, there are a few articles about the new invasive pests and
diseases that continue to negatively impact production. Finally, there are legislators in Washington
without agricultural backgrounds who want to make sweeping changes to the use of agricultural
pesticides. Meanwhile, there have been just two articles on policies that could benefit Florida
growers; both focused on Florida’s bipartisan push to influence Washington to address the unfair
trade policies. Without much hope for trade negotiations improving, Florida farmers are in a tough

And then there are the articles McAvoy sends about drugs being seized in vegetable shipments. If you
are like me, you see the headline, know it’s important, but are tired of reading the repetitive news.
Taken as a whole, however, the reports become more alarming. McAvoy and the website have collectively reported a total of $181 million worth of narcotics
seized over the last year, from just the 2% of shipping containers that U.S. Customs and Border
Protection is able to inspect. If you assume that it was a representative sample, $9.1 billion of drugs
may be flowing into our country on produce shipments each year. This is more than the value of
Mexican imports of tomatoes, peppers, squash, or blueberries. In fact, it is more than half the annual
value of total Mexican fresh and processed fruit and vegetable imports to the U.S. ($15.6 billion in

There have also been a few articles about human trafficking and forced labor in Mexican vegetable
farms recently. Thankfully, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has stopped the import of goods
from farms where abuses have been documented. It is evident, however, that some producers are
attempting to circumvent the Withhold Release Order. The import of these products undercuts
Florida farmers because of the unfair advantage of lower production costs. More importantly, this is a
human rights and dignity issue, and further action needs to be taken to avoid the use of these

While the landscape for Florida farmers is a difficult one, an opportunity exists to tell the story as it
is. A significant portion of the population jumped on the Certified Fair Trade bandwagon to provide
small-scale coffee growers improved compensation for their product, as it was an ethical issue. Those
of us in the Florida, and national, agricultural community need to educate businesses and consumers
so that information about narcotic importation, human trafficking, and forced labor can brought to
light and changes can be made at the purchasing level. Only if we can come together as one voice
will the future of the Florida vegetable industry be ours.
Up Coming Meetings
Vegetable Growers’ Events

Listening Sessions:
Production and Revenue History (PRH) Coverage for Fresh Market Sweet Corn

Palm Beach County

Thursday December 2, 2021
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
UF/IFAS Everglades Research and Education Center
3200 East Palm Beach Road
Belle Glade, FL 33430-4702
(561) 993-1500

Miami-Dade County
Friday December 3, 2021
9:30 am – 11:30 am
UF/IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center
18905 S.W. 280 Street Homestead, FL 33031
(305) 246-7000

Friday December 10, 2021
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 881 3772 6796
Passcode: corn
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,88137726796#,,,,*357546# US (Washington DC)

Contact: Andre Williamson

UF/IFAS Farm Labor Supervisor Training
December 11 – 12, 2021
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
UF/IFAS Southwest Florida REC

Agenda and Registration

Remote Pilot License Training

December 14, 2021
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
UF/IFAS Southwest Florida REC

Agenda and Registration

Snap Bean Growers Meeting

January 11, 2022
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Everglades Research and Education Center
3200 East Palm Beach Road
Belle Glade, FL 33430

Contact: Craig Frey

Dinner will be served. The program will highlight updates on Asian bean thrips. Other pest and disease
management will also be discussed. Full agenda and registration information to follow.
Pesticide Classes
CORE - Virtual Zoom Training

December 10, 2021

9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Agenda and Registration
Contact: Lisa Hickey

December 14, 2021

3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Agenda and Registration
Contact: Morgan Pinkerton

Private - Virtual Zoom Training

December 14, 2021

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Agenda and Registration
Contact: Lisa Hickey

December 15, 2021

12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Agenda and Registration
Contact: Morgan Pinkerton

Ornamental & Turf Pesticide Training Virtual Class

December 16, 2021

12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Agenda and Registration
Contact: Morgan Pinkerton

January 26, 2022

8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Agenda and Registration
Contact: Dr. Qingren Wang
Other Meetings

Remote Delivery via Zoom

Nov 30 – Dec 2, 2021
Daily, 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Monticello, FL
January 19th, 2022

Homestead, FL
February 10th, 2022

HACCP for Florida Fresh Fruit and Veg Packinghouses

January 25 – 28, 2022
Remote Delivery via Zoom Daily, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

UF/IFAS Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Health and Safety Covid-19 webpage As
federal and state officials continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation, it is important to share consistent
and accurate information. Here you will find a list of resources from sources, such as the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention and Departments of Health. The COVID-19 Training Toolkit for
Extension packages PowerPoint presentations, videos, and print materials to inform agricultural owners and
workers about best practices to prevent COVID-19 in the agricultural workplace. Go to

PERC is the Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative – the website provides a wealth of resources
to help you understand and comply with the 2015 Revised WPS including training materials, the “new”
WPS poster, handouts and WPS respiratory guide.

PERC - WPS Compliance Suite — Training Materials

Under the newly revised Worker Protection Standard (WPS), training materials must be EPA-approved
when officially training workers, handlers, and trainers. At present, the only EPA approved materials
available can be found at the PERC website

• Expanded training concepts will be required starting January 2, 2018.

• Training must be delivered in a manner that can be understood, in a location relatively free from
• When training workers or handlers, the trainer must remain present at all times to be available to
answer questions, even when showing a video.
• Trainers must be qualified, most often by holding a pesticide applicator's license or by completing
an EPA-approved Train-the-Trainer course.

Training Materials for Workers and Handlers -

Need CEU’s?

Here are a couple of ways to earn CEU’s

South Florida Vegetable Growers' Meetings

CCA and CEU credits can be obtained by completing the pre-test, viewing the meeting recording, and
successfully completing the post-test (>70% score) of any of the monthly meetings.
UF/IFAS does offer a number of excellent videos and online modules, that will allow you to earn CEUS.
Go to where you will find several training modules for a variety of
license categories which will allow you to earn CEU's online.

Be sure to read the class description to make sure it offers CEUs in the category that you need. There is a
charge when viewing for credit.

CEU Series-Growing Produce

Here is an easy way to obtain CORE CEU’s on-line by reading an article and answering questions
regarding the online. A passing score obtains one Core CEU. Go to: CEU Series-Growing Produce

• CEU Series: Mix and Load Pesticides Safely

• CEU Series: Protect Crops and the Environment
• CEU Series: Make Sure to Stow Your Pesticides before You Go
• CEU Series: Avoid Mishaps When Handling Pesticides
• CEU Series: Be Aware of Bees When Applying Pesticides
• CEU Series: Place Priority on Preventing Pesticide Poisoning
• CEU Series: Learning about Pesticide Resistance Is Anything but Futile

Southeast AgNet & Citrus Industry Magazine

The following series of articles and quizzes are available with their expiration dates noted:

2021 #1: The Goals of Pest Management (1/31/22)

2021 #2: When a Pesticide Doesn’t Work (4/30/22)
2021 #3: Before You Spray (7/31/22)

Worker Protection Standard Train the Trainer Classes Now On-Line

Exam Administrators - Cesar Asuaje, UF/IFAS Palm Beach County has developed and made available a
new EPA-approved WPS Train the Trainer online option. See the following:

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved this online Worker Protection Standard Train the
Trainer (WPS TTT) course, and upon successful completion, the Florida Department of Agriculture and
Consumer Service (FDACS) will issue a WPS TTT certificate.

This certificate provides the qualification to train agricultural workers and pesticide handlers under the
Worker Protection Standard requirements. The course was developed in collaboration with Ricardo
Davalos, Florida WPS coordinator from FDACS.

The course is available in the IFAS Catalog at the following link: Cost is $35
Certificate version:

EPA-approved Fumigant training program for certified applicators using methyl bromide, chloropicrin,
chloropicrin and 1,3-dichloropropene, dazomet and metam sodium and potassium. Applicators must retrain
every 3 years. -
Quotable Quotes
A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to
correct them. – John Maxwell

Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, friend, it's just a
bend, not the end!”

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may
fear less. - Marie Curie

Marriage is like a garden. You have to tend it, respect it, take care of it, feed it, and make sure everyone is
getting the right amount of sunlight. – Mark Ruffalo

Nothing dies so hard, or rallies so often as intolerance. – Henry Ward Beecher

Never look back unless you are planning to go that way. - Henry David Thoreau

On the Lighter Side

The Bagpiper

As a bagpiper, he played many gigs. Recently he was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service
for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper’s cemetery in the back
country. Not being familiar with the backwoods, he got lost and, being a typical man, didn’t stop for directions.

The bagpiper finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was
nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch.

He felt badly and apologized to the men for being late. He went to the side of the grave and looked down and
the vault lid was already in place. Not knowing what else to do, he started to play.

The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. He played his heart and soul out for this man
with no family and friends. He played like he never played before for this homeless man.

And as he played ‘Amazing Grace,’ the workers began to weep. They wept, he wept, and they all wept together.
When he finished he packed up his bagpipes and started for his car. Though his head hung low, his heart was

As he opened the door to my car, he heard one of the workers say, “I never seen nothin’ like that before and
I’ve been putting in septic tanks for twenty years.”

Three brothers

Three rich brothers each wanted to do something special for their elderly mother on Mother's Day.

The first brother bought her a huge house.

The second brother gave her a limousine, with a driver.

The third brother remembered that his mother used to love to read the Bible, but couldn't see well anymore, so
he got her a specially trained parrot that could recite any verse from the Bible on demand.

Soon, the brothers received thank-you notes from their mother.

The first son's note said, The house you bought me is much too big! I only live in a small part of it, but I have to
clean the whole thing!

The second son got a note that said, I rarely leave the house anymore, so I hardly use the limo you gave me.
And when I do use it, the driver is so rude!

The third son's note said, My darling baby boy, you know just what your mother loves! The chicken was

Contributors include: Joel Allingham/AgriCare, Inc, Dr. Ozgur Batuman/ SWFREC, Carol Brooks/West
Florida Scouting, Gordon DeCou/Agri Tech Services of Bradenton, Dr Nick Dufault/ UF/IFAS, Jason
Dyess/Agriquest, Inc., Rachel Giles, Carrie Harmon/UF/IFAS Plant Disease Clinic, Lisa Hickey/Manatee
County Extension, Bruce Johnson/General Crop Management, Barry Kostyk/SWFREC, Leon Lucas/Glades
Crop Care, Anna Meszaros, Palm Beach County Extension, Mark Mossler/UF/IFAS Pesticide Information
Office, Gene McAvoy/Hendry County Extension, Alice McGhee/Thomas Produce, Dr. Gregg Nuessly/EREC,
Chuck Obern/C&B Farms, Dr. Jawad Qureshi, SWFREC Dr. Rick Raid/ EREC, Dr Pam Roberts/SWFREC,
Wes Roan/6 L's, Dr. Dak Seal/ TREC, Kevin Seitzinger/Gargiulo, Kevin Short/ICM, Dr Gary Vallad/GCREC,
Mark Verbeck/GulfCoast Ag, Dr. Qingren Wang/Miami-Dade County Extension, Alicia Whidden/Hillsborough
County Extension, Dr. Phillip Williams/SWFREC, Dr Henry Yonce/KAC Ag Research and Dr. Shouan

The South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline is compiled by Craig Frey and Gene McAvoy and is issued on
as a service to the vegetable industry.

Craig Frey
Hendry County Extension Director
Multi-County Commercial Horticulture Extension Agent
University of Florida/IFAS Extension

Hendry County Extension Service Office: (863) 674-4092

1085 Pratt Blvd. Cell: (863) 517-5880
LaBelle, FL 33935

Gene McAvoy
Gene McAvoy
Regional Vegetable Extension Agent IV Emeritus
Associate Director for Stakeholder Relations
University of Florida IFAS Southwest Florida Research and Education Center

UF/IFAS SWFREC 239-658-3414

2685 State Road 29 N 863-673-5939 cell
Immokalee, FL 34142

Check out Southwest Florida Vegetable Grower on Facebook or follow me on
Twitter @SWFLVegMan -
Special Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, who make this publication possible.

Thomas Produce Company Shawn Barley

Of South Florida Wedgworth’s Inc.
Grower and Shippers of Quality Vegetables
Big W Brand Fertilizer
9905 Clint Moore Road
Boca Raton, Florida 33496 (863) 441-9255 cell

Carol Howard Ryan Richards

Mobley Plant World Wedgworth’s Inc.
1351 W Cowboy Way 710 Broward Street
LaBelle, Florida 33935 Immokalee, FL 34142
Phone 863-675 -2020 Phone 239-657-8254 Fax 239-657-2005

Growers Shippers Importers Exporters
David Pensabene: Production Manager
Naples Operations
Phone 239-353-0300 Fax 239-353-3407


Stacey Howell
Glades Crop Care, Inc.
Leaders in Crop Health
Bayer CropScience
3481 3rd Ave NW
Management Naples, FL 34120
Charlie Mellinger, Ph.D. Phone (239) 353-6491 Cell (239) 272-8575
Phone 561-746-3740 Fax 561-746-3775

Justin Powell Bart Hoopingarner

Southeast Business Leader Gowan Company
Adama 3605 162nd Ave East
229 881 9757 cells Parrish, FL 34219 Phone 941-776-1105 Cell 941-737-7444
Special Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, who make this publication possible.

Sponsored by Orondis® fungicide & OmniLytics - AgriPhage

Syngenta Crop Protection Safe Natural Effective
Morgan McKenna Vegetable Bacteria Control
Fort Myers, FL 33901 Matt Stephenson Smith – 239-572-3342
Cell 336-337-2085 Ryan Benson – 801-300-3437

Hal Blackmore
Marrone Bio Innovations
Cell 904-570-0041 or

Put Your N ame Here

Certis USA Scott Houk
Bio-Pesticides for Crop Production Dow AgroSciences LLC
Joe Craig - 863-291-9203 Phone 239-948-3999
Chuck Goodowns - 352-538-4471 Email

FMC Corporation Jamerson Farms
Eric Johnson
Cell 352-281-2325 Growers, Packers and Shippers of
Florida’s Finest Vegetables Phone 239-229-5734 Fax 239-368-0969

Clint Wise


PO Box 60
Babson Park, Florida 33827-0060
Office 863-638-1481 Fax 863-638-2312

BioSafe Systems LLC

Jarod Huck
OxiDate® 352-789-9363 PUT YOUR NAME HERE
Luis Hansen
Special Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, who make this publication possible.

BASF Corporation
Adrian Jahna

Valent USA
"Products That Work Certified for use in Organic Production
From People Who Care"
Jack Kilgore 239-707-7677
Sarah Markle 863-673-8699

Chuck Obern Danny Jones

C & B Farm Diamond R Fertilizer
CR 835 PO Box 1898
Clewiston, FL 33440 LaBelle, FL 33975
Office 863-983-8269 Fax 863-983-8030 (863) 675-3700
Cell 239-250-0551

Richard Roles
UPL.LTD Roles Marketing International
Kyle Register Distributors of Agrigro and Super Cal 10%
(863) 517-4165 Calcium
Cell 561-644-3511

Dr. Henry Yonce Grower's Management, Inc

KAC Agricultural Research P.O. Box 130
Scouting, Consulting Belle Glade, FL 33430
Research Phone: 561-996-6469
386-736-0098 work 386-527-1124 cell


NOTE: The acknowledgement of sponsorship in no way constitutes or reflects an official endorsement of these
businesses or their products or services by either the University of Florida, IFAS or the Florida Cooperative Extension
Service. Sponsors have no control over the content of this publication.

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