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Student Name: _______________ Date: ____ / ____ / 2021

Mid-term 2 Listening and

Class: 9 B__(group ___)
Language Examination Duration: 1 hour

A-LISTENING: (8 marks) 20
1-Listen to a dialogue between Jack and Jane and  circle the correct
alternative: (1 mark)

1-Jack is a______

a- non-smoker b- light smoker c- passive smoker

2- Listen and circle true or false: (2 marks)

1-Jack can’t smoke where he is. True / False

2-Jack needs to find a place to smoke. True / False
3- Listen and tick the right answer (3 marks)

1- Jane advised jack to __________

a-see a doctor b-give up smoking c-stop seeing his friends

2- Jack didn’t give up smoking because_____

a-he couldn’t b-he is completely addicted c-the idea never came to his mind

3- Jack usually smokes at home when he is________

a-tired b-angry c-bored

4- Circle the correct option. (1 mark)

“I’ll try to quit.” expresses _____

a- planned action b-intention c- possibility

4- Are the underlined sounds similar (S) or different (D)? Write “S” or “D”
(1 mark)
1)- taunt – cause (___)

2)-break - cheat (____)

A- LANGUAGE: (12 marks)

1- Fill in the blanks with the words from the box below. Be careful there areTWO
extra words (3.5marks)

happen / lazy / yours / pass / marks / obey / can’t / break / participate

Some kids cheat because they’re 1. ______ and they want to get good.2. ____________

without spending the time studying. Other kids feel like they can’t 3. __________ the exam

without cheating. It can 4. ___________in different ways. It’s also cheating to

5. ___________ the school rules or to pretend something is 6. __________ when it isn’t.

When people cheat it’s not fair to others, like the kids who prepared for the test. Cheaters

can pass a test once but they 7.________ be winners all the time.

2- Circle the right option (3.5 marks)

We all know about the effects of smoking on the health of smokers and the people they

smoke around. However, many people are unaware of the harmful 1. (affect /effects/

affected) of smoking 2. (on / in / for) the environment. So, they 3. (don’t / must /might)

learn about it. Cigarette smoke contains chemicals. The air pollution that results 4.(from

/to /in) cigarette smoke is 10 times greater than that from car 5.(fumes / waste / wires)

Cigarettes also use a lot of paper. In fact, 600 million trees are cut 6. (on /up/down) per

year to supply the cigarette industry. Tobacco is also grown using a lot of pesticides 6.

(where /who/which) depletes the ozone layer.

3-Match sentence parts in A with sentence parts in B to get a coherent paragraph. Be

careful there is an extra sentence part in B. (3marks)

1. Most people in Britain use about a- we clean with it and we drink it
2. We prepare food with it, b- Therefore, they kill animals and plants in the
3. But water is becoming dirty because c – to save our environment.
4. People throw away plastic bottles, d- 150 liters of water every day.
5. This litter gets into rivers and sea. e- is a threatening problem.
6. That’s why, we have to do what we can f- we’re polluting it.
g- metal cans and cardboard boxes.

1- ____ 2- _____ 3-______ 4-______ 5-_______ 6-______

4- Match the underlined utterances with their functions. There’s one extra function
(2 marks)

Utterances functions
Max: Hi Jane what are you going to do to improve a) Planned action

your marks? b) Obligation

Jane: I think it’s difficult to get marks at French c) Future Intention

and Maths(1) So I have to ask my teachers for d) Expressing opinion

e) Prohibition
Max: is that all?

Jane: Not really, I’m taking private courses at

those subjects next week(3)

Max: Great!, I’m going to join you(4)

1- ____ 2- _____ 3-______ 4-______

End of exam

Student Name: _______________ Date: ____ / ____ / 2021

Mid-term 2 Listening and
Class: 9th form Language Examination Duration: 1 hour

A-LISTENING: (8 marks) 20
1-Listen to a dialogue between Jack and Jane and  circle the correct
alternative: (1 mark)

1-Jack is a______

a- non-smoker b- light smoker c- passive smoker

2- Listen and circle true or false: (2 marks)

1-Jack can’t smoke where he is. True / False

2-Jack needs to find a place to smoke. True / False
3- Listen and tick the right answer (3 marks)

5- Jane advised jack to __________

a-see a doctor b-give up smoking c-stop seeing his friends

6- Jack didn’t give up smoking because_____

a-he couldn’t b-he is completely addicted c-the idea never came to his mind
7- Jack usually smokes at home when he is________

a-tired b-angry c-bored

8- Circle the correct option. (1 mark)

“I’ll try to quit.” expresses _____

b- planned action b-intention c- possibility

4- Are the underlined sounds similar (S) or different (D)? Write “S” or “D”
(1 mark)
1)- taunt – cause (___)

2)-break - cheat (____)

B- LANGUAGE: (12 marks)

3- Fill in the blanks with the words from the box below. Be careful there areTWO
extra words (3.5marks)

than – succeed – fail – himself – intelligent – his – but – private -books

I have three children: two daughters and one son. My daughters are doing well in their studies.

My son is very 1._____________ but he does not do well at school. I have paid a lot of money

for 2.___________teachers to help him. I have sent him to different private schools because I

thought that the education there was better 3.___________it was in public ones. I have bought

him 4._____________, dictionaries and an expensive computer to help him rely on

5._________I have given him all the opportunities, but I cannot make him 6._____________and

as it is said: “you can lead a horse to water,7.___________ you can’t make him drink.”

4- Circle the right option (3.5 marks)

Smoking is thought to increase the risk of heart disease and lung cancer by up to thirty

percent. However, many people can't stop smoking 1. (besides – because – but) they are

addicted 2. (by- to – for) it. As time goes by, smoking 3. (may – have to - must) cause a
blockage in arteries and therefore may lead to a 4. (attacking heart – heart attack – heart

attacking). That’s why heavy smokers should do 5. (them – their – theirs) best to give up

this 6. (free -nasty -pleasant) habit because they are not only damaging their life but also

the life of people 7.(who - which - where) live around them. Smoking is a killer.

3-Match sentence parts in A with sentence parts in B to get a coherent paragraph..


1. One of the main sources of noise a- that’s to say deafness.
pollution is
2. Exposure to the harmful noise can cause b- noise for a certain period of time
damage to
3. When it is exposed to high levels of c – our transportation; motor vehicles, aircrafts
and railways
4. This may lead to permanent hearing d- the most important organ of our body, the
loss, ear.
5. Noise is also the main source for heart e- because it raises blood pressure and
disease increases heart beat rate.
6. Living in the country can be one of the f- main solutions to avoid noise and
1- ____ 2- _____ 3-______ 4-______ 5-_______ 6-______

4- Match the underlined utterances with their functions. There’s ONE EXTRA function
(2 marks)

Utterances functions
Max: Hi Jane what are you going to do to improve a) Planned action
your marks? b) Obligation
Jane: I think it’s difficult to get marks at French c) Future Intention
and Maths(1) So I have to ask my teachers for d) Expressing opinion
help(2) e) Prohibition
Max: is that all?
Jane: Not really, I’m taking private courses at
those subjects next week(3)
Max: Great!, I’m going to join you(4)

1- ____ 2- _____ 3-______ 4-______

End of exam

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