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Scavenging Drain Analysis (SDA)

Cost-saving by optimizing cylinder oil feed rate and prevention of cold

What is SDA ??
Scavenging Drain Analysis (SDA) is a major oil analysis to estimate the iron (Fe) content
and residual alkali (BN) content in the cylinder drain by analyzing the scavenging drain
and system oil. 
It can help to determine the condition of the piston rings and the liner visually /
numerically, as well as calculating the mixing ratio of system oil contained in the
scavenging drain.
1. Detects the abnormal abrasion of cylinder liner, a sign of the blow through, and
occasion of the piston rings visually / numerically.
2. Helps to save the cost by optimizing the cylinder oil feed rate and extending the
life of machinery parts.
3. Ensures sealing performance of stuffing ring by calculating mixing ratio of system
oil contained in the scavenging drain oil and prevents the system-oil-contamination.


1. Early detection of COLD CORROSION

Cylinder liner and piston rings in Ship's main engine are in the risk of corrosion caused by
H2SO4(sulfuric acid),which comes from the reaction with sulfur content in the combustion
gas and water.Besides, troubles by cold corrosion have been reported due to the slow
steaming operation and technological /advanced type of main engine nowadays.



Fe in cylinder drain → BN in cylinder drain →

higher than the control range lower than the control range


Wear of cylinder liner and piston rings Low neutralizing-capacity against acid

Detects a sign of cold corrosion and abnormal conditions

2. COST-SAVING obtained by SDA

Cylinder oil is normally "overfed" to the system due to the concern - abnormal wear down
of cylinder liner and piston rings. a "visualized condition" by SDA successfully assists
reducing cylinder feed rate safely, results insaving cost for cylinder oil consumption.

Fe in cylinder drain → BN in cylinder drain →

lower than the control range higher than the control rang


Neutralizing-capacity against acid has

Low risk of cylinder liner and piston rings wear
"safety allowance"

Ship can reduce the cylinder oil feed rate / consumption safely !!

An example of calculation for cost-saving

Navigate: 200days/year
Ave. engine load: 10,180kW
Density of cylinder oil: 0.9316g/㎤
Cylinder oil feed rate: 1.40g/kWh
Cylinder oil price: US$1.30/ltrs
Currency: US$1.00/JPY 112
Cylinder oil consumption : 73,432 ltrs / year

if CFR 1.40g/kWh would be reduced to

Cylinder oil consumption : 62,942 ltrs / year

Cylinder oil saved : 10,490 ltrs / year


10,490 ltrs (oil saved) ×US$1.30 / ltr (price) = US$13,637 / year (cost saved)

Above example shows that optimizing the cylinder oil feed rate with Scavenging Drain
Analysis results in cost-saving by reducing cylinder oil consumption safely and helps to
extend the life of the cylinder liners and piston rings.

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