Study of Clethodim Degradation and By-Product Formation in Chlorinated Water by HPLC

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Study of Clethodim Degradation and By-Product Formation in Chlorinated

Water by HPLC

Article  in  Chromatographia · August 2005

DOI: 10.1365/s10337-005-0592-x


27 1,834

3 authors, including:

Pilar Sandín-España Oriol Magrans

Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria EFSA European Food Safety Authority


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Study of Clethodim Degradation and
By-Product Formation in Chlorinated Water

2005, 62, 133–137

P. Sandı́n-España, J. O. Magrans, J. M. Garcı́a-Baudı́n&

Plant Protection Department, INIA, Ctra. de La Coruña, km. 7.5, 28040, Madrid, Spain; E-Mail:

Received: 3 January 2005 / Accepted: 12 May 2005

Online publication: 27 July 2005

At the same time, it is able to oxidize and

chlorinate various organic functional
Abstract groups. Hypochlorite and chloramines
Two of the most commonly used chlorinating agents for water disinfection, hypochlorite and are the most commonly employed chlo-
chloramines, were employed to investigate the degradation of clethodim in conditions simu- rination sources [3]. During treatment,
lating tap water treatment. The main clethodim degradation products were identified by using residues of pesticides may also undergo
liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS). The main degradation transformations that may produce
process was oxidation to sulfoxide and then to sulfone. Degradation half-life was calculated for chemicals more or less toxic than the
both parent clethodim and the first degradation product, clethodim sulfoxide. Whereas some parent substances [4, 5]. The rate of
other different minor by-products were identified when the degradation occurs with either degradation and the products obtained
sodium hypochlorite or chloramines, no other chlorinated by-products were found under the by either reagent may also vary consid-
conditions tested. erably.
Whereas the degradation of many
pesticides in chlorinated water has been
widely studied [6, 7], degradation of
Keywords cyclohexanedione herbicides has not.
Column liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry This family of herbicides are fatty acid
Clethodim and degradation products synthesis inhibitors that work by inhibi-
Water disinfection by chlorination tion of acetyl CoA carboxylase [8, 9].
Tap water They are used at low-dose rates as they
are biologically active at very low con-
centrations. Furthermore, their polar
character makes them easily leached to
Introduction permitted levels of contaminants in groundwater and so potentially contam-
drinking water supplies. For example, inate drinking water sources.
Pesticide contamination of drinking EU Water and Drinking Water directives In a previous study, the rapid
water is one route of human exposure to provide that no individual pesticide may degradation of the herbicide tepraloxydim
pesticides that causes major concern. exceed 0.1 lg L)1 and that the sum of all in chlorinated water was reported [10]. This
Usually, consumers’ intake of water is contaminants present in a drinking water caused us to further study the degradation
concentrated in few sources of public tap sample may not exceed 0.5 lg L)1 [1, 2]. of other cyclohexanedione herbicides in
water supply. Contamination of these Environmental contamination of ground chlorinated water to identify the main
sources by small amounts of pesticides and surface natural waters used for degradation processes and characterize
may result in long-term exposure to these abstraction is the main route for drinking degradation products. Clethodim, ((±)-2-
contaminants. Health risk, for prolonged water contamination by pesticides. [(E)-1-[(E)-3-chloroallyloxyimino] propyl]-5
exposure to very low levels of pesticide, is However, before entering the tap water [2-(ethylthio)propyl]-3-hydroxy-cyclohex-2-
not always covered by routine toxico- system, water is submitted to physical enone)) is applied at 60–240 g ha)1 and is
logical tests performed for regulatory and chemical treatments for disinfection, used for post-emergence control of annual
purposes. Therefore, regulation tends to commonly by chlorination. Chlorine is a and perennial grasses in a wide range of
be very conservative with respect to the potent oxidant that acts as a bactericide. broad-leaved crops, vegetable crops, trees

Original Chromatographia 2005, 62, August (No. 3/4) 133

DOI: 10.1365/s10337-005-0592-x
0009-5893/05/08  2005 Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn/GWV Fachverlage GmbH
titration. Chloramines solution (0.14 mM)
was prepared by the appropriate mixture
of sodium hypochlorite/ammonium
chloride (1:1.1, molmol)1). A small molar
excess of ammonium chloride was added
to ensure the complete formation of
chloramines [13–15]. All reactions inves-
tigated were carried out under a con-
trolled temperature of 25 ± 2  C
The reaction between clethodim and
the disinfectant solutions was studied
using a disinfectant to herbicide ratio of
10:1 (mol mol)1). Separate vials with
clethodim solution (0.014 mM, 500 lL)
were prepared. Aliquots of disinfectants
Fig. 1. Proposed degradation pathway of clethodim in chlorinated water (0.14 mM, 500 lL) were added to each of
these samples. Finally, the reaction in
each vial was quenched with sodium
and vines. There are only a few studies were of HPLC grade from Lab-scan thiosulfate (100 lL, 10 mM) at scheduled
published on the degradation of this her- (Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, Ireland), analyt- time intervals.
bicide and none them address its degrada- ical grade formic acid (98%) and sodium Blank samples containing only cle-
tion in chlorinated water. Photolytic and hypochlorite (10%) were from Panreac thodim (0.014 mM) were used to ensure
acid catalyzed degradation of clethodim (Barcelona, Spain). that no photodegradation or hydrolysis
has been reported to yield a number of occur during the experiment. Also, sam-
transformation products not fully charac- ples of clethodim (0.014 mM) and
terized [11, 12]. Equipment sodium thiosulfate (10 mM) were tested
In the present paper, the results of an to ensure that no matrix effect was caused
investigation undertaken to study the For the kinetic experiments, HPLC with by this quenching agent. Kinetic and
reaction kinetics of clethodim with a UV detector was used to measure control samples were analysed by HPLC-
sodium hypochlorite and chloramines in clethodim concentrations. The HPLC- UV.
water are reported. Identification and char- UV instrument consists in two pumps
acterization of the resulting by-products was (System Gold 126 Solvent Module), a
performed to allow a degradation route UV detector (166 Detector; UV: 200 to Analysis of Samples
of this herbicide during water treatment 290 nm) and an autosampler (System
to be proposed. This should allow Gold 508). Chromatographic data were Sample aliquots of 50 lL were
refinement of the assessment of this her- collected through a PC with System injected into the HPLC-UV system.
bicide with respect to potential drinking Gold Software package (Beckman The mobile-phase was 60:39.9:0.1 aceto-
water contamination. Coulter Instruments, Inc., Fullerton, nitrile:water:formic acid at a flow rate of
CA 92634–3100). Compounds were 1 mL min)1. The detector was set at the
separated using a 4 lm Nova-Pak C18 maximum absorbance wavelength of cle-
Experimental column (150 · 3.9 mm, 60 Å; Waters thodim (255 nm). Under these conditions,
Corporation, Milford, Massachusetts). retention time of clethodim was 7.1 min,
Chemicals and Reagents To identify and characterize degrada- 2.2 min for the Z,E-isomer (Fig. 1a) and
tion and reaction products HPLC-ESI–MS 1.6 min for clethodim sulfoxide (Fig. 1a¢).
Clethodim (Fig. 1a) ((±)-2-[(E)-1-[(E)- was used. The HPLC instrument HP Concentrations of clethodim were deter-
3-chloroallyloxyimino]propyl]-5-[2-(eth- 1100MSD (Agilent Technologies, Inc., mined by measuring peak areas and com-
ylthio)propyl]-3-hydroxy-cyclohex-2-en- Palo Alto, CA, USA) included a binary parison with a calibration curve (n = 4,
one)), (98% purity) was obtained from solvent system, autosampler a diode array r2 = 0.997).
ChemService (West Chester, PA, USA). detector and a mass detector with quad-
Stock standard solutions were prepared rupole analyzer. A 5 lm Zorbax C)18
by weighing and dissolving clethodim in column (50 · 2 mm; Agilent Technologies,
the minimum amount of acetonitrile fol- Madrid, Spain) was employed for chro- Statistics and Calculations
lowed by water addition up to volume. matographic separation.
Standard solutions were stored at 4  C Pseudo-first-order kinetics was assumed
in darkness and were used to prepare to calculate the corresponding degrada-
more dilute standard solutions for cali- Kinetic Experiments tion rate constant (k):
bration. Stability of standard solutions
C ¼ C0 ekt
under these conditions was checked and Sodium hypochlorite solutions (0.14 mM)
demonstrated for at least two months. employed in degradation studies were where Co is the initial concentration of
Acetonitrile and water used in liquid prepared from the commercial stock clethodim (mg L)1), C is the concentra-
chromatography and degradation studies solution and checked by iodometric tion of clethodim (mg L)1) at a given

134 Chromatographia 2005, 62, August (No. 3/4) Original

time t (s or min) and k is the first-order
degradation rate constant (min)1 or s)1).
Half-life, t1/2 (min or s), can be calculated
from k using the following equation:
t1=2 ¼ ln 2=k

A Statgraphics Plus Software program

[16] was used to obtain non-linear least-
squares regression fit for clethodim deg- Fig. 2. Reaction curves of clethodim and clethodim sulfoxide with disinfectants hypochorite and
radation data to the first-order model. chloramines. Molar ratio clethodim:disinfectants was 1:10. Concentration of clethodim was
0.014 mM, 500 lL. Reactions were quenched with sodium thiosulfate 10 mM, 100 lL at scheduled
time intervals. Tª = 25 ± 2  C. (a) Degradation curve of clethodim sulfoxide with hypochlorite.
(b) Degradation curve of clethodim and formation curve of clethodim sulfoxide with chloramines.
By-products Identification (c) Formation and degradation curve of clethodim sulfoxide with chloramines. Symbols: d,
clethodim; ¤, clethodim sulfoxide;—, non-linear regression fitted curve.
and Characterization

For HPLC-ESI-MS analysis, two chro-

matographic conditions were employed.
Initially, the mobile-phase 60:39.9:0.1
acetonitrile:water:formic acid was used to
characterize peaks previously identified
by HPLC-UV analysis. A second method
was developed in order to identify deg-
radation products less polar than cletho-
dim that eluted very early in the
chromatogram. In this case, the mobile-
phase was 30:69.9:0.1 acetonitrile:water: Fig. 3. (a) Blank sample chromatogram of clethodim. Chromatographic conditions: column,
formic acid. The flow rate was set to Zorbax C18 (50 · 2 mm · 5 lm); mobile-phase, 60:39.9:0.1 acetonitrile:water:formic acid; flow
0.2 mL min)1 in both cases to account for rate, 0.2 mL min-1. (b) Degradated sample of clethodim with hypochlorite (t = 11 s). Peaks at 8.56
and 8.84 min represent the two pairs of enantiomers of clethodim sulfoxide, RR+SS and SR+SR.
the shorter column. The sample injection
Chromatographic conditions: column, Zorbax C-18 (50 · 2 mm · 5 lm); mobile-phase, 30:69.9:0.1
volume was 20 lL. acetonitrile:water:formic acid; flow rate, 0.2 mL min-1
Electrospray conditions were set as
follows: drying gas flow (nitrogen) 10 mL
min)1; drying gas temperature 335  C; radation experiments. Initial mass con- was also clethodim sulfoxide. Subsequent
nebulizer pressure 2590 mmHg; capillary centration of clethodim was 5 mg L)1 degradation of this compound was fol-
voltage 4000 V. The ESI-MS spectrome- (0.014 mM). This high concentration lowed and the half-life calculated. In this
ter was operated in the positive ion mode. was selected to perform precise analyti- case clethodim sulfoxide also degrades
Mass spectrometer conditions were opti- cal measurements for detection and slower than with hypochlorite (t1/2 = 9.3
mised by ramping fragmentor value to identification of by-products generated ± 0.6 h, r2 = 0.991), (Fig. 2c).
obtain maximum ionic efficiency of during the degradation. The fast degradation of clethodim in
molecular ion of 100 V. MS chromato- Clethodim degrades very fast with chlorinated water (either with hypochlo-
grams were obtained with a mass range of hypochlorite (t1/2 < 1 s). This degrada- rite or chloramines) practically precludes
50–2000 amu and a scan rate of 1.65 s tion gives rise to a single by-product that any possible exposure of consumers to
cycle)1. was identified as clethodim sulfoxide. this compound when tap water is sub-
Experiments were continued in order to jected to a chlorine treatment. However,
follow clethodim sulfoxide degradation. it is not possible to ensure complete
Non-linear regression fitting of data destruction of the reaction product cle-
Results and Discussion points from the maximum concentration thodim sulfoxide before the distribution
attained by clethodim sulfoxide to simple point when chloramines are used for
Degradation Rate of Clethodim first order kinetics allowed estimation of disinfection due to the slower degrada-
in Chlorinated Water with its degradation half life (t1/2 = 4.4 ± 0.4 s, tion rate.
Hypochlorite and Chloramines r2 = 0.991) (Fig. 2a). The degradation of
sulfoxide yielded several degradation
Degradation of clethodim in water con- products that were further investigated
taining either sodium hypochlorite or by HPLC-MS. Identification of Main
chloramines was investigated. The 10:1 In the presence of chloramines, deg- Degradation By-products
molar excess of disinfectant represents a radation of clethodim was slower than
realistic worst case for a low dose her- with hypochlorite (t1/2 = 8 ± 0.4 min, A blank sample, freshly prepared with
bicide such as clethodim and ensures r2= 0.996), (Fig. 2b). This is in agree- analytical grade clethodim, was analysed
pseudo first-order kinetic conditions, ment with the stronger oxidizing poten- using the first chromatographic method.
since concentration of chlorine may be tial of hypochlorite versus chloramines The main chromatographic peak (reten-
considered constant during all the deg- [5]. The main reaction product in this case tion time 6.37 min) with an m/z 360

Original Chromatographia 2005, 62, August (No. 3/4) 135

Table 1. Fragmentation of clethodim, clethodim sulfoxide and clethodim sulfone

Chemical m/z Fragments

Clethodim 360 [MH]+
268 [M - OCH2CH=CHCl]
240 [M - OCH2CH=CHCl - CH2CH3]
206 [M - OCH2CH=CHCl - SCH2CH3]
164 [M - OCH2CH=CHCl - CH2CH(CH3)SCH2CH3]
Clethodim sulfoxide 376 [MH]+
298 [M - SOCH2CH3]
268 [M - OCH2CH=CHCl - O]
206 [M - OCH2CH=CHCl - SOCH2CH3]
164 [M - OCH2CH=CHCl - CH2CH(CH3)SOCH2CH3]
Clethodim sulfone 391 [MH]+
298 [M - SO2CH2CH3]
284 [M - OCH2CH=CHCl - O]
206 [M - OCH2CH=CHCl - SO2CH2CH3]
164 [M - OCH2CH=CHCl - CH2CH(CH3)SO2CH2CH3]

corresponds to clethodim (calculated MS spectra allowed unequivocal identifi- around the sulphur atom, clethodim sul-
mass for [MH]+ = 360) (Fig. 3a, Ta- cation of this compound as clethodim fone has only the chiral centre corre-
ble 1). Another minor peak (4%) is ob- sulfoxide (Fig. 1b) (Table 1). This com- sponding to the carbon atom and it is a
served in the chromatogram (retention pound has also been reported to be the racemic mixture of R and S isomers. With
time 1.75 min) that was assigned to the main metabolite of clethodim in the the non-chiral column employed for
Z,E isomer of clethodim at the oxime environment [17]. It is easily produced chromatographic separation, only one
ether double bond (Fig. 1a¢). The amount through the oxidation of the sulfur atom. chromatographic peak is observed for
of this isomer was constant in the blank A similar oxidation has been previously this compound (Fig. 3b).
samples during all the period covered by reported for other thioethers [7]. When the samples from the degrada-
the degradation experiments. Whereas In clethodim sulfoxide, a new chiral tion experiments with chloramines were
most of the cyclohexanodione herbicides centre is generated due to the pyramidal analysed, the same by-products, cletho-
are marketed as the E,E-isomer at the arrangement of the atoms bound to the dim sulfoxide and clethodim sulfone,
oxime ether double bond, it has been sulfur in the sulfoxide group. Since a were identified. This indicates that the
stated that some of them may equilibrate neighbouring carbon atom is also chiral, degradation route is mainly the same
with the Z,E isomer in a polar medium four stereroisomers (two pairs of enanti- with the two reagents. However, new
such as water [10, 11]. In a separate omers) are produced: RR, SS and SR, minor peaks (retention times 6.2 min and
experiment, we found that isomerization RS. With the second chromatographic 7.4 min) with the same m/z as that of
of clethodim to Z,E-isomer proceeded method the diasteriomers were clearly clethodim sulfone (m/z 392) appear in
slowly in water at room temperature (40 separated in two equal peaks, containing these chromatograms. The mass spectra
% after two months).Therefore, the small a pair of enantiomers each (Fig. 3b). for these compounds do not show the m/z
amount of this isomer found in the blank Oxidation of the sulfur atom proceeds 206 characteristic of clethodim sulfone.
solutions is probably already present as without any stereogenic control in an The main fragment for these compounds
an impurity in the clethodim analytical achiral medium. Consequently, similar is m/z 222, which corresponds to the loss
sample. amounts for each of the isomers of the oxime and the sulfoxide group
Samples from different reaction time (RR+SS, SR+SR) result from this (calculated mass for [M-91-78] =
in the degradation experiments were reaction. The Z,E isomer of clethodim 222 amu). An additional fragment is
selected for HPLC-MS analysis to iden- also degrades to the corresponding Z,E produced by the additional loss of
tify and characterize the main degrada- isomer of clethodim sulfoxide (Fig 1b¢) 17 amu (m/z 205). This pattern suggests
tion or reaction products. These samples and it has been detected with the MS the introduction of a hydroxyl group in
were selected taking into account the re- detector as a minor peak into the chro- the sulfoxide molecule, giving rise to the
sults of the kinetic study. For the degra- matograms of the initial phases of the corresponding isomers. According to the
dation with hypochlorite two samples degradation (sample t = 1.5 s; retention fragments observed for these compounds,
were chosen corresponding to reactions time 1.9 min). the hydroxyl group will result from the
quenched at 1.5 s and 11 s in the kinetic At later reaction time (sample t = oxidation of one of the free positions in
experiment. For the degradation with 11 s), degradation of clethodim sulfoxide the cyclohexanodione ring. However,
chloramines, samples quenched at and appearance of new peaks in the with the information obtained from the
210 min and 420 min were investigated. chromatogram are observed. The most mass spectrum it is not possible to
As stated above, degradation of cle- important of these peaks (retention time determine its exact position within the
thodim in hypochlorite chlorinated water 2.16 min, m/z 392) has been assigned to ring.
proceeds almost immediately to yield a clethodim sulfone (Fig. 1c) based on the Some other minor by-products
single reaction product m/z 376. This interpretation of the mass spectrum (cal- (retention time 0.8 min, m/z 338; reten-
corresponds to the molecular weight of culated mass for [MH]+ = 392; tion time 1.1 min, m/z 286) were ob-
clethodim plus an oxygen atom. Detailed (Table 1)). As oxidation of sulfoxide to served both in the hypochlorite and the
examination of the main fragments in the sulfone implies the loss of the asymmetry chloramines experiments but were not

136 Chromatographia 2005, 62, August (No. 3/4) Original

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