Name: Carmel Kaye M.Balili Subject: Diss Grade &section: 11 Humss 3 Subject Teacher: Sir Ranulfo Abad SEMESTER: First

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NAME: Carmel Kaye M.




1.D 6.B 11.D.Where did it happen?
2.C 7.D 12.A
3.A 8.B 13.B
4.C 9.A 14.D
5.B 10.D 15.D
1.A 6.C 11.D
2.D 7.C 12.B
3.C 8.A 13.A
4.B 9.D 14.D
5.A 10.B 15.A
Complete the table by defining the following terms in one to two sentences.


1.Social Science Social Science is a collection of academic disciplines that study how
people interact in society.

2.Economics Economics is a social science that analyzes how products and services
are produced, distributed, and consumed.

3.Geography Geography is a branch of science concerned with the study of the Earth's
and planets' territories, characteristics, inhabitants, and phenomena.

4.Political Science Political science is the study of politics from a scientific perspective. It is a
social science that studies governance and power structures, as well as
political activities, political philosophy, political conduct, and the laws and
constitutions that govern them.

5.Sociology Sociology is a branch of social science concerned with society, human

social behavior, patterns of social interactions, social interaction, and
cultural aspects of daily life.

6.Anthropology Anthropology is the scientific study of humans with the purpose of

gaining a better knowledge of our evolutionary beginnings, our
uniqueness as a species, and the vast diversity of our social forms
around the world and over time.

7.History History is the study of previous human events through a continuous,

systematic narrative and research based on historiographical paradigms
or theories.

Determine what kind of social scientist is speaking in each of the following statements. Write
your answer on the space provided.

2.Political Scientists
Write at least five names of people you know who are considered Social scientists. Describe
what they do.


Auguste Comte A French philosopher who believed in

positivism, or the idea that all valuable
information is made up of the sum of one's
senses. During the French Revolution, he
was a significant figure who advocated for a
science-based philosophy.

Max Weber A sociologist and political economist who

impacted future generations of social
scientists He was one of the first to explore
methodological antipositivism, or the concept
that the scientific method cannot adequately
interpret the findings of social science and
that instead, researchers should focus on the
meanings that social acts have.

Karl Marx A social scientist who sought refuge in

Belgium, where he theorized that "the nature
of individuals is determined by the material
conditions determining their production.

Wiliam Du Bois A sociologist, socialist and historian who

contributed to our specifically philosophical
understanding of race and the race problem,
because he treats these themes as objects of
philosophical consideration.

Georg Simmel A German sociologist and structural theorist

who studied urban life and the shape of cities
in the early twentieth century. He was notable
for developing social theories that promoted a
method of studying society that differed from
the conventional scientific methodology
utilized to research the natural world at the

Choose a specific field of social sciences that you want to specialize in.Write a short essay that
will explain why you want to pursue a course or to specialize in that particular field of the social
sciences. Be able to explain your motivation, career options and future plans if you finish your
chosen social science field.Write your answer in the graphic organizer below.


Most students find it difficult to choose a career path. For senior high school students like
myself, the pressure increases as the end of the semester approaches because the time for us
to decide what course to take is approaching.Choosing one requires a series of considerations
before jumping to conclusions.What we choose determines what kind of life we will have in the
future.”Start creating a vision for yourself, your life, and your career as young as you are” they

People nowadays, particularly young people of this generation, find it difficult to express
their thoughts to their parents or others around them, which can lead to misinterpretation and
even ending their lives because they are unable to share their problems and have no one to talk
to, which is tragic to die with people who are unaware of why such incidents occurred.I myself is
a living proof of an individual who is not fond of venting out what I feel rather hiding it with the
contrast of what I really feel.What motivates me to pursue Psychology in the future is the feeling
of being able to understand people around me and be able to help them.As depressions,anxiety
and loneliness is becoming a rampant problem we cannot deny that those people who are
experiencing these problems are those who feel less assurance or afraid of talking about their
feelings for being scared with the thought that they would be judge.Personally,I don’t want to
share because people cannot understand and they just keep on telling you “that’s too shallow”
for me to worry about.Sharing what you feel meant to be not invalidated but people are just too
cruel to think it is just small because they are not in your shoes at the first place.

I want to become a psychologist not just because I want to understand the thoughts of
different people but help deal with practical problems such as helping people overcome
depression, stress, trauma or phobias.I do believe that pursuing psychology is a perfect career
for me because I am a good listener,open-minded and I advice well based on my experience
where my friends are all open to share their problems to me and even ask for advices which I
really love to do so.

Offering a tremendous opportunity for personal growth, majoring in psychology opens up

a wide range of career opportunities like Guidance counselor, behavior analyst, life coach,
social educator, experimental psychologist, development psychologist, personality psychologist,
social psychologist,environmental psychologist, population psychologist,physiological
psychologist, comparative psychologist, clinical psychologist, school psychologist, industrial
psychologist.teaching and consumer psychologist.After I graduate in college I would love to
become a Psychologist and a professor at the sametime since my first choice is to become a
teacher and I love to become a psychologist too so why not combine it together since it is
possible in the list of career opportunities for Psychology.

Career is a very important thing in one’s life. Whatever career path you choose to follow,
it will impact your life greatly. Your career will define your status in a society in addition to your
lifestyle. In other words, your career will determine your social circle and relationships.If you
chase anything in life chase the things that get you excited about living

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