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First Day of School

A phone call conversation with my classmate.

Me: Are you excited for the first day of school?

My Best friend: No. I am very afraid.

Me: What is to be afraid about?

My Best friend: I am afraid of the teacher.

Me: But you haven't even met her yet?

My Best friend: I have heard bad things about her.

Me: What bad things?

My Best friend: I heard that she doesn't let anyone laugh.

Me: That is ridiculous.

My Best friend: The former students told me that.

Me: They're just trying to scare you.

My Bestfriend: Oh, really? Thank goodness.

Speech on Effects of Facebook Addiction

Good morning everyone present; I am going to expatiate on a topic that is related to almost all
of us. I am going to express my views on Effects of facebook addiction.  

Facebook has come to be probably the most commonly used social networking site, nearly half
of Facebook's users view their profiles every day. Some of the users spend an unreasonable
amount of their time on Facebook, whiling the hours away unnoticed, while chores to go
unfinished, and even going to the extent of ignoring family and friends in the real world.
Although a majority of the hundreds of millions of people use Facebook as a social networking
device, it has several of negative impacts such as social isolation, communication problems,
and health problems which profoundly impact the lives of the users.
‘Social media and networking sites such as Facebook , Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, etc. have
become source of major distractions for students. Young boys and girls seem to have become
inordinately addicted to these sites. They are thoughtlessly and uselessly wasting their precious
time on these sites.  

Wise people say time well utilized is time well spent, but the youth of today is only and only
wasting time on chatting, messaging, uploading photographs and modifying profiles. The smart
phones and 4G connections have made the situation worse. Accessing such sites has become
so easy that young boys and girls are using these sites almost everywhere and almost all the
time. Similarly they wait for their favorite TV programs with such intense longing! The following
questions need to be answered: ‘Where will these leads to? Are we heading towards only
Facebook and Twitter perfection? Where are the objectives of attaining the status of an
advanced country?’  

There are so many challenges that we as a nation face. Challenges, such as population,
poverty, unemployment, corruption, pollution, mismanagement of our natural resources, etc. Is it
not a pathetic attitude of our youth to lose such objectives out of sight and instead waste their
time, money and energy on such social networking sites so recklessly? Will Facebooking,
Whatsapping, Twittering, Instagraming, Youtubing, etc. solve our national problems?  

Students these days appear to be more worried about connecting to their friends on Facebook
than being concerned about doing their studies, assignments and projects! The other major
disadvantage of the increasing use of such networking sites is the spread of obscenity. This is
having a very negative impact on the impressionable minds of our young children and leading
them astray. Sitting in front of the screen for long hours also affects their health adversely in
many ways.  
The parents, teachers and the government must look into the problems being caused by these
networking sites and must formulate a strategy either to curb or completely stop its fast growing
negative influence on the minds of our youth. Our youth is the future of our nation. We cannot
allow this youth to waste their precious time in doing the Facebook. The same time must be
spent on studying, researching and developing leadership or other life-skills. It is our moral duty
as well as responsibility to lead our youth on the right path. Efforts should be made in making
our youth, especially the school students, aware of the disadvantages of such social networking
sites. The concerned government authorities should make and implement some strict regulatory
checks on the functioning of such networking sites in our country. Only with concerted efforts of
parents, teachers and the government, this problem of addiction of our youth to networking sites
can be removed.
The weekends are along with a holiday; even small trips could be planned well in advance.

The idea of a fun weekend could differ from person to person. Well according to me, the idea of
a fun weekend would be something like spending some quality time with family and friends, and
enjoy all that I could do. Since we would be having two days off, I have plenty of time to enjoy
around and have fun.

I would love to play outdoor games with my friends all through the day and have lots of fun and
enjoyment with them on one day. By evening, maybe I could I spent some time with my family,
go out with them and enjoy a good dinner. On the second day, maybe we could go out, spend
time again playing games, visiting friends and family and spending some time over their place.
Apart from these, I also like going for small vacations with my family or small trips along with my
friends. This gives lots of enjoyment and fun and would definitely rejuvenate me for the coming
week to focus more in my studies and school activities.

Activities for weekends could be planned well in advance in some cases and we have also done
it. Short trips, family get together were all planned well ahead of time and we did have great fun
during those times too.

"Suspension of Classes due to COVID-19 Pandemic".

Due to this pandemic that we are facing right now, there will be no face to face classes, only
modular and online learning

Because of the corona virus that keeps on spreading and keeps increasing the cases in each
country but some countries do not have cases. Lucky for them.

Today am sad because classed are suspended to a pandemic called covid-19

But I am glad because it gives me a chance to play and bond with my brother at home
I just hope my classmates and teachers are safe too during this home quarantine period.

If I were to be asking, classes should be suspended in this school year because of the fact that
us students are barely keeping up due to our way of studying. It is not that easy because our
study depends on our self and technology itself and also, let us not forgets our parents who
really did their best to help us. But though, there are a lot of people who are having a very hard
time because some of them can't afford to buy any item that is needed in both Online Class and
Blended Learning.

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