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A. What Filipino values are visible in the case? Discuss thoroughly.

The term "Filipino values" refers to a set of ideals that have historically been
important in the lives of the majority of Filipinos. It is primarily concerned with
maintaining social harmony, and is driven by a desire to be accepted within a
In this study which is the crossroads for a Young Entrepreneur Wings of Fame,
there are visible Filipino values including pakikisama (togetherness or companionship),
where Jaap and his buddies were in their early twenties at the time and spent a lot of
time socializing together. They were typical male friends who wanted to have a good
time, drink occasionally, and get tattoos.
Also, bayanihan (cooperative spirit), The company began with an idea and a lot of
hard work. The partners were not guided by a feasibility study or an operating plan.
Jaap worked as the food stall's marketing officer. He and Ben developed a social media
advertising campaign together. Jaap and Ben were also in charge of operations, sales,
and marketing. PJ and Earl produced the food and menu as culinary graduates. A
manager, a dishwasher, and a cashier were also hired by the four buddies to oversee
operations. Jaap and his friends has the values of pakikibagay (adjusting or adapting to
their customers), because Jaap attributed Wings of Fame’s success to its presence on
social media and had its own fan page. Those who visited the food stall were also asked
to post pictures on their personal Facebook pages to promote the business.

B. What other Filipino values do you think are necessary for Jaap Bala and his group? D.T.

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