Why I Chose Social Work

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Why I Chose Social Work

I want to be a social worker because everybody needs help sometimes.

I want to be a social worker because I am motivated by the belief that empowering one person at a time
it becomes a ripple effect into the world.

I find great meaning and fulfillment in somehow helping others get a better opportunity to succeed in
life and have a better quality of life.

Turning personal struggle into a life calling.

Finding inspiration from family

Social work is a very broad profession. You can work In many different sectors such as: health, justice,
community children and family, education, and business among other things.

Social Work is a “profession that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the
empowerment and liberation of people.”

Social workers walk alongside and advocate for people during tough times. Our job is to empower
people and assist them to become autonomous.

Social worker wants to empower people, battle social injustice and create a positive difference.
Social Worker could help a client by referring them to a support group, finding them financial assistance
and making sure they have the resources to deal with the changes.

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