Edgar Castillo Carreon - Ia Final

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1-Research proposal

Research question

To what extent the training of the labor force would increase the sales of the

company El Campesino?

The rationale for the study - why have you chosen this topic?

This main topic was chosen because the company has many lacks in terms of

capacitation of the employees, if you don't have any experience you could being into

a big problem, so have to help the company in that aspect this also will improve the

sales of the company

Proposed methodology

1. areas of the syllabus to be covered

The topic of the research is human resources management specifically in

capacitation process and the possible tools to been used could be the

orientation of employees and the initial capacitation

2. possible sources of information

The principal primary source of information is the interview with the owners or

with their right hand Juan Carlos Cruz accountant and administrator of the

company and the employee surveys. The possible secondary source would

be White D and White P(2017) Are Your Employees Capable?

3. organizations and individuals to be approached

It is a business of floor and tiles with also a variety of decorations and

remodeling products, it has 4 stores in different positions and a storage in the

town it has been in the market for at least 25 years it has a wide variety of

products and trademarks to offer also their sales are growing a lot in the last

10 years.

All the information will be obtained by the Accountant Juan Carlos Cruz and

also Hugo, one of the bosses in the company.

4. methods to be used to collect and analyze data, and the reasons for choosing


The methods that will be used to analyze the data will be a FODA of the

Human Resources department and a Force analysis in order to obtain a good


Anticipated difficulties

The main difficulties to afront was the time of get the information, is a bussy store

because it practically sells to other companies so they are busy the majority of time,

also another difficulty will be the access to the interview for the employees and also

the permission of the boss

Action plan that sets out the order of activities and time scale of the project
2-Research question
To what extent the training of the labor

force would increase the sales of the

company El Campesino?


Function and management of the human resources area

Conteo de palabras:1027
Special thanks to Juan Carloz Cruz Perez and Hugo persons that without them this study
can not be possible.

3.1-Executive summary 7

3.2-Introduction 8

3.3-Research question 9

3.4-Methodology 10

3.5-Main results and findings 11

3.6-Analysis and discussion 17

3.7-Conclusions and recommendations 18

3.8-Bibliography and appendices 20

3.1-summary (abstract):
This study principaly wants to find some of the causes that made el campesino not work and
all, the research question is To what extent the training of the labor force would increase the
sales of the company El Campesino?, the analisis shows an special issue on the part of
human resources being the employees/vendors those who have more problems and need to
be solutioned and in conclusion the company El Campesino have a good way of working but
the employees have some issues that need to correct I know these issues are the internet
relationships making good environment of work and also putting rules rules in order to make
the coexistence better and also Implement capacitation in order to the employees give the
best also as an extra we could Implement some motivational talks in order to help
emotionally the employees
El campesino It is a business of floor and tiles with also a variety of decorations and
remodeling products, it has 4 stores in different positions and a storage in the town it
has been in the market for at least 25 years it has a wide variety of products and
trademarks to offer also their sales are growing a lot in the last 10 years.
Their founders are (..) and the problem that were gonna focus was the human
resources management specifically in capacitation process and the possible tools to
been used could be the orientation of employees and the initial capacitation, the
main benefits of the solution of this problem is in the way the employees sell the
products to the consumer and also improve the sales and the relationships in the
3.3-Research question

To what extent the training of the labor

force would increase the sales of the
company El Campesino?

3.4Methodology employed:
The methodology used in this research was an market analysis in order to know more about
the company and also know more about the founders after that we made an interview with
the manager and the accountant of the company this for know more about the way the
company works and why he works like that, after the interview I search for some tools that
could help to me to achieve the main objective that is convince to use a capacitation on the
employees watching his advantages and disadvantages using a foda or the human
resources and a force analizis to get a good conclusion. the validity of all data collected is
that all the information is the only that I need and request for a good analysis.
3.5-Main results and findings
The first question in which I request for some information of what the employees hope to see
in the company

Second graph that allows me to know the percentage of the employees who receive a
capacitation in the company

Ask for some of what the employees think is a good strategy or the best to implement
A question that imply one main issue that is with how many persons you wold like to solve a
This question is principally in how the employees think the internal problems affect the most
This question request for know what is the main issue in the company

Business Tools
Name of business Pisos y azulejos El campesino
Type or organization LLC (limited liability company)
Details of business owners Hugo owner of the company with
30 years of experience in the
Business aim Provide the best floor and some
other products for remodeling
from the community
product Remodeling and home goods
price Depending of the product
Market aimed for Families and architects
Market research undertaken and One of the widest companies in
the results the community with an extensive
catalogue of products with the
biggest number of sales and a low
range of competitors
Human resources plan Manager, accountant, winemaker,
vendors and cleaning personal
Production details and business Mainly wholesalers
cost fixed cost of business- $500,000
Variable cost, depending of the
location of business Tepeaca Puebla
Equipment required Lift trucks, waggons, girdless,
uniforms and cleaning tools
Forecast profit

Foda RH
3.6-Analysis and discussion
First of all the interview was made it in order to get some information from the employees of
the El Campesino the purpose of the interview is to get more information about the
company and the way that the company works This interview shows me some of it main
issues about the company that are they employees or vendors are less capacitated and due
to these cells cannot improve more than they actually are also they don't know some things
about the inventory these lead us to order issue that are the internal relationships if one
employee don't know something about the inventory it will ask for to another employee but
if these employees you don't know also they will ask for orders and others and this issue
gets bigger because this lack of knowledge.

That survey realize it to the employees what's another to know something more about the
way that they work and the results will show us some things how about the issues
mentioned, First of all The 70% of the employees don't know how the company works when
they enter to work there The same percentage says that they they don't have more than one
capacitacion When they enter to the company, Also they employees have a regular
relationship with their boss this lyric because the boss sometimes is unfair with some
aspects of the employees work, In that respect of them internal relationships with employees
someone´s says that their relationships are more or less bad than others And also that the
aspect need help.

The tools that you need to do in order to improve these issues are A swot of Human
resources and a force analizis to check what are the Benefits of give capacitation to the
employees, And with the swot we Can't see that. Human resources more or less good but
they need to improve some aspects and also improve the treats to make better an
experience as a customer in El Campesino and also there Forest analyzes shows that the
advantages of improved at capacitacion to the employees are greater than the
3.7-Conclusion(s) and recommendation(s):
The conclusion is that they in the company El Campesino have a good way of working but
the employees have some issues that need to correct I know these issues are the internet
relationships making good environment of work and also putting rules rules in order to make
the coexistence better and also Implement capacitation in order to the employees give the
best also as an extra we could Implement some motivational talks in order to help
emotionally the employees

the principal recommendations are that the Try to make better the coexistance between
employees and also capacity them in order to solve problems faster and also help them
emotionally because this emotional things may affect the Performance of the employees

Personal Reflection
Lo que aprendí fue a mas que nada como estresarme con algo relativamente sencillo y a cómo
analizar una compañía pequeña en términos de mercado y como solucionar uno que otro de sus
problemas, lo que me conllevo a poder saber uno que otro término sobre negocios y entender un
poco más el negocio también es gratificante saber esto porque de cierta forma puedo ayudar a la
gente a crecer con algún negocio independiente, las dificultades las supere con esfuerzo y rezandole
a ganesh.
A mi parecer hacer este tipo de cosas es muy útil en la parte de que tienes que hacer mucho en un
solo intento y tratar de hacerlo lo mejor posible para no fallar tanto y si fallas corregir el error lo antes
posible para que podamos saber que estamos haciendo las cosas bien
3.8-References and bibliography:
● White D and White P(2017) Are Your Employees Capable?
Cada apéndice lleva nombre y descripción
Apéndice 1:Interview to the accountant of el campesino
[3:08 p. m., 30/8/2021] Edgar: Cuantos años tiene el campesino trabajando¿¿
[3:08 p. m., 30/8/2021] Juan Carlos: 30
[3:08 p. m., 30/8/2021] Edgar : Ya que practicamente tu lo manejas lo ocupare para mi
proyecto de negocios xd
[3:09 p. m., 30/8/2021] Juan Carlos: Ok
[3:17 p. m., 30/8/2021] Edgar : Tiene algún problema en el campesino (marketing, previsión,
recursos humanos o la forma que operan)??
[3:18 p. m., 30/8/2021] Juan Carlos: No hacemos marketing
[3:19 p. m., 30/8/2021] Juan Carlos: Recursos humanos soy yo el contador también
[3:19 p. m., 30/8/2021] Juan Carlos: Y en la forma de operaciones no hace falta un Manual

Apéndice 2: Interview to the employees

What was the first thing that you would like to see when you enter to this company
a. How the company works
b. A caos with possible solution
c. the manager stressed because the employes don't know how to work
2. Do you ever had a capacitation in you work
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes but only when I enter to the company
3. Have you ever had more that one capacitation
a. Yes
b. No
4. What method do you think is better
a. Capacitation
b. An user manual
c. A hierarchy plan
5. If you have a problem with your work with how many people you would like to solve it
a. 3
b. 1
c. 4 or more..
6. Did you think that your boss is a great boss?
a. Yes of course, he/she know how to manage the company by heir own
b. Some times, he/she know all about the company but not about the marketing
c. No in absolute, he/she does not know nothing about the company
7. Do you have a good relationship with your boss?
a. Yes
b. Mostly
c. No
8. The general manager is great in what he/she does?
a. Yes he/she does
b. Mostly
c. No in absolute
9. Do you think that employee conflicts affect the company in a negative way?
a. Yes those problems can affect a lot
b. Not too much but it does
c. No in absolute
10. In what aspects you think that the company need more help
a. Sales
b. Internal relationships
c. Employee capacitation
11. How much is your weekly paid
a. less that $1000
b. $1000
c. $1001-2000
d. 2001-3000
e. 3001 or more
12. You are agree with the way that the company works
a. Yes Is a good company
b. Mostly have some lacks but they are fixable
c. No is a bad company and have to change now

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