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It is an electronic device made up of electronic and electromechanic components that can
automatically process store and retrieve information electronically.
A computer itself is a hardware. It is not intelligent.

It is an electronic device that is capable of accepting raw data (input) and manipulates it (data
processing) under a defined set of instructions (programs) to give out information (output) fast and

Data data processing (computer) information

A computer itself is a hardware. It is not intelligent.

A computer forms parts of a computer system to perform the process of data processing, storing
and retrieving.

A computer forms parts of a computer system to perform the process of data processing, storing
and retrieving.
A computer system consists of 5 parts/components:
[a] Hardware
[b] Software
[c] Procedures
[d] Data
[e] People
They can normally communicate with a sixth component connectively.
Hardware_ refers to the physical structure of the computer.
Software _set of instructions (programs) that tells the hardware how to perform a task.
Data /information _Raw unevaluated facts/figures or instructions.
When data is processed we get information that can be used for decision-making.
Procedures_ the steps followed when using a hardware and software to process data.
People/ lifeware_ they operate the hardware and create software.
Connectivity-Computer Networking and Internet


After existing for millennia in an agrarian society, many countries progressed to
industrial societies. In the recent times many countries have further developed and have
been transformed from industrial societies into information societies.
The driving force behind transition into an information society is the computer.

Computers and the emerging information society are having a profound impact both in
our private lives and on the business community.
In old days(1950-1970) business computer systems were designed so that a computer
used could only be served through an intermediary computer professional, this was
characterized by a time lapse between the submission of request from information and
the distribution of results, It could take at least a week or more. More often than not the
resulting information was of little value by the time it reached the end user. However,
with time it was realized that timeliness of information was a crucial factor in the
business world and that it was crucial to treat information as pertinent resource just like
other major resources(money, materials and people).
In fact, corporate management all over the world is adopting the concept of information
resource management (IRM)in the efforts to meet productivity challenge.

New and innovative uses of computers and information systems are being implemented
everyday in the business world.
The application of computers and information systems is referred to as Information

Information System
An information system is a computer based system that provides both data processing
capability and information to help managers make informed decisions. An information
system is also called Management Information System (MIS) because of its orientation to
management. An information system has five components (hardware, software, people,
procedures and data).
The attitude of management towards us of computers has evolved from basic data
processing to information resource management (IRM). This has been attributed to the
need for more timely and meaningful information.

Basic Concepts
Data: Refers to raw figures and facts from which information is derived through
Information: Is data that has been processed into meaningful form which is useful for
decision making.
Information Processing: Refers to variety of activities performed to convert data into
useful information. It entails the following activities:
 Input preparation: Involves collecting, recording and classification of data
needed to produce required information.
 Processing operations: It is the process of converting data into output
information .e.g. calculations, summarizing, sorting etc.
 Storing and retrieving:
The saving of data for future use is referred to as storing data.
The process of searching for and finding data that is stored is referred to as retrieving
 Output reporting and communication
This is the activity of producing needed information and distributing it to the intended


Certain computer applications and information systems are universal and equally
appropriate in any busy environment. On the other hand, some computer applications
are unique; they are only applicable to particular type of business.
Examples of common applications include:payroll,accounts receivable, general
ledger, inventory management & control, human resource development, budgeting
and office automation(personal productivity software tools).ms office,email,image
processing, and voice processing (voice message switching).
Examples of industrial specific applications
Production scheduling(manufacturing),electronic funds transfer(financial
services)reservation system(airlines).
Specifically, application of IT (COMPUERS AND IS) will be categorized in to the
1. Information system and data processing
2. Personal computing
3. Science and research
4. Process control
5. Education
6. Artificial intelligence

1. Information systems/data processing

This includes all uses of computers that support administrative aspects of an
organization.e.g payroll system, airline reservation system, student
registration systems.
It involves use/application of computer based information systems to provide
managers with data processing capabilities as well as the information they
need to make informed decisions

2. Personal Computing
This refers to acquiring of micro computers by individuals fro business and
domestic applications. They are usually controlled/used by one person.
Domestic applications include: up-to date inventory for household items, storing
names and addresses for a personal mailing list, keeping appointments and social
calendar, writing letters.
Business applications for personal computing :This involves use of productivity
software and also they can be used in conjunction with the telephone system to
transmit data to and receive data from an information network. These information
networks have one or several large computer systems that offer a variety of
information services. These services include: hotel reservations, home
Banking, financial information, games etc.
3. Science And Research
Engineers and other scientists routinely use the computer as a tool in
experimentation and design for instance: aerospace engineers use computers to
simulate the effects of a wind tunnel to analyze the aerodynamics of an airplane
Social scientists collect data and analyze it to predict future trends.
Chemists use computer graphics to create three dimensional views of an
experimental molecule.

4. Process control
This involves use of computers for process control. The computer accepts data in a
continuous feedback loop, the process itself generates data that become input to the
computer. As the data are received and interpreted by the computer, the computer
initiates action to control the ongoing process.
Process control is applied in:
Computer based environmental control systems. used to monitor and control temperature
and humidity in buildings.
Another example is a computer controlled artificial hearts(embedded).The computer
monitors critical input such as blood pressure and flow, and then takes corrective action
to ensure stability of operation in a continuous feedback loop.

5. Education
Computers can be used to enhance learning process. They have become an educational
tool in the home, schools and in business.
Computer based training is not meant to replace traditional modes of education but is
only serving as a compliment. The CBT has been very effective to demonstrate difficult
concepts that would be rather difficult using the traditional modes of teaching.

6. Artificial Intelligence
This involves the application of computers to simulate human sensory and mechanical
These are hardware and software that can imitate intelligent human behaviour.These
capabilities include grasping,calculating,speaking,remembering,drawing,ability to reason,
to learn or accumulate knowledge.
However, it is worth noting that computers will never b capable of simulating the
distinctly human qualities of creativity, humor and emotions.
The categories of AI include: knowledge based systems, robotics, and human sensory
These capabilities have been useful in areas such as engineering, medical diagnosis,
business systems etc.

Computer systems capabilities

The main advantages of computers are categorized in terms of their
speed, accuracy, reliability and memory capabilities.
 Speed: The quality of a computer is determined by its
speed. The faster it is the better. It is measured in hertz
 Accuracy: Errors do not occur in computer based IS.
However, some errors that may occur are usually traced to
a program logic error, procedural error, and erroneous data.
These are human errors.
 Reliability: Computers are almost 100% reliable in that thy
do not take breaks or complain
 Memory capabilities: Computer systems have a total and
instant recall of data and relatively large capacity to store
these data. The memory is usually measured in bytes.


Computers can be classified as under:

(a) By type of data they can manipulate.
i. Digital
ii. Analogue
(b) By purpose
i. Special
ii. General
(c) By technology age (generations)
(d) On the basis of size and capabilities.
i. Mainframe
ii. Mini
iii. Micro


Stores data& programs

Secondary storage

Control A L U

Makes processed data available

Sends data to the CPU
Input Output
peripherals peripherals
Main memory

It is the control in a computer that converts data input to information output through processing.
It is an extensive set of electronic circulatory that executes stored program instructions. It consists of two
 Control unit
 Arithmetic /logic unit
It interacts closely with memory referring to it for both instructions and data.
 Control unit
It contains the circuitry that uses electrical signs to direct the entire computer system to carry out or execute
programs instructions.
It communicates with both A L U and memory. It decodes the instructions (decides what it means)
 A L U (Arithmetic/logic unit)
The A L U contains the electronic circuitry that executes all arithmetic and logic operations.
It can perform four kinds of arithmetic operations (mathematical calculations)
 Addition
 Subtraction
 Multiplication
 Division
It also performs logical operations (comparisons). The unit can compare numbers, letters or special
characters. The computer can then take action based on the results of the computer
It is by comparing that a computer is able to toll. For instance:
Whether they’re unfilled seats on airplane (≥=<).
Whether charges card customer has exceeded their credit limits.
Whether one candidate for congress has more votes than another.


i. Keyboard
It consists of typewriter keys, functional keys and other keys that are not found in a typewriter.
A keyboard is similar to a type write but it has more keys such as functional keys, ESC, AL+, CTRL etc.
The keys can generally be grouped as follows
 Alphanumeric keys
 Numeric keys
 Symbolic keys
 Functional keys
 Special keys
Other keys
Shift key_ help you to do opposite of the key on the keyboard.
Enter key_ to execute a command and select item.
Escape key _to control the previous command.
Tab key_ for paragraphing (indenting)
The number of keys, position and color depends on the manufacture.
Some keyboards are designed for specialized applications.

ii. Mouse
The first mouse came into use in 1970s.A mouse mainly used for moving the cursor. It is also used to
scan menus and make selection from them.
In some cases they also serve as a drawing instrument in the field of D T P and CAD.
A common mouse has two buttons, which offer three possible combinations:
 A click on the left button usually selects a command.
 One on the right displays or changes the choice
 Two buttons pressed together correspond an erase.
They are mouse with three or more buttons and they are mostly used in CAD applications.

iii. Trackball
It is a variation on the mouse. It is like an upside-down mouse. You roll the ball directly with your
hand. They are mainly used in portable computers but they can be used with desktop computers.

iv. Scanners
The basic principle of the scanners consists of capturing the image on a page and converting to a
computer file.
The operation is relatively simple and generally based on the same technology as that used in
photocopiers using the principle of light and reflection.

v. Graphic tablets (Digitizing tablets)

vi. Voice input (Speech recognition)

vii. Optical readers


V D U/Monitor
It is one of the main pieces of the computer. The computer screen can be incorporated into the computer
itself (portable computers) or it can be separated. When the data is entered it appears on the screen also
after processing it appears on the screen. They are two varieties of the screen: CRT andLCD.
CRT (cathode ray tube) are the most common.
LCD (liquid crystal display) offers a flat display such as that offered in watches and calculators. LCDare
used mainly on laptop computers but in recent times they are also being used with desktops.
The LCD has less radiation effects and reflective glare is minimal thus no need for screen filter.

A printer is a device that produces printed papers output known as hard copy because it is tangible and
permanent. some printers only produces letters, numbers while others can also produce graphics. they are
two varieties of printers based on the technology/principle applied while printing .Namely: impact and non
impact printers .

Impact printers
The term impact refers to the fact that the impact printers use some sort of physical contact with the paper
to produce an image.
Impact printers can either be in character mode or in line mode. They are speedy and less expensive but of
less quality compared to non impact printers they are the most common.e.g dot matrix,destjet.

Non-impact printers
A non-impact printer places an image without physically touching the paper (off set transfer process). E.g.
laser jet printer and ink jet printer.

Voice output devices (voice synthesizers)

These are machine voice not real human voices. They convert data in to vocalize sounds understandable by
human beings.
Graphic plotter
They are graphics output devices, which can draw hard copy graphics.


Memory (primary storage/main memory)

It is also known as internal storage, central storage or main memory (RAM)
It is the part of the computer that holds data and instructions for processing. It is separate from CPU. It
stores program instructions or data only as long as the programs they pertain to is in operation (volatiles)
thus it is not possible to store items /data when the program is not running.
They allow data to be accessed easily and in a speedy manner. Since the data can be accessed in any order.
They are read write memories.
It is the CU that sends data the memory from the input device. The CU then sends data from the memory to
the ALU.
After being processed the information is sent to the memory again where it is held until it is ready to be
released to an output unit.
The more RAM in your computer the more programs you can run.

Secondary storage
It is also known as auxiliary storage. It is storage separate from the computer memory where you can store
instructions, data on a semi permanent basis.
Secondary storage is necessary because memory (main) can only be used temporarily.
Furthermore memory is limited in size where as secondary storage media can store as much data as
necessary. They are more reliable quickly accessible and convenient to carry.
It’s also cheaper to maintain/store data in secondary storage.
They are various secondary storage devices. These are:
 Diskettes/floppy disk
 Hard disk
 CD_ROM/worm
 Flash disk
 Magnetic disk

Software refers to a complete set of program instructions that are used to instruct the computer on what to
do in a logical manner.
Software can be categorized into two:
1. Operating system/software (OS)
2. Customized/application software.
Operating system (OS)
These are programs that control and coordinate the operations of the computer components. they act as a
link between computer hardware &application software.
It is a platform on which application software operate.
 Ms dos
 Window 95,98,2000,xp me
 Window NT
 Unix
 Linux

Application software
They are programs that are used to perform specific tasks. e.g.
 Word processor-word, word pad word star
 Spread sheet-lotus 123,excel
 Data management system e.g Ms Access,oracle,fox pro
 Presentation application e.g Ms PowerPoint
 Graphic application Ms publisher, corel draw, adobe illustrator

Starting up a computer
- Setup your working area
- Turn on the power
- Turn on the computer via the power switch
- Turn on the monitor and wait

Switching off
- Click start using your mouse
- Select turn off your computer
- Select shutdown
- Switch off monitor then main switch.


Advantages of using the word processor over typewriter
1. Allow you to erase characters, words lines.
2. Let you insert text anywhere in the document.
3. Allow you to remove (cut) and insert (paste) part of a document.
4. Move paragraph around to improve your structure.
5. Full control over page layout and presentation.
6. Select the desired font size.
7. Merge text from one file into another file.
8. Has an inbuilt thesaurus
9. You can insert graphs, illustrations and pictures.
10. Has utility that enables spell and grammar check
11. It allows automatic creation of table of content and index.
12. Can create powerful tables where basic arithmetic can be done.

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