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TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOFT WORD .................................................................................................................... 1
GETTING STARTED ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
RUNNING APPLICATION IN WINDOWS 95/98 .......................................................................................................................... 2
How to Load a program e. g. Microsoft Word ................................................................................................................. 2
SELECTING TEXT .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
What is the purpose of this Selection ...........................................................................................................................................3
How to select a text ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
CREATE A NEW DOCUMENT .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Correcting a document ..................................................................................................................................................................5
SAVE A DOCUMENT ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Rules for naming a File. ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
OPEN A SAVED DOCUMENT .................................................................................................................................................... 6
AUTOMATIC SPELL CHECK FEATURE .................................................................................................................................... 7
ENHANCE A DOCUMENT ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9
More enhancement techniques. ...................................................................................................................................................10
FIND AND REPLACE TEXT IN A DOCUMENT .......................................................................................................................... 11
Use the Undo Feature of Word ...................................................................................................................................................12
The Redo Feature. .......................................................................................................................................................................13
Standard Formatting Buttons: ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Move text within a document. .....................................................................................................................................................13
Copy text within a document ......................................................................................................................................................14
Align text in a document .............................................................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER 3 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
To insert an Auto Text entry in a document................................................................................................................................ 18
FORMATTING PARAGRAPHS WITH INDENTS, BULLETS AND NUMBERING ............................................................................ 19
Bulleted or numbered lists...........................................................................................................................................................20
Outline Numbering ......................................................................................................................................................................20
To change the numbering style ...................................................................................................................................................21
To Change the Bullet Type .........................................................................................................................................................21
To indent paragraphs ................................................................................................................................................................... 22
CHAPTER 4 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Change the Margins in a document .............................................................................................................................................23
Insert and Remove Page Breaks ..................................................................................................................................................24
Use the Print Preview ..................................................................................................................................................................25
Printing Files ...............................................................................................................................................................................26
To manage Print Jobs. .................................................................................................................................................................26
Create Headers and Footers.........................................................................................................................................................27
Page Numbering ..........................................................................................................................................................................28
CHAPTER 5 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Create a Document in Newspaper Style Columns ......................................................................................................................29
Insert Pictures from the Microsoft Clip Art Gallery ...................................................................................................................31
Create Drawing Objects .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Change the Page Orientation .......................................................................................................................................................32
CHAPTER 6 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Create a table ...............................................................................................................................................................................34
Using Draw Table Command ......................................................................................................................................................35
Modify a Table ............................................................................................................................................................................35
To change Column Width in a Table. .........................................................................................................................................36
Format a table ..............................................................................................................................................................................37
To centre a Table .........................................................................................................................................................................37
To Merge Cells in the same Row of a Table ............................................................................................................................... 37
To split cells ................................................................................................................................................................................37
To Repeat Table Headings ..........................................................................................................................................................37
To Add Borders and Shading Automatically to a Table. ............................................................................................................38
Other ways of adding Borders and Shading ................................................................................................................................ 38
Sort in a Table .............................................................................................................................................................................39
Perform Calculations in a Table ..................................................................................................................................................40
To Perform other Calculations in a Table. ..................................................................................................................................41
CHAPTER 7 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 42
USE MAIL MERGE TO MASS MAIL A DOCUMENT .................................................................................................................. 42
Merge to mass mail a document ..................................................................................................................................................42
To set up a Main Document ........................................................................................................................................................42
Example of a standard Document or Form Letter. ....................................................................................................................44
To Create a New Data Source ....................................................................................................................................................44
Inserting Merge Fields into the Main Document. .......................................................................................................................46
Main Document with merge fields shown below; ......................................................................................................................46
Using an Existing Data Source....................................................................................................................................................47
CHAPTER 8 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 48
To Create a New document (File). ..............................................................................................................................................48
Insert special symbols. ................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Insert the Current Date automatically into your Document ........................................................................................................49
Enhance Text with WordArt. ......................................................................................................................................................50
To modify the WordArt object ....................................................................................................................................................51
CHAPTER 9 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Inserting Footnotes and Endnotes ...............................................................................................................................................53
Apply Heading Styles..................................................................................................................................................................54
Create a Table of Contents ..........................................................................................................................................................54
Introduction To Microsoft Word

Microsoft Office for Windows is a suite of applications that are also available as independent programs. The
concept of suites is not new. In fact, Microsoft Office for the Mac was first introduced in 1988, with Office for
Windows following in 1990. Two years later Lotus introduced its SmartSuite, and more recently Novell released
Perfect Office. We mention the competing suites because they have significantly influenced the development of
Office. Originally Office consisted of separate applications that were simply bundled together as a marketing
strategy. Although people were fairly eager to buy Office because of the perceived value for money, after the
introduction of Smart Suite, Microsoft started responding to user requests that the Office products work better
together. The result is a tightly integrated suite that as a whole is much more powerful than the sum of its
component applications.

So let's take a closer look at the suite in question. Microsoft Office comes in two flavours: Standard and
Professional. Both versions include the following primary applications:

• Microsoft Word. This word processor lets us write, edit and print text documents. We can control the look
of the text by changing the font, style, and size of its characters and by setting such elements as indents, line
spacing, tabs and margins. And we can check the accuracy of our words using the built-in spelling and
grammar checkers.

• Microsoft Excel. This spreadsheet lets us use efficient, built-in functions as shortcuts for performing
mathematical, financial and statistical calculations. These calculations can be as simple as totaling a row or
column of values or as complex as figuring the rate of return on an investment under varying circumstances.

• Microsoft Power Point. This presentation program lets us put together sophisticated slide shows or electronic
presentations with professional-looking graphic effects. We can format the slide text in a variety of eye-
catching ways and add charts, tables, and pictures for even greater impact.

• Microsoft Mail. The product comes with a license to use Mail on the workstation where Office is installed.
If your workgroup is using Microsoft Mail, this license allows you to copy the necessary software to your

• Microsoft Access. This database lets us store and organise information in sets of tables. After creating a
database, we can look at the information as a list (in columns and rows), or we can look at each item of
information in a form, as though it were recorded on an index card. We can perform calculations and compute
statistics such as totals and averages. And we can sort the information, find specific items, and create reports.

In addition to these primary applications, both Office standard and Office Professional come with the following
set of smaller applications that we can use to enhance our documents;

• Microsoft Graph, which we use to turn tabular data into graphs and charts.

• Clipart Gallery, a collection of ready-made graphics that we can import into any of the primary applications.

• Microsoft Organization Chart, who provides the tools for creating diagrams such as organization charts.

• WordArt, which enables us to mould text into various shapes for logos, banners, and headlines.

• Equation Editor, which enables us to correctly format complex equations.

Getting Started

Because of all its components, you might think that Office would be difficult to master. Not so. An important
aspect of this integrated suite is that you use the same commands and techniques in all the applications to carry
out common tasks. Though each application has a particular focus, the techniques for tasks such as editing,
formatting, saving, and printing are similar, and the experience you acquire with one application can be applied to
another. For the rest of this chapter, we work with Word to create a letter. In the process, you learn basic
techniques for working with all the Office applications.

We assume that you've installed Office on your computer and that you allowed the Office Setup program to stash
everything in the OFFICE directory on your hard disk, create a Microsoft Office group, and put the Microsoft
Office icon in the Startup group so that Office is automatically started every time you load Windows. We also
assume that you've worked with Windows before. If you are new to Windows, we recommend you take a look at
A Quick Course in Windows, another book in the Quick Course series, which will help you quickly come up to

Running Application in windows 95/98

How to Load a program e. g. Microsoft Word

1. Point at the start button on the Taskbar and Click.

2. Select programs
3. On the resulting menu, select Microsoft Word.

Terminology used

Point: To point the mouse is to move it until the pointer is on the target (the program you
want to start.

Menu: A list of options or commands from where you can choose any one.


Before we can do much with this paragraph, we need to discuss how to select text. In all the Office
applications, knowing how to select text, efficiently saved time because we can then edit or format all the
selected text at one, instead of a letter or word at a time. The simplest way to learn how to select text is to
actually do it, so follow these steps to select some text blocks:

Selection is also known as Highlighting (Blocking). It’s used first before you format a particular portion
of a document or the whole document.

What is the purpose of this Selection

1. To be able to format a document using bold, italic or underlined.

2. To format the titles and Headings by making them larger and changing their font faces.
3. To be able to use different colours dropped Capitals, Superscripts and Sub scripts.

How to select a text

1. A word – position the cursor anywhere over the word and double-click the left mouse button
2. A sentence – Position the mouse pointer anywhere over the sentence and click the left mouse button
while holding down the control key on the keyboard.
3. A paragraph – Click three times while inside the paragraph.
4. A character - Position the mouse pointer over the character and use the arrows while holding down
the shift key on the keyboard.
5. Alternatively you can use the Shift key + the right and down arrow keys to select the whole document.
Note: To remove the selection press page up or home key. Or click anywhere outside the selection.



Objectives covered in the session

• Create a new document
• Save a document
• Open a saved document
• Automatic Spell check feature
• Enhance a document
• Close a document
• Exit Word

Detailed notes on the session

Create a New Document

2.1.1 Purpose.

A word processor is a tool that you use for producing documents suchs as:
1. Business and general correspondence
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Weekly newsletters about sports and entertainment,etc
4. Lease agreements and other legal documents
5. Research papers and term papers

2.1.2 Steps
1. When you start Word, a blank document appears, ready for you to start typing.
2. If you do not have a blank document, click the left mouse button on the New Document

Select New from the File menu to get one.

If you select New from the File menu, click the General tab and then double click the Blank
document icon.

Throughout this Chapter when the word ‘click’ or the phrase ‘click the mouse’ is used it
means ‘click the left button on the mouse’unless, otherwise stated specifically.

3. Once you have a blank document, you can start typing.A blinking vertical bar called the
insertion point (or the cursor) indicates where text will appear when you type.

4. Unlike using a typewriter, you do not have to start a new line when you reach the right
margin. Word automatically wraps text to the next line. This facility is known as the word
5. You press the Enter key only when you want to start a new paragraph or when you want
to leave a blank line between paragraphs.

Correcting a document
1. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor (the vertical blinking line) to the position of the
2a. If you had left out a character (letter or digit) just type it.
Word will insert the character on the immediate right of the cursor.
2b. If you had typed a wrong character, you can delete it by positioning the cursor on
immediate left of the character and pressing the Delete key on the keyboard.

Save a Document

2.2.1. Purpose.

1. In order to use the document at a later time, from a few hours to years later.
2. If done periodically, say after every ten minutes, saving helps prevent data loss in case of
power failure.
2.2.2. Steps
1. Click the Save button on the standard toolbar.
2. Click on the File menu and then choose the Save option. The save As dialog box as
shown appears.

Asave dialog box is shown be low

3. Select the Drive where you want the document to be stored (saved) from the Save In box.
(A drop list is displayed when you click the down arrow at the right end of the box.)
4. Select the folder to contain the document by double clicking on it in the file of folder list.
5. Specify a filename for the document in the File name box.
6. Click on the Save button.

Steps 2-5 above are required only when you are saving a new document for the first time.
After that, every time you save, these steps are automatically done.

Rules for naming a File.

For a filename to be valid, it must satisfy several conditions.
These being:
1. It can be a maximum of 256 characters (letters, numbers, spaces and a limited set of
special symbols) in length.
2. A valid character may be a letter of the alphabet, a numeric digit, or some of the special
characters like -,& or $(hyphen, underscore,ampersand or dollar respectively).
3. The following characters should not be used anywhere in the name:
Forward slash(/), greater-than-sign(>), less-than-sign(<), asterisk(*),question
mark(?),colon(:), Semicolon(;).

Open a saved document

2.3.1. Purpose.

1. You open a saved document (that is, a document stored on a floppy disk or on the hard
disk of the computer) to continue working on it it it was saved before completion.
2. You can also open a saved document to view or print the data it contains.
3. Another reason for opening a document is to update it if the data it contains represents
information that changes periodically. For example, if the document is used to report the
weekly status of investments, then we can open the document once a week to update it
with the latest status prior to distribution.
2.3.2. Steps
1. Select Open from the File menu
Click on the Open button on the standard toolbar.

2. In the ‘Open’ dialog box shown above, select the Drive where the document was saved
from the Look in List Box.
3. Double click the folder that contains the document.
4. Select the filename from the File list box or type it in the file name box.
5. Click on the Open button or double-click on the documents filename to open it.

Automatic Spell Check Feature

2.4.1. Purpose

Word has the ability to check spellings within your document as you type in or edit your
document. The words you type in are compared to those in the in-built dictionary. Word 97
immediately underlines possible problems to bring them to your attention, putting a red, wavy
line under possible spelling mistakes. Corrections are made by clicking the right mouse to get
a list of correct alternative words to choose from, then clicking on the correct word with the
left mouse button.

Enhance a document

2.5.1. Purpose
1. Draw attention to important words or sentences by making them bold, Italics or underlined.
2. Draw attention to titles and headings by making them larger and changing their font face.
3. To make professional documents by using different colours and adding special effects

4. like dropped capitals, superscripts and subscripts.

Bold and Underlined
Robot Added to Work Force

Our athletic shoe division took a step toward the 21 st century this month when it purchased a
robot to assist with manufacturing.

he robot threads shoelaces into track shoes at an astounding rate of speed. Human co-
workers report that the robot is pleasant to work with and ‘doesn’t complain much’. In fact,
the robot doesn’t talk at all.
Dropped Nicknamed ‘Tongue Tied’ by his co-workers, the 5’6’ tall robot was originally
Capital programmed to whistle as he worked. Fellow workers soon voted to shut of his mouth.

Familiarise yourself with the buttons and boxes on the two toolbars by moving the pointer slowly over
each one so that ToolTips display its name. (A brief description of each button's function also appears in
the status bar at the bottom of your screen).

The first button labeled B is for Bolding

The second one like a forward slash if for Italics (/)
The third one like U is for underlining
The four one is for Aligning Left
fifth one is for Centering
The six one is for Aligning to the Right
The seventh one is for justifying
The one numbered is for auto-numbering text
The next one is for Bullets
The last two are for indenting
And finally the last one is for borders


1. Before you enhance a particular portion of a document, you must select the portion
first. For example, before you make a word Bold, you must first select it.
• To select a word, position the mouse pointer anywhere over the word and
double-click the left mouse.
• To select a sentence, position the mouse pointer anywhere in the sentence and
click the mouse button while holding down the control key. (The Ctrl Key on
the Keyboard).
• To select a paragraph, click three times inside the paragraph.
2. To format selected text as bold, italics or underlined, click on the Bold, Italics or
Underline button respectively.

3. To change the font face and font size, select a font and a size from the Font and
Font size drop-down list respectively.

The Font and Size drop down lists.

4. To change the color of text, click the Font Color button in the formatting toolbar.
This applies the color appearing on the font color button. To apply a different
color, click the arrow on the right of the font color button,the select the desired
color from the color palette.

Alternatively, you can click the Highlight button of the formatting toolbar then
select the text. This is limited only to the colors that appear when you click the
arrow next to the highlight button.

5. If you are not sure of which font you want to use, select Font from the Format
menu. In the Font dialog box, word displays a preview of a font as you select.
6. To apply an effect such as Outline to your text click on the Outline tick box under
7. Click on the Ok button.


Objectives covered in the session
• More enhancements techniques
• Find and Replace text in a document
• Use the Undo feature of word
• Move text within a document
• Align text in a document
• Copy text within a document

Detailed notes on the objectives

More enhancement techniques.

2.1.1. Purpose
1. To draw attention to some important paragraphs in a document
2. To make the overall document appealing to the eye as you read
through. This is most prevalent with feature articles in newspapers
and magazines but it is also applied in a variety of other documents.

2.1.2 Steps
Drop Caps
1. Position the insertion point in the paragraph you want to begin with
a dropped capital letter.
If you select all or part of the first word of the paragraph, the
entire word will be formatted as dropped capital letters.
2. From the Format menu, choose Drop Cap to get to the Drop Cap
dialog box shown below.

- 10 -
3. Under Position, select Dropped or In Margin Dropped positions
the dropped capital letter flush with the left margin, inside the main
text area. In Margin positions the dropped capital letter in the left
4. In the Font Box, type or select the font you want apply to the
dropped capital letters.
5. In the lines To Drop Box, type or select the number of lines to
specify the height of the letter.
6. In the Distance from the Text Box, type or select the amount of
space you want between the dropped capital letter and the following
text in the paragraph.
7. Choose the Ok button.
8. Word may ask you to confirm if you want to switch to page layout
view to see the dropped capital letter, as it will appear in the
document. If such a question is asked, choose the Yes Button to see
the dropped capital text.

To remove Large Initial or Dropped Capital Letters

1. Click anywhere in the paragraph that contains the dropped capital
2. From the Format menu, Choose Drop Cap.
3. Under Position, Select None, and then choose the Ok button.

Find and Replace Text in a document

2.2.1 Purpose
1. When you need to change a particular word or phrase in a
For example, an outdated product name in a brochure can be
changed to its new name easily using Find and Replace.
2. The Find and Replace feature is efficient and exact. It is also easy
to use and saves time compared to reading through the document in
search of the text and manually making changes.
- 11 -
2.2.2 Steps
1. From the Edit menu, select Replace.

Changing the Old product name ‘Roiko mchuzi Mix’ to Royco Mix.

2. In the Find What box, type the text you want to replace.
3. In the Replace With box, type the text you want to use as the
replacement text in the document.
4. If you want to replace all occurrences of the text in the Find what
box, Click on the Replace all button.
However, if you to replace only some occurrences of the text, click
on Find Next button.
5. Click on the Find next button. Find next finds and selects the next
occurrence of the text specified in the Find what box.
6. If you want to replace the selected text, click on the Replace button.
This changes the selected text to the text in the Replace With box,
and then finds the next occurrence.

Word 97 can replace all occurrences of the same word in different
forms. For example, if you replace the word ‘make’ with ‘Manufacture’, Word
can also replace ‘Made’or ‘Makes’ with ‘Manufacture’or’Manufactures’
respectively. To activate this, select ‘Find all word forms’ in the Replace
dialog box.

Use the Undo Feature of Word

2.3.1. Purpose
1. To reverse changes you make in a document, such as editing,
formatting, Checking spelling, and inserting breaks, footnotes, and
tables. This is useful when you make changes and then realize that
these changes were a mistake.

2.3.2 Steps
1. To quickly reverse changes in the editing, formatting and other
actions, click the undo button on the standard toolbar.
2. To undo multiple actions, click the down arrow next to the Undo
button, and then select the actions you want to undo.
- 12 -
Undo button Redo button

The Redo Feature.

1. When you use the Undo command to reverse an action and you wish to redo the
action. Click on the Redo button on the standard toolbar
2. For example, after applying bold format and then choosing the Undo command to
remove the bold formatting, you can choose the Redo command to reapply bold
Standard Formatting Buttons:
Below is the display of most of the standard, formatting icons for manipulating text

Move text within a document.

2.4.1. Purpose

- 13 -
1. After typing in a document, you may realize that some text or paragraphs need to be
shifted to other locations in order for the document to be more logically organized.

2.4.2 Steps
1. Select the text you want to move.
2. Position the mouse pointer over the selection and hold down the Left Mouse button to
achieve the mouse pointer shown in the example below.
3. As you move the mouse pointer (While still holding down the left mouse button) a
dimmed insertion point moves in the document. This shows you the position to which
the selected text will be transferred when you release the left mouse button.

This is known as drag- and – drop editing.


Moving Text using Cut and Paste:

Drag-and-drop editing is suitable for movement within one screen. If you want to move text to a
distant page, say from page 1 to page 13, drag –and-drop is rather clumsy. The better way to
move text would be to use Cut and Paste.
1. Select the text you want to move.
2. Click on the Cut button on the Standard toolbar. Word moves the selection to a temporary
storage area of the computer called the Clipboard from where it is available to any
application in windows.
3. Position the insertion point at the location where you want the cut text to be placed.
4. Click on the Paste button. Word inserts the contents of the clipboard at the position of the
cursor. In this case the contents of the clipboard will be the text selected .
Copy text within a document

2.5.1 Purpose
1. If a selection of a document is repeated several times in the document, you can save time by
copying the first occurrence of the text rather than typing it again and again.
- 14 -
2. If the selection appears several times but with a few differences, it is still more efficient to
copy it and then make changes to the copy to reflect the differences.

2.5.2 Steps
1. Select the text you want to copy.
2. Click on the Copy button. Word places a copy of the selection in the Clipboard.
3. Position the insertion point at the location where you want the beginning of the copy to be
4. Click on the Paste button.
Align text in a document

2.6.1. Purpose
1. Word is preset to align text flush with the left margin, producing a ragged right edge.
However, you have the option of centering text, aligning it along the right margin, or
expanding the spaces in each line to align text at both the left and right margins. The
alignment you select affects all text in the selected paragraphs.

The Orchestra
Left Aligned
Anna Bendel,Theodor Hoffman, stephane
Kohler wollgang elsva, Laura tanner
Right aligned
Tom Brach, Vincent Legros,Anne smith

Isabella Guyot, Anne koler, Daniel mwault
Annita Rocco, Thomas Tanner

Justified (aligned with both margins)

Founded five years ago by conductor and music
Director micheal rauh our city’s finest orchestra
Is Now sponsored by wide world importers.

2.6.2 steps
1. Select the text you want to align.
2. To center the text click on the Centre button
3. To align the text on the left, click on the Align Left button
4. To align the text on both the right and the left margins, click on the Justify button.



Obectives covered in the session

• Check the spelling of words in the entire document

• Check the grammar in a document
• Use the Autocorrect feature in Word
• Use the Auto Text feature in Word
• Formatting paragraphs with Indents, bullets and numbering.
• Setting tab stops.
- 15 -

Detailed notes on objectives

2.1 Check the spelling of words in the entire document

2.1.1 Purpose
1. You may decide to check the whole document for spelling errors at once after you have
finished your typing, as opposed to correcting every word as you type along in your

2.1.2 Steps
2. Click on the Spelling and grammar button or click on the Tools menu and choose
spelling and grammar option.

Word not in dictionary

displayed in different color

List of suggested
Words displayed
3. If the intended word is not in the suggestions box, position it where the word is and
type in the correct version of the word. Then, click on change.
4. Use the Ignore button if the highlighted word is a valid word. Local words
like’Harambee’, ‘Matatu’, and proper nouns such as ‘Humphrey’ may be brought up by
the spelling checker. In such a situation use the Ignore option.

Note: To add such words to the Microsoft Word dictionary click the Add button.
5. After you correct a word, the spelling checker will search the remainder of the document
for other spelling mistakes until the whole document has been checked.

2.2 Use the Autocorrect Feature in Word

2.2.1 Purpose
1. AutoCorrect can fix common mistakes such as typing ‘the’ instead of ‘the’ while you
- 16 -
2. You can use AutoCorrect to expand abbreviations such as ‘asap’ for ‘as soon as
3. Insert proper capitalization at the beginning of sentences and for the names of the week.
4. Correct letters that were capitalized due to accidental use of the CAPS LOCK key.

2.2.2 Steps
1. From the Tools menu, choose AutoCorrect. The dialog box shown below appears.

2. Type the typographical error or the abbreviation in the Replace box and the correct
word or the expanded abbreviation (the complete entry) in the With box. In the
above case, the abbreviation is ‘asap’ and the complete entry is ‘as soon as possible’.
1. you can also add an Autocorrect entry during a spelling check bychoosing the
AutoCorrect button in the spelling dialog box.
2. Make sure that AutoCorrect is turned on by clicking on the ‘Replace text as you
type’ check box to mark it with a tick as shown in the dialog box above. Autocorrect
only works as you type. If you click on the check box and the tick disappears,
Autocorrect will be disabled.

2.3 Use the Auto Text Feature in Word.

2.3.1 Purpose
1. If there is some text (or graphic), that you type frequently-e.g. a company name (or
logo) –you can create an Auto Text entry so that you do not have to type it repeatedly.

2.3.2 Steps
1. Type the text or insert the graphic in the document

- 17 -
2. Highlight/select the text or graphics you want to store as an Auto Text entry.
3. From the Insert menu, choose Auto Text, then click Auto Text again.

4. In the Auto Text entries box, type a name for the Auto Text entry (such as ‘MOA’ in
the above dialog box). An Auto Text name can have up to 32 characters, including
spaces. In the Preview box, you can be able to view the Auto Text entry itself.
5. Choose the Add Button.

To insert an Auto Text entry in a document

1. Type in the name of the Auto Text entry.
2. Press the F3 key on the keyboard.
For example, after you have carried out the steps, every time you type ‘MOA’ and
press F3, the phrase ‘Institute of Advanced Technology’ would appear in your
document in place of ‘MOA’.
From the Insert menu, select Auto Text, then choose Normal. Under this option, all
the Auto Text entries are listed. Choose the one that you want to insert in your
If you are using any of the preset Auto Text entries, select them by choosing them
from the Insert, Auto Text menu.

2.4. Check the Grammar in a Document

2.4.1 Purpose
1. The grammar command identifies sentences in your document that have possible
grammatical errors or a non-standard writing style. For many types of errors, the
grammar command suggests ways to correct the sentence. You can choose the
correction you want to make and have the sentence changed in your document. You
can also make changes directly in your document and then continue checking.

- 18 -
2. The grammar command provides a quick and convenient way to find many common
grammatical errors. However, remember that the grammar checker is not a substitute to
proof reading a document carefully yourself.
NB: In word 97, a green wavy line underlines grammatical errors. To correct them, use
the Quick Menu.

2.4.2 Steps
1. From the Tools menu, Choose Spelling and Grammar.
If word finds a sentence with questionable grammar, it displays the sentence in the Spelling
and Grammar dialog box shown below.

2. To accept the suggested change , choose the Change button

3. Do one of the following:
3a. To change the sentence yourself, edit the sentence in the upper section of the Spelling and
Grammar dialog box.
3b. If you want to ignore the grammar rule for the rest of the current grammar check, click on
the Ignore button.
Word uses English grammatical rules to check for grammatical mistakes.

If you do not want to change the sentence, click Ignore.

4. When the grammar check is complete, word displays a message to that effect.
5. To return to your document when you finish checking on grammar, choose the OK button.

Formatting Paragraphs with Indents, Bullets and Numbering

2.5.1 Purpose
You can quickly create numbered and bulleted lists to make a document easier to read and

Numbered list shows sequences, while a bulleted list separates items in a series to emphasize
each point.

Text in paragraphs usually extends from the left margin to the right margin. You can indent a
paragraph to set it off from other text.

- 19 -
Bulleted or numbered lists

Precious stones
• Diamond
• Ruby and sapphire (forms
Of corundum)
• Emerald

Semiprecious stones
1. Amethyst
2. Quartz
3. Garnet
4. Topaz
5. Moonstone
6. Opal
7. Aquamarine
8. Jade
9. Tourmaline
10. Turquoise

2.5.2 steps
1. Select the items to which you want to add (or from which you want to remove) bullets
or numbers.

When you select a bulleted or numbered list, you cannot select the actual bullets or

2. To add or remove bullets, click the Bullets button.

3. To add or remove numbers, click the Numbering button.
If you add, delete or reorder items in a numbered list, word updates the numbers for

Outline Numbering
Your document can have several levels of paragraphs;the main topic, the sub-topic,the
sub-sub-topic . Each level can be numbered or bulleted differently.

1) Main topic
a) Sub-topic
i) Sub-sub-topic

1. Select the text
2. From the Format menu choose bullets and Numbering
3. Click on the outline Numbered tab.
4. Choose a style, then click OK.

- 20 -
If the paragraphs in your document are not indented into the different levels then use the
indent button to move the paragraph to its level.

To change the numbering style

- To change the numbering of alist from numerals to alphabets or Roman
numbers; choose Bullets and Numbering from Format menu. Click on the
Numbered tab, then select a number format and click OK.

To Change the Bullet Type

To use a different symbol for your bullets, do the following:
- From the Format menu, Choose Bullets and Numbering.
- Click on the bulleted tab, select a bullet type format, and then click OK.

To see more bullet types click on Customize and inCustomized Bulleted list
dialog box click on Bullet. Select a symbol from the Symbol dialog box.
- 21 -
To indent paragraphs
1. Select the paragraphs you want to indent
2. To indent a paragraph towards the right click the Increase Indent button.
3. To indent a paragraph towards the left click the Decrease Indent Button.

2.6 Setting Tab Stops

2.6.1 Purpose
You can format paragraghs in your document by setting tabs. Tabs allow for easy entry of
tabulated data, or to preset a stop. In addition, you can add tab leaders, which appear,
every time you use the Tab key.

2.6.2 steps
1. Ensure the cursor is in the line in which you want to set the tabs.
2. On the Format menu, click Tabs.

3. In the Tab stop position box, type the position for a new tab, or select an existing Tab
4. Under Alignment , select the alignment for text typed at the tab stop.
5. Under Leader, click the leader option you want.
Note that the Leaders are optional. They are meant to make reading the columns
6. click on set.
7. Once you no longer need the Tab stops, in the same dialog box, click on clear All,
then click on ok

- 22 -

Objectives covered in the session
• Change the margins in a document
• Insert and remove page breaks
• Use the Print Preview
• Printing
• Manage Print Jobs
• Create Headers and Footers
• Page Numbering

Detailed notes on objectives

Change the Margins in a document

2.1.1 Purpose
1. Word documents are preset with a one-inch top and bottom margin and
a 1¼-inch left and right margin on each page. If you need additional
space for binding, punching or stapling, you can adjust the margins so
that your text is not in the way.
2. Sometimes you may want to print your document on pre-printed
stationery such as letterheads, forms. In such cases, setting the margins
will help you make sure that your text does not overwrite the pre-
printed parts of the stationery.
For example to print the letterheads, change the top margin so that it is
slightly larger than the pre-printed part of the letterhead.

2.1.2 steps
1. From the File menu, choose PageSetup to display the shown dialog

2. Click on the Margins tab.

- 23 -
3. To set the margins , Left, Right, top, Bottom, position the cursor on the
margins boxes and type the new margins e.g. 1.5
4. Notice the effect of the changes in the sample to the right
5. Click Ok button to return to the document.

Insert and Remove Page Breaks

2.2.1 Purpose
1. Word automatically places page breaks in a document. A page break
shows where one page ends and where the next page begins. In normal
view, a dashed line indicates a page break across the page from left to
right. Word usually inserts page breaks automatically in a document
when a page is full.
2. However, if you want a page to begin at a particular spot- e.g. before
the beginning of a new chapter-you can insert page breaks manually.
Such a page break is referred to as ‘Manual’ or ‘Hard ‘ page break.
3. When you insert a manual page break, word automatically adjusts the
automatically page breaks that follow.

2.2.2 steps
To insert a Manual Page Break.
1. Position the Insertion point, where you want the page break.
2. Hold down the control key (CTRL on the keyboard) and press the
ENTER key once while still holding down the CTRL key.

Word inserts a page break and adjusts the page numbers to

accommodate the new page.
To remove a Manually inserted Page Break.
1. In normal view, select the page break you want to delete by double
clicking on it, and then press the Delete key on the keyboard.

To Insert a Page break using the Menu

1. From the Insert menu, choose Page Break

2. Under section Breaks, select the option that describes where you want
the next section to begin.
3. Choose the OK button.

- 24 -
Use the Print Preview

2.6.1 Purpose
1. Before you print a document, it’s good practice to make sure that it will
be printed the way you want it. By using Print Preview, you can see
entire pages- one, two or several at a time- exactly the way they will
appear when printed and make last-minute changes to a document.

2.6.2 steps
1. From the File menu, choose the Print Preview option or click on the
Print Preview Button on the standard toolbar to display the entire page
as shown.

2. The document will be seen in print preview and the print preview
toolbar is activated. On the print preview toolbar, you can do one of the
• Display one page at a time
• Magnify an area of a given page.
• Reduce or enlarge the pages displayed.
• Hide all screen elements except the displayed pages and the Print

- 25 -
3. Move the mouse pointer over the document and when the pointer
changes to a magnifying glass, click the left mouse button to zoom in
on the document. Click the mouse button again to zoom out.
4. Click the close button on the print preview toolbar to return to normal

Printing Files

When we are writing a letter, generating a budget, extracting information

from a database, the end product will be a print out.

There are two options you can print from;

1. Straightforward Printing
2. From the File Menu

1. Straightforward Printing
We can print directly from the Print preview or by clicking the Print
button on the standard toolbar.Word prints the document with the
default settings ;one copy of all pages in the document.

2. Print from the File menu

This is when we want to print multiple copies, print selected pages,
section of pages, select the printer.

1. From the File menu, choose Print option and a dialog box is shown.

Under the Printer, on the ‘Name’box, select the default printer.

2. Under the page range, select the option you want.
3. Under copies, click on the Number you want.
4. Choose the Ok button.

To manage Print Jobs.

2.8.1 Purpose

1. To stop printing a document

- 26 -
2. To change the order in which various documents should print.
3. To determine which printer to use for printing if different printers are

After Word has finished preparing a document for printing, it does
not send it directly to the printer. Instead it hands it over to the
Windows Print Manager to carry out the actual printing. The print
manager shows what current printer is doing at the moment and the
number of jobs in the queue.In this case it shows that the Epson Fx-
1170 printer is printing.
To view the Print Manager Window
Double click on the printer displayed on the Taskbar.
1. Click on the Start button in the taskbar then select Settings.
2. Click on Printers
3. Double the printer you are currently using from the given list.

To Delete a Print Job.

1. Highlight the job you want to delete from the Print Manager
2. Select Document from the menu bar window.
3. Choose the Cancel printing option.

Suppose you decide not to print you file, highlight it by clicking on it then
choose cancel Printing from the Document menu.

To select a printer
There are many different types of printers and Word communicates with
each one differently. Therefore we have to tell Word which printer is
connected in order to get the desired results. To do this:
1. Select Print from the file menu
2. In the Print dialog box, click on the ‘Name Box’ then click on the
appropriate printer.
3. Click on Ok.

Create Headers and Footers

2.9.1 Purpose
1. If you have text that you want to appear on every page e.g. Page
Numbers, a Chapter title or a document title, you can have headers and
footers in a document so that you do not have to retype the text on
every page. A header and footer will help you achieve this without you
having to retype the text on every page.
2. A header normally appears at the top of every page.
A footer normally appears at the bottom of every page.
You can type text or insert graphics in either header or footer.

A company logo could appear as a header at the top of each page, and
the date as a footer at the bottom of each page.

- 27 -
1. From the View menu, Choose Header and Footer. Word displays the
Header and Footer toolbar.
2. A nonprinting dashed line encloses the header and footer areas. Text
and graphics in the rest of the document are visible, but dimmed.
3. To insert text in the Header and Footer, type the text within the dashed
line that surrounds the header or footer area
4. Click the Switch between Header and Footer button.
5. You can Insert page numbers, Current date, Current time,.
6. You can format header and footer text as you would any text in word
eg. Using the alignment buttons to position it.
7. To return to the document, choose the close button on the Header and
Footer toolbar.

Page Numbering

3.0.1 Purpose
1. Word starts numbering pages from the first page as 1,2,3etc. In some cases you
may prefer to have the numbering as a,b,c,etc.or even use Roman numerals
I,II,III,IV etc.
2. In some reports you may leave the main title page without a page number and
start the page number from 1 on the second page.

3.0.2 steps
1. From the Insert Menu, choose Page numbers. This gives you the page
numbers dialog box.

2. Under ‘position’ box, click on the drop list box to choose either bottom of
page, Top of page, outside etc depending on the position to insert your page
3. Under ‘alignment’ box, click on the drop list box to choose the position where
you would want your page number t appear.
On the preview box, you can the effect of changing the positions, alignment.
4. View your document to check whether the page numbers are existing.

To change the page numbering style of a document.

1. From the Insert Menu, choose Page Number. This gives you the page
numbers dialog box.
- 28 -
2. In the page numbers dialog box, click the format button to change the page
number style.

3. In the Number Format drop down list shown above, select a page numbering
4. If you want to change the starting page number, click on the start at button
and then type the starting page number in the box on the right.
5. Choose the Ok button to return to the page numbers dialog box.
6. To return to the document, choose the Ok button.


Objectives covered in the session
• Create a document in Newspaper Style Columns
• Insert Pictures from the Microsoft Clip Art Gallery
• Create Drawing Objects
• Change the Page Orientation.

Detailed notes on Objectives

Create a Document in Newspaper Style Columns

2.1.1 Purpose
1. You can format a text in multiple columns. When you use the columns button,
Word changes the text to the number of columns you want.
2. It is normally use in newsletters or brochures. It saves on space and make it
easier to read. The document also looks neater.

- 29 -
2.1.2 steps
1. If you want to format the entire document in columns, position the insertion
point at the beginning of the document.
2. If you want to format only part of your document in columns, select the text
you want to format in columns.
3. From the Format menu, choose the columns option or click on the columns
button on the standard toolbar.

Using the Columns command from the Format menu .

1. The columns command also controls other column options, including the width
of the space between columns.
The following dialog box appears when you choose the Columns command

2. Select a column format under presets.

One, Two, Three inserts one , two, or three columns of equal width.
Left formats the text in two columns. The left column is half as wide as the
right column. This may be useful in a situation where you have the main text
of a document in the right column and some extra information (such as
definitions) on the left column.
Right formats the text in two columns . The right column is half as wide as the
left column.
3. Type or select the number of columns you want under Number of Columns.
4. Line between prints a vertical line in the space between columns. The line is
as long as the longest column on the page.You can see the vertical lines
between the columns in print preview.
5. Width and spacing sets the width of columns and the space between columns.
CO# displays the column number whose width and spacing you can change.
6. Type or select the amount of space you want between the column and the next
column to the right under Spacing.
7. Equal column width sets equal column width for a selection, or an entire
8. Start new column starts a new column at the insertion point by inserting a
column break.
9. The Preview box shows the effects of the chosen formatting before you apply
10. Click on OK to apply all the above settings.

- 30 -
Insert Pictures from the Microsoft Clip Art Gallery
2.2.1 Purpose
1. To emphasize the message of a document. For example, if you are designing
an invitation to an educational fund raising, you could include the picture
shown in the dialog box below as part of your invitation.

2.2.2 Steps
1. Position the insertion point where you want to insert the picture.
2. From the Insert menu, Choose Picture. Then choose Clip Art. The Microsoft
Clip Art gallery appears.
3. In the Categories list box, select the category of Clip Art pictures, e. g Plants.
4. A preview of images appears for that category.
5. In the pictures list box, select the picture you want to use. At the bottom of the
screen there are some keys words which help one identify the purpose or
message of the Clip Art picture.
6. Click the Insert button for the Clip Art picture to be inserted in your

Create Drawing Objects

2.3.1 Purpose
1. You can draw objects such as squares, rectangles, polygons, lines, and ellipses.
Drawing objects are not visible in normal, outline or master document view.
To draw and modify objects, you must be in Page Layout or Print Preview.
2. You may wish to draw attention to an important point in a report by drawing
an ellipse around it.

- 31 -
2.3.2 steps
1. From the View menu, choose Toolbar then select Drawing from the resulting
menu or click on the Drawing button on the standard toolbar to display the
drawing toolbar.

2. On the drawing toolbar, click on the straight line, square or rectangle, a circle.
When you click on any of above buttons, the mouse pointer changes to a plus
3. To create a line, rectangle, drag the plus Pointer to draw the object.
4. To cancel the drawing object while you are dragging, press ESC.
5. To delete the last line segment drawn, press Backspace key.
6. To delete a drawing object, click the object to select it, and then press Delete.

Change the Page Orientation

2.4.1 Purpose
1. When working with a document with many columns you may find that the
columns are too narrow because of limited spacing
2. You may find that you are not able to specify as many text columns as you
want because Word is limited to the width of the page.

2.4.2 steps
1. From the File menu. Select Page Setup.
2. In the resulting dialog box, click on the Paper Size tab.

- 32 -
3. Change the Orientation to Landscape
4. Click OK buttons.

- 33 -

Objectives Covered in the session
• Create a table
• Modify a table
• Format a table
• Sort in a table
• Perform calculations in a table.

Detailed notes on objectives

Create a table

2.1.2 Purpose
1. Use tables to organise information such as timetables.
2. Putting information in a table makes it shorter and easier to understand as the
portion of the table below shows.

Sales person Sales Target

Albert 500 600
Jane 513 450

2.2.2 steps
1. Position the pointer where you want to create a table
2. From the Table menu, choose Insert table or click on the Insert table button
on the standard toolbar.
In a table you work with rows and columns of cells. Word positions the
insertion point in the first cell of the table.
You can insert text in a table or insert a graphic object like a picture or
To move from one cell to the next, press the Tab key on the keyboard. To move
to the previous cell, press Shift and Tab simultaneously.
3. Select the number of Rows and Columns you want from the resulting dialog

4. Click Ok button

- 34 -
Using Draw Table Command
1. From the Table menu, choose Draw table.
2. Tables and Borders toolbar appears a shown.

The mouse pointer changes into a pencil just like the first icon in the diagram
above. Using the mouse drag to draw the outer borders of the table, then
subdivide the interior.

If you want to adjust the rows and columns so that they are of equal size follow
the steps below;-
• Select the rows you want to work on
• Click on Distribute rows evenly button or select the same option from the
Table menu.

Modify a Table

2.2.1 Purpose
1. You can add rows to an existing table as you work.
2. You can delete any number of cells, rows, columns from a table if you do not
need them anymore.
3. You can change the width of a column e.g. if the cells are wider than the text
they contain.

2.2.2 steps
To Add Rows to a Table
1. Select the rows below which you want to insert a new row or rows.
Select the same number of rows as the number you want to insert – e.g. to
insert 3 new rows, select 3 existing rows.
2. From the Table menu, choose Insert Rows, or click the Insert Rows button
on the standard toolbar.
Word inserts a row or rows above the rows you selected.

- 35 -
To add a row at the end of a table, position the insertion point in the last cell
of the last row and then press the TAB key.The cells in the new row retain the
formatting of the cells in the preceding row.

To Delete cells in a Table

1. Select cells or cells you want to delete.
2. From the Table menu, choose Delete cells. The dialog box shown below

To Select this option button

Move cells from the right of the deleted cells to Shift cells Left
the location of the cells being deleted
Move cells from below the deleted cells to the Shift cells up
location of the cells being deleted
Delete the row or rows Delete Entire Row
Deleted the Column or columns Delete Entire Column

3. Choose the OK button

To delete Rows or Columns in a Table

1. Select the rows or columns you want to delete.
2. From the Table menu, choose Delete Rows or Delete Columns.

To change Column Width in a Table.

1. Position the insertion point anywhere in the table.
2. Position the mouse pointer over the column boundary. When the mouse
pointer changes to a plus like sign, drag the column boundary to the right or
3. Point to the column marker on the horizontal ruler above the column boundary
you want to adjust, and hold down the mouse button. When word displays a
dotted line, drag it to the right or left.
4. You can specify exact column width of one or more cells in a column by using
the Cell Height and Width command on the Table menu.

- 36 -
Format a table

2.3.1 Purpose
1. You can centre a table between the left and right page margins.
2. You can combine two or more cells in a row into a single cell e.g a table
heading can span through several columns.
3. You can split a cell horizontally and split one or more cells into parts.
4. If a table is split between pages, you can automatically repeat the table
headings on each page.
5. You can apply borders and shadings to a table.

To centre a Table
1. Select the entire table
2. From the Table menu, choose Cell Height and Width.
3. Select the Row tab.
4. Do one of the following:

To Do this
Centre a table between the left and right Under Alignment, select the Center
margins option button
Set an exact amount of indentation from the Type or select a number in the Indent
left margin From Left Box.
Align the table to the left or right margins Under Alignment, select the Left or
Right option button, as appropriate.

5. Choose the OK button.

Note: You can indent text in a cell just as you indent text in the rest of a
document. E.g. You can indent the first line of text in each cell

To Merge Cells in the same Row of a Table

1. Select the cells you want to merge. Note that cells will only be merged
2. From the Table menu, choose Merge cells.

To split cells
1. Select the cells you want to split
2. From the Table menu, choose Split Cells.
3. Type the number of columns you want to split each cell into.
4. Choose OK button.

To Repeat Table Headings

1. Select the row or rows of text you want to use as Table headings.
2. From the Table Menu, choose Headings. The rows selected will be repeated
automatically on each page if the table is split between pages.
If you make changes to headings in a table that splits between pages, the text
will automatically be updated in all repeated headings.
Word will not repeat or update a heading if the table is split between pages
by a hard page break

- 37 -
To Add Borders and Shading Automatically to a Table.
1. Position the insertion point in the table to which you want to apply borders and
2. From the Table menu, choose Table AutoFormat and a dialog box appears.

3. In the Formats box, select the design you want. A sample of the design you
select appears in the Preview box.
4. To remove all formats, select None.

5. Under Formats To Apply and Apply Special Formats To, select the options
you want.
6. Choose Ok button.

Other ways of adding Borders and Shading

1. Select the cells you want to format.
2. From the Format menu, choose Borders and Shading.
3. Click on Shading tab, to display the above dialog box.

- 38 -
4. From the Patterns section, select Style and the drop down list provides you
with various shading you can apply to the selected cells.
5. You can also add or remove the borders from any sides by clicking the actual
position of the border in the diagram on the right of the dialog box.
Click on the shading drop-down list and then select the degree of the shading
for the selected cells.
6. Click on the borders drop-down list and select a border for the selected cells.

Sort in a Table

2.4.1 Purpose
1. You can quickly rearrange rows in a table. You can arrange table entries in
alphabetic or numeric order or can sort by date.

2.4.2 steps
1. Click on any cell in a table
2. From the Table menu, choose Sort. The entire table is automatically selected
and the following dialog box appears.

3. If you have a Heading that you do not want Word to sort, select the Header
Row option button under My List Has.
4. Under Sort by, select the column number corresponding to the column you
want to use as a basis for sorting.
5. In the Type box, select Text, Number,Date (depending on the column
contents), and then select the Ascending (lowest to highest)or Descending
(highest to lowest) option button.
6. If you want to use additional columns for sorting, click under Then by and
repeat steps 4 and 5 above.
7. Choose the OK button.

- 39 -

Item Price
Hardcover books A4 size 86.80
Muster roll books A4 81.20
Shorthand notebooks 25.20
Ruled pads A4 24.50
Scribbling pads A4 19.60
Scribbling pas A5 9.80
Adding Machine Rolls 2.75 7.60
Petty Cash pads 7.00
Adding Machine Rolls 6.25

1. Click on any cell in the table

2. Select the Item under Sort By in the Sort dialog box.
3. Under Type, select Text.
4. Then select Ascending to sort in ascending order.
5. Since you do not want the first row to be sorted, select the Header
Row option button under My List Has.
6. Clicking on OK produces the following result:

Item Price
Adding Machine Rolls 6.25
Adding Machine Rolls 2.75 7.60
Hardcover books A4 size 86.80
Muster roll books A4 81.20
Petty Cash pads 7.00
Ruled pads A4 24.50
Scribbling pads A4 19.60
Scribbling pas A5 9.80
Shorthand notebooks 25.20

Perform Calculations in a Table

2.5.1 Purpose
1. You can add, subtract,divide, average numbers in a row or column
2. Cells are referred to as A1, A2, B1,B2 etc.

1 A1 B1 C1
2 A2 B2 C2
3 A3 B3 C3

- 40 -
2.5.2 steps
1. Position the insertion point in the cell where you want the sum to
2. From the Table menu, choose Formula as shown in dialog below;

3. Word analyzes the table and proposes the appropriate formula in the
Formula box. E.g if the pointer is at the bottom of a column of
numbers, word proposes =SUM(ABOVE).
4. Choose OK button to insert the sum of the numbers in the cell.
Note: If word cannot determine an appropriate formula, it inserts an
equal sign in the Formula box. You must type or select the formula you
want as described in ‘To perform other calculations in a table’.

To perform other Calculations in a Table.

1. When word proposes a formula you do not want, delete it from
the Formula box.
To Perform simple calculations;-
Adding - add numbers in cell A1 and B4, type =A1+B4
Division- Divide the number in A1 by the number in B4,
type =A1/B4
Average – Average of values in cells A1,B2,F3,
type =Average(A1,B2,F3).
2. In the Number Format box, type or select a format for the numbers. E.g
to display the numbers as a decimal percentage, select 0.00%.
3. Choose OK button.

- 41 -

Objectives covered in the Session

Use Mail Merge to mass mail a document


Detailed notes on Objectives

Merge to mass mail a document

2.1.1 Purpose
1. To send out the same letter to several recipients. E.g. a public limited company
inviting its shareholders to an Annual General Meeting and informing them of the
agenda of the meeting.

2.1.2 Overview.
The process of Mail Merge involves combining a standard document with a list of
addresses and producing several copies of the Standard document but addressed to
different shareholders. The effect is the same as making several copies of the standard
letter using copy and paste and then keying in the address of each addressee in different
copies of the letter. But this whole process is simplified by the Mail Merge.
The standard letter is referred to as the ‘Main document’and the list of addresses is
referred to as the ‘Data Source’ in Word.
When you perform mail merge, word makes a copy of the main document for each
address in the data source. Each copy will have a different address from the others,
according to what exists in the data source.

2.1.3 steps
1. Set up the main document. This document is the same for all the people you are
communicating with.e.g. It may be an invitation to the annual general meeting or a
newsletter. It is known as the Form Letter.
2. Create the addresses file. This is known as the Data Source
3. Merge the data source with the main document

To set up a Main Document

1. Open the document you want to use as the main document, or you can begin typing a
new letter.
2. From the Tools menu, choose Mail Merge. This gives you the Mail Merge Helper
dialog box shown below;

- 42 -
3. Under Main Document, choose the Create button and then choose Form Letters.
4. To use the opened document as your main document, click on the Active Window or
New Main Document button on the dialog box that appears.

- 43 -
Example of a standard Document or Form Letter.

East African Oxygen (K) Ltd

P.O.Box 34167

5 November, 1999


It can take years to build up a good credit rating, but it can be lost in twenty-four hours. Your reputation
means much to you, so please tell me what action I should take to persuade you to settle our account.

Is it fair to expect us to go on waiting and hoping to hear from you sometime? You will agree that many
firms would have taken action against you some time ago.

This must be a final reminder, to clear your balance now, and maintain your credit rating. Think what that
can be worth in the months and years to come.

To Create a New Data Source

A Table of a Data source

Field names

LastName FirstName Job Title Company P.O. Box City

Masika Tony Director Empreza 55890 Nairobi
Gitonga Marie Assist Manager Elida Ponds 43721 Nairobi
Onyango Charles Doctor Medichem 30526 Homabay
Muriuki Grace Beauty Therapist Beauty kit 90675 Dodoma
Karanja Winnie Sales Manager Deacons 67421 Kampala


1. In the Mail Merger Helper dialog box, choose the Get Data button.
Note: This option is unavailable until you specify the main document.
2. Choose Create Data Source. The dialog Shown Below appears.

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3. In the Field Names In Header Row box, Word lists field names that are commonly
used in a data source

Select a Field Name, and then choose the Remove Field Name button to delete a
field name that you do not require in your data source.
From the available list, you will remove the fieldnames you do not require.

To add a fieldname to the data source type the new Field Name in the Field Name
box, and then choose the Add Field Name button. The field name should not contain a

To change the order of field names select a Field Name and then click the Move Up
or Down arrow until the field name is in the position you want.

4. Click OK button.
Note: the data source has to be saved.
5. The Save As dialog box appears so that you can save the new data source. Type a
name for the new document and then choose OK button.
6. Choose the Edit Data Source button in the message box that appears to enter records
into your Data Source.

Note: The Data source that has been created has got no records i.e. the actual
addresses are not yet in the data source. What we have is just the structure.

7. In the Data Form dialog box (shown below) that appears, type the information you
want in each data field box, and then press enter.

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8. Choose the Add New button to start each new address.
9. When you are finished adding information, click on the Ok button.

Inserting Merge Fields into the Main Document.

In the main document indicate where you want information from the data source to be
inserted during Mail Merge. You indicate the places using Merge Fields.
To insert a merge field:
1. Move the insertion point to the place where you want the Merge Field.
2. Click the Insert Merge Field button on Mail Merger toolbar and then choose the
merge field you want to insert.
3. When you finish inserting the fields in the main document, save it.

Main Document with merge fields shown below;

East African Oxygen (K) Ltd

P.O.Box 34167

5 November, 1999
«FirstName» «LastName»

Dear «FirstName» «LastName»

It can take years to build up a good credit rating, but it can be lost in twenty-four hours. Your reputation means much
to you, so please tell me what action I should take to persuade you to settle our account.

Is it fair to expect us to go on waiting and hoping to hear from you sometime? You will agree that many firms would
have taken action against you some time ago.

This must be a final reminder, to clear your balance now, and maintain your credit rating. Think what that can be worth
in the months and years to come.

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To merge the data source with the Main Document.
1. From the Tools Menu, choose Mail Merge then choose the Merge button from the
Mail Merger Helper dialog box. Or click the Mail Merger helper button on the
standard toolbar. The following dialog appears:

2. Click on the Merge To drop list box to select a location for the result of merging to go
to e.g. New Document (Creates a new document that contains the results of merging)
and Print (immediately prints the resulting merged document).
3. Click on Merge.

Using an Existing Data Source

Once you create a data source it can be used with another document.
To do this;-
1. Set up another main document
2. In the Mail Merge Helper dialog box, choose the Get Data button then select Open
Data Source.
3. Select the file that contains your data source.
4. Click OK.

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Objectives covered in the session
• Create a new document
• Enhance Text with WordArt

Detailed notes on Objectives

To Create a New document (File).

1. From the File Menu, choose New. The New dialog box below appears.

2. Click on the General Tab. The other tabs contains other types/categories of templates
3. Select Blank Document
4. Click Ok button.

Insert special symbols.

You may want to use certain symbols or characters that are not found on your keyboard
such as ©, ®, ™
To do this:-
1. Position your insertion point where you want to insert the symbol
2. From the Insert menu, choose Symbol as shown in the dialog box below.

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3. Select the symbol that you want from either the Special Characters tab or the
Symbols tab.
4. Click Insert.

Insert the Current Date automatically into your Document

Every time you create a new document you may want to insert the current date.
To do this;-
1. Place the insertion point where you want to insert the current date and time.
2. From the Insert Menu, choose Date and Time.
3. From the dialog box shown below, select the date format you want.

4. Check the Update automatically box.

5. Click OK.
Word inserts the current date from your computers clock. This date will be refreshed
every time you open the Word document.

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Enhance Text with WordArt.

2.2.1 Purpose
With WordArt you can apply special effects such as slanting, rotating, or curving text in
your document.

With WordArt, you can take ordinary text and give it designs, colors, and shapes.
WordArt provides a special dialog box in which you type the text you want to use.

Document with WordArt Object

With WordArt, you can take ordinary

text and give it designs, colors and
shapes. WordArt provides a special
dialog box in which you type the text
you want to use.Then you experiment
with different fonts, positions and
other options until you find the right
combination for the effect you want.
The dialog box gives you a preview of
the effect before you add your WordArt
graphic to the document. WordArt
graphics appear in your document
enclosed in rectangular frame. The
frame reserves space in the document
for the WordArt graphic, it does not
print. To create WordArt graphics,
from the Insert menu, choose Object.
Click Create New tab, select Ms
WordArt 2.0, and choose the OK button.

2.2.2 steps
1. From the Insert menu, choose Picture, then choose WordArt or from the
View menu, choose Toolbars, select Drawing toolbar and click on the Insert
WordArt button.
2. Position your insertion point where you want to place your WordArt object.
3. Word displays the following dialog box.

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4. Select a WordArt style and click OK.
5. Then type in the text for the WordArt in the dialog box which appears as
shown below. Here you can also change the font as well as the size.

6. Click Ok button
7. The WordArt toolbar appears.The text that was typed in a WordArt text also
appears. Note that it is possible to make changes to the text after you entering

To modify the WordArt object

1. Select the WordArt object.
Then you can apply the following modifications
• By clicking on the Edit Text button you can make changes to the font size
or style

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• From the Format Word Art button, you can modify the colors and lines of
the WordArt, change rotation etc.
• Click on the WordArt Shape button, you can choose one of the following
• To rotate text click on the Free Rotate button.
The use the round handles at the corners to rotate the text.
• Use the other buttons to align the text vertically or to adjust the character

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Objectives covered in the session
• Insert Footnotes and Endnotes
• Apply Heading Styles
• Create a Table of contents.

Detailed notes on objectives

Inserting Footnotes and Endnotes

2.1.1 Purpose
1. Footnotes and Endnotes explain, comment on, or provide references for text in
a document.
2. You can include both footnotes and endnotes in the same document.
3. Footnotes appear at the end of each page in a document.
4. Endnotes appear at the end of a document.

2.1.2 steps
1. Identify the word or phrase that you want to explain or comment on in the
2. Click at the end of the word or phrase.
3. From the Insert menu, click on Footnote to display the dialog box.

4. You can either use the AutoNumber or you can decide to use the Custom
If you opt for Custom Mark, click on the button for Symbol and choose the
desirable symbol then click on OK in the Symbol dialog box.
5. Click Ok Button
6. The screen is divided into two. In the lower portion of the window type in the
text of the footnote.
7. Click on close.
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Note that a number or symbol selected appears next to the word or phrase that
it footnoted.

8. To view the footnote better, switch to Page layout View or Print Preview the

Apply Heading Styles

2.2.1 Purpose
1. The level of the Heading applied will be used to determine the prominence of
the title in the TOC.

2.2.2 steps
1. Select the text on which the heading style is to be applied
2. Click on the Style Drop Down button in the Formatting toolbar and then click
on the desired style as shown the dialog below.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 above for all the headings that are to be included in the
4. Ensure you assign the correct heading style (level) depending on the
importance of the particular heading.

Create a Table of Contents

2.3.1 Purpose

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1. A Table of Contents (TOC) is used to guide us to the location of text on a
particular subject, which we are looking for. Without it, we would need to
browse through the whole text looking for the relevant information and this
wastes a lot of time.
2. When we build a Table of Contents, word searches for headings with the
specified styles, sorts them by heading level, references their page numbers,
and displays the table of contents in the document.
3. We also use the Table of contents(TOC) to gauge the extent and coverage
of a particular book or document.

2.3.2 steps
1. Position the cursor where you would like the TOC to be generated.
2. It is advisable to have the TOC in its own page, so create a page break just
below the TOC.
3. From the Insert Menu, choose Index and Tables.

4. In the resulting dialog box, click the Table of Contents tab so that the dialog
box resembles the one shown above.
5. Select the desired format from the formats box and click OK.

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