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Lauren Perez

 Introduction
9/9/2021  Methods
 Results
ENGL 1302  Discussion
 Conclusion

Draft #1

Should we keep using BMI if even though it is not reliable? BMI stands for Body Mass
Index, which is body fat measured that applies to adult men and women based on weight and
height. It often has a misleading message when it comes to terms when a person wants to find
out their weight categories are healthy weight, underweight, overweight, and obesity.
Disregarding muscle mass, skeletal mass (bone mass), and organ mass. Those three categories
the BMI ignores will add weight, and the result could be obesity. Height also plays a role
because, during the testing process, two people could weigh 190 lbs. Yet one person could be
5’7, and the other could be 5’10. It could also determine whether one person out of the two could
be more physically active than the other. – methods

Since BMI was meant to target fat, the mentality behind it is that it could help benefit the
person to maintain a healthy weight or increase physical activity. Yet, it does the opposite
because it can give people the wrong message by not considering muscle mass and others that
add up the weight. Therefore, why should we keep using BMI in places like the military, law
enforcement, fire department, etc., when there are other ways to calculate fat without adding the
extra weight. -is this necessary? (in discussions)

Besides BMI being mainly used for the total amount of fat, RFM, which is relative fat
mass as an example, could use other alternates. Researches also have found out that even race
and ethnicity even play a role in BMI. Gender plays a significant role too because women tend to
carry more fat mainly for carrying a child, than men since they carry less fat. Through over
twelve thousand participants, researchers have found out that even in women and men due to
different body types, it also has played a role.

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