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Lauren Perez


ENGL 1302

Essay 1: Reflection Essay Questions

1. What did you learn in 1301 that you used in your first essay in 1302? What did you learn in

another class that you used in this essay? Give examples, explain, and be specific.

What I learned from English 1301 was always to have good sentence structure. To also,

make sure to have good sentence flow paragraphs. I used to struggle with sentence flow because

mine used to sound choppy.

2. What did you learn in 1301 that you did not use/was not applicable to your first essay in 1302?

What did you learn in another class that you did not use/was not applicable to Essay 1? Give

examples, explain, and be specific.

It has been a while since I have taken English 1301, but for my first essay, which was

about genres, we did not use the research essay format for the first essay. We also did not use

peer-reviewed articles, and they were not mandatory. Although, it was interesting to write due to

seeing how different genres were being used amongst many things.

3. What did you learn in this first essay that can be applied in other courses? Give examples,

explain, and be specific.

Since I will major in psychology as the career path, either a forensic psychologist or

forensic psychiatry. I will take these skills from what I learn from this course and future

psychology courses.
4. What do you think you learned in this first essay that will not be applicable to other classes?

Give examples, explain, and be specific.

I learned that I need to read the prompt correctly and realize what I am doing before it is

too late. If I had made this mistake in another class, I most likely would not have been given an

extension. Because of it, I am genuinely grateful that I was given the opportunity to do so.

5. How does the creation of an experiment with outside research help you improve your writing,

in general? How will it help you approach writing tasks in the future? Give examples, explain,

and be specific.

Honestly, this was something new for me, and since it was my first there were going to

be some mistakes along the way. I wanted to do something different other than psychological

theme writing. I believe it did improve my writing mainly for the future because my future career

path is going to be involved in writing. Since I am going to major in psychology, exploring

different research areas is benefitting me with how research essays are supposed to be.

6. From the comments you received from the readers of your essay, what are your writing

strengths? Writing weaknesses? Are these weaknesses and strengths the same or different from

the weaknesses and strengths that you had in 1301? How so? Give examples, explain, and be

specific. Remember, grammar is neither a strength nor weakness.

The comments I have received included mainly weaknesses. Which I understand because

my original essay was not as stable as I wanted to be. Although towards the end, it did get to a

part where I wanted it to be. My strength for the original essay was that overall the topic I had to

choose was pretty interesting. They were the same strength and weaknesses as my previous

English 1301 class.

7. What was the most challenging aspect of this essay? Least challenging? Give examples,

explain, and be specific.

The most challenging aspect of this essay was that I did not read the prompt correctly. I

was already halfway done with the original essay, but it could not happen because in the

experiment I was talking about I couldn’t physically test them. After I realized my mistake, I had

to rewrite the whole essay. However, it was something outside my comfort zone I did enjoy

researching. It was the least challenging for my current essay because I had people I could

experiment on.

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