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Camarillo 1

Isabella Camarillo

Mrs. McCann

English 1301.127

October 22 2021

Portfolio Reflection Questions

For essay one, Genre Analysis, I decide to write about Alcohol Abuse Prevention because

I know that is one of the main reasons of families and friends falling apart. I was able to do a lot

of research about how, why, and what Alcohol Abuse can do to an individual. I felt that I was

able to connect with the audience that have crossed with liquor. By that I had started out

explaining on what too much alcohol can do to you and your peers. And further evaluating on

how it can affect your health system and emotional system. Then I had made my way into on

how the Twitter community can help people who abuse alcohol into a better lifestyle. I tried to

make the Genre Analysis essay one where people where able realize on how big of a problem

consuming too much liquor can be for just one person. As well as how there are people who can

help you in the process of quitting alcohol.

For compare and contrast on essay 2 I wanted to further analyze on how the website of

IMDB presents movies of mental illness and how with particular features it can get people in

looking into the movie. The essay had help me get to explain to the audience on how someone

can share similarities with the movie with just a quick glance of the website. I first went into

examining on how and what the three features of the movies share in common. Then I had went

into on looking at what they all had different in the features of the website. By that time, I went
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to summing up on how just by looking at the features of the website you are able to look at how

they can grab ahold on you; as well as get you to watch a movie to where you can relate to.

The way I had essay three of Rhetorical Analysis was elaborating on a peer-view article

of on occupational therapy can be a better result than a clinical trial. I wanted to first explain on

what people with dementia go through in their daily life and how occupation therapy can have a

better result than clinical trials. As I was done with explaining the topic, I went on how the

author gives a whole explanation on occupation therapy, while she uses the three rhetorical

appeals. With that I had to dig deep on how she uses logos, ethos, and pathos in the article; and I

was able to show the proof on where and how she used the three rhetorical appeals. This essay

gave me a sense on how with time, research, and people who don’t give up while there can be

other options for clinical trials. I felt that with this essay I was able to catch the views of people

who have dementia and do not know that there is another way; instead of going into trials and

trials where it might as well not work.

As I looked at my website, I wanted to show all the things that correlates to me and

shows the things I really like about myself. And so made some browns, blues, and greens, that

will fit the whole theme, as it will be based on a whole library. And then I went into further

presenting all of the drafts, peer-views, fixed final essays, about me, and reflections on where I

can further achieve as a writer. I wanted my website to feel home-like, as when I go to

bookstores, libraries, and book in general I feel like I can be at peace and be in a safe place. And

so, I made my website to make it feel like that to my audience that will see my website.

I feel like when writing about writer’s block was what really help me get through my

essays and revisions during the semester. With the homework and activities, we had to do with

writer’s block it gave me a sort of comfort where others have writer’s block as well. Writer’s
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block made me realized that other people get it and that is okay, because at the end of the day of

have another day to get back on track and further reach your goals. Writer’s block helped me

realized that I can always take a step at a time and take little breaks as I create my portfolios.

Overall, with writer’s block this can be have a upside and downside with creating portfolios and

essays thought out the year.

As Academic English is significant in academic writing courses in colleges and

universities. Pupils must study, communicate, and observe while analyzing and honing their

academic and research abilities within preparation for higher education environments. There can

be applied in other courses Politics, chemistry, and psychiatry are just a few of the courses that

can be merged with English. To showcase your passions and abilities, some classes may demand

you to undertake a proper interview or a trial presentation. This could include a brief reading

assignment in which you and a college mentor examine your thoughts on a work of literature.

With that English 1302, I learned that with writer’s block it is a mental impediment that

prevents a person from finishing an article. And so writer’s block can not in fact be apply to

courses that involve mathematics, physics, and art as it does not relate to English. And because

of this English may not be a good choice to be applied in any English class. If anything, writer’s

block can be applied to those type of course. as it is still a block from not giving you enough of

energy to continue on the work you have that may due in a couple of days. And by overachieving

writer’s block all you will have to do is try to take little break, take a hike, listen to music, read a

book, or even go eat something as it can be a way to help you overcome it.

In essay 1, developing a thesis statement and explaining further on what the subject is

about would have to have been my literary talents, as it is the easiest thing for me to write. I'm

noticing that I'm steadily improving at formulating thesis statements and focusing so much on
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commenting upon anything I'm interested in. As I receive more criticism on my written

assignments, I've discovered that I manage to double-check everything at the conclusion without

needing to hire someone to do it me. I had always been able to relate essay 2 back towards the

thesis. As I would be offering an aspect and confirmation of the discussion's significance. I

believe that my writing ability improved, and I had no trouble discussing the distinctions and

commonalities between the groups. I was able to detect most of the little errors I made while

drafting the article. And for essay 3, it would have to be tying everything back to the thesis

statement and always being able to provide information to back up on what I was saying. I

became better in catching any errors in my essays.

My weakness would be not knowing wherever to put commas and how to alter run-on

phrases. As that what got me to got get the full A and a well written essays. In essay 1 my

weaknesses are in not knowing where to put punctuation as well as how to alter run-on phrases. I

realized that I'll be more cautious as to where I expect my paragraphs to go, provide a clearer

answer in my body of the text, and double-check my spelling. When my readers pointed out that

I hadn't indented my opening sentence, for instance, I realized I hadn't. And I realized that if I

hadn't had a person read my work, I might have missed the fact that I've never used semicolon

where they were required. For essay 2 the most difficult part of essay 1 for me was figuring out

how to start the introduction and write the thesis statements. One of my flaws is that I tend to

make my phrases rather too long. I had comma splices and run on in certain lines, so that will

need to be rectified. I discovered that I made the very same faults in both essays one and two,

although I didn't make several in essay two as I did in essay one. And in essay 3 my writing flaw

would indeed be my inability to break maximum sentences so that it does not sound like an

operated sentence. They are comparable to essay 1 and 2 in that they really are both about the
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same weaknesses and strengths that I have. Another flaw that is similar is making little

grammatical mistakes, but I am aware that as I produce additional articles, this is becoming far

less of an issue. 

The most challenging aspect of the website for me is organizing and how I am not able to

overlap many of the pictures with the wording. I really did not how you are able to moving

things around or having to add any spacers and dividers to the sections so that way you can be

able to insert your word document. The least challenging was how I wanted my theme to be

relate to the things I liked that how I really am as a person overall. This got me to expressed

myself as a person and put things, like the color background, and where I would organize the

outline. I liked how I was able to make a page where it could look like a blog as that will be my

about me page. Another least challenging was looking for the pictures, word documents, and

maybe how outline the front of my website to look like how I would like it to be.

In essay 1, the genres and society enabled me see how individuals might work with each

other to promote awareness about a situation that has existed since the gilded period. For

example, it opened eyes of the public to the ways in which liquor might effect you even if you

are not the one drinking. For me, the most challenging aspect was ensuring that I was able to

explain to my audiences why intoxication is such a significant issue and how I could expound on

it. And this had provided me a whole new perspective on how simply putting something on

paper and letting everyone else to read it can just get to the people that need it the most. For

essay two, I was allowed to see all the analysis, which greatly aided me in delving deeper into

the subject. And I was able to fully understand the three communities and discuss how they may

each aid individuals in their very own unique way. This, I believe, will assist me in seeing things

from a new perspective and determining how effective they are. It had gained a new view on
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how I could improve as an author. I believe I used a variety of techniques on article two, which

aided me in writing the article. As I write, I'll have a better understanding of who I am as an

author as well as how I got started. I was generating fewer and fewer mistakes, and I was

thinking about how I could use different terminology to create the article appear more

sophisticated. As I progressed, I was pleased to see just how far I'd come and just how much

stronger I had been at articulating particular subjects which had previously worked for myself.

This gave me the impression that as I produced further, I was starting to get back towards

something I had really enjoyed. And by that it had made realized that I could be great at

something I thought I might not have been good at. And this had been a really great way in

identifying myself as a writer in English 1301. 

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