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Evidence of BY: M.


Ramayana existence
This Essay gives you the reason for you to believe the real existence
of Ramayana. Through this essay you will get to know the scientific
and existing evidences.
Even after many thousands of years, not only in India but also all over
the world, we all have that one pronounced men who captivated and
impressed sentiments of every zillions of individuals with his strength of
appeal is Ram from the epic book Ramayana. The greatest reliable and
novel source of information about Ram is the Valmiki Ramayana. This
upright effort of works recognizes Valmiki as the primary poet of the
The characterization about Ram did not just persist restricted to the
sheets of Valmiki Ramayana, but it also discoveries its reference in
numerous additional scriptures of past and antique works which includes
Buddhist literature mentioned as Dashrath Jatak, Anamak Jatak and
Dashrath Kathanak Jatak in three of the parables, In Jain literature
manuscripts like Padam Charitra (Prakrit) by Vimal Suri mentions Ram.
The story about the Ram has also been written in different languages
across the globe and many famous poets contributed their poems
portraying Ram and his character. Moreover, there are many terracotta
representing the scenes of the Ramayana in many temples spread across
the globe. This also acts as an evidence in the existence of the
Almost everything that is abundant has mounted tough in the
examination of time. So this is also the case with the Ramayana. Our
ancestors have been saying us the countless stories from the fabulous
novel the Ramayana, and the absence of adequate proof has left the
Ramayana to be named an essential share in literature. Let me here
provide you with some different evidences regarding the existence of the
1)  The Mysterious Cobra Hood cave:

There is a cave in Sigiriya, Sri Lanka which has been verified by

archaeologists to be a completely hundred percent normal. The secretive
fragment regarding this cave is that its figure, regardless of being
undamaged by human hands, it has occupied the outline of a cobra.
Furthermore, in this cave we could find the cave paintings on its walls,
portraying acts of Sita being seized by the Asuras.

2) The exile location

When we reverse the novel a bit and catch to the topic where Ram was
condemned to exile by his own father, Dasharatha on explanation of an
assurance that he had given to his third wife Kaikeyi. Since Ram is an
obedient son, He along with his lovely wife Sita and his brother
Lakshmana continued to the forest.

The location where they constructed their hut and survived for the next
14 years is identified to be ‘Panchavati ‘.The astonishing part of the
story comes as there occurs a residence called Panchavati in the real
world near Nashik. It’s frequently demanded that this Panchavati is the
same place where Ram, Sita and Lakshmana made as their residence
when they were evacuated from the majestic fort. Nowadays this
location has a lot of temples and they are often visited by persons.

3) Jatayu’s rescue attempt:

At the time when Sita was kidnapped through Ravana, there has been a
demi-god known as Jatayu who got there for Sita’s release. However,
Ravana cut down the demi god’s wings and then he fell down to the
ground. At that time Ram and Lakshman discovered the now-demise
demi-God who turned into mendacity at the ground.

It became Jatayu who informed Ram that it chased the Ravana who had
kidnapped Sita and he abducted her to the Lanka. That's when Ram was
able to locate his lovely wife. But unfortunately, Jatayu couldn't be
saved. As he was by that time breathing his last breath.

In order to sincerely thank Jatayu for his courageous efforts and for
presenting the valuable little bit of data regarding Sita’s abduction Ram,
together along with his Godly nature said the words ‘Le Pakshi’ which
in Telegu means - ‘Rise, Bird’. The reality right here is that there's a real
vicinity in Andhra Pradesh known as ‘Lepakshi’, that is reportedly the
vicinity wherein the Jatayu fell. Jatayu, being an essential place saving
Sita and so he is extraordinarily respected withinside the Ramayana.

4) Sita’s life in Sri Lanka:

When Ravaan kidnapped Sita and took her to his land of Lanka, he
allegedly first took her to a place that is now a great tourist spot
presently in Sri Lanka called Sita Kotuwa.

According to the mythological account, from there Ravana took her to

Ashok Vatika and for our surprise, there is a real “Ashokvanam” in Sri
Lanka which might be hard for us to believe. However these are the live
evidences for its existence. If you still doubt me you can book your
plane tickets, get yourself to Sri Lankan and check for yourself in

5) The footprints of Lord Hanuman:

Following the mythical story of the Ramayana, when Ram installed the
militaries of the apes or monkeys to save his wife, Sita. He chose the
sturdiest of them which was called Hanuman to find the precise position
of Sita. After accepting Ram's blessings, the monkey god winged to
Lanka to find Sita's precise place.

Occupied with heavenly supremacy and blessing, Hanuman was gifted

with an unusual capability to transform his for. He could exploit its
extent to that of a huge or even diminish its outline to that of an average
ape. To maintenance this to this day, there are paths supposed to be from
Hanuman near Ashokvanam.

6) Dark soil:
Part of the Ramayana narrates that after Ravana figured out that
Hanuman needed arrived to liberty Sita, he ordered to set Hanuman's tail
on fire later demanding to grip him imprisoned. In undertaking that,
Hanuman set the Ravana kingdom on fire by hopping above spaces and
locations that were fragment of Ravana's kingdom. Even currently, the
earth in some locations where Ravana's fort is said to have once stood is
a slightly opaquer than in the neighboring zone.

7) Hot wells:

The hot springs ostensibly built by Ravana are well-rounded

arrangements that stagnantly occurs and are a fundamental part of Sri
Lanka's normal hot water source.

8) Ten headed Ravana:

Each and every time when Ravana is to be symbolized in manuscripts or

monuments, ten heads are exposed to him. Though the entitlement that
Ravana had ten heads may appear very unbearable and impossible, the
circumstance that he governed ten empires doesn't appear unbelievable.
Ten kingdoms, Ten crowns. Simple.

Additional philosophy assertions that Ravana was a pronounced

intellectual and that his ten heads embody his rule over Six Shastras and
Four Vedas. One of the schemes claims that the ten heads of Ravan
epitomize the ten undesirable minds or sentiments of a person, namely
lust, envy, delusion, anger, greed, pride, mind, will, intellect and ego.

9) Ram Setu:

Even though they didn't prerequisite a Sri Lankan travel permit to be

transportable yet there at the period, there was an immense difficult with
the form of the waters that we nowadays appeal the Straits of Palk and
Gulf of Manner. Ram needed to cross these waters, subsequently he
well-ordered his top monkey military to figure a link amid the two states
and with his heavenly influence the stones lifted on the water.

If you look carefully at the Gulf of Manner and the Strait of Palk with
the assistance of Google Maps and multifaceted equipment, you can
understand the linking between the two states. This assembly consumes
frequently remained mentioned to as the Ram Setu or the Bridge of
Rama and occasionally even the Bridge of Adam.

10) The journey from Sri Lanka to Ayodhya :

Vijaya Dashami is the time when Ravana was crushed by Ram in a

classic combat among demons and the monkey army. Sita was protected
and Ram fetched his wife back to their empire of Ayodhya beside
through his important comrades.

He reimbursed to Ayodhya 21 days later, and his reappearance is why

Diwali is renowned with lights, as the citizens of Ayodhya did to rejoice
the downfall of darkness by light, a whole of 21 mountaineering days
conferring to the actual dependable Google Maps, which unevenly
agrees to the amount of days from Vijaya Dashami to Diwali.

11) Existence of Hanuman Garhi:

This dwelling is precise in the focus of Ayodhya, India everyplace Lord
Hanuman hang on good-naturedly although Lord Ram was in refugee.
There is a sanctuary that is nowadays termed Hanuman Garhi. Hanuman
Garhi is essentially a cave shrine retrieved by a journey of 76 steps. The
mode this temple was imprinted is captivating.
You partake to gross the bent stairway to grasp this place that remained
once occupied to be since Lord Hanuman, Lord Hanuman was Lord
Rama's companion and protector throughout and afterward his operation
beside Lanka. Rendering to the myth, Hanuman existed in this cave and
sheltered the Janambhoomi or Ramkot. The memorial comprises the
statue of Mata Anjani through the youngster Hanuman on her lap. Statue
Supporters trust that an appointment to this holy shrine will endowment
all their cravings.

12) Evidence from NASA:

NASA contributes as well in collecting the confirmation in this respect.
The NASA shuttle has circulated a representation of the shadowy old
association that once occurred among India and Sri Lanka, the most
newly exposed bridge and is supposed to be 30 km extended. It's
remained in the broadcast for days and is discussed by numerous alien

13) Sync between time history and ages:

Archaeological readings illustrate that the first social expenditure in Sri
Lanka was about 1,750,000 years ago and the age of the bond energies
back to the similar corresponding. To brand substances inferior, the
periods stated in Valmiki's transcript likewise overlap by way of those of
prehistoric periods.

14) Mystery of Floating stones:

Epic Prerogatives that Lord Rama lifted the stones on the water to ease
his procession to form the channel amongst India and Sri Lanka, later so
numerous epochs this wonder is motionless animated in Rameshwaram,

If you toss a pebble into the water, the pebble does not go under but
drifts. The odd singularity of fluctuating stones is experiential only in
this town and experts all ended the world devise not remained talented to
decode the motive for it. This is actual durable indication of the
incidence of the Ramayana.
15) Sanjeevani Mountain, Dronagiri:
Sanjeevani Mountain, well-thought-out the verge to mysterious basils
and plants, is quiet the similar currently in Dronagiri, Himalayas.
Rendering to myth, Lord Hanuman transported the similar foothill to
reconcile Lord Lakshman.
16) Ashok Vatika, Sri Lanka:
Ashok Vatika is alleged to be the protection where Lord Ravana captive
the goddess Sita. This orchard has persisted the similar to this time. It is
presently recognized as the Hakgala Botanical Garden and is positioned
close the urban of Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka. .
17) Existence of Sita Eliya, Sri Lanka:
The tributary in which Queen Sita cleansed devours lingered the
unchanged to this day. It was beforehand called Sita Eliya while the
habitation is ordinarily acknowledged as "Sita Jharna".
18) Existence of Konda Kattu Gala, Ishtreepura:
It is whispered that Sita Devi suffused in the similar watercourse and
dehydrated her hair on a rock, which is why the residence contracted its
designation Konda Kattu Gala. This dwelling is uniform now in the
Welimada area, Sri Lanka. Myth takes it that Lord Ravana taken Sita to
Ishtreepura later she was kidnapped. This was a women-only part as he
was worried round his jail site afterward Lord Hanuman's unexpected
entrance as Lord Rama's Envoy of Harmony.
The pond is said to devise remained shaped by Sita's tears and stagnant
be present nowadays. This home is named an effort of painting and
clever building as it is linked to all parts of Lord Ravana's metropolitan
by abundant channels and paths.
19) Existence of Lepakshi, Andhra Pradesh:
By way of Lord Ravana Kidnaps Sita Devi, supposed that they
supervised through Jatayu, who facilitated all to preclude him did not

20)  Divurumpola, Sri Lanka:

Subsequently saving Sita commencing Lord Ravana, Lord Rama is
supposed to consume her go finished Agni Pariksha, to demonstrate her
cleanliness and disloyalty. The similar home he removed her finished,
which motionless occurs nowadays in the designation of Divurumpola. ,
Sri Lanka. All of the indication delivered here is on a humble
By the end of this Essay I am here concluding with my research work
that it’s true that the great epic tale Ramayana have existed in this earth.
As before I have quoted many evidences regarding this. Its is that even
after five generations we don’t remember the person who lived in that
case it’s not an easy task to accurately state a person who had lived
centuries back. But with the same connotation we can also say that it
can’t be rejected. However with all the evidences I have showed and
researched I conclude the existence of lord Ram.

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