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Ex 1

1. E
2. H
3. J
4. F
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. I
10. G

Ex 2

a. 4; 10
b. 8; 5
c. 1; 9; 10
d. 9;
e. 2; 9;
f. 1(?); 7; 9; 2(?)

Ex 5

1. Get
2. Across
3. The feeling
4. Get
5. Seemed to
6. Strikes

Ex 6

From what I have read, this forum is made mostly for women that are experiencing a family issues with
marriage, kids. People are seeking for an advice about what they should do with the troubles that
appearing in their lives.

Ex 7

Patronising; compassionate; outraged; forceful (a bit)

Ex 8

1. To tell
2. Shouldn’t treat
3. Calls
4. Ask
5. Would you rather have
6. Were
7. Would refuse
8. You’d better to end
9. Get hurt
10. Staying
Ex 9


I think you should talk to your friend first, ask what’s up and then make a part of conclusion of what you
should do. Second thing, in my opinion, is that you should meet up with this girl of your even if she’s not
really eager to do so, and you have to kind of push her to conversation and tell her about the feelings, at
least partly. If she as nice as you think of her, she will respect your feelings and answer all of your
questions. You have to ask her what does she thinks of you and how does she see the future, and what
type of relations you will be having. If she will tell her that she sees you as a friend only, then you going
to have to accept her choice. It is totally okay, not all the people we’re meet in our lives are made to
stay with us forever. Wish you good luck.

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