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From English to native language

1. The implement commitments – исполнение обязательств\обязанностей

2. Nominal capital – номинальный капитал
3. To maintain policy – поддержание политики \ ведение политики на должном уровне
4. Factor of production – производственный фактор
5. To make an offer – делать предложение
6. To conclude a transaction – производить транзакцию
7. To hold an exhibition – проводить выставку
8. To develop new markets – разрабатывать новые рынки
9. To reject an offer – отвергать предложение
10. To display at the exhibition – демонстрировать на выставке
11. Temporary or permanent exhibition – временная или постоянная выставка
12. Fair ground – ярмарка \ ярморочная выставка
13. Printed material – напечатанный материал
14. The field of national economy – ответвление национальной экономики
15. To participate in.. – участвовать в
16. To lose a Chance – терять возможность

From native language to English

17. Единый рынок - Single market

18. Валовый внутренний продукт - Gross domestical product
19. Заниматься торговлей - To trade
20. Трудоемкие товары - Labour-intensive goods
21. Ограничивать торговлю - To restrict trade
22. Торговая ярмарка - trading fair
23. Поиск материалов или рабочей силы - Seeking of materials or labour
24. Промышленные товары - Industrial goods
25. Товар, предмет, изделие - Product, item, goods
26. Продвигать товар на новые рынки - To promote product onto the new markets
27. Устанавливать новые контакты - To establish new contacts
28. Отсылать запросы - To send applications
29. Заключать контракт - To make a deal
30. Делать предложение - To offer

1. Exhibition – An exhibition is a public event at which pictures, sculptures, or other objects of

interest are displayed.
2. Gross domestic product - resents the total monetary value of all final goods and services
produced within a country during a period of time.
3. Industry - economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of
goods in factories.
4. Factor of production - the resource people use to produce goods and services.
5. Transaction - is a completed agreement between a buyer and a seller to exchange goods,
services, or financial assets in return for money.

1. To exhibit – to display, to demonstrate, to show

2. Foreign trade – international trade, global trade
3. Domestic trade – local trade
4. Visitor – guest, observer
5. Industry – field, branch
6. Competitor – opponent, enemy
7. Printed material – magazines, newspapers
8. To hold an exhibition – to hold a fairground
9. To refuse – to reject, to deny
10. Transaction – pay

1. Economists are usually using term of “globalization” in a meaning of international integration of

the goods, capital and labour on the markets.
2. Usually, tariffs on import are decently high so it helps domestic manufacturers to compete with
import production.
3. Many participants of the exhibition are not losing an opportunities to establish a new contacts
and make an orders for the goods, in which their nation has a need.
4. Fairs and exhibitions having a huge impact on development in different layers of society
including education and industry.
5. Exhibitions – is a perfect way to advertise and promote goods to the new markets.

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