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Word combinations

To make friends
To take revenge
To make up one’s mind
To commit suicide
To find faults with somebody
To get in touch with somebody
True to fact
To give way
To wash one’s hands
To rest on one’s oars
To go a long way
To establish control

Phraseological units
To see the world through rosy spectacles
To show the white feather
A house of cards
To play the first fiddle
The apple of one’s eye
I’m fed up with it!
A pretty kettle of fish
Let sleeping dogs lie
A slip of the tongue
A hard nut to crack

Phraseological fusions
To kiss the hare’s foot
To call a spade a spade
To shed crocodiles tears
Judas kiss
To dot the I’s and cross the T’s
To nip the bud
To have all the trumps in one hand
Between wind and water
To lose one’s way
Blank verse

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