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High-Resolution Doppler Lidar for Boundary Layer and Cloud Research

NOAA/ERL/Environmental Technology Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado


NOAA/ERL/Environmental Technology Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado

(Manuscript received 27 May 1999, in final form 18 April 2000)

The high-resolution Doppler lidar (HRDL) was developed to provide higher spatial, temporal, and velocity
resolution and more reliable performance than was previously obtainable with CO 2-laser-based technology. The
improved performance is needed to support continued advancement of boundary layer simulation models and
to facilitate high-resolution turbulent flux measurements. HRDL combines a unique, eye-safe, near-IR-wave-
length, solid-state laser transmitter with advanced signal processing and a high-speed scanner to achieve 30-m
range resolution and a velocity precision of ;10 cm s21 under a variety of marine and continental boundary
layer conditions, depending on atmospheric and operating conditions. An attitude-compensating scanner has
been developed to facilitate shipboard marine boundary layer observations. Vertical velocities, fine details of
the wind profile near the surface, turbulence kinetic energy profiles, and momentum flux are measurable with
HRDL. The system is also useful for cloud studies. The HRDL technology, capabilities, and field performance
are discussed.

1. Introduction and background and can provide three-dimensional volumes of wind

Pulsed Doppler lidar is a relatively new addition to A scanning Doppler lidar based on pulsed CO 2 laser
the technology of atmospheric wind sensing. Lidar is
technology was successfully demonstrated and has been
similar in many respects to radar except that it transmits
operated by the Environmental Technology Laboratory
bursts of light instead of radio waves and, because of
(ETL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-
the short wavelengths employed, it can use aerosol par-
ticles as atmospheric scattering targets. Aerosols have ministration’s Office of Atmospheric Research (NOAA/
negligible fall speeds in the context of flows studied by OAR) since the early 1980s (Post and Cupp 1990).
the lidar and are excellent tracers of air motions. By Called TEACO 2 , it has provided valuable insight into
observing the Doppler shift of the light scattered by the kinematic structure of many small-mesoscale flow
aerosols, the lidar can remotely measure air velocities. systems, including the sea breeze, downslope wind-
With scanning capability, the instrument can map out storms, flow in complex terrain, thunderstorm gust-front
the radial wind u r field in the horizontal and vertical outflows, the dry line, and a prescribed forest fire (In-
trieri et al. 1990; Neiman et al. 1988; Banta et al. 1992,
1993, 1995, 1996, 1997a; Banta 1995; Clark et al. 1994;
Levinson and Banta 1995). Doppler lidar has also made
* Current affiliation: LightWorks, LLC, Boulder, Colorado. important contributions in the study of clouds (Intrieri
et al. 1995).
Corresponding author address: Robert M. Banta, NOAA/ERL
Following the success of the CO 2 Doppler lidar in
(ET2), 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3328. studying small-mesoscale flows, it became evident that
E-mail: Doppler lidar had great potential for measuring the mean

q 2001 American Meteorological Society

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and turbulent velocity structure of the atmospheric nology for HRDL. These include substantial pulse fre-
boundary layer (ABL). Its ability to map out the fines- quency chirp, size, weight, gas handling, and refill re-
cale velocity fields would immediately provide insight quirements; atmospheric water-vapor continuum ab-
into the coherent structure of the turbulence; vertical sorption; and the need for liquid-nitrogen-cooled (LN 2 )
staring would provide data and statistics on the fluc- detectors at 10-mm wavelengths. Although more recent
tuating vertical velocity w, and scanning techniques, systems (e.g., Schwiesow and Spowart 1996) marginally
which had been developed for Doppler radar to evaluate improved on the performance of injection-seeded,
boundary layer turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) and pulsed CO 2 lidars, and new radio frequency–excited
momentum flux profiles, could be applied to Doppler master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) designs (e.g.
lidar. The ABL is an important part of the atmosphere Brewer et al. 1997) have produced impressive perfor-
that serves as a reservoir for quantities passing between mance improvements, the key reason to consider other
the earth’s surface and the free atmosphere. Pollutants technologies is the persisting trade-off between wave-
are released, transformed, and transported in the ABL length and velocity resolution for a given range reso-
before being deposited at the surface or carried upward lution in the presence of noise.
into the free troposphere, with resultant impacts on the In pulsed Doppler lidars at any particular wavelength,
biosphere and human activity. Despite the importance
range and velocity resolution are competing perfor-
of this layer, it is still poorly understood except in some
mance specifications, but the trade-off range between
simplified cases, such as the unstable, barotropic, day-
time convective boundary layer (CBL). these parameters can generally be improved by going
Ideally, such a boundary layer instrument would pro- to a shorter wavelength. As the transmitted pulse width
vide velocity precision of 0.1 m s21 , range resolution t p is decreased to achieve improved range resolution,
better than 50 m, and temporal resolution of 1 s or finer. the spectral bandwidth of the pulse, f 2 , increases ap-
Despite more than a decade of development and suc- proximately as 1/(2pt p ) so that all returns from the
cessful application, it appeared that CO 2 pulsed-laser- atmosphere are also broadened. As the bandwidth in-
based systems had limitations in meeting the spatial creases, it becomes increasingly difficult to estimate the
sampling requirements, velocity resolution, and the spectral peak of the return in the presence of noise, and
long-term stability sought for a boundary layer instru- hence velocity precision suffers. This can be seen from
ment. The best that had been achieved up to that time the Cramer–Rao Lower Bound (CRLB), which sets the
with CO 2 systems was ;0.5 m s21 and 350-m range theoretical limit on the local variance s2 of frequency
resolution (Post and Cupp 1990). Consequently, ETL determined from any estimator. Under the reasonable
sought to develop a coherent Doppler lidar employing assumption of a Gaussian spectrum, the ultimate limit
more compact, shorter wavelength; recently demonstrat- on frequency determination by any optical system (not
ed solid-state laser technology; and advanced signal pro- just coherent systems) is dependent on the signal band-
cessing to achieve performance optimized for the width f 2 and N, the number of photons in the mea-
boundary layer. surement, as given by Rye and Hardesty [1993a, their
When development funding for the high-resolution Eq. (18)]:
Doppler lidar (HRDL) was first obtained in 1991, new
near-infrared, eye-safe-wavelength, solid-state laser f 22
technology was just emerging, and a flash-lamp-pumped s2 $ . (1)
(low repetition rate), coherent Doppler lidar using this
technology had been demonstrated (Henderson et al. While coherent systems cannot reach this limit, the re-
1993). Although diode-pumped high-repetition-rate la- lationship between signal strength, bandwidth, and var-
sers suitable for coherent Doppler lidars had been con- iance remains.
structed (Henderson and Hale 1990), pulse energies Equation (1) illustrates that in the absence of noise,
were small, and lidar systems had not yet been built frequency estimates depend little on the shape or width
using these lasers. Since the needed technologies were of the signal spectrum. With finite fixed noise, esti-
neither available commercially within budgetary con-
mation variance depends primarily upon the width of
straints nor did they meet performance criteria, an in-
ternal program was initiated to develop and integrate the signal spectrum, which depends on many systematic
the laser, transceiver, signal processor, scanner, and en- factors. Such factors include the laser pulse width,
vironmental field container. This project has resulted in shape, and frequency chirp and atmospheric conditions
HRDL. such as turbulence within the measurement volume
(Frehlich 1997), refractive turbulence along the laser
path (which can cause jitter in the lidar beam pointing
2. Technology
angle and introduce a scanning velocity of its own), and
a. Performance trade-offs and laser transmitter the spatial distribution of backscatter (which affects the
design number of signal photons). In cases where the lidar beam
1) SOLID-STATE VERSUS CO 2 encounters both a strong velocity gradient with range
Several issues led to the decision not to use traditional and a correlation between backscatter and velocity, ap-
gas-discharge-excited, injection-seeded CO 2 laser tech- parent velocity bias and variance can be introduced

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FIG. 1. Plot of SNR vs. C 2N, a measure of the atmospheric optical turbulence intensity level, for
a flashlamp-pumped, 2.1-mm, coherent Doppler lidar (8) and ETL’s TEACO 2 (10.59 mm) coherent
Doppler lidar (3). Data were acquired over a nearly horizontal path ;3 m AGL over a flat surface
at the Table Mountain test facility north of Boulder, Colorado. Backscatter was from a sandpaper
calibration target at a range of 2 km. Data show degradation of 2- mm performance at high
turbulence levels. Anomalous values at high C 2N are believed to be due to spatial pulse broadening
by the atmosphere, causing the pulse to scatter from the supporting van as well as the target, and
resulting in wide variations in backscatter.

through range-weighting errors. While the effect of each wavefront (Fig. 1) limit the effective telescope aperture
of these instrument and atmospheric factors can be treat- size (Belmonte and Rye 2000), and direct or scattered
ed independently (see, e.g., Frehlich et al. 1997, 1998), solar background light may affect detector performance.
they often interact in strongly nonlinear ways, and it is Also, to maintain the same heterodyne detection effi-
generally most advantageous to estimate system per- ciency, the optical quality requirements, and hence the
formance from data acquired under specific atmospheric cost, of optical components rapidly increases. At wave-
scenarios. We present HRDL performance estimations lengths ,1.45 mm, eye safety (ANSI 1993) becomes
in comparison to the CRLB in section 3 for a variety an important issue, placing restrictions on many poten-
of atmospheric conditions. tial applications for a scanning boundary layer lidar.
The Doppler frequency shift D f Dop for a given ve- Shorter l operations also present several technological
locity V is inversely proportional to the transmitted challenges. Since the Doppler shift is larger for a given
wavelength l, according to velocity, the needed signal digitization rate increases to
achieve the Nyquist rate for the peak measurable speed.
D f Dop 5 2V/l. (2) Thus, raw data volume and required processing ‘‘horse-
Thus, for a given velocity and range resolution, it is power’’ also linearly increase with decreasing l. The
evident that at shorter wavelengths, D f Dop is a larger number of photons per unit power scales as l, so more
fraction of the pulse bandwidth. The foregoing suggests transmitted power is required to achieve the same return
that operation at wavelengths shorter than those of pre- signal statistics for a given backscatter cross section.
viously employed CO 2-laser-based technologies oper- However, the latter effect may be compensated for by
ating near 10.6 mm [typically having ;0.5 m s21 ve- the l21 to l22 wavelength dependence of typical at-
locity precision and 120–300 m range resolution (Post mospheric aerosol backscatter.
and Cupp 1990; Mayor et al. 1997a)] facilitates achiev-
ing the desired simultaneous improvements in velocity 2) HIGH PULSE-REPETITION RATE
resolution and in range resolution.
Operation at an arbitrarily short wavelength is not Achieving high temporal or transverse spatial (i.e.,
without penalty. As l is shortened, signal degradation perpendicular to the beam) resolution, especially while
due to the effects of refractive index turbulence on the scanning, requires a rapid velocity profile acquisition

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rate and correspondingly high pulse repetition rate

(PRR) laser. A peculiarity of coherent detection places
additional requirements on PRR for achieving high-ve-
locity precision as well, as described below.
In typical coherent-detection lidar, light returning
from the atmosphere is mixed with frequency-stable,
continuous-wave (CW) laser light [local oscillator (LO)]
of a wavelength very close to that transmitted. The re-
sulting optical interference between the LO and atmo-
spheric backscatter causes a temporal modulation of the
combined light amplitude at the frequency difference
between the two beams. This ‘‘beat note’’ is the signal
that is detected, and the frequency of the beat note in-
dicates the Doppler shift.
The beat signal amplitude is, however, not steady in
time, even from a homogeneously backscattering at-
mosphere, because spatially, the backscatter return is
composed of ‘‘speckles.’’ These are the same sort of
bright and dark spots of laser light (coherent) commonly
observed in the pattern of CW laser light cast on a wall.
A speckle is a region in which the wave functions of
the signal photons constructively interfere. When the FIG. 2. Atmospheric absorption near the HRDL operating wave-
length calculated for a sea-level midlatitude summer standard at-
wave functions are out of phase, destructive interference mosphere using the Hitran database (Rothman et al. 1987).
causes the signal to fade.
The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for a single speckle
is at most 1; either the speckle is detected or it is not, (largely CO 2 and water vapor) exhibit substantial dis-
regardless of how many photons combine to produce crete absorption lines that must be avoided to minimize
the speckle. Thus, the velocity precision is limited by range-limiting attenuation of the lidar signal. Figure 2
the speckle noise, regardless of the signal power. Es- shows the expected atmospheric attenuation in this
timates of velocity are therefore most easily improved wavelength region. For acceptable ABL performance
by averaging the velocity estimates from independent over a potential 15-km range, attenuation due to gaseous
speckles. Note that because the frequency of the speckle species should be at most a few percent per kilometer
is determined from the time series of the amplitude of (the lidar signal is subject to attenuation on both legs
the return signal, this may equivalently be viewed as a of the round trip). This can be achieved at only a few
signal level of one photon per velocity-resolution band- wavelengths near 1.6 and 2.1 mm. Thus, because the
width. transmitted wavelength is determined by the laser crys-
The standard deviation of the estimate improves with tal medium, finding a wavelength that minimizes at-
the square root of the number of independent speckles mospheric absorption becomes a critical criterion in
included in the average. Velocity precision may be im- choosing the best of the available laser materials.
proved either by averaging independent estimates in No suitable lasers meeting the high PRR and fre-
range or by averaging estimates from independent pro- quency purity requirements were available near 1.6 mm.
files. Averaging in range diminishes range resolution. Near 2.1 mm, lasers employing thulium (Tm) and hol-
Thus, the PRR must be significantly increased over that mium (Ho) in yttrium-aluminum-garnet (YAG) and
needed for spatial sampling to achieve high-velocity YAG-variant crystals had been demonstrated. Tm:YAG
precision if range resolution is to be preserved. was originally chosen because the Tm system lases ef-
The high PRR required was achieved by choosing ficiently near room temperature whereas Ho-based la-
CW diode-pumping and acousto-optic Q-switched op- sers require significant cooling, a disadvantage for a sea-
eration for the HRDL laser transmitter. The CW diode- going field system. Fortunately, excellent room tem-
pumping approach also minimizes the cooling require- perature InGaAs detectors [having noise equivalent
ments on the laser crystal. This is important because power (NEP) ; 1.2 E213 W Hz21/2 and quantum ef-
laser-head vibration induced by excess cooling-water ficiency (QE) ; 65%] are also available at these l’s.
flow results in added frequency jitter. In addition, the presence of significant water vapor ab-
sorption lines within the Tm tuning range leaves open
the possibility for the future development of simulta-
neous water vapor differential-absorption lidar (DIAL)
The wavelength region between 1.4 and 3 mm was and Doppler capability.
chosen as the best compromise between eye safety and Tm:YAG lases most efficiently at 2.0212 mm, where
Doppler performance. In this region, atmospheric gases the fluorescence of the material peaks. As can be seen

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FIG. 3. Simplified HRDL transceiver schematic. HBS: hollographic beam sampler; PBS: thin-film
polarization beam splitter; QWP: quarter-wave plate.

in Fig. 2, this l does not coincide with a local wave- erence laser and the unique diode-pumped, injection-
length for optimum atmospheric transmission. Conse- seeded pulse laser. The lidar employs three different
quently, HRDL employs a variant, Tm:Lu, YAG (4% types of laser: 1) the pulse laser, which is the heart of
Tm, 50% Y, 50% Lu), in which some of the yttrium is the system and performs similar functions to the power
replaced with lutetium (Lu). This variant lases most oscillator (PO) in Post and Cupp (1990), generates the
efficiently at 2.0218 mm, corresponding to a local min- narrow-bandwidth, frequency-stable, high-energy 2-mm
imum in atmospheric absorption (Kametic et al. 1994). outgoing (transmit) pulse for HRDL; 2) the pump lasers,
an array of laser diodes coupled to the pulse laser cavity
b. The HRDL transceiver by fiber optics, elevates the energy level of the pulse
laser to prime it for lasing; and 3) the CW reference
Figure 3 shows a simplified schematic of the HRDL laser provides a wavelength-stable, high-beam-quality,
optical system. The critical components responsible for long-coherence-length source that performs two func-
the performance capabilities of HRDL are the CW ref- tions—first as the receiver LO and second as a source
of photons for stabilizing the pulse laser via injection
TABLE 1. HRDL specifications. seeding—both of which are further described in the next
section. System parameters are listed in Table 1.
Parameter Value
Wavelength 2.0218 mm
Laser material Tm:Lu, YAG 1) THE LASERS
Laser pulse energy 0.8 mJ operationally (5 mJ demonstrated)
Laser pulse width 200 ns
Pulse repetition rate 200 Hz (i) Pump lasers: The laser diodes
Polarization Circular
Telescope diameter 0.2 m The HRDL solid-state pulse laser is optically CW
Detector InGaAs, room temperature pumped by semiconductor laser diodes. Although diode
Quantum efficiency 0.65 lasers are an alternative that can produce significant
Linear dynamic range 70 dB (entire system)
Range resolution 30 m amounts of optical power directly, the former config-
Maximum range 10.8 km (data-system limited) uration was chosen because diode lasers do not possess
Minimum range 350 m the spectral purity, beam quality, or high pulse energy
Scanner resolution 0.018 capabilities that are required for coherent Doppler lidar
Scanner acceleration rate 308 s22
operations. These qualities can be achieved by solid-

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state lasers, and diode-pumping enables efficient solid- quency of a CW laser by flooding the pulse laser cavity
state laser operation. with CW laser photons of the desired frequency prior
In HRDL, the laser-diode light is used to pump energy to pulse generation. Ideally, the length of the laser cavity
into the Tm:Lu, YAG solid-state laser crystal, which is adjusted to be resonant at the seed laser frequency so
can provide the required beam characteristics when that the frequency output of an injection-seeded laser is
placed in a suitable Q-switched resonator cavity. The identical to that of the injected photons. In HRDL, a
CW diode pumping has several advantages over flash- single temperature-stabilized CW reference laser (CLR
lamp and pulsed laser diode pumping. The diode lasers Photonics CLR-2) serves both as a frequency-shifted
produce light at 785 nm, which matches the absorption beam for injection seeding and as the LO for coherent
band of Tm. Efficient absorption minimizes thermal gra- detection. The frequency shift for seeding is required
dients and heat load at the laser head because a sub- because the LO and the transmitted frequencies are off-
stantial fraction of the pump energy is radiated optically set, as explained in the next paragraph. This reference
in the laser output beam. The CW pumping allows the laser has operated nearly flawlessly since 1993 and has
laser to operate quasisteady-state, that is, without sig- maintained the same frequency within the resolution of
nificant time-varying thermal gradients. This improves a Burleigh WA-10 wavemeter (10 pm), despite exposure
laser frequency stability and beam quality because it to vibration, accelerations, and temperature extremes as-
induces less stress in the crystal than intermittent pump- sociated with transport and field operations.
Each end of the HRDL, pulse-laser crystal is pumped
(iii) Reference laser and LO
with ;9 W of light delivered by a 0.22-NA, 400-mm-
diameter optical fiber and coupled into the rod by a pair In coherent Doppler lidar, unless the transmitted pulse
of lenses. The pump energy for each fiber is generated frequency is offset from the LO laser frequency, it is
by five temperature-controlled 3-W laser diodes. In cou- hard to observe zero velocity (dc beat note), and it is
pling multiple lasers into a single fiber, brightness is impossible to distinguish the sign of the measured u r
nearly preserved by lining up the laser sources along from the signal. By offsetting the transmitted pulse fre-
the narrow divergence dimension while spatially over- quency from the LO and observing whether the received
lapping the wide divergence dimension (Fan and San- frequency is above or below the frequency of an oscil-
chez 1990). The module was built for us by Lightwave lator operating at the offset frequency, it is possible to
Electronics. It performed well when delivered but has retrieve the sign of u r . This also reduces velocity mea-
systematically degraded in field service both electron- surement biases because electronically, it facilitates very
ically and optically. It is currently being replaced with flat system frequency response by translating the signal
fiber-coupled diode laser bars (Opto-Power Inc., OPC- frequency to a higher frequency where the signal band-
B015 785 FC). pass is a small fraction of the center frequency.
In HRDL, the diffracted beam path from the intra-
cavity AOM Q-switch is also used to inject the seed
(ii) The pulse laser cavity
light (Coherent Technologies, Inc. Boulder, personal
The output coupler (95% reflectivity, 300-mm radius communication, 1993). In passing through the AOM,
of curvature) for the pulse-laser cavity is mounted on the frequency of the seed light is shifted by 100 MHz,
a piezoelectric translator (PZT) to allow precision ad- providing the needed precision offset from the LO. Ad-
justment of the cavity length. An intracavity dichroic ditionally, generating a laser pulse requires that the
beamsplitter is used to provide entry for the pump light Q-switch be de-energized; this breaks the diffracted path
to the interior face of the laser crystal, forming an L-sha- from the AOM, providing considerable isolation of the
ped laser cavity. A fused-silica, intracavity acousto-op- LO laser from back-propagating pulse laser light. Iso-
tic modulator (AOM; IntraAction AQS-1003AW19) is lation in this path is critical to minimizing overload of
used to Q-switch the pulse laser. The rear cavity end the signal detector and to the wavelength stability of the
mirror is coated onto the Tm:Lu, YAG laser rod. The LO laser, which is used as a frequency reference, during
laser rod is wrapped in indium foil and secured within reception of the atmospheric return. Additional isolation
a thermally contacted aluminum block that is temper- in this path is provided by a conventional 30-dB Faraday
ature controlled by a pair of Peltier coolers. Excess heat isolator.
is removed from the Peltier coolers and the AOM by a
low-volume, low-pressure water flow. This arrangement
(iv) Cavity length and the lock-loop system
minimizes thermal drifts due to environmental changes
and also eliminates frequency jitter caused by water For injection-seeding to work reliably, the cavity
flow-induced cavity vibrations characteristic of direct length of the pulse laser must be actively maintained at
water cooled lasers. an integer multiple of a half wavelength of the injection
Single-frequency operation of the pulse laser is laser (i.e., optical resonance) to compensate for acoustic
achieved by injection seeding. Injection-seeding is a vibrations and thermal drifts. In the HRDL pulse laser,
technique in which a pulse laser is locked to the fre- this resonance condition is initially sought by observing

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and minimizing the time between when the Q-switch is ;100 Hz. In quiescent operation, the laser pulse-to-
de-energized and when the laser pulse develops. This pulse frequency standard deviation is observed to be
is achieved by adjusting the pulse-laser cavity length, ;1 MHz, probably due to higher frequency acoustic
using the output coupler PZT. When the cavity length vibrations. In rough seas during shipboard deployment,
is correct, it is resonant with the injection laser fre- the system was subjected to large-amplitude vibrations
quency (shifted by the 100-MHz AOM), and the pulse- due to the ship’s propellor and sea-induced 0.2–0.7-g
laser oscillation builds up from the already-present in- accelerations in all directions with a typical 4-s period.
jected seed photons rather than waiting for initiation by Under these conditions, the laser solidly maintained lock
a spontaneously emitted photon within the resonant and exhibited ;2.5-MHz pulse-to-pulse jitter (17 ppb).
mode. When the resonance condition is met, the Subsequent signal processing compensates for this small
Q-switch buildup time is a minimum (2–4 ms for the pulse-to-pulse jitter.
HRDL laser). However, the magnitude of the buildup Planned operation in the National Center for Atmo-
time is not a unique indicator of seeded operation or spheric Research (NCAR) C-130 and the NOAA P-3
precise laser wavelength because it depends on laser aircraft will likely require implementation of a more
gain and cavity losses, which are sensitive to alignment, sophisticated ramp-and-fire algorithm for the HRDL
pump intensity, temperature, and a myriad of other fac- lock loop. In this algorithm, the intensity of seed-laser
tors. The required precision control of the laser wave- light back-propagating along the injection path is ob-
length is provided, once seeding is obtained, by mixing served while the PZT is ramped prior to Q-switching
a sample of the output pulse frequency with a sample the pulse laser. When the intensity of this light is a
of the LO and observing the resulting pulse beat note maximum, the cavity is resonant with the seed light,
on a room-temperature InGaAs detector (Epitaxx ETX- and the Q-switch is de-energized to generate a laser
100GTR2.2). As pulse-laser oscillation begins, the op- pulse. This will allow tracking higher-frequency vibra-
erating frequency quickly chirps to the cavity resonance tions because correction of the cavity length is based
where the losses are least. Thus, small errors in the on instantaneous information just prior to each laser
cavity length may be observed as a difference of the pulse. Software implementation of the lock loop in a
pulse beat note from 100 MHz. This error is fed back PC simplifies rapid adaptation and testing of new al-
to the PZT control to finetune the pulse-laser cavity gorithms and facilitates fine tuning algorithms for best
length. performance
Beat-note-frequency determination, Q-switch buildup
time measurement, and electronic control of the laser
(v) Performance
lock loop are all implemented in a PC (originally a 486,
66 MHz) with a combination of commercial Industry- Although the injection-seeded laser was designed to
Standard Architecture (ISA) D/A and timer cards and develop 10-mJ, 200-ns-wide pulses, optical coating
a custom ISA frequency measurement and signal con- damage has limited its performance to ,5 mJ per pulse
ditioning card. Beat-frequency measurement is obtained at 200 Hz PRR. In practical field operation prior to 1999,
on each pulse by precisely timing (650 ps) the period only 0.8–1.0 mJ pulse21 could be reliably maintained.
for 16 zero-crossings of the beat note. This provides a The problem is largely due to thermal lensing and sub-
single-pulse measurement precision of ;100 kHz and sequent narrowing of the laser mode diameter in the
a lock-loop range of 10–132 MHz (limited by amplifier crystal by the pump beam. This causes excessively high
response and Advanced-Shotkey Transistor–Transistor fluence at the rod face resulting in optical coating dam-
Logic). age. When the pump module was new, the laser devel-
The lock-loop PC runs real-time, interrupt-driven oped 1.2 mJ pulse21 in 300-ns-wide pulses (injection
software developed in-house under DOS. It provides the seeded) at a 1-kHz pulse rate; however, the present
ability to rapidly change laser and lock-loop operating HRDL data system cannot handle pulse rates greater
parameters by use of hierarchical menus and facilitates than ;230 Hz. Both the laser and data system are cur-
monitoring laser function by generating a scrolling real- rently being modified to alleviate the pulse energy and
time display of laser pulse energy, Q-switch buildup PRR restrictions. For example, Wulfmeyer and Brewer
time, pulse beat-note frequency, and PZT voltage on a (personal communication, 2000) have reported that re-
small black-and-white display. Histograms of the dis- cent improvements have increased transmitted pulse en-
tributions of these parameters may also be displayed. ergy to 3 mJ pulse21 .
The latter function is invaluable in optimizing laser
alignment and lock-loop parameters and for diagnosing
laser health.
Since the currently implemented lock loop adjusts The receiver and transmitter share a single 0.2-m-
cavity length for each pulse based on information from diameter off-axis Mersenne telescope. This provides ad-
previous pulses, the lock loop can easily correct for vantages in alignment, cost, and performance but re-
thermal and low-frequency acoustic variations in the quires separation of the receive light from the transmit
cavity length but cannot correct for vibrations above path before detection. This is achieved by passing the

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linearly polarized beam from the pulse laser through a

polarization beam splitter; the beam is then converted
to circular polarization by a quarter-wave plate (QWP)
before entering the telescope for transmission to the
atmosphere. Backscatter from symmetric scatterers in
the atmosphere reflect this polarization, and it returns
with the opposite circular polarization as viewed by the
receiver. After collection by the telescope, the return
signal again passes through the QWP and is converted
to the orthogonal linear polarization, which is reflected
out of the transmit path by the polarization beam-splitter
cube. The separated collimated received beam is di-
rected to the room-temperature InGaAs signal detector
(Eitaxx ETX-100GTR2.2) through a 10% reflectivity
beam splitter and focusing lens. The LO beam is coal-
igned with the receive beam and is reflected into the
detector from this beam splitter. Efficient signal detec-
tion requires that the LO and receive beams match po-
sition, direction, polarization, and wavefront curvature
on this beam splitter, where coherent mixing takes place.
A beam expander is inserted into the LO path ahead of
the mixing beam splitter to achieve matching of the
diameter and wavefront curvature (focus) of the LO to
the receive beam from the telescope.
Alignment and matching of the receiver and LO paths
in coherent systems is usually difficult, but the proce-
dure we use, employing a shear plate interferometer, FIG. 4. Signal conditioning and processing block diagram for
makes this relatively simple. A high-quality plane mir-
ror is inserted between the QWP and the telescope and
adjusted to retroreflect the pulse laser back on itself. coherent detection system to ensure that the SNR is
This mirror simulates the atmospheric return. The re- dominated by the optical signal statistics rather than
troreflected beam is viewed using the reflection from a detector and electronic amplifier noise. The LO power
shear plate, inserted ahead of the detector lens, with a is typically set to achieve ;12 dB of signal detector
charge-coupled device (CCD) IR camera (with the lens shot noise. The advantage of operating the detector in
removed or defocused from infinity and a neutral-den- the PV mode is that it is simpler, it avoids noise injection
sity filter to prevent damaging the CCD). Alternately through the bias circuits, and the detector can be con-
blocking the LO or the receive path allows matching nected directly to the amplifier input with a minimum
the position of the two beams and, by matching the of lead length.
relative rotation of the shear plate fringes, allows match- Initially, the data system is electronically switched to
ing the wavefront curvatures as well. look at the outgoing-pulse beat-note detector. After each
pulse is transmitted, the data system input is switched
to the signal detector. In this way, a sample of the out-
c. Signal processing and data system going-pulse frequency signal is subjected to the same
1) SIGNAL CONDITIONING signal path as the atmospheric signal and is available
as a reference for subsequent signal-processing steps to
Figure 4 shows an outline of the HRDL data acqui- perform pulse-by-pulse frequency corrections. These
sition system. In contrast to conventional technique, the processing corrections are necessary because the pulse-
InGaAs detectors used are operated without bias and in to-pulse frequency jitter of the laser is ;1 MHz (equiv-
the photovoltaic (PV) mode. Direct current generated alent to ;1 m s21 at 2 mm), and the velocity performance
by the LO power on the detectors is shunted through goal requires ;0.1 m s21 measurement precision.
an inductor, and the high-frequency signal is directly The HRDL velocity measurement range is currently
input to an off-the-shelf, low-noise, 32-dB power gain 625 m s21 ; thus the data system must unambiguously
voltage amplifier (Amplifonix BX6535-4). The response resolve frequencies of 75–125 MHz. Digitization at the
of this combination appears flat across the 100 6 50 Nyquist rate of 250 megasamples per second (Ms s21 )
MHz needed for HRDL, and 18 dB of shot noise (ratio 12 bits deep is not feasible with current technology and
of noise power with LO to noise power without LO on would result in unnecessarily high data rates and pro-
the detector) can be achieved within the detector linear cessing requirements. Instead, a complex demodulator
range. Shot noise .10 dB is typically required in a approach is employed in which the detector signals are

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mixed with a low-phase-noise electronic oscillator covariance data are available. In response, the data-pro-
(Electronic Research EROS-800-NAA-2) operating at cessing software running on the 68040 card assembles
100 MHz. This converts the Doppler signal to the 0–25 header information with the moment and covariance
MHz range (baseband). A second version of the base- data from the DSPs and immediately transmits each data
band signal is simultaneously produced by mixing the record via ethernet to the Sun IPX. Additionally, the
detector signal with the oscillator output that has been processing software assembles and transmits an initial
phase shifted by 908 (quadrature). The in-phase (I) and file header and once-per-second ancillary data records.
quadrature (Q) versions of the signal contain the same Data-processing and scan parameters are selected by
basic frequency information, but the relative I–Q phase the operator from a command menu on the Sun IPX
additionally indicates the sign of the velocity. The input workstation and are transmitted to the 68040 processor
signal to the I–Q demodulator (Mini-Circuits ZFMIQ- via an ethernet socket connection. The 68040 processing
100D-2) is low-pass filtered to eliminate noise occurring software then issues scanner commands via a parallel
at the third and fifth harmonics of the oscillator because port to the scanner computer and updates the DRAM
these harmonics also appear in the baseband as artifacts with new processing parameters.
of the mixing process and would degrade SNR perfor- Software on the Sun workstation reads the records
mance by ;3 dB. The I and Q signals output from the from the ethernet socket into shared memory. From
complex demodulator are low-passed to prevent aliasing shared memory, records are written to a 4-mm DAT
of frequencies greater than 25 MHz and buffered (AD tape archive and made available to the display programs.
9610) to present a constant impedance load to the LP Display programs can be run on the local workstation
filters and to drive the 5-m-long cables to the data ac- or remotely on any terminal running an X-window sys-
quisition system. tem.
The command menu and data displays were created
using a commercial X-window-based graphical user in-
terface (GUI) builder and the C programming language.
The data acquisition system, shown in Fig. 4, employs The data displays include an A-scope, a range-time in-
a VME bus architecture. The main controller is a dicator (RTI), a plan-position indicator (PPI), a range-
FORCE 68040 card with 16 MB of memory. This CPU height indicator (RHI), and a status window. Intensity,
is diskless and boots the VxWorks real-time operating u r , and normalized coherent power (NCP; a signal qual-
system from a Sun IPX workstation. Raw I and Q signals ity index) data can be independently displayed in each
from the complex demodulator are digitized at 50 Ms display window. Multiple displays of the same type can
s21 with an 11-bit SAM-70 card from Lassen Research; be used simultaneously. Displays use color scales to
the digitizer is directly interfaced to the first of three depict the data and can be thresholded using the NCP
Arial Hydra digital signal processor (DSP) boards. Each field. This threshold technique removes data with poor
Hydra card contains four 40-MHz TI TMS320C40 DSP velocity estimates.
chips, dedicated fast memory for each chip, and 1 MB Coherent Doppler lidars produce copious amounts of
of DRAM mapped into VME memory. Other VME data. At a 50-MHz digitization rate, 200-Hz PRR, and
cards are present for interfacing with the scanner and 10-km profile length, HRDL generates ;2.5 MB s21 (9
other digital and analog inputs. Ancillary data from the GB h21 ) of raw digitized I and Q data, presenting a
ship-motion-compensation systems and the laser-control formidable recording and data processing task. Reduced
computer are brought in through the serial ports on the to intensities and velocities with 30-m resolution and
68040 card. 1-s (200 shots) averaged beam resolution, the data rate
A total of 12 C40 DSP’s comprise the system. One is a more manageable 1.25 kB s21 (4.5 MB h21 ). This
DSP is used for ingesting the data from the digitizer is the primary motivation for developing a real-time
and distributing it to the other DSPs using the high- processor and recording only the moment and complex
speed serial ports. A second DSP is used to calculate covariance data. The availability of real-time velocities
the frequency of the pulse-laser beat-note frequency por- and intensities also facilitates immediate display of the
tion of the signal. This reference frequency is passed data needed for system optimization, data quality as-
along with the data to the other 10 DSPs. The current surance, and field-experiment management. The draw-
system digitizes 3600 complex samples, which, at 50 back of failing to record raw data is that the complicated
Ms s21 , provides a maximum profile range of 10.8 km. real-time processing algorithm must be correct or the
Each of the 10 processing DSPs receives 360 samples recorded data would be irretrievably corrupted.
and calculates covariances and moments for 36 contig- The algorithm used to reduce the raw I and Q data
uous 30-m gates using the poly-pulse-pair estimator. to velocities and intensities is outlined in Fig. 5. It is
Thus, each card processes data for a range interval of important to recognize the distinction between radar and
1.08 km. The data-processing algorithm is described in lidar Doppler signals. Radar Doppler shift at each range
more detail later in this section. When the processing is estimated from signal phase changes between differ-
of a beam is complete, a VME interrupt is raised to ent radar pulses. At the much shorter lidar wavelengths,
signal to the data-processing system that moment and the phase of the signal must be estimated from succes-

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sive samples of the return from each pulse because the

decorrelation time of the atmosphere is so short (Gos-
sard and Strauch 1983).
For each laser pulse and ensuing atmospheric profile,
a 7-lag autocovariance function (ACF) is calculated for
each range bin. This is also done separately for the
outgoing pulse frequency monitor beat-note signal. The
ACF for each range gate is rotated to compensate for
the pulse frequency error on each pulse. Next, the ACF
of a noise sample (acquired prior to atmospheric data
acquisition or from range gates where no signal return
is expected) is subtracted from each range ACF. This
takes account of amplifier noise floor irregularities, filter
roll-off, and other system bandpass characteristics that
may cause velocity bias by inducing a detection sen-
sitivity dependence on frequency. The corrected ACF
profiles are then averaged together until the SNR re-
quirements for the needed velocity resolution are sat-
isfied, typically ;0.1–2.0 s for boundary layer data but
less for higher-backscatter targets such as clouds. An
FFT is performed on the averaged ACFs at each range
to produce the power spectrum. The peak of a quadratic
fit to the maximum value of the spectrum and the two
adjacent points yields the best estimate of the frequency.
The peak-fitting step produces higher resolution in the
estimates than the discrete resolution of the FFT. This FIG. 5. Signal processing algorithm for HRDL.
technique works well; the data presented in section
3a(2), however, were limited by resolution of the data-
recording system to 17 cm s21 for an individual shot. standard tractor. The trailer has been modified with air-
The data system has been subsequently upgraded to ride suspension to further reduce road shock.
eliminate this digitization effect. The inside of the container has been partitioned to
house the lidar transceiver in one half and the data-
acquisition system and spare equipment or crew inci-
d. Mechanical considerations and operating dental storage in the other half. The container is insu-
environment lated to R-21, and each section is separately heated and
An important consideration in the design of HRDL Since the lidar is used during marine research mis-
was the ability to operate either in stationary mode or sions aboard a research ship, adequate dehumidification
in a number of mobile configurations. For example, the and filtering of the air is required. Also, because the
first significant deployment of HRDL was aboard a re- lidar transceiver path exits the seatainer through a 20.3-
search ship at sea, and many design decisions were made cm (8-in.) opening in the roof, slight positive pressure
anticipating the installation of HRDL on board an air- is maintained inside the container to minimize entry of
craft for airborne operation. salt particles and sea spray. Positive pressure is main-
During land or marine deployments, the entire system tained by a specially designed system that provides a
is housed in a modified intermodal shipping container continuous in-flow of ;7.5 m 3 s21 of filtered and de-
(seatainer). The seatainer was chosen for the ease, econ- humidified outside air.
omy, and flexibility of shipping by truck, rail, or ship. In anticipation of aircraft deployments, the HRDL
The door, windows, air filtration–dehumidification unit, transceiver was assembled on a flight-certified mounting
and air conditioners are all recessed from the exterior platform obtained from the NOAA P-3 aircraft opera-
dimensions of the container and can be covered with tions center in Florida. This mounting platform attaches
protective plates during shipping. Cost savings in long- to the floor of the P-3 and measures 0.6 m 3 1.2 m.
distance and overseas shipping are facilitated because
the structural integrity and dimensions of the standard
e. Scanning
container were preserved during modification. When in
transit, the lidar and data system are floated on per- While vertical stares provide valuable information on
manently attached air vibration isolators to reduce pack- profiles of vertical velocity w and backscatter distri-
ing cost and time. For domestic deployments, the sea- bution in the ABL and in clouds, scanning a coherent
tainer is placed on a trailer that may be hauled by a Doppler lidar adds significant measurement capabilities.

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HRDL employs a friction-drive, three-axis, alt-azimuth

scanner with a 0.22-m clear aperture capable of 0.028
precision and acceleration exceeding 308 s22 (DFM En-
gineering). The scanner controller allows downloading
of scanning program tables from the data-system inter-
face. In operation, a scan sequence is downloaded to
the scanner computer from the HRDL data system, and
the scanner independently executes the scan sequence
until it is complete. The scanner position is updated at
a 100-Hz rate via a parallel port connection to the data-
system computer.


In addition to stares at any combination of azimuth

and elevation angles, several basic types of scan may
be executed with this system. Scans performed by
sweeping the azimuth angle while holding the elevation
angle fixed are referred to in radar terms as PPI scans.
At low elevation angles, they provide nearly horizontal
scans that reveal the horizontal u r or aerosol structure
of the atmosphere near the surface. At higher elevation
angles, full 3608 PPI’s describe a cone of measurements
of u r . The u r measurements can be used to obtain vertical
profiles of the horizontal wind, using the velocity-azi-
muth display (VAD) technique described by Browning
and Wexler (1968). The VAD scans can also be used FIG. 6. Scanner control and attitude correction subsystem for
to estimate vertical profiles of turbulence quantities,
such as TKE, momentum flux, and TKE divergence
(Frisch et al. 1989, 1992; Eberhard et al. 1989; Orr and attitude measurement system and scanner attitude
1990), by calculating functions of the turbulent fluc- correction control system. A three-axis, solid-state, rate-
tuations of u r about a best sine-wave fit (representing sensor package (Systron-Donner MP-GccABBB-100
the mean wind) at each level from the whole 3608 scan. Motion Pak) is used to measure rotation rates in the
Vertical-slice scans, performed by holding the azi- moving frame. The analog outputs of the rate sensors
muth angle fixed while sweeping the elevation angle, are input to a commercial A/D card in a PC (originally
are called RHI scans in radar terms. They provide ver- a 75-MHz Pentium) dedicated to the attitude measure-
tical cross sections of the u r and intensity fields. At low ment and control function.
elevation angles, the vertical resolution in RHI scans of These sensors provide relative attitude measurement
u r , which closely approximates the horizontal wind updates at ;100 Hz; however, absolute attitude must
component, is limited only by the lidar beam width be set, and drifts in these sensors must be removed. This
(;0.2 m) and the resolution of the scanner. Thus, ver- is accomplished in two ways. When a sufficient number
tical resolutions of ,1 m are hypothetically possible at of satellites are in view and acquired, primary correc-
sufficiently slow scanning speeds. Because the lidar is tions are provided at 0.5-s intervals by a four-channel
unaffected by antenna side lobes, it is possible to mea- differential global positioning system (GPS) attitude re-
sure wind profiles very close to the surface and to other ceiver (Ashtech 3DF-ADU). The four antennas are
obstacles. mounted to the HRDL seatainer in a pattern measuring
3 m 3 6 m, providing ;0.158 attitude measurement
accuracy. Running averages over several minutes from
both the rate-sensor- and the GPS-derived positions are
The initial field deployment aboard a research ship compared continuously, and drift rates for the sensors
required the scanner to be compensated for ship attitude. are updated and used to zero the rate-sensor-derived
For this purpose, an actuator producing 6158 of tilt of attitude errors. In our field experience, the GPS infor-
the elevation mirror was added to the scanner to avoid mation cannot be used alone because the GPS differ-
the azimuthal ambiguity at the pole inherent to alt-az- ential signals are available only ;70% of the time, and
imuth scanners. When near-vertical operations are re- the attitude update rate of the GPS receiver is much too
quired, only the tilt and elevation controls are used to slow (ship pitch, roll, and yaw periods were ;4 s on
compensate for ship pitch and roll. the R/V Wecoma). We believe loss of GPS lock was
Figure 6 shows a block diagram of the HRDL position due to satellite blockage by the ship’s mast during ma-

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neuvers. Thus, the rate sensors are used to provide the by the DSPs during MBLEX95 frequently caused cor-
high-speed updates while the GPS data provide the ab- ruption of the data beyond 1.08 km. Nonetheless, we
solute accuracy needed. were on many occasions able to retrieve solid signal to
When GPS attitude data are not available, a second a range of 5 km. From the high quality data obtained
method for correcting pitch and roll errors is used. The between 0.4 and 1.08 km, we were able to ascertain that
attitude measurement package also includes a precision under typical marine boundary layer aerosol conditions,
three-axis accelerometer set. In the absence of system- with 0.8 mJ per pulse and averaging 20 pulses (0.1 s),
atic ship manuevers, the accelerometers may be inte- we could expect 6 cm s21 velocity resolution in 30-m
grated to determine absolute vertical with respect to the range gates (Grund 1997a). Unexpectedly, dense fog
sensor axes from the residual fraction of g in each axis. penetration to ;3 km was also observed at the HRDL
Because the rate sensors are physically contained in the wavelength.
same package, drift rates and corrections for the attitude While aboard the R/V Wecoma, a 55.8-m (183-foot)
sensors may be estimated in the same way that they are vessel, HRDL was variously subjected to large accel-
for the GPS data. This method appears to work to ;0.58 erations (;0.7 g in all directions) and large-amplitude,
accuracy. A precision magnetometer has recently been ;5-Hz vibration from the ship’s propellor. Stable op-
acquired and will similarly be incorporated into the sys- eration of the laser lock loop was obtained despite these
tem to provide yaw calibration when the GPS is un- extreme vibration and acceleration conditions. The
available. pulse-to-pulse laser frequency jitter was observed to be
At a 10-Hz rate, the attitude information is sent via ;2.5 MHz (17 ppb), well within the pulse-frequency-
a high-speed serial port to the scanner control computer. compensation bandwidth of the processor.
The scanner computer then corrects the desired scanner More recently, HRDL has been deployed to cruises
pointing direction (given in ship coordinates) to the in the tropical western Pacific Ocean during June–July
earth coordinate frame defined by the attitude infor- 1999 and off the Bahama Islands in April 2000. The
mation. First and second derivatives of the received at- Pacific cruise included operations enroute from Darwin,
titude information are calculated by the scanner com- Australia, to the Island of Nauru. The measurements
puter and used to enhance scanner response. near Nauru were to assess the representativeness of pro-
The GPS position, calibrated attitude data, ship co- file measurements taken on the island to oceanic pro-
ordinate acceleration data, and ship coordinate velocity files. For each successive cruise, both the lidar and the
are formatted and sent to the HRDL data system for motion compensation system have undergone signifi-
recording with the atmospheric profile data. The ship’s cant improvements.
velocity data are used in postprocessing to subtract the
platform motion from the lidar u r data.
Precision of the scanning corrections has not yet been
established. A three-axis ship-simulating test frame has In July and August 1996, HRDL was deployed to the
been built and is being used to evaluate system perfor- Illinois prairie to study the daytime CBL over the level
mance. terrain as a part of the Lidars in Flat Terrain (LIFT)
experiment (Mayor et al. 1997b). HRDL goals at LIFT
included testing the system’s ability to acquire a com-
3. Field performance
prehensive dataset on the statistics of w in the CBL
a. Boundary layer (Mayor et al. 1997c; Lenschow et al. 2000), to measure
vertical profiles of TKE and momentum flux (Banta et
al. 1997b), and to contribute to measurements of flux
HRDL was first fielded during the Marine Boundary profiles of heat, moisture, and ozone (Senff et al. 1996,
Layer Experiment (MBLEX95) in April–May 1995. The 1997).
experiment was designed to study the formation of co- During LIFT, more than 220 h of HRDL data were
herent structures in the ocean and atmospheric boundary acquired, split about equally between 1) vertically point-
layers and the effects of turbulence coherent structures ing and 2) RHI, PPI, and profiler-beam following scans.
on air–sea interactions (Geernaert et al. 1996). During Daytime CBL observations were heavily weighted to-
MBLEX95, HRDL was operated from the deck of the ward vertical stares. Analysis of this dataset is in pro-
Oregon State University oceanographic R/V Wecoma. gress, and preliminary results have been reported else-
It performed a complete array of scanning and vertical- where (Banta et al. 1997b; Grund 1997b; Weckworth et
staring operations. This is believed to be the first op- al. 1997; Mayor et al. 1997b,c; Senff et al. 1997; Cohn
eration of an atmospheric coherent lidar at sea. Inco- et al. 1997).
herent (non-Doppler) systems have been successfully In Fig. 7a, a 1-h segment of typical w data is presented
employed aboard ship, such as the lidar operated by in time–height format (RTI display). Updrafts are in-
Hooper et al. (1996) to study vortex shedding by an dicated as warm colors and downdrafts as cool colors.
isolated obstacle. Maximum updraft speeds exceeded 3 m s21 during this
Problems with synchronization of parallel processing period (updrafts exceeding 5 m s21 were observed dur-

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FIG. 8. A 18-elevation scan in azimuth (PPI) taken at 0858 CST

on 12 Aug 1996, during the early-morning development of a CBL.
Radial velocities as a function of azimuth angle centered on the lidar
are shown. The turbulent wake behind trees and buildings (0 m s21
FIG. 7. Range-time display of vertical beam data showing the typ- velocity patches) is apparent in the southwest quadrant. Linearly or-
ical afternoon CBL structure observed during LIFT. Times are in ganized coherent structures aligned with the wind are suggested by
UTC (CST 5 UTC 2 5 h). The top panel shows vertical velocities: the periodic modulation of the velocities.
positive velocities are up. The bottom panel shows backscatter in-
tensity on a log scale. Boundary layer cumuli, with cloud base near
1.3 km AGL, block the signals above ;1.5 km at about 1930, 1950,
and 2020 UTC. Note that each cloud forms above an updraft region
8. The mean flow near the surface was from the south-
that extends throughout the observed boundary layer. southwest, and several interesting features of ABL
structure can be observed in this type of scanning data,
which were acquired at 0800 central standard time
ing LIFT); downdraft velocities typically reached 1–2 (CST) near the beginning of the diurnal solar heating
m s21 and covered a larger segment of time and space. cycle. At this early stage in boundary layer develop-
Figure 7b shows the corresponding relative backscatter ment, the thermals appear organized in linear bands
intensity profile on a log scale. The lifting condensation (perhaps rolls) oriented along the mean wind direction.
level was 1.3 km above ground level (AGL), as indi- This is most easily seen in the systematic meanders of
cated by the sharp rise in backscatter entering the cu- the 0 m s21 (white) velocity contour. Variations in drag
mulus (Cu) clouds. The Cu sat atop the convective due to surface features can also be seen clearly as a
plumes of the boundary layer. Although not evident dur- velocity wake behind obstacles, such as trees and build-
ing this time period, virga could usually be distinguished ings (white 0 m s21 velocity patches).
from cloud and aerosol signals by an organized anom- A particularly valuable attribute of the lidar is its
alous increase in negative w coincident with a substan- ability to observe the velocity field, including the effects
tial increase in backscatter. About 250 m of penetration of obstructions very near the surface, because the beam
into these dense water clouds was achieved before the is well confined and free of sidelobe response. By scan-
signal fell below detection limit due to extinction. Thus, ning the elevation angle at a fixed azimuth oriented to
beyond the cloud base, the w information abruptly ended the mean wind, it is possible to observe the fine vertical
at ;1.55 km AGL. Above the entrainment zone, the structure of the horizontal wind near the surface. Figure
signal dropped off gradually because the air in the free 9, demonstrating the capabilities of HRDL when in ver-
troposphere was cleaner than that of the boundary layer. tical scanning mode, shows a sampling of three vertical
Above 2.4 km AGL, the signal was insufficient on this slices taken along the mean wind direction just prior to
day to acquire velocity profiles except in mid- and high- the PPI in Fig. 8 (many more were acquired at about
level clouds, when present. 1.5-min intervals during this time period). The top pan-
In addition to vertical staring to measure w profiles el, taken at 0527 CST before the onset of diurnal heat-
and statistics, sector scans (PPIs and RHIs) provided ing, shows a well-developed nocturnal low level jet
images of ABL features and processes. A 18-elevation- (LLJ) with a maximum speed of 9.1 m s 21 at 160 m
angle azimuth scan (PPI) covering 3608 is shown in Fig. altitude. Similar jets were observed on several mornings

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FIG. 9. Vertical-slice (RHI) scans along the mean wind direction

taken downwind during the morning transition between the nocturnal
stable ABL and the daytime CBL on 12 Aug 1996. Blue crosses are
at 100-m intervals in altitude and in range (top) early morning (0627
CST) nocturnal jet. Jet maximum at 160 m AGL was 9.1 m s21 . Note
the near laminar stratification. Middle: at 0807 CST, convection driv-
en by surface heating was just beginning, as evidenced by the low-
velocity plumes at ; 100 m AGL near 750 m and 1 km down range.
This plume activity was eroding the jet from below. (bottom) By FIG. 10. Range-time display of vertical beam data showing a cirrus
0854 CST, convective plumes have grown to ;200-m height. The cloud as it advects overhead. The w structure is shown in the top
plumes (;1.25 and 2.2 km down range) have completely eroded the panel; the backscatter intensity is shown in the lower panel on a log
jet and down-mixed the jet momentum, accelerating the mean BL scale. The top of the cloud layer shows the upward motion associated
flow to 25 m s21 . These scans were taken just prior to the PPI in with active generating cells. The remainder of the cloud is composed
Fig. 8. of ice virga.

during LIFT, with core speeds of 5–12 m s21 , spanning of gravity waves, turbulence structures, and low-level
only 20–75 m at altitudes of 30–200 m, somewhat near- jet evolution. These scan data have also been animated
er the ground than suggested by previous climatologies to enhance the ability to interpret the lidar images as
(Hoecker 1963; Blackadar 1957) and often below the well as the other data taken during the project. The
minimum altitude for standard wind profilers. The LLJs spatial and temporal resolution possible with HRDL al-
at various scales are meteorologically and climatolog- lowed these features to be displayed in fine detail, and
ically significant because they strongly influence heat analysis of this dataset is in progress.
and moisture transport, can enhance thunderstorm ac-
tivity through transport of moisture and momentum
b. Clouds
(Stensrud 1996), may affect radiative balance through
impacts on cloud formation, and have important impli- The study of cloud morphology and dynamics is an-
cations for pollution transport. The middle and bottom other important meteorological application for HRDL.
panels of Fig. 9 show two stages in the evolution of the Clouds are potent modulators of climate, and a more
CBL from the stable nocturnal boundary layer, the complete understanding of cloud formation and dissi-
breakup process of this jet, and the mixing of jet mo- pation mechanisms and cloud morphology is needed to
mentum into the growing CBL after sunrise. assess the impact of clouds on radiative balance and to
Movie loops of the RHIs, taken every few minutes parameterize cloud effects in climate models. The high
throughout this time period, suggest early convective spatial and velocity resolution of HRDL offer new ca-
plume genesis may be tied to surface features, and pe- pabilities for studying cloud dynamics in unprecedented
riodic surges in the nocturnal jet may be tied to wave detail.
generation in the stable layers near the surface. An example of a cirrus cloud observed by HRDL
More recently, HRDL was a key instrument in the during vertically pointing operations is shown in Fig.
Cooperative Atmosphere–Surface Exchange Study pro- 10. In this mode, the cloud is advected over the lidar
ject in October 1999 (CASES-99) to study the nocturnal by ambient winds, and to the extent Taylor’s hypothesis
stable boundary layer. It produced dramatic scan-images holds, the data represent a time–height cross section

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through the cloud along the mean wind. The top panel
shows the cloud velocity structure, clearly delineating
the active generating cells near cloud top from the fall-
ing ice-crystal virga beneath. The lower panel shows
the corresponding relative backscatter intensity on a log
scale. It is interesting to note that the generating regions
of strongest backscatter (i.e., greatest cloud density,
2156–2203 UTC) have weaker upward velocity than the
relatively less dense generating regions do. This pattern
is common in the limited cirrus dataset thus far ex-
amined. A possible explanation is that the well-devel-
oped generating cells have depleted the local water va-
por concentration through precipitation and are no lon-
ger actively driven by latent heat release. The apparent
increased backscatter from precipitation, with associated
enhanced fall speeds beneath these cells, supports this
notion and suggests further study. FIG. 11. Comparison of the velocity precision of HRDL (X, M, *)
with the theoretical Cramer–Rao lower bound (CRLB), from the for-
HRDL can penetrate many kilometers of transmissive mula of Porat and Friedlander (1986). The X’s are from altostratus
clouds such as cirrus (Ci), altostratus (As), and alto- cloud returns near 4-km range, m is from MBLEX95, m are from
cumulus (Ac), giving details of cloud velocity and back- LIFT CBL w data. The m was estimated from w data contours (Grund
scatter structure. Although radars are capable of greater 1997a); X and m were estimated from the difference between the
penetration in dense clouds, radar signals are also zeroth and first lag of the autocovariance of time series of the w
profiles at a fixed range (Mayor et al. 1997a).
weighted toward larger particles and precipitation when
present, and recent measurements suggest even highly
sensitive radars may miss, for instance, the radiatively Figure 11 summarizes the velocity precision observed
important, small-particle, supercooled-water-droplet from HRDL data as a function of estimated wideband
clouds that frequently form the generating cells atop SNR. Also plotted is the CRLB (Porat and Friedlander
arctic stratus (Harrington et al. 1997) and other cirrus 1986; Frehlich 1993; Rye and Hardesty 1993a,b) on the
clouds. With planned improvements in the HRDL laser velocity precision expected for the lidar operating con-
pulse energy, it will likely be possible to observe the ditions. How closely a particular lidar achieves the
velocity in the environment surrounding clouds from CRLB is a function of 1) the hardware performance
returns from the background aerosol. In that case, a (such as transmit laser frequency chirp, spectral purity
complete picture of the cloud dynamical environment of the LO, and spectral noise content of the electronics),
can be constructed. 2) the signal processing algorithm and its implemen-
tation, and 3) inhomogeneities in the wind field due to
turbulence over the range gate (Frehlich 1997; Frehlich
c. Performance evaluation
et al. 1997). As can be seen, HRDL operates close to
Near turnkey performance was achieved from HRDL the theoretical limit in both high and low SNR condi-
during LIFT. The final week of the experiment was car- tions. The LIFT velocities were inadvertently recorded
ried out without the presence of a technically trained in 8-bit format, which introduced an artificial 0.17-m
operator and provided excellent data quality. This ex- s21 digitization of the data. This situation has been cor-
perience suggests the feasibility of near-unattended op- rected but introduces a ;6-cm s21 uncertainty of its own
erations after initial deployment and setup, significantly in the velocity precision used in the present analysis.
lowering the cost of lengthy field campaigns requiring Frequency chirp effects in the pulse laser are believed
Doppler lidar. Improvements and upgrades to the system to be small. This can be seen clearly in the top panel
have produced even more robust performance during of Fig. 7; within the region between cloud base (1.3 km
the more recent deployments. AGL) and signal extinction (1.55 km AGL), the velocity
Systematic calibration of HRDL intensity measure- structure shows no systematic shift indicative of chirp.
ments and validation velocity measurements are in pro- An analysis of the signal from one of the hard-target
gress and will be reported at a later date. Initial inter- (building) returns shown in Fig. 8 has also been care-
comparison of w data from HRDL with that from the fully examined. The fraction of total target return energy
collocated wind profiler shows excellent agreement per 200 ns is plotted in Fig. 12 as a function of velocity
within 0.4 m s21 except in rapidly changing periods, retrieved in 200-ns range gates. As can be seen, within
when the longer profiler averaging time is important. A the 0.17-m s21 velocity resolution and 30-m range res-
more careful study accounting for the effect of differ- olution available from the recorded data, nearly all the
ences in temporal and spatial sampling is under way. pulse energy is chirp free. The energy-weighted velocity
At present, reasonable estimates of HRDL perfor- error caused by the observed chirp on this hard target
mance can be obtained from analysis of the data in hand. is estimated to be 27 mm s21 . The effect of this chirp

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and was more recently demonstrated by Senff et al.

(1996) and Wulfmeyer (1999) using w from a radar wind
profiler instead of a Doppler lidar.
A salient feature of HRDL is its ability to resolve
finescale velocity structure over a range of several ki-
lometers in the vicinity of obstacles and near the ground.
This is particularly important to studies of the stable
boundary layer and for determining surface roughness
effects. The stability of the instrument over many hours
allows for sufficient sample size to estimate high-order
moments of velocity distributions.
Planned technology improvements in the pulse laser
and signal processing system will provide increased
range performance, better approximation of the CRLB
on velocity precision at low SNR, and higher PRR lead-
ing to higher temporal resolution while preserving the
range and velocity of the present system. Systematic
validation of velocity measurement precision by self-
consistent statistical analysis and by intercomparison
with collocated wind profiler data from LIFT is in pro-
FIG. 12. Comparison of the fraction of total returned energy from gress, although the performance stated here is believed
a hard target per 200-ns interval, with the indicated frequency (ve- to be indicative of the true system performance. Inten-
locity) of the hard target in the same 200-ns interval, to estimate the
effects of pulse frequency chirp on Doppler accuracy. A relatively
sity calibration techniques are under development and
small portion of the pulse energy is generated in the extended chirped will be used to establish climatologies of backscatter
tail of the pulse. The error due to chirp from a distributed target is cross section at 2 mm to support engineering and per-
expected to be similar to the energy-weighted mean-chirp error from formance evaluation of planned space-based coherent
a hard target, about 27 mm s21 . Doppler lidar systems.

Acknowledgments. Initial funding for HRDL was pro-

on atmospheric measurements depends on the range de- vided by Walter Bach under Army Research Office Con-
rivative of backscatter and is insignificant for all but the tract ARO 117-92 and ETL base funds. Development
most extreme gradients. of the scanner, adaptation of HRDL for marine opera-
tions and shipboard measurements were made possible
under Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-93-F-
4. Summary and conclusions
0029 under the auspices of Gary Geernaert and Dennis
A high-resolution Doppler lidar (HRDL), which is Triszna. Deployment funding for HRDL at LIFT was
based on a solid-state laser and was designed for at- provided by Dave Carlson of the NCAR/ATD Director’s
mospheric research, has been constructed and demon- Office. The authors wish to express their appreciation
strated on land and at sea. Field performance suggests to all those who worked hard to make HRDL a success,
that 30-m range resolution has been achieved with si- including Chuck Frush of NCAR, who deserves much
multaneous velocity precision of ;10 cm s21 (deter- credit for pampering the system into readiness for the
minations of precisions ranging from 6 to 30 cm s21 LIFT experiment; Anthony Francavilla and Keith
were documented, depending on aerosol backscatter Koenig, who were largely responsible for the devel-
conditions and lidar operating parameters). The HRDL opment of the scanner attitude correction software; and
represents a unique and significant new technology Kathleen Healy, Scott Sandberg, Doron Shalvi, and
available for ABL and cloud research. The ability to Dave Larson for their first-rate technical support. Signal
observe the atmospheric velocity field with this un- processing and instrument definition discussions with
precedented resolution will enable continued rapid pro- Barry Rye and Mike Hardesty have been essential in
gress in the development and testing of large-eddy sim- setting design goals and signal processor requirements
ulation (LES) models and will provide new insights into and in evaluating HRDL performance. Special thanks
ABL processes and cloud dynamics. In particular, when go to Shane Mayor for running his algorithm to estimate
HRDL is teamed with water vapor, ozone, or other spe- the instrumental velocity variance from time series of
cies-measuring, range-resolved remote sensors, direct the LIFT cloud and boundary layer data. Alan Brewer
measurement of vertical profiles of high-quality fluxes and Volker Wulfmeyer are continuing the development
through the boundary layer by eddy correlation is pos- of the HRDL laser and system under the auspices of
sible. The feasibility of simultaneously acquiring Dopp- the NOAA–NCAR joint optical remote sensing group.
ler and water-vapor concentrations using the DIAL tech- We further thank Alan Brewer for his thoughtful review
nique has been favorably evaluated (Grund et al. 1996) of this manuscript and Barry Rye for many useful and

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