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Identify from Figure One below, which of the four materials exhibits the greatest attenuaton in the far

2. Identify from Figure One below, which of the four materials exhibits the least attenuation in the far
3. Identify from Figure One below, which of the four materials is the near zone shortest?
4. In antisotropic materials linear elastics waves may propagate along a given direction. These are not
pure modes. The waves with large parallel components are called?
Lamb waves
Quailongitudinal waves
Quasishear waves
5. A non linear transverse wave propagating in a solid that is free of discontinuities?
Propagates without an accompanying longitudinal wave
Does not distort
Propagates without attenuation
6. Ultrasonic nondestructive test create stresses in the test component which are?
Below the yield stress and do not cause permanent deformation
Above the yield stress but do not cause permanent deformation
High compared to mechanical testing
Permanently affecting the internal structure without affecting the surface
7. In contact testing of material with known and constant acoustic velocities the time taken for sound
energy to reach a reflector is ??? the distance from the contact surface to the reflector?
Exponentially proportional to
Inversely proportional to
Directly proportional to
Not proportional to
8. Which of the following wave modes would be chosen for an application that required an ability of a
wave to follow the contours of irregular shaped surfaces?
Longitudinal wave
Lamb wave
Shear wave
Rayleigh wave
9. What angle of incidence would produce only a shear wave method in steel when transmitted from a
probe with a perspex shoe? VI perspex=2.7 x 106 mm / sec, VL steel=6.0 x 106 mm / sec, VS steel=3.2 x
106 mm / sec
10. To which of the following techniques does this description refer? 'The time represented on the screen
is indicative of a single traverse through the material'
Pulse echo
A scan
Through transmission
B scan
11. In the far field of an ultrasonic beam the beam has a?
Spherical wave front
Plane wave front
Wave front with constant acoustic pressure
Both plane wave front and wave front with constant acoustic pressure
12. The region of an ultrasonic beam characterised as a collection of symmetrical high and low pressure
regions caused by interfering wave fronts is called the?
Near or Fraunhofer zone
Near or Fresnel zone
Far or Fraunhofer zone
Far or Fresnel zone
13. An increase in the pulse repetition rate is likely to ??? the brightness of the indication on the CRT
Have no effect on
Either increase or decrease depending on the actual pulse repetition rate
14. The critical angle for the interface of two media with dissimilar acoustic wave velocities is the
incident angle at which the refracted angle equals?
Zero degrees
35 degrees
90 degrees
120 degrees
15. The application of Snells Law to ultrasonic waves at an acoustic interface is dependent on the wave
mode velocity in the second medium?
Being greater than the wave velocity in the incident medium
Being less than the wave velocity in the incident medium
Being equal to the wave velocity in the incident medium
Either greater or lesser to the wave velocity in the incident medium
16. At a water to steel interface approximately 88% of the sound is reflected back into the water. If the
sound was travelling through steel to a steel to water interface approximately ??? of the sound would be
transmitted across the interface?
To calculate would require the relative acoustic impedances
17. Water will support?
Longitudinal waves
Shear waves
Rayleigh waves - surface waves
Both longitudinal and rayleigh waves
18. Ultrasonic frequencies are above?
200 Hz
2000 Hz
20000 Hz
200000 Hz
19. Sound energy can be formed into beams, similar to that of light, at frequencies above?
10 KHz
100 KHz
1000 KHz
10000 KHz
20. Wavelength is?
Equal to the product of velocity and frequency
Inversely proportional to velocity and directly proportional to frequency
Directly proportional to velocity and inversely proportional to frequency
Both Equal to the product of velocity and frequency and Directly proportional to velocity and
inversely proportional to frequency
21. The velocity of lamb - plate - waves is dependent upon?
Sample thickness
Elasticity modules
All the above
22. Which of the following modes of ultrasonic wave may be used to volumetrically inspect material that
is too thin to alow resolution of the first back wall reflection from the initial pulse?
23. Rayleigh waves can be effectively sustained only when the medium on one side of the interface?
Is a liquid
Is a gas
Is a solid
Has a sound velocity value similar to the test material
24. At an aluminium / water interface peak transmission of acoustic pressure for a returning transverse
wave echo occur at beam angles between?
0-90 degrees
0-10 degrees
35-51 degrees
All angles transmit the same acoutsic pressure across an interface
25. Two components with different acoustic impedances are couples by a material having an acoustic
impedance equal to the mean of the component's acoustic impedances. The thickness of the coupling
layer is a quarter wavelength. What percentage of sound energy is transmitted at zero degree incidence
across the coupling layer into the second component: First component Z 1=17, Second component Z2=45,
Coupling layer Zc=31?
26. The degree to which sound energy is reflected at an interface is dependent upon the?
Wave length of the sound wave
The frequency of the sound wave
The velocity of the sound wave
The amplitude of the sound wave
27. Sound propagates well through most liquids particularly those with?
Low viscosity
High viscosity
Elastic properties
Plastic properties

Figure One (click image to enlarge)

Here are the corrections:

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. Quailongitudinal waves
5. Does not distort
6. Below the yield stress and do not cause permanent deformation
7. Directly proportional to
8. Rayleigh wave
9. 36.6
10. Through transmission
11. Spherical wave front
12. Near or Fresnel zone
13. Increase
14. 90 degrees
15. Either greater or lesser to the wave velocity in the incident medium
16. 12%
17. Longitudinal waves
18. 20000 Hz
19. 100 KHz
20. Directly proportional to velocity and inversely proportional to frequency
21. All the above
22. Lamb
23. Is a gas
24. 35-51 degrees
25. 100%
26. The velocity of the sound wave
27. Low viscosity

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