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1. Which of the following parameters is controlled by the operator using ultrasonic equipment?

Material velocity
Material attenuation
Pulse length
SUrface geometry
2. The pulse repetition rate on a pulse echo system is adjusted so that reverberations within the test
Interact and cancel out
Decay completely between pulses
Match the natural frequency of the transducer
Both decay and completely between pulses and match the natural frequency of the transducer
3. What should the minimum water path be for an immersion set up testing a 40mm thick steel plate with
a zero degree beam?
4. A butt weld prep in a 30mm thick plate is a single vee with an included angle of 60 degrees. What
probe angle shall be used for the beam to be normal to the weld fusion face in the second half skip?
30 degree
38 degree
50 degree
60 degree
5. A butt weld prep in 10mm thick plate is a single vee with an included angle of 45 degrees, what probe
angle shall be used for the ebam to be normal to the weld fusion face in the second half skip?
45 degrees
54.3 degrees
67.5 degrees
70 degrees
6. In the squirter or bubbler system using a column of flowing water, to ensure satisfactort coupling it is
essential that the?
Probe emits a sound wave radially through the water stream
Water stream velocity is constant
Water stream is free of turbulence causing air bubbles
All of the above are essential
7. To which of the following testing techniques does this statement refer? 'Test items of many different
configurations can be examined with little difficulty'
Manual contact testing
Immersion testing
Automated testing
C scan testing
8. Which of the following arrangements would be most suitabel for the detection of a vertical planar
defect at mid depth in a double vee plate butt weld?
Twin crystal probe system
Immersion probe system
Tandem probe system
Angle probe system
9. Laminations in plate are detected and sized using?
A straight beam technique
An angle beam technique
An A scan technique
A pulse echo technique
10. An ultrasonic operator should be aware that the use of reject circuitry may?
Reject components that are acceptable
Alter the linearity of the time base
Increase sensitivity to low level signals
Alter the linearity of the amplifier
11. For maximum detection reliability the sound wave should strike a reflector at?
Normal incidence
Zero degree incidence
90 degree incidence
Either normal incidence or 90 degree incidence
12. Couplants used for ultrasonic inspection of stainless steels and high nickel alloys susceptible to stress
corrosion cracking should be free from traces of?
13. Ultrasonic signal to noise ratio may be improved by use of?
Broad band instrument
Narrow band instrument
Low pass filters
Both narrow band instrument and low pass filters
14. In fine grained, homogenous and isotropic materials which of the following beams will travel the
greater distance?
Wide beam spread
Narrow beam spread
Beam spread will not affect distance travelled
Polarised beam
15. Using lower frequency probes to decrease attenuation losses will usually result in?
Increased sensitivity and decreased resolution
Decreased sensitivity and increased resolution
Increased sensitivity and increased resolution
Decreased sensitivity and decreased resolution
16. An ultrasonic method was used to check the oil level in a steel tank. Multiple backwall echoes were
displayed on the screen from the tank above the oil level. Below the oil level these multiple echoes?
Decreased in amplitude
Increased in amplitude
Were spaced wider apart
Were spaced closer together
17. When using ultrasound to determine microstructural differences which of the following factors is
likely to be measured?
Grain boundary echo amplitude
Attenuation and velocity
18. One reason that angle beam inspection of weld is used is that?
The ultrasonic beam angle can be chosen to be parallel to major defect directions
The transducer does not have to be placed on the weld surface
The wavelength of an angle beam is shorter and will give a higher sensitivity
Zero degree probes are only used for inspecting plate material
19. During ultrasonic inspection of bonding between bearing metal and a steel backing three echoes are
seen on the screen: The initial pulse, the interface echo and the back wall echo. The interface echo
increases at one point during scanning. The indicates that the bonding?
Has improved in that area
Has deteriorated in that area
The steel backing is thinner in that area
The bearing metal is thinner in that area
20. Angle beam testing may be carried out using which of the following modes?
Surface waves
Longitudinal waves
Shear waves
All the above modes may be used
21. The linear distance between two successive nodes on the same surface when using angle beam testing
is called the?
Skip distance
Resonance length
Wave length
Cycle length
22. Which of the following flaws is most likely to have been detected? Swivelling the search unit to either
side away from the direction of maximum echo amplitude causes the peak to fall rapidly accompanied by
a slight shift to the right on the time base. Traversing the search unit in an arc causes the echo signal to
broaden slightly and fall rapidly with no change in position.
Gas pore
Clustered porosity
23. 30mm thick steel plates 1.5m wide are stacked 20 high. Preliminary screening for laminations could
be carried out by?
Scanning from the edge at right angles to the direction of rolling
Scanning with a low frequency probe from the top surface of the stack
Removing each plate from the stack and scanning a grid system from the top surface
Scanning with a probe array from the top surface of the stack
24. Which of the following ultrasonic methods involves only the measurement of signal attenuation?
Puls echo
Through transmission
Spectral analysis
25. Which of the following techniques requires only one transducer type regardless of the incident angle?
Through transmission
Pulse echo
Crack tip diffraction
26. In straight beam immersion inspection the water path is generally adjusted to require a ??? than the
depth of scan?
Longer transit time
Longer beam path
Shorter transit time
Shorter beam path
27. Acoustic lenses are used for contour correction such that in the straight beam inspection of tubing
where the transducer is inside the tube the preferred beam is?
Narrow and converging
Narrow and parallel
Narrow and diverging
Wide and parallel
28. Materials exhibiting a columnar grain structure are more likley to?
Show isotropic elastic behaviour
Show better ultrasound propagation in certain preferred directions
Show both isotropic elastic behaviour and show better ultrasound propagation in certain preferred
Have less attenuation characteristics than similar homogenous materials

Here are the corrections:

1. Pulse length
2. Decay completely between pulses
3. 16mm
4. 60 degree
5. 67.5 degrees
6. Water stream is free of turbulence causing air bubbles
7. Manual contact testing
8. Tandem probe system
9. A straight beam technique
10. Alter the linearity of the amplifier
11. Either normal incidence or 90 degree incidence
12. Sulphur
13. Both narrow band instrument and low pass filters
14. Narrow beam spread
15. Decreased sensitivity and decreased resolution
16. Decreased in amplitude
17. Attenuation and velocity
18. The transducer does not have to be placed on the weld surface
19. Has deteriorated in that area
20. All the above modes may be used
21. Skip distance
22. Crack
23. Scanning from the edge at right angles to the direction of rolling
24. Through transmission
25. Immersion
26. Longer transit time
27. Narrow and diverging
28. Show better ultrasound propagation in certain preferred directions

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