Ultrasonic Testing Module 4

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1. The temporal resolution of a transducer is directly proportional to?


Its crystal diameter

Its crystal thickness

Its bandwith
2. Cylindrical acoustic lenses make it possible to fouc the ultrasonic beam?

At a point

Along a line

To a disc the diamater of the cylinder

Without loss of axial resolution

3. Short duration pulses from well damped transducers should significantly improve?

Near surface resolution

Far field penetration

Near zone length

All of the above

4. Lateral resolution is prinicipally a function of?


Probe diamater

Material velocity

Beam width
5. Higher frequency probes producing increased sensitivity levels are able to be used in?

Manual contact testing

Immersion testing

Automated testing

C scan testing
6. Which of the following is a principal advanatge of focused transducers?

The energy at the focal spot decreases

The sensitivity at the focal spot increased

The axial resolution is increased

Both the sensitibity at the focal spot increases and the axial resolution increases
7. With reference to Figure One below, which of the following pulses first exhibits phase reversal?

0.5 microsecs

1.6 microsecs

2.6 microsecs

3.7 microsecs
8. The bandwidth of a tranducer is measured at points 70% of the resonance frequency intensity. These points represent a drop in intensity
2 dBs

3 dBs

4 dBs

5 dBs
9. Which of the following couplants would be considered to be most suitable for use on hot aluminium surfaces?


Wall paper paste


10. Which type of probe can be described as containing an acoustical barrier seperating the transmitter element from the receiver?

Twin crystal

Damped wide bandwidth

Damped narrow bandwidth

Damped low resolution

11. Paintbush transducers are designed to?

Pinpoint the location and size of a flaw

Allow smooth scanning with less couplant than a conventional transducer

Be survey devices

Have a narrow parallel beam pattern for uniform scanning

12. Given the following information regarding the relation between Pulse Repetition Rate -PRR- and Scanning Speed -SS- what scanning
speed shall be used for a PSR of 900PPS? 500PPS & 101.6SS, 750PPS & 152.4SS, 1000PPS & 203.2SS




13. Which of the following is a monohydrate piezoelectric crystal that is highly sensitive to minute quantities of water?


Lithium suplphate

Barium titanate

Lead zirconate
14. When evaluating the Damping Factor of an ultrasonic transducer it shall be based on the number of cycles in the pulse envelope greater

70% of the initial pulse amplitude

50% of the initial pulse amplitude

35% of the initial pulse amplitude

20% of the initial pulse amplitude

15. Bond imperfections between the transducer and the damping element cause?
Increased beam symmetry

Decreased Damping Factor

Increased transducer operating frequency

All of the above

16. One of the factors that are primarily responsible for the loss in beam intensity is transmission losses. Transmission losses include?



Beam spreading

Frequency shift
17. Near field and far field effects in the ultrasonic beam occur due to the transudcer crystal not vibrating under the influence of an impressed
electrical voltage. Near and far fields can occur due to?

A pulsed instead of constant output signal

A refelction of the ultrasonic beam at interfaces

Disturbances in the water couplant used in immersion testing

Gradual changes in acoustic velocities within a material

18. For a non-focused zero degree 10mm diameter probe calculate the 6 dB beam diameter at the near zone length?




19. Which of the following piezoelectric materials tend to depolarise with age?

Lithium sulphate

Lead zirconate titanate

Lead metaniobate

Barium titanate
20. A nickel rod placed in a coil carrying a current experiences a change in length as a function of the current through coil. This fact explains
the basic principle of?

Thickness measurement

Magnetostriction transducers

Lamb wave testing

Resonance testing
21. Material noise consists of low amplitude, random signals from numerous small reflectors irregularly distributed throughout the test piece.
This noise may be reduced by the use of?

Focused probes

Parallel beam probes

High frequency probes

Twin crystal probes

22. The predominant central frequency of an ultrasonic beam is closely related to?
The diamater of the transducer

The transducers natural thickness resonance

The velocity of sund in the test material

The grain size of the test material

Figure One (click image to enlarge)

Score: 0 %

Unfortunatley, you have selected some incorrect answers.

For your information, you require a 70% score to pass at an intitial examination sitting, or 80%
for a re-certification or supplementary examination.

Here are the corrections:

1. Its bandwith
2. Along a line
3. Near surface resolution
4. Beam width
5. Immersion testing
6. The sensitivity at the focal spot increased
7. 1.6 microsecs
8. 3 dBs
9. Grease
10. Twin crystal
11. Be survey devices
12. 182.9
13. Lithium suplphate
14. 50% of the initial pulse amplitude
15. Increased transducer operating frequency
16. Scattering
17. A refelction of the ultrasonic beam at interfaces
18. 2.5mm
19. Barium titanate
20. Magnetostriction transducers
21. Focused probes
22. The transducers natural thickness resonance

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