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1. Block E in Figure One below, is being used to?

Check beam angle

Calibrate the time base
Measure material thickness
Measure the probe dead zone
2. Block B in Figure One below, is being used to?
Measue beam angle
Position the beam exit point
Set sensitivity
Calibrate the time base for an angle probe
3. Block F in Figure One below, is being used to?
Check probe resolution
Calibrate the time base
Measure the probe dead zone
Construct a distance amplitude correction curve
4. Block D in Figure One below, is being used to?
Position the beam exit point
Calibrate the time base for an angle probe
Check probe resolution for an angle probe
Set sensitivity
5. Block G in Figure One below, is being used to?
Measure the probe dead zone
Measure beam angle for a zero degree probe
Set sensitivity
Calibrate the time base
6. Block A in Figure One below, is being used to?
Set sensitivity
Position the beam exit point
Measure beam angle
Check probe resolution
7. Block C in Figure One below, is being used to?
Measure the probe dead zone
Set sensitivity
Calibrate the time base
Check probe near surface resolution
8. Reference reflectors giving an omnidirectional response are used most often in?
Immersion testing
Contact testing
Normal beam testing
Angle beam testing
9. If a flaw echo amplitude is equal of the calibration reflector it is assumed that the flaw is
Smaller than the calibration reflector
Larger than the calibration reflector
At least as large as the calibration reflector
The same shape as the calibration refelctor
10. An increase in pulse length - less transducer damping - will?
Lower the probe frequency
Improve penetration
Improve resolution
Both lower the probe frequency and improve frequency
11. A change in amplitude of 14dBs is equivalent to a ratio of?
12. The use of a focusing lens on a transducer will?
Increase side lobe energy, reducing the effects of rough surfaces
Decreased side lobe energy, increasing the effects of rough surfaces
Increase side lobe energy, increasing the effects of rough surfaces
Decrease side lobe energy, decreasing the effects of rough surfaces
13. What is the diameter of the flat bottomed hole in Number 8 ASTM area amplitude block?
14. The time base has been claibrated using a steel block. Four repeat echoes are shown at 2.5, 5.0, 7.5
and 10.0 on the screen graticule. What signals would be displayed if the probe was placed on a copper test
block of the same dimensions with no change to the calibration settings? V L steel 5.9 x 106mm/sec. VL
copper 4.7 x 106mm/sec.
2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0
1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0
3.1, 6.3, 9.4
4.3, 8.6
15. The plastic insert in the 50mm diameter hole in the IIW standard calibration block A2 - V1 -
calibration block is specified to have the absorption characteristics of ??? of steel?
16. To determine the scan index for an immersion system it is necessary to use the effective beam
diamater at each metal distance. The effective beam diamater is considered to be at a point which is ???
dBs less than the intensity at the beam axis?
20 dB
12 dB
6 dB
2 dB
17. The depth of penetration of Rayleigh waves is?
Approximately three wavelengths
Dependent on energy which distributes in a linear way with depth
Frequency dependent
All of the above
18. A block used to establish reproducible test conditions is referred to as?
A reference block
A calibration block
A sizing block
A test block
19. If the amplitude of an indication from a flaw in a component is equal to that from a 3mm diameter flat
bottomed hole at the same depth. Is the flaw?
Larger than the 3mm diameter FBH
The same size as the 3mm diameter FBH
No smaller than the 3mm diameter FBH
Smaller than the 3mm diameter FBH
20. When an ultrasonic wave encounters a point reflector the reflected wave is re-radiated as a?
Spherical wave front
Plane wave front
Either of them
Neither of them

Figure One (click image to enlarge)

Here are the corrections:

1. Calibrate the time base

2. Measue beam angle
3. Check probe resolution
4. Set sensitivity
5. Set sensitivity
6. Position the beam exit point
7. Calibrate the time base
8. Immersion testing
9. At least as large as the calibration reflector
10. Improve penetration
11. 5:1
12. Decrease side lobe energy, decreasing the effects of rough surfaces
13. 3.2mm
14. 3.1, 6.3, 9.4
15. 50mm
16. 6 dB
17. Frequency dependent
18. A calibration block
19. No smaller than the 3mm diameter FBH
20. Spherical wave front

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