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1. Which of the following mechanism decsribes the heat flow from hot to cold within an object?

Convection and radiation
2. Material properties such as specific heat, density, thermal conductivity, thermal diffisivity and
temperature will affect?
Conduction and convection
3. In radiation heat transfer which of the following material properties is most important?
Specific heat
4. As the average temperature of the subject increases, generally the thermal measurement techniqes
Less sensitive
More sensitive
5. Which of the following is a non contact temperature sensor?
Cholestric liquid crystals
Thermally quenches phosphors
6. Which of the following is a contact temperature sensor?
Thermal wave inferometer
7. Infrared thermography can be used for which of the following?
Process control
Liquid intrusions
All of the above
8. Which of the following statements is true with respect to image interpretation?
Large temperature differences are easy to interpret
Large temperature differences are difficult to interpret
Surface anomalies produce stronger indications than subsurface anomalies
Large temperature differences are easy to interpret and Surface anomalies produce stronger
indications than subsurface anomalies
9. Which of the following may be used for recording in imaging systems?
Black and white photography
Colour photography
Videotape recorder
All of the above
10. Which of the following statements is false with respect to cholestric liquid crystals?
They are grease like
They emit visible light when excited with UV light
The applied film must be of uniform thickness
Can be applied by brushing
11. In which of the following does Neutron Radiography differ from conventional radiography?
Geometric principles of shadow formation
Variation of attenuation with test piece thickness
Direct imaging on film
All of the above
12. Which of the following statements is false?
X rays are attenuated more by elements of high atomic number
X rays are attenuated more by materials of high density
Neutron attenuation are generally attenuated less with increasing atomic number
Hydrogen, lithium and boron are not attenuated by thermal neutrons
13. Which of the following radioactive isotopes produce thermal neutrons?
Iridium 192
Californium 252
Cobalt 60
Caesium 137
14. What metal is the target made of when producing thermal neutrons in a van de graaf generator?
15. Which of the following is a problem with respect of using radioactive sources to produce thermal
Fine grained film must be used
Long exposure times and the use of coarse grained film
No contrast on low atomic number materials
16. Which of the following applications can neutron radiography be used?
Correct placement of adhesives
Positioning of explosives
Presence of plastic components
All of the above
17. The detection of corrosion in aluminium aircraft components is best detected by?
Eddy currents
Visual inspection
Neutron radiography
Conventional radiography
18. In the transfer method of neutron detection of thin sheet of metal called a transfer screen is used
which is generally made of?
Indium and dysprosium
19. The transfer method is especially valuable for?
Detection of corrosion
Inspection of a radioactive specimen
Verify welding of dissimilar metals
Positioning O rings
20. In neutron radiography for a given material attenuation?
Varies directly with thickness
Is inversely proportional to thickness
Varies exponentially with thickness
Is inversely proportional to the thickness squared

Here are the corrections:

1. Conduction
2. Conduction and convection
3. Emissivity
4. More sensitive
5. Pyrometer
6. Thermocouple
7. All of the above
8. Large temperature differences are easy to interpret and Surface anomalies produce stronger indications
than subsurface anomalies
9. All of the above
10. They emit visible light when excited with UV light
11. Direct imaging on film
12. Hydrogen, lithium and boron are not attenuated by thermal neutrons
13. Californium 252
14. Beryllium
15. Long exposure times and the use of coarse grained film
16. All of the above
17. Neutron radiography
18. Indium and dysprosium
19. Inspection of a radioactive specimen
20. Is inversely proportional to thickness

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