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Calculate the density when Incident Light source is 5000 lux and the transmitted light intensity is 70

2. Radiographic sensitivity is a function of which of the following factors?
Definition and resolution
Resolution and contrast
Contrast and definition
Unsharpness and resolution
3. An acceptable radiograph was made at 300 mm for 20 mA minutes. What would be the new exposure
at 500 mm?
40.8 mA min
55.6 mA min
33.3 mA min
12 mA min
4. The density difference on two adjacent areas of a radiograph is called?
Subject Contrast
Radiographic Contrast
5. Which of the following screen types will give the sharpest definition?
Lead foil screens
Fluorescent screens
Fluo-metallic screens
All the above will give a similar definition
6. Pair production occurs at energies above approximately
0.1 MeV
0.53 MeV
1.02 MeV
10.06 MeV
7. You are required to radiograph a 80 mm section of steel which radiation type listed below would you
200 Kv X-Ray Unit
Iridium 192
Thulium 170
Cobalt 60
8. The thickness variation that corresponds to the useful density range is known as?
9. The clarity and sharpness of an image can be improved by which of the following?
Slow speed films
Longer object to film distances
Larger size films
Slow speed films and longer object to film distances
10. The process by which silver halide is converted to metallic silver is known as?
Latent imaging
11. Which of the following will affect contrast?
Grain size of the film
Radiation energy
Changes in section thickness
All of the above
12. An increase in electron flow from the filament will result from which of the following?
An increase in the millamps
An increase in the kilovoltage
An increase in the temperature of the filament
All of the above will increase electron flow
13. Calculate the geometric unsharpness given the following: Object thickness of 25mm, Source to film
distance 350mm and Source effective size 3mm?
14. Which of the following represents the reciprocity law?
M1 X T12 = M2 X T22
I1 X D12 = I2 X D22
M 1 X T 1 = M 2 X T2
E1 X D22 = E2 X D12
15. Calculate the new distance given that the original exposure was 12 mA minutes at 300mm and a new
exposure of 5 mA minutes is desired?
16. The equivalence factor for steel / lead using Iridium 192 is 1.0 to 4.0. What exposure would be
required to shoot 1.5cm of lead if the exposure fr the same thickness of steel was 15 curie minutes?
3.75 curie minutes
7.5 curie minutes
30 curie minutes
60 curie minutes
17. Which of the following will help to reduce scattered radiation?
Lead foil screens
Lead foil screens and masks
All the above
18. What effect will a filter have when placed in a radiation beam?
Reduce subject contrast
Increases the radiation energy
Reduce the latitude
All the above
19. When radiographing a large grain material a mottled pattern is observed on the radiograph. How may
this be eliminated?
Lower the Kv and use fluorescent screen
Lower the Kv and use lead screens
Raise the Kv and use lead screens
Raise the Kv and use fluorescent screens
20. Scatter with an angle of greater than 90 degrees is known as?
Side scatter
Back scatter
Internal scatter
Radiographic undercutting

Here are the corrections:

1. 1.85
2. Contrast and definition
3. 55.6 mA min
4. Radiographic Contrast
5. Lead foil screens
6. 1.02 MeV
7. Cobalt 60
8. Latitude
9. Slow speed films
10. Development
11. Grain size of the film
12. All of the above will increase electron flow
13. 0.23mm
14. M1 X T1 = M2 X T2
15. 193.6mm
16. 60 curie minutes
17. All the above
18. Reduce subject contrast
19. Raise the Kv and use lead screens
20. Back scatter

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