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[WethePeople_Shareholders] Re: Form 2848Wednesday, March 2, 2011 1:54 AMFrom: "Johnathan; Crowell, esq."

I made admitted errors ("declared mistakes") in my judgment when I mentioned that you need to fill out the Line 6 on the
IRS Form 2848. The receipt of refunds for checks apparently cannot be accessed by the Beneficial Owners and Executors
over receiving and/or endorsing the checks remitted. We have to use the Social Security Trust Account by way of Power Of
Attorney to draw out the funds from our Fide Commissary into the Private Living Trust and/or Non-Interest Bearing Bank
Account that can then be signed over by the Social Security Name Person or Estate. I would also think it be prudent if you
access these funds by way of checks you make mention they are to be deposited as "real" money of exchange per the 12
USC 411 making it untaxable. This makes sense to do this process this way because we are delegating our authority as sole
representative Power of Attorney over the Social Security Named Person or Estate over the Trust Accounts and not simply
making your taxpayer status known to the Secretary of Treasury, IRS, and US Comptroller per the IRS Form 56. Also I
think it is important to note that I assume this document processes through directly by way of the Centralized Access Filing
(CAF) system. So I believe it not to be necessary to send these more places than they should. But I could be wrong about
this. It is my hope that people take an important look into this as it makes clear sense to my understanding of how the
system really works. Just think about it for yourself and find out your own truth about this process. Thanks for reading this

Re: [WethePeople_Shareholders] Re: Form 2848 March 1, 2011 From: "Janet

I filled one out and mailed it yesterday to Austin, TX with some 1099-C and 1096 forms. To me it seemed to me that just
providing it to any of their offices would put it into the Central Account Filing system.

--- On Tue, 3/1/11, Johnathan; Crowell, esq. wrote:

I had a chance to examine and study the details in the instructions of this IRS Form 2848.
Apparently the IRS Form 2848 works on the parallel difference from the IRS Form 56 because the Form 56 only establishes
the fiduciary relationship to the specification of individual taxpayers. Not to direct the specific authority over our Fide
Commissary Accounts. The Form 2848 places Power of Attorney over all authority pertaining to our personal Private Living
Trust and/or Social Security Trust Account. We must first get assigned the CAF # issued by this form by placing "NONE"
into the right-side of the Representative(s) line . I am assuming that this CAF # will be used later on into accessing our these
accounts from our withholding and estate returns. I would specify the tax related matters as being for All Withholding
and/or Estate Returns that are being utilized. Your initials for the receipt of refund checks for the authorized representative is
necessary because while are not endorsing these checks you are receiving them for the benefit of your living person as being
Beneficial Owner and Executor over these Fide Commissary Accounts. I would definitely revoke all other previous Power
of Attorneys that have been put in place through previous assignment, this includes anyone within the UNITED STATES
corporate government or FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM. I would finish with your signature (as an esquire),
date, and title. It is unclear to me if we need to have these notarized and an "Apostille" to be put into effect. I would assume
so from personal experience within the authority of these documents. Also it is unclear to me if we just need to forward
these through to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or send the original copies over to the Secretary of the Treasury and the
Comptroller of the Currency over the U.S. Treasurer. Also it is unclear to me if we need to post the additional copies to
the designated Federal Reserve Bank, Chief Financial Officer (DTCC), and CORPORATE STATE Treasurers. Again I
believe this to be so in what we have done through the original method of filing in the IRS Form 56. But do not quote me on
this fact. I am just reading from what I know and can stand for in my belief of how this system really works. It is up to
everyone to decide what their plan of action is to learn about the process of finding their "real" truth. I appreciate all those in
reading this posting.

--- In, "Patrick" wrote:

I just got off the phone with the IRS in Ogden and they do not accept the Form 56 but will honor the form 2848.

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