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Computer viruses

Article  in  IEEE Potentials · November 2001

DOI: 10.1109/45.969588 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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2 authors, including:

S.R. Subramanya



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omputer viruses general- up CPU processing time and introducing Macro viruses. Macro viruses infect

C ly refer to programs that

unintentionally get into
computers, disrupt the
normal operation, and
cause damage to data and
the risk of incompatibilities and con-
flicts. Over 40,000 different viruses have
been cataloged so far. In recent years,
the number of viruses unleashed has
increased dramatically and the extent of
macro-enabled documents, especially in
the Microsoft(r) Office suite of applica-
tions-more specifically, Microsoft(r)
Word and Excel. When opened, an
infected document executes a macro
programs. However, not the damage (in lost data, time and pro- automatically, or the user does so acci-
all programs that cause damage are real ductivity) is estimated to be several bil- dentally. The macro inflicts damage
viruses. For instance, Worms and lions of US dollars per year. and then infects other documents on the
Trojan horses are two common types disk. A macro is a set of executable
that are not viruses: A worm finds its Types of viruses commands designed to run in place of a
way into system registries and spreads This section presents a broad classi- repetitive task. Although macros are not
as an independent program, while the fication of viruses. Most viruses are in unique to Microsoft products, it is
Trojan horse is run unwittingly by the fact “hybrid” combinations of various through Microsoft products that the vast
user. Thus, a virus is best identified not properties from multiple classes. majority of macro viruses spread.

Computer viruses


Natraj Lakshminarasimhan

by what it does, but by how it spreads File infectors. These most often Macro viruses are the most common
and infects other programs. attach to program files, but can infect type of viruses, however they do fairly
Computer viruses are similar to bio- any file with executable code, including little damage.
logical viruses. A biological virus script files or program configuration Stealth viruses. Stealth viruses use
enters a body, damages the body, files. When the program, script or con- many techniques to thwart detection.
spreads to other bodies, and eventually figuration is executed, the virus is exe- One technique is to redirect the address-
is eradicated by the internal immune cuted as well. es within a program that point to other
system or by external means. Similarly, System or boot-record infectors. programs or system information, and
the computer virus enters the computer System or boot-record infectors do not have them point to the virus file instead.
system and gets attached with a pro- necessarily infect a file. They target, When the program calls for that supple-
gram (or set of programs or applica- instead, certain areas of a hard disk used mentary program or system informa-
tions). As the application(s) is invoked, exclusively for system processes. These tion, it actually runs the virus code.
the virus becomes activated and spreads areas include the boot-record, which is a This infects the file without actually
to the other parts of the system. By section of the disk dedicated to booting injecting additional code, which could
attaching itself to another program, a the operating system. On a diskette, show up as a symptom to virus scan-
virus gains a host. When the host pro- these infectors attach themselves to the ning software. Another common stealth
gram is executed, the virus is executed. DOS boot sector; on a hard disk, they technique changes a file, but displays
Each infected program in turn infects attach themselves to the Master Boot its size as it was before infection. Thus,
other programs, and the virus spreads. Record. Having infected a Master Boot it nullifies the ability to use the file
Viruses can be either benign or Record, the virus spreads to the boot length as an indicator of infection.
destructive. If they are benign, they sectors of the inserted media. Encrypted viruses. Encrypted virus-
cause no real damage, but may produce Multi-partite viruses. Multi-partite es enjoy the advantages of other
harmless changes like disrupting the dis- viruses infect boot records as well as encrypted material. Initially, encrypted
play on a monitor, or making some files. With its hybrid nature, a multi- viruses appear not as viruses, but as
sounds or false alarms. However, if they partite virus inherits the worst qualities nondescript gibberish. But when an
are destructive, the viruses can cause real of each of its parents, and consequently infected program is executed, a small
damage to the system such as hogging is far more contagious and destructive piece of plain, unencrypted code
disk space and/or main memory, using than either. decrypts the rest of the virus, which

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then proceeds to do its damage. When,
and if, an encrypted virus is detected, it
is very difficult to analyze since it is not
A small sample of viruses and their actions
subject to reverse engineering like the
unencrypted viruses. This makes it hard
New Zealand (Stealth boot-record infector)
Upon infection, this virus upon gives the messages “Your PC is now Stoned!” and
to determine the structure of the virus “LEGALISE MARIJUANA!” It may also damage the associated floppy disks. This virus
and the precise scope of its payload. was originally created by a New Zealand student.
Encryption is most useful when coupled
with a polymorphic strategy.
Polymorphic viruses. Polymorphic
WM/Wazzu (Word macro virus)
Each time a document is infected, a few words in the document move to a differ-
viruses try to evade detection by alter- ent location, and the word “wazzu” is inserted in random places. The word “wazzu”
ing their structure or the encryption can be removed with a simple search and replace command, but the relocated
words must be carefully sought out.
techniques. Each time an infection
occurs, a polymorphic virus changes its
form, confusing virus (detection) scan-
ning software. Because virus scanners
WM/Concept (Word macro virus)
This virus spreads much like WM/Wazzu by automatically executing in an opened
use certain unique “signature” charac- document that has been infected. The virus displays a pop up message box with
teristics to identify viruses, any virus the single digit “I.” The virus is completely harmless. It was the first macro virus ever
discovered, and is still common.
that changes its form presents a formi-
dable new challenge.

Stages in the life of a virus

Michelangelo (Boot record infector)
This virus overwrites the first 17 sectors of a hard disk. It was named Michelangelo
During its lifetime, a virus typically because it was triggered on Michelangelo’s birthday: the 6th of March.
goes through the following four stages:
Dormant phase. In this phase, the
virus is idle and will eventually be acti-
I Love You (Macro virus)
This virus could wipeout music and image files, and send copies of itself to contacts
vated by some event such as the occur- in a user’s address book once the mail is opened. Replication is what made the
rence of a certain date or the presence of virus spread so fast. The virus also launched what may be the biggest Distributed
Denial of Service (DDOS) attack on a Website.
another program or file. For instance,
according to the system date, the virus
gets activated.
Propagation phase. In this phase, the
Bubble Boy (Macro-Microsoft mail client virus)
Unlike previous viruses, this does not need an accompanying attachment to be
virus places an identical copy of itself opened to unleash the virus. Bubble Boy does not come embedded in an attach-
into other programs or into certain sys- ment, and has the ability to infect a computer just by the act of a user reading the
e-mail. It works on Microsoft(r) Outlook, and the virus requires that the recipient
tem areas on the disk. Each infected pro-
open the e-mail; it will not run if the e-mail is only viewed through the Preview
gram will now contain a clone of the pane.
virus, which will itself enter a propaga-
tion phase.
Triggering phase. At this point, the
virus is activated to perform its intended
Melissa (Macro-Microsoft mail client virus)
Melissa macro virus gets activated through Microsoft(r) Word 97 or Word 2000 and
function. As with the dormant phase, the the Microsoft(r) Outlook e-mail program. When it infects a computer, it sends
triggering phase can be caused by a vari- copies of itself along with whatever document is open at the time to the first 50
people in the computer’s e-mail address book. It also infects all other Word docu-
ety of system events, including a count
ments that are subsequently opened.
of the number of times that this copy of
the virus has made copies of itself
Execution phase. The actual function
of the virus is performed in the execu-
Code Red
Code Red virus exploits a security hole in the Microsoft Internet Information Server
tion phase. The function may be harm- (IIS) to penetrate and to spread. It also disables the system file checker (SFC) in
less, such as displaying some messages Windows. It probes random IP addresses to spread to other hosts. During a certain
period of time, it only spreads. It then initiates a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack
on screen, or damaging, such as
against a government website, and finally suspends all activities. This repeats every
destroying programs and data files. month. Code Red II is a variant of Code Red and targets Microsoft IIS Web servers,
and does not pose a threat to end users.
Naming conventions
Vendors of anti-virus software name
viruses based on their types. Even so,
virus naming conventions are some-
Nimda is a complex virus with a life cycle consisting of four parts: a) local file infec-
times confusing, especially to someone tion, b) mass mailing, c) Web server infection, and d) LAN propagation. Nimda
simply looking for a quick fix. Since as locates EXE files on local machines and infects them. It locates email addresses
(via MAPI from email client and local HTML files) and sends an email to each of the
much information as possible common-
addresses, containing an attachment called README.EXE. It also locates Web
ly goes into a name, virus terminology servers and infects them by using several known security holes. It modifies web
often seems lengthy and cumbersome. pages such that surfers of that site get infected. It will also search and infect files
To further complicate matters, anti- shared in the local network.
virus vendors tend to have their own


Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL. Downloaded on October 30, 2008 at 18:48 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
individual naming conventions. (And all
vendors agree on a very limited number
A brief chronology of computer viruses of points.) Thus, two anti-virus software
vendors may call the same virus by two
radically different names.
1986 First PC virus was created and
termed the Brain virus. The virus
1994 The SatanBug virus appears;
The anti-virus industry helps the
Thankfully, certain prefixes tend to
show up frequently. W95 means
was created in Pakistan and is FBI find the person who wrote
Windows 95, while W97M means
a boot sector virus, i.e., it it-a kid.
affects only the boot records. It
Word 97 Macro. WM just means Word
Cruncher was considered a
falls under the stealth virus cat- Macro. If you know you are looking for
good virus as it compressed
egory. infected programs.
a Word Macro virus, expect to find WM
1987 First memory resident file infec-
tor was discovered in Lehigh
1995 Anti-virus companies worry
about staying profitable with
or W97M in the name. A few other
common prefixes include XM (Excel
University and named Lehigh. the emergence of Windows 95 Macro) and AM (Access Macro), as
Attacks executable files. because the boot viruses can- well as W32 (Windows 95 or later) and
Jerusalem virus first appeared not infect it, hence the possible WNT (Windows NT only).
at the Hebrew University, catastrophic loss of business.
Jerusalem. It’s another memo- But the macro viruses that do Virus generations
ry resident file infector. infect the Windows-95 applica- When the first viruses were written,
1988 First anti-virus was Den Zuk cre-
ated in Indonesia. It was
tions soon appear keeping the
anti-virus companies happy
they could be classified into five gener-
ations of viruses. Each new generation
designed to detect and and in the green.
remove the Brain virus and
immunize disks against a Brain
1996 Concept, a macro-virus,
becomes the most common
of viruses has incorporated new features
that make the viruses more difficult to
detect and remove.
infection. virus in the world.
First generation (simple). The first
Cascade Virus is found in Laroux is the first virus to infect
generation of viruses consisted of sim-
Germany. It is an encrypted Microsoft® Excel spreadsheets.
virus, meaning it was coded so
that it could not be analyzed
1997 The Anti-Virus Research Center
in Cupertino develops an
ple viruses. These viruses did nothing
very significant other than replicate. In
easily. exclusive technology called
the case of boot sector viruses, this
1989 Data Crime virus is on the
loose and strikes on Friday the
Bloodhound-Macro to address
the growing number of new
could cause a long chain of linked sec-
tors. In the case of program-infecting
13th. and unknown macro viruses. viruses, the repeated infection might
Dark Avenger virus, attacks
slowly, so that it goes unno-
1998 Posing as an anti-virus soft-
ware, an e-mail attachment
result in a continual extension of the
host program each time it was re-infect-
ticed. virus infects computers world- ed. Many of the new viruses being dis-
Fredo virus discovered in Israel. wide. covered today still fall in this category.
It is the first full-stealth file infec-
1999 The Melissa virus, a macro,
causes worldwide destruction.
Damages from these simple viruses are
usually caused by bugs or incompatibili-
1990 Many anti-virus products are
introduced including IBM’s
Primarily infecting Microsoft(r)
Word and Outlook, it automati-
ties in software that were not anticipated
by the author of the virus. First-generation
McAfee, Digital Dispatch, and cally sends mail to everyone in viruses do nothing to hide their presence
Iris. the user’s address book.
Viruses combining various
characteristics spring up like
2000 I Love You virus causes havoc;
it is transmitted via e-mail and,
on a system, so they can usually be found
simply by noting an increase in the size of
files or the presence of a distinctive pat-
the Polymorphism and Multi- when opened, it automatically
sends mail to everyone in the
tern in an infected file.
1991 Symantec releases Norton anti-
virus software. 2001 user’s address book.
Code Red virus exploits a secu-
Second generation (self-recognition).
First generation viruses repeatedly infect
rity hole in Microsoft Internet the host, which leads to depleted memo-
Tequlia, a stealth, polymorphic ry and then early detection. To prevent
Information Server (IIS) to
and multi-partite virus is found.
1992 Media mayhem greeted the
virus Michelangelo that March.
spread. It disables the system
file checker (SFC) in Windows.
this unnecessary growth of infected files,
second-generation viruses usually
It probes random IP addresses implant a unique signature that signals
Predictions of massive disrup- to spread to other hosts. that the file or system is infected. The
tions were made, and anti-virus
software sales soared. 2002 Nimda is a complex virus with a virus will check for this signature before
1994 A virus called Kaos4 was post-
ed on a pornography news
mass mailing worm compo-
nent, which spreads itself in
attempting infection. If the signature is
not present, it will place the signature
attachments named README. soon after the infection has taken place;
group file. It was encoded as EXE. Nimda affects EXE files on
text and downloaded by a however, if the signature is present, the
local machines, locates email
number of users. addresses and spreads itself. It
virus will not re-infect the host.
Virus Pathogen appeared in also locates Web servers and Third generation (stealth). Most
England; the writer was infects them. viruses may be identified on a contami-
tracked down by Scotland nated system by scanning the secondary
Yard’s computer crime unit. storage and searching for a pattern of


Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL. Downloaded on October 30, 2008 at 18:48 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
data unique to each virus. To counteract language, the file is tricked into believ- continually updated to cope with newer
such scans, some resident viruses ing its interacting with the operating sys- types of viruses. The proliferation of
employ stealth techniques. These virus- tem, when in fact, it is not. Emulation the Internet and Web, have enabled
es subvert selected system service call can be time-consuming and result in a viruses to spread quickly on a massive
interrupts when they are active. noticeable performance slowdown. scale, by taking advantage of several
Requests to perform these operations Heuristics. These attempt to detect security loopholes. The continual chal-
are intercepted by the virus code. If the unknown viruses and often employ lenge is to have quick and effective
operation exposes the presence of the generalized signature scanning geared responses to these virus attacks.
virus, the operation is redirected to to detect families of viruses. If the virus
return false information. is related to a known family, heuristics Read more about it
Fourth generation (armored). As will detect it and report it as suspicious • F.B. Cohen, A Short Course on
anti-virus researchers have developed or infected with an unknown virus. Computer Viruses, 2nd ed. New York:
tools to analyze new viruses, authors Heuristics also rely on emulation or a Wiley, 1994.
have turned to methods to obfuscate the combination of signatures and emula- • D. Harley, U.E. Gattiker, and
code of their viruses. This “armoring” tion. Due to heuristics’ penchant for R.Slade, Viruses Revealed. New York:
includes adding confusing and unneces- false positives (identifying a clean file Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 2001.
sary code to make it more difficult to as infected) and performance concerns, • R. Skardhamar, Virus: Detection
analyze the virus code. These viruses many vendors have suppressed the and Elimination. New York: Academic,
may also perform directed attacks level of heuristics employed. As a 1996.
against anti-virus software, if present result, only a very small number of
on the affected system. products have gained a track record for Websites
Fifth generation (polymorphic). detecting previously unknown threats. • This is the IBM research group
These most recent class of viruses to Behavioral analysis. This monitors Website on Anti-Virus, which provides
appear on the scene are also called self- the execution of the file and gives the information on virus attacks, and also
mutating viruses. These viruses infect user an opportunity to either prevent or on the virus time-line: http://www.
their targets with a modified or encrypt- undo any proposed or taken action.
ed version of themselves. By varying For example, if a file attempts to write • This Website provides information
the code sequences written to the file, to the system registry, the action can on various popular viruses: http://www.
or by generating a different, random be blocked, either by the user or auto-
encryption key, the virus in the altered matically, depending on configuration. • This is the Candian discovery
file will not be identifiable through the In many respects, behavioral analysis channel’s online Website, which pro-
use of simple byte matching. To detect and emulation are closely related, vides information on virus attacks, and
the presence of these viruses requires though behavioral analysis often lets also on the virus time-line:
that a more complex algorithm be the file execute in real-time, stopping Nerds/20000504-55.cfm
employed that, in effect, reverses the it only when suspicious behavior is • This anti-virus vendor Website
masking (decryption) to determine the detected. This method overcomes the provides good information on viruses
presence of the virus. performance slowdown side effect of and how to prevent them: http://www.
Virus detection Check summing. This is essentially • This is Mcafee’s anti-virus library,
Generally, anti-virus software can a count of bits that is used to verify file which provides information on the lat-
detect all types of known viruses, and it integrity. An initial scan of system files est and most popular worldwide virus-
needs to be updated frequently for its is performed; the numerical quotient es:
effectiveness. Basically, there are four for each file is derived and stored in a
means of virus detection: signature- database. When subsequent scans are About the authors
based scanning, emulation, heuristics, performed, the program checks the S.R. Subramanya obtained his Ph.D.
behavioral analysis and check summing. database to ensure that the numerical degree from George Washington
Signature-based scanning. This quotient matches. If it has changed, the University, where he received the
scheme searches for unique strings of file is considered suspicious and/or Richard Merwin memorial award from
code, i.e., the virus’s signature specific infected. the EECS department in 1996. He
to particular viruses. When this string of received the Grant-in-Aid of Research
code is found, the file is declared infect- Conclusions award from Sigma-Xi for his research
ed. Relying on signatures for detection Computer viruses have been around in audio data indexing in 1997. He is
poses two problems. First, users must for over fifteen years. Over 40,000 differ- currently an Assistant Professor at the
update their virus scan software fre- ent viruses have been cataloged so far. In University of Missouri-Rolla. His
quently in order to ensure the latest pos- recent years, the number viruses have research interests are in Multimedia
sible protection is installed. Secondly, increased dramatically. The damages Systems and Computer Security.
signature-based scanners are only effec- they cause are estimated to be several bil- Natraj Lakshminarasimhan obtained
tive in identifying known viruses. lions of U.S. dollars per year. Most often, his bachelors degree from the University
Emulation. This mimics the execu- the origin of the virus is difficult to trace. of Madras. He is currently a graduate
tion of the infected file to determine any Various kinds of anti-virus software have student in the Computer Engineering
malicious intent. Essentially, the file is been developed which detect viruses and Department at the University of
contained in what is referred to as a take corrective actions. Missouri-Rolla. His interests are in
sandbox or virtual environment. In plain The anti-virus software needs to be Computer Networks and Security.


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