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1. Read the text and complete the exercises below.

A USTIN, Texas (AP) – The state’s

highest criminal court rejected
convicted killer Karla Faye Tucker’s
doing his work for the rehabilitation
of young criminals.
the death penalty, has said Ms
Tucker should be spared to continue
preaching the word of the Lord to
4 In interviews organized by her
bid for clemency, to keep from prison minister-husband, Dana fellow convicts. The interview was
becoming the first woman executed Brown, she insists she’s a new conducted on Tuesday.
in Texas since the US Civil War. The person, content to spend her life in 6 “She feels very strongly about
Court of Criminal Appeals on prison doing God’s work and setting what the Lord has done to change
Wednesday turned aside her an example for young people. “We her life,” said Robertson’s
argument that the state’s clemency all have the ability, after we’ve done spokeswoman, Patty Silverman.
process is unconstitutional. something horrible, to make a “She wanted to be sure that the
2 Ms Tucker, who is scheduled to change for the good,” Ms Tucker, message of what God did in her life
die Tuesday by lethal injection, has 38, said earnestly on CBS television. got out.”
asked the board of Pardons and “I’m so far removed from the person 7 Texas last executed a woman in
Paroles to commute her sentence to I used to be out there. For me, 1863, when Chipita Rodriguez was
life in prison. The board can deny what’s weird is thinking back on hanged for the murder of a horse
her request or forward a some of the things I used to do, and trader. The only woman executed in
recommendation to Gov. George W. thinking, ‘I did that?’” the United States since the Supreme
Bush. 5 A spokeswoman for Christian Court allowed capital punishment to
3 Ms Tucker, 38, was condemned Coalition founder Pat Robertson said resume in 1976 was Velma Barfield.
for murdering a man and woman Wednesday his 700 Club television She died by injection in North
with a pickax during a 1983 break-in. program will broadcast the last Carolina in 1984 for poisoning her
She has since insisted she found God prison interview with Ms Tucker on boyfriend.
behind bars and would be content the day she’s scheduled to be
spending the rest of her life in prison executed. Robertson, who supports (taken from Athens News, Jan 30th, 1998)

2. Find a word or expression in the text which has a similar meaning to the following.
1 to refuse to accept a request (v) (1) ……reject…………………
2 willingness not to punish someone too severely (n) (1) ……clemency……………………
3 to plan that something will happen at a particular time (v) (2) …schedule………………………
4 to change a punishment to a less severe one (v) (2) ……commute……………
5 helping someone to live a useful life again after they have been in prison (n) (3) ………rehablitation…………
6 very seriously (adv) (4) ……earnestly………………
7 someone who starts a business, organization, school, etc. (n) (5) ……founder………………
8 someone who has been proved to be guilty of a crime and sent to prison (n) (5) ……convict………………
9 to kill someone, especially legally as a punishment for a serious crime (v) (5,7) ………execute………………
10 to start doing something again after a pause or interruption (v) (7) ……resume………………

3. Read the article and answer the following questions.

1. What crime did Karla Tucker commit?
…she murdered a man and a woman with a pickax during a break-
2. What sentence did she get?
…she got a death sentence ………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Does she claim to be innocent?
…no, she doesn´t. she claims that she has changed; she isn´t the person she used to be………………………………
4. What has she asked the Board of Pardons and Paroles?
…she has asked them to change her death sentence into life in prison ……………………………
5. How does she say she is going to spend her life if her request is granted?
…she says she is going to spend her life in prison doing God´s work of the rehabilitation of young
6. Is she married?
…yes, she is married to Dana Brown, the prison minister ………………………………………………
7. When will her last interview be broadcast(ed) on TV?
…it will be broadcasted on the day of her execution ……………………………………………………………
8. How is she going to be executed?
…she is going to be executed by lethal injection……………………………………………………………………………………
9. How was Chipita Rodriguez put to death?
…she was hanged……………………………………………………………
10. When was capital punishment resumed in the United States?
…capital punishment was resumed (brought back) in the USA in 1976……………………………………

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