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Lauren Perez

Professor Nelson

ENGL 1302


Essay 3 Draft 1

When a person presents their sexual orientation/identity hardship to a parental figure, or a

family member, they can experience difficulty comprehending what their child told them.

Because most of the time, it is not an easy thing to come to terms with understanding. Not only is

the person struggling with their sexual identity, but the parent's expectation that comes with it.

Acceptance has a significant role when it comes to people that are involved in the LGBTQ plus

community; it made it unformidable. Yet, having a mindset that a parent should accept their

child regardless of their identity can take time to adjust to change. This can lead to a problematic

environment because the parent is from a time when gender roles in society were perceived

differently. Another reason is that the parent is not educated on conversations like LGBTQ plus

in youth or has beliefs involving religion. This can also be intertwined with culture that includes

a fixed mindset, leading to a growth mindset. Although, in other cases, the environment can be

secure, and safe. Yet, grief can be present because parents often have this expectation of how

they visioned their child's future to be. This paper will bring attention to the difficulties parents

face when adjusting to change by mentioning gender roles in society, culture, religion, fixed

mindset, growth mindset, and grief without disregarding what LGBTQ plus community faces.
Gender Roles in Society and Culture
Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset
Work Cited

Updegraff, Kimberly A, et al. “Mexican-American Adolescents' Gender Role Attitude

Development: The Role of Adolescents' Gender and Nativity and Parents' Gender Role

Attitudes.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 43, no. 12, 2014, pp. 2041–2053.,


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