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Wellness Medium and Your Wellness Plan

1. What medium have you chosen? Please describe and/or attach/upload visual.

The medium that I have chosen for this assignment is a silver paper weight with the quote “what
would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” It sits on my desk where I can see it
while I am studying or attending zoom classes. I kept the box that it came in since my mom
wrote something on it when she gave it to me.

Sp 18 MOC
2. What does this medium represent to you? Why? Please describe why this is meaningful.

I chose this medium because it was something that my mom gave me that has always stood out
to me. My mom passed away in 2017 and whenever I look at this, I feel like she is still with me
on my journey as I strive to achieve my goals. This is one of the only things that she gave me
that has her handwriting on it and makes me feel closer to her every time I look at it. The quote
on its own is meaningful but the fact that she gave it to me makes it more meaningful since she is
not here to see where life takes me, especially as I approach graduation. This inspiring quote
motivates me to keep going, even when I think I might not succeed.

3. Post your personal wellness commitment statement and plan to care for YOU below. Be

I will strive to achieve even the craziest goals and never give up even when I am worried that I
might not succeed. This will apply to small goals and large goals, silly/simple goals, and
complicated/long-term goals. I will not give up just because I am afraid of failure, instead I will
persevere and live out all of my dreams.

Sp 18 MOC

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