Assignment 2

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Name: Rabeea Umair

ID: 19U00518
Section: B

Question: In the reading, “Real leadership lessons of Steve Jobs”, share the key
idea and then briefly explain following three points: put products before
profits, impute, and know both big picture and the details?

In the reading, “Real leadership lessons of Steve Jobs”, we discover about the
personality of Steve jobs and how he managed to cofound Apple all by himself.
Due to his great efforts and innovative ideas, he came up with a lot of Apple
products. Some of the central ideas discussed in the reading that helped Jobs attain
his goals include, focus, simplicity, putting products before profits, etc.
Steve Jobs is a rousing and profoundly respected pioneer who has amazing
leadership and management attributes. The unique governance trait is the secret of
Steve Jobs success. He not only added to accomplishments of Apple and Pixar, but
his management characteristic is followed by numerous others, and is accustomed
to making progress.

Products before Profit:

In the reading we can clearly see that he always put product before the profit
where as if we see in the market or other companies’ profit is the kind of main
motive. Jobs believed in making great and innovative products which will lead to
huge profits
When Steve Jobs returned to Apple, he shifted the company’s focus back to
making inventive and state of art products like iMac, PowerBook, iPod and iPhone.
He explained that his passion has been to build an enduring company where people
were motivated to make great products and where products, not the profit were
motivation. Jobs never spoke of profit maximization or cost tradeoffs.
Impute is a somewhat formal word that is used to suggest that someone or
something has done. This word became one of the key doctrines of Steve Jobs. He
believed that people develop an opinion about product or company on the basis of
its presentation and packaging. Jobs paid close attention to color and designs of his
products boxes. Similarly, he himself designed the packages of iPod and iPhone
and listed himself on the patents for them. Steve Jobs also said that he wanted the
tangible experience of opening the product should set the tone of consumer
perception of item they purchased. Occasionally, Jobs used the design of machine
to highlight a particular function rather than it to be practical.

Know big pictures and details:

Steve Jobs was equally passionate for both large and minute things. Some leaders
are visionaries while some of them are detail oriented but Jobs was great at doing
both. The most noticeable quality possessed by him was his capability to envisage
long term strategy while also emphasizing on intricacies. To illustrate this, in 2000
he developed the concept of computers becoming digital centers for managing all
of consumers data. Similarly in 2010, Jobs moved all this data to cloud in order to
integrate all the user’s data to other devices, but even when he was visualizing all
of these things, he worried about the tiniest details such as shape, colors and
screws of his products.

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