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2, 1-12 (1987)

Determination of the Pungent Principles of Chillies and Ginger

by Reversed-phase High-performance Liquid Chromatography
with Use of a Single Standard Substance
A. B. Wad
Overseas Developmen! Administration, Tropical Development and Research Institute, 56-62 Gray’s Inn Road, London,
W C l X 8 L U , UK

Quantitative determination of the capsaicinoids and the gingerols, pungent constituents of chillies and ginger
respectively, is important for objective assessment of the pungency of these spices and their oleoresins.
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) procedures applicable to these groups of compounds have
been reported from several laboratories. The principal difficulty with gingerol determinations hitherto has been
the lack of a stable and easily purified analytical standard, since the gingerols (and their dehydration products, the
shogaols) are labile, oily liquids which are difficult to purify. Since the capsaicinoids and the gingerols and their
analogues have closely related chemical structures, the possibility of selecting from among them one easily purified
crystalline compound to serve as an external standard for determination of both groups of compounds by HPLC
was investigated. It was found that caprylic acid vanillyl amide (CVA), one of the minor naturally occurring
capsaicinoids but an easily synthesized crystalline compound, was very suitable for this purpose, and that a
commercially available mixture of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin could be used as a slightly less convenient
alternative. Reversed-phase HPLC methods based on this principle are described, and shown to be suitable for the
analysis (without clean-up) of chillies and ginger or their oleoresins. An acceptable level of precision (relative
standard deviation less than 2% and 5% respectively) is demonstrated for the summed major pungent principles in
dried chillies and dried ginger, and it is shown that fair agreement between the HPLC and spectrophotometric
difference methods can be obtained for chillies of varying pungency levels.

KEY WORDS Chillies Ginger Oleoresins Pungency assessment HPLC analysis Capsaicinoids Gingerols

INTRODUCIION procedure and gives no information on the rela-

tive proportions of the individual capsaicinoids,
The degree of pungency (or ‘heat’) in dried chil- which differ somewhat in their No
lies (fruits of several species of Capsicum) or similar method exists for the gingerols.
dried ginger (from the rhizomes of Zingiber More recently HPLC methods, not requiring a
officinale Roscoe), and in the extracts (oleore- clean-up, have been r e p ~ r t e d ~
- ~the determi-
sins) prepared from these spices, is an important nation of individual and total capsaicinoids, and
determinant of the value and end uses of the these have found widespread application in the
products. Traditionally, organoleptic methods quality assessment of chilli products.
have been used for assessing their pungency, but A few HPLC methods for the gingerols have
such methods are subjective and yield results with been but in each case quantitation
a large variance. Chemical determination of the has required the laborious isolation (from ginger
concentrations of the substances responsible for or ginger oleoresin) of some of the pungent com-
the pungency (capsaicinoids in the case of chillies, pounds for use as analytical standards. The ging-
gingerols and related compounds in the case of erols and their dehydration products, the shogaols
ginger-see Table 1 and Figure 1) provides a (present in large amounts in ginger oleoresins),
more objective ap roach. A useful spectro- are oily liquids at ambient temperature, and are
photometric method was developed in the early both difficult to purify and somewhat unstable.
1960s for the determination of total capsaicinoids In the early stages of the present work, [ 6 ] -
in chillies, but it involves a laborious clean-up gingerol (V, n = 6) and [6]-shogaol (VI, n = 6)

Received I0 March 1987

0 Crown Copyright 1987 Accepted 2 7 April I 9 8 7
2 A. B. WOOD

Table 1. Structural relationships between three groups of pungent compounds

Compound Structure weight
(refer to Molecular Molecular relative
Group Name Abbreviation Figure 1 ) formula weight to CVA

(a) The Caprylic acid

capsaicinoids vanillyl amide
(n-octanoic acid
vanillyl amide) CVA 1.000
n-Nonanoic acid
vanillyl amide NVA 1,050
n-Decanoic acid
vanillyl amide DVA 1.100
Capsaicin C 1.093
Di hydrocapsaicin DHC 1.100
Nordihydrocapsaicin NDHC 1.050
Homocapsaicin 1 HC 1
Homocapsaicin 2 HC 2
Homodihydrocapsaicin 1 HDHC 1 C19H31N03 321
= 1.151
Homodihydrocapsaicin 2 HDHC 2 lsomeric

(b) The gingerols Zingerone 0.695

and their [6l-Gingerol 1.054
analogues [8l-Gingerol 1.154
[ 101-Gingerol 1.254
[6]-Shogaol 0.989
[ 81-Shogaol 1.090
[ 101-Shogaol 1.190

(c) The paradols [4]-Paradol 0.896

[ 61-Paradol 0.996
[ 81-Paradol 1.097

were isolated from a commercial ginger oleoresin leads to each of them exhibiting a UV absorption
by using some of the procedures described by maximum near 280 nm, with little difference in
Connell and Sutherland,'" followed by preparative molar absorptivity ( E ) from compound to com-
HPLC. This was an extremely time-consuming pound, as shown by the values determined in the
operation, and yielded only 30-70 mg quantities course of this work for representatives of each
of materials which were still not completely pure, group and presented in Table 2. This leads in turn
especially in the case of [6]-gingerol. Since the to the expectation that, for a given UV detector
intention was to use ultraviolet (UV) absorptio- set at 280 nm, there should be little difference
metric detection in the HPLC determination of between the HPLC responses of the compounds if
the gingerols, an investigation was undertaken to these are expressed in terms of peak area per
ascertain whether a related (but crystalline and nanomole, so that it might be possible to select a
more stable) compound, with similar UV absorp- single compound to serve as standard for the
tion properties, could be used as standard. HPLC determination of any other members of
Table 1 and Figure 1 show the structural relation- the family. The verification of this hypothesis, the
ships of the gingerols and shogaols both to the selection of a suitable standard, and the develop-
capsaicinoids and to the paradols. [61-paradol ment of HPLC methods for determination of the
and [6]-ginger01 are the major pungent principles pungent principles of chillies and ginger are
of 'grains of paradise' (seeds of Aframomurn described in this paper. It is worth noting that the
rnelegueta). shogaols (VI) differ from the other members of
The three groups of compounds form a family the family in having an ab-unsaturated keto group
sharing a common chromophore, viz. the as an additional chromophore, and that this gives
4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl group, and this rise to a much stronger UV absorption in the
0 gingerols or capsaicinoids by the single-standard
procedures without clean-up described here.
1 (y.6) HPLC grade solvents were obtained from
Rathburn Chemicals Ltd, UK (acetonitrile,
HO I methanol, tetrahydrofuran), and Fisons Scientific
Apparatus, UK (water). Methanol for sample
m extraction and all other solvents were of ana-
lytical grade.

/ Zingerone (n.0)
Reference Substances
m ('%)fl Poradols (n.4-8)

(Refer to Table 1 for explanation of abbrevia-

(a) Capsaicinoids. CVA [N-(Chydroxy-3-
(CHJ n - 2
P Gingerols methoxybenzyl) octanamide] was synthesized by
procedures similar to those of Nelson" and
Crombie et al.,'* and was finally recrystallized
from diethyl ether-petroleum spirit. It had the
PI Shogaols expected infrared spectrum, was pure by TLC,
and yielded essentially a single peak on HPLC
analysis under the conditions described here. Its
Fig. 1. Structures of some pungent compounds (see Table 1 melting point was 42-44°C.
for full identification) Small amounts of pure C and DHC were
donated by Dr J. Jurenitsch of the University of
Vienna, Austria. Commercially available C
lower wavelength region (see Table 2). This (SO-SS%, Sigma London Chemical Co. Ltd, UK),
results in considerable enhancement of the sho-
and NVA (Fluka AG, Switzerland, via Fluoro-
gaol responses relative to those of the other com-
chem Ltd, UK) were recrystallized from hexane.
pounds at 254 nm, a wavelength commonly used
A natural mixture of capsaicinoids (Fluka AG)
in fixed wavelength detectors. Furthermore, in
was used without further purification.
both ginger and chilli extracts, interference from
coextractives is more severe at this wavelength
than at 280nm. Consequently 254nm is not a (b) Gingerol and its Analogues. [6]-G and
suitable wavelength for the determination of [61-S were isolated from a commercial ginger

Table 2. Ultraviolet absorption characteristicsof some pungent compounds (as measured by the author)

Short wavelength band Long wavelength band

(refer to Amax Emax Amax Emax
Solvent Table 1) (nm) (nm)
Ethanol CVA 230 7440 281 3030
(96%v/v) Capsaicin 230 7500 280.5 3010
Dihydrocapsaicin 229 8000 280.5 3100
Zingerone 225 (inflection) 6 320 281.5 3090
[4l-Paradol 225 (inflection) 6 230 282 3060
[ 81-Paradol 225 (inflection) 6 270 282 3100

Cyclohexane [6l-Shogaol 221 17400 281 3000

287 2600
4 A. B. WOOD

oleoresin (pre-washed with cold petroleum ether) Sample Preparation

by extraction with hot etroleum ether followed
by cold precipitation,' and then preparative (a) Dried Chillies and Oleoresin Capsicum.
HPLC on a column (250 x 16 mm) of Lichrosorb Chillies were ground to pass a sieve with 0.4 mm
RP-8 (10pm) with CH3CN-H20 (60:40) or apertures, and 5 g portions of ground material
(70:30) as mobile phase. Their identities were were transferred to thimbles for Soxhlet extrac-
confirmed by mass spectrometry. The [6]-G tion with methanol (120 ml), which was con-
appeared to be only about 90% pure. Zingerone tinued for 6 h. The extracts were concentrated to
was purchased from Phase Separations Ltd, UK. about 50 ml, transferred through cottonwool fil-
(c) Paradols. Synthetic [4]-P and [8]-P were ters into 100 ml volumetric flasks, and diluted to
donated by Mr A. M. Humphrey of Bush Boake volume with methanol rinsings.
Allen Ltd, UK, and were recrystallized from hex- Oleoresins (1.0 g) were dissolved in 100 ml of
ane-diethyl ether (1 :1) before use. CH30H-tetrahydrofuran (5050 or 80:20).
(b) Dried Ginger and Oleoresin Ginger.
Ginger was ground to pass a sieve with 1 mm
Reference Solutions apertures, and 1.O g portions were transferred to
100 ml volumetric flasks. Methanol (ca. 99 ml)
Solutions of reference compounds were pre- was added up to the graduation, and the flasks
pared in methanol or ethanol for the determina- were stoppered and shaken vigorously. After 2 h,
tion of retention times and response factors. Con- they were again shaken and then left overnight
centrations used were in the range 0.5 to for solids to settle. Next day, a 20 ml aliquot of
2.1 mmol l-', corresponding to 10-42 nanomoles supernatant solution was carefully withdrawn
in a 2 pl injection. A solution of the purified from each flask and concentrated to 5.0 ml with
natural capsaicinoid mixture from Fluka A G (ca the aid of a vacuum rotary evaporator (water bath
1.O mg m1-I) was found to be very useful for peak temperature not exceeding 40°C).
identification in sample chromatograms. Oleoresin (0.5 g) was simply dissolved in
methanol (100 ml).
Standard CVA Solution
HPLC Analysis
A stock solution was prepared by dissolving Mobile Phase. Acetonitrile was filtered through
CVA (0.12 g) in HPLC grade methanol (100 ml). a type FH Millipore filter (0.5 pm pores). Glacial
This solution was stored at ca. -1O"C, and was acetic acid was mixed with HPLC grade water in
diluted five-fold with methanol to yield a working the proportions 1:99 by volume, and the resulting
standard solution (0.24 mg ml-') when required. solution was filtered through a type H A filter
(0.45 pm pores). The filtered organic and aque-
ous components were mixed in the following
Instrumentation proportions: CH3CN-1% acetic acid (50:50)for
UV absorption data were measured in a Pye- capsaicinoid determinations (mobile phase A);
Unicam SP8-400 spectrophotometer with a CH3CN-1% acetic acid (65:35) for gingerol
bandwidth of 1 nm. Two distinct HPLC instru- determinations (mobile phase B).
mental assemblies were used, viz; After mixing, the mobile phase was degassed
under vacuum with magnetic stirring for 5 min.
(1) Waters 6000 A pump, Waters autoinjector
(WISP), LDC UV 111 monitor (with 280 nm
filter), Waters Data Module (Model 730); Chromatography. Analyses were carried out on
(2) Waters 6000 or Gilson 302 pump, Rheodyne ready-packed columns (250 x 4.6 mm) of 5 pm
Spherisorb ODS-2 (Phase Separations Ltd, UK),
injector (with 20 pl sample loop), Cecil 212
variable wavelength detector (used on 2.0 without the use of guard columns. Separate col-
absorbance range), and Perkin-Elmer LCI- ums were reserved for capsaicinoid and gingerol
determinations. ODS-2 is a fully-capped CIS
100 integrator.
bonded-phase packing.
All capsaicinoid determinations were carried out Flow rates were 1.5 and 1.0 ml min-' for cap-
on assembly (2); gingerol determinations were saicinoid and gingerol determinations respec-
carried out on either assembly. tively. The injection volume was 2 0 p l and the

detection wavelength normally 280 nm (excep- contain several impurities even after recrystalliza-
tions are indicated where appropriate). tion, and was not considered further as a stan-
Peak integration was on a ‘baseline-to-baseline’ dard. A specimen of commercial capsaicin (nomi-
basis, with the start of integration delayed for 3-4 nally 80-85%) was found to contain DHC as the
minutes to exclude any negative peaks arising only major impurity, and after a single recrystal-
from the injection solvent (normally methanol). lization from hexane was suitable for use as a
Run times were typically 21 min and 17 min ‘second-best’ standard, the proportions of C and
respectively for chilli and ginger samples, and DHC being easily determined from the area ratio
about 10 min for the CVA standard solution. of their HPLC peaks.
Ideally, each sample solution was injected
twice, and the CVA standard solution at least Basis of Quantitation
three times, during each day’s run. In the case of
dried ginger, both the primary extract (10 mg of Solutions of CVA, C, Zingerone, [4]-P, and
sample per ml) and the concentrated extract [6]-S were prepared in HPLC mobile phase (A or
(40 mg ml- ’) were analysed, to allow quantitation B as appropriate) and their molar absorptivities
of each pungent principle at an appropriate con- ( E ) were measured in a spectrophotometer set at
centration level. 280 nm. The mean of these E values was 2960,
Column Maintenance. The columns were with a relative standard deviation of ?1.7%.
washed with CH3CN (100-200 ml at 2 ml min-I) HPLC response factors (with peak areas cor-
after 2 or 3 days of use. If serious loss of resolu- rected where necessary to an abscissa scale of
tion or peak symmetry was encountered, or 1 min 1 ml), were determined for CVA, [4]-P,
operating pressures became too high, a CH3CN [ 81-P, and [614 on instrumental assembly(1)
wash was carried out with the column inverted with detection at 280 nm and with mobile
(back-flushing). phase B (except that for [8]-P an 80:20 mixture
Quantitation. The concentration of each ana- of CH3CN and 1% acetic acid was used). The
lyte (capsaicinoid, gingerol, or shogaol) in each overall mean value (in millions of integrator units
sample solution (in mg ml-I) was calculated as per nmol) for all four compounds was 3.72, with a
follows: analyte concentration = analyte peak standard deviation of 20.06 (between com-
area/mean CVA peak area for standard solution pounds). The mean value for CVA alone was
x CVA concentration in standard solution x 3.75, with a standard deviation of 20.06 (be-
analyte mol. wt./CVA mol. wt. From these val- tween injections, n = 9). Similar measurements
ues, the concentrations (% m/m) in the original with CVA, C and DHC in mobile phase A on
sample were calculated, with correction to a instrumental assembly(2) yielded an overall mean
moisture-free basis in the case of the dried spices. value (millions of integrator units per nmol) of
0.577, with a standard deviation of +0.007 (be-
tween compounds). The mean value for CVA
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION alone was 0.573, with a standard deviation of
+0.009 (between injections, n = 5).
Choice of Standard These data provided strong support for the
assumption of equal responses per nmol at
Zingerone, a decomposition product of the 280 nm for a given mobile phase and detection
gingerols which occurs in ginger oleoresins and is system. Further support was sought by analysing a
available commercially in crystalline form, at first solution of a purified natural capsaicinoid mixture
seemed a likely candidate. However, in mobile by both HPLC and GLC. The GLC method
phase B it was eluted very near the injection involved conversion of the individual capsai-
solvent, making accurate measurement of its peak cinoids to the methyl esters of their side-chain
area impossible. In contrast, CVA was found to acids, and was a modification of the procedure of
have ideal retention properties, being eluted well Jurenitsch and Leinm~eller.’~ The total capsai-
after the injection solvent but before any of the cinoids content of the mixture as determined by
other capsaicinoids in mobile phase A, and hav- HPLC, on the basis of equal responses per nano-
ing almost the same retention time as [6]-G in mole and with CVA as external standard, was
mobile phase B. 97.8% m/m (purity claimed by supplier: ca. 95%).
A specimen of commercial NVA was found to The percentages of individual capsaicinoids
6 A . B. WOOD

Table 3. Composition of a purified natural capsaicinoid mixture by GLC and HPLC methods
Method Individual capsaicinoids as percentage of total


Direct HPLC



46.9 37.9


within the total as determined by the HPLC and that developed in the 1960s by the Phar-
GLC methods are compared in Table 3, and the maceutical Society/SAC Joint Committee for use
agreement between the two methods is suffi- with their spectrophotometric difference
ciently close to provide further validation of the method,' since it was known that this procedure
equal HPLC response assumption for the cap- extracted capsaicinoids exhaustively and because
saicinoids. it facilitated direct comparisons between the
HPLC and spectrophotometric methods. Chilli
extracts obtained in this way were normally ana-
Capsaicinoid Determinations lysed by HPLC without clean-up. Table 4 com-
The chromatographic conditions used in this pares the results obtained, for three chilli sam-
work were similar to those described by Hoffman ples of differing pungencies, by three methods of
et af.,' one difference being that the use of a guard analysis: direct HPLC; HPLC after clean-up by
column was dispensed with in order to improve the ether-alkali extraction method;' and spectro-
resolution. The sample loading on the column was photometric difference measurements' after the
lower than that used by Hoffman et a f . ,and it was same clean-up. There was fair agreement between
found that column performance could be all three methods for these particular samples.
adequately maintained provided that the same Sample 3 illustrates the difficulty which can be
column was not used for ginger analysis, and that experienced with the spectrophotometric method
the column was regularly washed with acetonitrile in obtaining good agreement between determina-
(see Experimental section). Typical chromato- tions at the two wavelengths. This may have
grams of CVA, a chilli sample, a capsicum oleo- arisen from the relatively high pigment content of
resin, and a purified capsaicinoid mixture are this sample (ASTA colour value ca. 96).
shown in Figure 2, and it can be seen that the The high recovery through the clean-up process
three major capsaicinoids (NDHC, C and DHC) implied by the results in Table 4 does not always
are well resolved from each other, with some of seem to be attainable. The direct HPLC method
the minor, capsaicinoids also being discernible. therefore has the advantage of avoiding the risk
Even I-IDHC can be determined in favourable of losses of capsaicinoids in addition to greatly
cases. reducing the time required for analysis. Further-
The extraction prodedure used for chillies was more, information on the capsaicinpid composi-

Table 4. Comparison of HPLC and spectrophotometric analyses of chillies of

differing pungencies
Total capsaicinoid content (%m/m) (on moisture-free basis)
By spectrophotometric
Sample no. By HPLC difference (after clean-up)
Without After
clean-up clean-up At 248 nm At 296 nm

1 1.51 1.44 1.45 1.47

2 0.89 0.90 0.91 0.91
3 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.24

3 4



ti 1 . 4

(c) Attenuation 64 (d) Attenuation 32

0 5 10 15 20 min 0 5 10 15 20 min
Fig. 2. Chromatograms o f (a) a CHSOH extract of dried chillies (ca. 50 mg m1-l);(b) a purified natural capsaicinoid mixture
(1.0 mg ml-' in C2H OH); (c) a CVA standard solution (0.24 mg ml-' in CH30H); (d) a solution of a commercial oleoresin
capsicum [ 10 mg ml-' in CH3OH-THF (50:50)]. Instrumental assembly (2), mobile phase A at 1.5 ml min-', detection at
280 nm. Peak 1 = CVA, 2 = NDHC, 3 = C(+NVA), 4 = DHC, 5 and 6 = HC and DVA, 7 = HDHC 2, 8 = HDHC 1 (see
Table 1 for identification).

tion as well as the total content is obtained by the 51.1% was found for both total capsaicinoid con-
HPLC method. Although some of the minor c a p tent and total pungency, based on a single injec-
saicinoids are not fully resolved, their individual tion of each extract. In view of the errors inherent
pungencies are sufficiently similar, and their con- in determining the pungencies of the individual
tribution to the total sufficiently small, to enable a compounds, and of the fact that normally the
reasonably accurate calculation of the pungency mean values from two injections of each of two
of a sample to be made from the HPLC data on extracts would be taken for each sample analysed,
the basis of reported pun ency values for the pure this level of precision is very adequate.
individual capsaicinoids. This is illustrated for Capsicum oleoresins will not usually dissolve
one chilli sample in Table 5 , which also shows the completely in methanol, and it was found neces-
results of replicated extraction and analysis of the sary to add an ether to obtain satisfactory recov-
same sample. A relative standard deviation of ery of the capsaicinoids. This made meaningful
8 A. B. WOOD

Table 5 . Precision of determination of pungency of a chilli sample by direct HPLC. (Extraction

replicated six-fold; each extract injected once. Pungencies of individual capsaicinoids are mean values
from references 2 and 3)
Nordihydrocapsaicin Total
Capsaicinoid Capsaicin Dihydrocapsaicin minor capsaicinoids capsaicinoids

Mean concentration in
moisture-free sample
(%m/m) 0.496 0.322 0.072 0.89

Standard deviation 20.007 ?0.005 20.007 20.01

Relative standard deviation of total capsaicinoid content 21.1%

Pungency of pure 16.6 x lo6 13.4 x lo6 8.9 x lo6 -

capsaicinoid (Scoville

Contribution to 82 300 43 100 6 400 131 800

pungency of sample (21200) (2700) ( 5600) (21500)
(Scoville units)
(moisture-free basis)

Relative standard deviation of total pungency 21.1%

comparison between the HPLC and spectro- ture, are presented in Table 6. A relative stan-
photometric difference methods impossible in the dard deviation of k0.896 was found for total
case of oleoresins, since the presence of the ether capsaicinoids content, based on mean results from
caused losses of capsaicinoids and inadequate duplicate injections of each solution, again an
removal of co-extractives in the clean-up proce- adequate level of precision.
dure used with the latter method. Two capsicum
oleoresin samples of very different ASTA colour Gingerol Determinations
values were analysed by the HPLC method, using
both 80:20 and 50:50 mixtures of methanol and The chromatographic conditions used were
tetrahydrofuran to dissolve them. No difference adapted from those described by Smith, 7the prin-
between the two solvent mixtures was found in cipal difference being the addition of acetic acid
respect of apparent capsaicinoids content but the rather than a buffer salt to the mobile phase to
capsaicinoid peaks tended to be sharper with the suppress ionization of the gingerols. These condi-
lower tetrahydrofuran content. The results of tions gave better resolution of the gingerols than
these analyses, including six-fold replication for several acetonitrile-water mixtures tried with var-
one of the oleoresins with the 80:20 solvent mix- ious CB and CIS columns. As with the capsai-

Table 6. HPLC analysis of capsicum oleoresins dissolved in two solvent mixtures. (Relative standard
deviation (r.s.d.) values for the six-fold replicated analysis of oleoresin no. 2 are based on duplicate
injections of each solution)

Capsaicin Total capsaicinoids

ASTA Solvent No. of
colour mixture solutions mean r.s.d. Mean r.s.d.
Olcoresin no. value (CH,OH-THF) analysed %m/m %m/m
~~~ ~

1 ca. 790 50:50 4 1.57 - 3.63 -

80:20 2 1.57 - 3.64 -
2 ca. 60 50:50 2 3.18 - 5.85 -
80:20 6 3.77 ?0.5% 5.85 ?0.8%

cinoids, a guard column was not used, adequate about 13 months. Although some peak broaden-
column performance being maintained by regular ing and tailing is apparent in the dried ginger
washing with acetonitrile as described in the chromatogram, [6]-G, [8]-G, [6]-S, and [ 101-G
Experimental section. (in retention time order) are still clearly sepa-
Chromatograms of a commercial ginger oleore- rated.
sin and a dried ginger sample are shown ,in Fig- Chromatograms of a solution of ginger volatile
ure 3. The former was run when the column was oil, at about the concentration likely to be present
almost new, the latter after it had been used for in the ginger extracts, were obtained at three
detection wavelengths. These showed that the
most important interference from the volatile oil
would be that of the citrals (neral and geranial)
with the [8]-G peak, and that this would be
serious near 240 nm, and negligible at 290 nm.
Some interference appeared to be possible at
280 nm, so a ginger sample was analysed at the
same three wavelengths. The [6]-G and [ 101-G
reults were virtually unchanged with changing
wavelength, suggesting that these peaks were vir-
tually homogeneous. In addition, there was no
significant difference between the results for
[8]-G at 280 and 290 nm, indicating minimal
interference from the citrals at 280 nm. A solu-
tion of [6]-G, which had been calibrated against
CVA at 280 nm, was used as standard in these
More serious, and unidentified, interferences
with [8]-G and [lo]-G were experienced with an
aged commercial sample of ginger oleoresin, so
that only [6]-G and [6]-S could be reliably
determined in this product.
The extraction method adopted for dried
ginger was compared with a more exhaustive
method, viz. three successive extraction/filtration
steps with combination of the filtrates. The results
in Table 7 show that there was no significant
difference in recoveries between the two
Tables 8 and 9 show the results of replicated
analyses of samples of dried ginger and ginger
oleoresin. The precision for [6]-G is adequate in
both cases, as is that for [6]-S in the oleoresin
sample. The precision for total gingerols in the
case of dried ginger is acceptable when allowance
is made for the fact that in routine analysis both
extraction and injection would be duplicated.
I 5 10 15 20 min Finally, Table 10 shows the range of pungent
principle contents found, by HPLC analysis in this
Fig. 3. Chromatograms of: (a) a concentrated CH3OH laboratory, for dried ginger samples from several
extract of dried ginger (ca. 40 mg mr'); (b) a solution of a countries. For newly dried ginger, the ratio [6]-
commercial oleoresin ginger (5 mg mT' in CH30H). G : [6]-S gives some indication of how carefully
Instrumentd assembly (2), mobile phase B at 1.0 ml min-',
detection at 280 nm.Peak 1 includes zingerone, 2= [6]-G, 3=
the drying has been carried out, since overheating
- . 4= _1614.
- - 5= -1101-G: CVA has almost same retention dehydiates the gingerols to the corresponding
time as [6]-G in this sysiem-(see Table 1 for identification). shogaols. The values in Table 10 (10-50) suggest
10 A. B. WOOD

Table 7. Comparison of two extraction methods for HPLC analysis of a sample of dried
ginger (using instrumental assembly (1))

Apparent concentration in moisture-free sample (%m/m)

(range of results from four determinations by each method)

Method [ 61-Ginger01 [81-Ginger01 [ 101-Ginger01 [ 61-Shogaol

Single extraction 1.91-1 96 0.34-0.42 0.40-0.43 0.22-0.3 1

with cold methanol

Three successive 1.92-1 ‘99 0.3 1-0.38 0.36-0.42 0.20-0.29

extractions with
cold methanol

Table 8. Precision of determination of major pungent principles of a dried ginger sample by direct HPLC. (Extraction
replicated 10-fold; each extract injected once using instrumental assembly ( I ) )

Total Total G
Pungent principle [6]-Gingerol [81-Ginger01 [ 101-Ginger01 gingerols [ 61-Shogaol +[ 61-S

Mean concentration in 1.66 0.31 0.38 2.35 0.17 2.52

moisture-free sample
Standard deviation 20.02 20.02 t0.09 20.11 20.03 z0.12

Relative standard deviation 2 1.2% t4.7% 24.8%

‘Table 9. Precision of determination of [6]-gingerol and these ranges show, total G varies considerably
[6]-shogaol in a sample (aged) of commercial ginger between varieties and origins, as well as being
oleoresin by HPLC. (Six solutions analysed; each injected affected by the drying and ageing processes.
twice using instrumental assembly (1). Unidentified
interferences prevented accurate determinations of l8J-G
and [ 101-G)
Pungent principle [61-Gingerol [ 61-Shogaol
The easily synthesized and purified minor capsai-
Mean concentration 5.94 5.96 cinoid CVA is well suited for use as an external
(Nm/m) standard in the determination of the pungent
Standard deviation ~0.04 20.07 principles of chillies and ginger by reversed-phase
~~~ ~
HPLC with UV detection at 280 nm. Methods
Relative standard 20.7% 21.2% based on this principle, and not reqiring sample
deviation clean-up, have been developed for chillies, ginger,
and their oleoresins, and shown to be capable of
that most of these samples had been carefully acceptable precision, with the possible exception
dried. The ratio tends to fall as the dried ginger of [ 81-G and [ 101-G determinations for oleoresin
ages. Steinegger and Stuckis found it varying be- ginger.
tween 3.2 and 9.9 in dried gingers examined by For chilli analysis, further validation of the
them, except for a 50-year-old sample in which it HPLC method was provided by comparison with
had fallen to 0.6. In contrast, fresh ginger samples the spectrophotometric difference method. The
which they examined (after freeze-drying) had method reported here is not suitable for detecting
ratios between 17 and 219. The total G concen- the adulteration of chilli products with synthetic
trations in Table 10 fall within the range NVA, since this compound is co-eluted with C.
(1.08-2.98%) found by Steinegger and Stucki for The only HPLC methods suitable for this purpose
fresh ginger samples, and are substantially above are those employing complexation with Ag’ ions
their values for dried ginger (0.65-1.17%). AS (added to the mobile p h a ~ e ) , ~which . ’ ~ also gives
Table 10. Results of HPLC analysis of various dried ginger samples

Concentration in moisture-free Individual gingerols

sample (% m/m) as percentage of total G
Country of Sample Ratio
origin Type no. Total G [6]S Total G + [6]S [6]-G/[6]-S [6]-G [8]-G [10]-G

Jamaica Sliced, 1.87 0.04 1.91 30 65.2 12.8 21.9

artificially dried I: 1.56 0.03 1.59 34 64.7 14.1 21.2
Sliced, sun-dried 1.80 0.04 1.84 30 65.6 13.9 20.5
1: 1.94 0.06 2.00 23 69.6 12.9 17.5

Dominican Sliced, artificially

Republic dried 5 1.55 0.02 1.57 50 63.9 13.5 22.6
(experimental scale)

Ivory Coast Sliced, artificially 6 1.51 0.04 1.55 27 71.5 10.6 17.9

Malawi Split, atificially 7 2.74 0.13 2.87 15 69.0 11.3 19.7

dried 8 2.54 0.14 2.68 13 73.2 13.0 13.8
9 2.35 0.17 2.52 10 70.6 13.2 16.2 >
India Dried whole 10 1.50 0.06 1.56 21 82.0 10.7 7.3 W
(Cochin) rhizomes 9
Peru Sliced, artificially 11 1.47 0.06 1.53 15 61.9 15.6 22.4
dried 12 1.48 0.04 1.52 25 68.2 14.9 16.9
12 A. B. WOOD

more complete separation of other minor capsai- addition to [ 61-, [8]-, and [ 101-G, small amounts
cinoids. First indications are that the basis of of [12]-G, methyl [6]-G, methyl [8]-G, and
quantitation described here is at least approxi- methyl [ 101-G. These additional compounds,
mately valid with this type of HPLC when detec- however, accounted for only about 2.4% of the
tion is at 280 nm. However, the need for pre- total gingerols, and it is probable that they do not
cautions to avoid silver deposition in the contribute greatly to the overall pungency.
apparatus makes Ag’ complexation HPLC less
Acknowledgements-I should like to thank: Dr J. Jurenitsch
convenient in routine use than the proposed of the University of Vienna, Austria, for gifts of pure capsaicin
method which, although it does not resolve all of and dihydrocapsaicin; Mr A. M. Humphrey of Bush Boake
the minor capsaicinoids, permits at least the esti- Allen Ltd, UK, for gifts of [4]- and [8]- paradols; and my
mation of NDHC, C, and D H C in addition to the colleagues as follows: Dr D. R. Hall for synthesizing the CVA
determination of total capsaicinoids. These four used in this investigation, Ms M. L. Barrow and Mr D. J.
James for carrying out much of the analytical work, and Ms
parameters appear to be of some value in the J. M. Robinson for mass spectrometry of the isolated [6]-
chemotaxonomic classification of capsicums,Is gingerol and [6]-shogaol.
and enable a predicted Scoville index to be cal-
culated. Comparison of pungencies so calculated
with those determined sensorially would be inter- REFERENCES
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