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Table of Contents

Executive Summary……………….3
About Converse…………………...4
Competitive Analysis……………..5
Primary Research………………...6
Situational Analysis……………...8
Social Media Audit……………….9
SWOT Analysis…………………...11
Key Insights……………………....14
Target Audience…………………..15
Key Message Platform…………..17
Campaign Target Audience……...18
Objective, Strategies, and Tactics 19
The PRemier Team……………….34
Executive Summary

With over 100 years of history, Converse is an iconic brand representing creativity and expression to the

Creativity drives Generation Z. Individuals in this generation are more likely to do something creative
everyday compared to other generations (Pineda, 2020). They will continue to seek out creative outlets and
opportunities to express who they are.

After conducting careful research, PRemiere Communications realized that Converse needs to reignite
excitement for the brand, making stronger connections to Converse’s creativity credibility. By implementing a
strategic public relations campaign, we seek to maintain Converse’s already excellent brand awareness
while increasing engagement with Generation Z.

This campaign puts emphasis on helping arts programs around the United States, and also reintroduces
and reevaluates brand social media practices to be more intentional and consistent with posts across all
platforms. The campaign will seek to center Converse in creativity and expression, providing hope and
direction for young individuals seeking to see themselves in the world. This will create new opportunities
and steer the youth in a better direction for their futures. Throughout the history of the brand and the
research we conducted on their goals, the company should focus on maintaining external brand awareness
through promoting individuality and creativity with their audience.

In order to fulfill the needs of Converse we have crafted a campaign that will maintain brand awareness,
develop more intentional social strategy, and establish Converse as the iconic shoe brand for self
expression. This campaign is centered around three key objectives:
● Objective 1: Increase brand awareness 25% among Gen Z by June 2022
● Objective 2: Increase Social Media engagement by 30% by posting three times a week on
Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter using #StepUpForTheArts by June 2022.
● Objective 3: Spread awareness about the lack of funding for the arts and increase funding by
donating $X to our partner Americans For The Arts by June 2022.

Campaign research included focus groups and secondary research on the Converse brand and Generation
Z. Results indicated that while Converse is well-known, however strong feelings about the brand do not
exist. Converse is the iconic shoe brand with a classic look, but excitement is low. The group never once
mentioned what they are currently doing as a brand or what they stand for. Converse cares about creativity
and will focus on spreading that philosophy among Generation Z through this campaign.

As a part of this campaign, Converse is taking a stand partnering up with the non-profit organization,
“Americans for the Arts”. This strategic partnership will enable us to both serve communities desperately in
need of creative arts funding, as well as establish Converse as a caring and socially-conscious brand.

Converse seeks to form meaningful, creative connections with its audiences. This campaign will establish
Converse as the number one brand in support of creativity and expression among the youth of today. 3
About Converse

Converse Inc. is an iconic American shoe company that distributes footwear, apparel, and
accessories . The Converse brand originally was founded in 1908, in Boston MA, as a
rubber shoe company. They made galoshes, leather boots, and eventually moved on to
basketball shoes as the basketball scene became the new big sport in 1916. Converse
went on to sell these shoes to professional athletes making them a big name in the
sports industry (Smith, 2020).

Converse was not the first basketball sneaker but it did have some features that gave
it an edge over its competitors. The diamond trend pattern at the bottom of the shoe,
which is still on the sneaker to this day, allowed for easy shifting in multiple directions
and the ability to stop quickly. Converse, as many brands at the time made a team of
their own with Charles “Chuck” Taylor as their coach. Once the depression hit the brand
decided to capitalize on Taylor. They made him the face of the brand and put his name on
every shoe with the iconic All-Star Chuck Taylor patch (Smith, 2020).

The shoe continued to evolve over many years. Around the 90’s a demand for leather
sport shoes became too high for Converse to continue solely in the sports world.
Although they still had a prominent non-spots audience. The low rise sneaker appealed to
a non-sports audience. However, boots started to become more and more popular which
resulted in a decrease in sales (“The Rise and Fall and Rise Again”, 2020).

In 2001 Converse filed for bankruptcy. While Converse was struggling financially, one
of the biggest names in the shoe industry, Nike, was taking the world by storm with the
Michael Jordan partnership. Along with the sports angle, they started to market their
shoes to more of the general public, making them well known by many audiences. A few
years later in 2003, Nike bought converse upping Converse’s revenue from $205 million
to $2 billion. Converse and Nike together were a hit as Converse had the iconic look that
would never go out of style, whereas Nike had the new technology (“The Rise and Fall and
Rise Again”, 2020).

After Nike took ownership, Converse had established social responsibility for issues in
our society. Today their website has a statement produced by Converse on their stance
and commitment towards the Black Lives Matter movement and how they are working
with Nike and Jordan to commit over $40 million over the next four years to support Black
communities (Converse, 2021). They also encourage people to vote and stand to educate
people on voter registration and education among young people. Converse supported
National Coming Out Day (Oct. 11) and partnered with Genzine magazine to amplify
LGBTQIA stories and experiences while they all wore a pair of Converse. Nike has helped
Converse gain credibility as a socially conscious brand and continues to help society as
much as possible.
Competitive Analysis



Vans is Converse’s main competitor as they are compared the most in the shoe
industry (Landis, 2021).They sell similar street/skater style products, have a
customization option for their consumers, appeal to a young audience, and are made
out of canvas and rubber material (Mertes, 2021). However, the biggest edge Vans
has over Converse is the shoes' overall comfortability. Consumers have expressed
that Vans shoes have much more cushion compared to Converse. However, others
have mentioned that Converse is much more versatile, whereas Vans is more specific
to street/stater style making it difficult to dress it up (Landis, 2021).

Doc Martens, although a brand that specializes in boots, is another competitor to
Converse. Although they are a completely different style of shoe they cater to the
same street style. As a style that caters to the rock brand, Doc Martens made
self-expression a huge part of their branding almost since the very beginning
(Viveiros, 2017). This brand has been criticized for how hard these shoes are to
break in, but overall worth it to the consumer as they last a long time and once
broken in are very comfortable (Gushue, 2021).

Adidas is one of the biggest sneaker brands, next to Nike, and builds off the
sports angle that Converse once held. Although Adidas still has its main focus on
sports lovers over the years, they also took on street style which provided them a
wider audience. They market to ages 14-40 making them have a way larger target
than Converse (“Positioning of Adidas”, 2021). They also are starting to try to
promote creativity in their brand as well. According to the official Adidas website, they
offer a “Creators Club”. This is a program that consumers can sign up for and have
the opportunity to unlock new products that are not yet released to the public. You
can unlock these products by building up points with purchases (“Adidas Creators
Club Program”). Although this is called the “Creators Club”, it is more of a selling
tactic rather than inspiring creativity with their audience.
Primary Research

We gathered a group of 10 college students around 20 years of

age to gage overall thoughts and feelings of the Converse brand.
Here is what these Gen Zer’s had to say:

Question 1: What does converse mean to you?


● “I don’t really have any connection to Converse but I like the shoes and
think they are pretty versatile. I think they’re more of a women’s shoe,
● “It’s just a shoe. I’ve had pairs of converse but they got worn out and I
have thrown them out over the years. With everyone having the white high
tops, they are as popular as the Air Force 1’s now.”
● “It’s a shoe brand and I’ve had a few pairs but they always get trashed. I
don’t really have a strong connection to the brand.”

Question 2: What do you like or dislike about Converse?


● “ I like how they are durable and can last a long time. I had my first pair
of Converse for a pretty long time before I got rid of them.”
● “I like how you can wear them with anything and they are a staple, but
there’s no support in the shoes which sucks.”
● “I dislike the comfort level of the shoes because my feet always hurt and
the shoes squeak.”
● “I like that you can always go back to this brand for a shoe and it will
never be out of style. I also feel like everyone can wear them.”
Primary Research Cont.

Question 3: What do you think this product is missing?


● “I think the product is missing a more comfortable sole. I play sports

and although the shoe is good for lifting, it’s not good for running and
other things.”
● “They need to rebrand themselves, they slacked with their trendiness
and style. They only have high or low tops and need more styles.”
● “They need updated colors and styles. I feel like a lot of them are
different and weird patterns or even basic colors and we need more
versatility. Maybe some cool colors with the logos.”

Question 4: How would you describe Converse?


● “I think Converse are very underwhelming.”

● “They’ve been around for a really long time because I remember
growing up and always having Converse in my closet and even now still
having a pair.”
● “I think Converse is a has been brand that went out of style. I couldn’t
imagine walking into a Converse store and purchasing them.”

Overall this focus group gave us a pretty diverse set

of answers. One thing our team noticed is although
there were some mixed opinions, everyone was well
aware and didn’t need any explanation of the brand.
Situational Analysis

Creative and iconic, Converse has captivated the world time and time again. Countless countries, countless cultures and
customer involvement are what make Converse so personable. Tremendous efforts are being made to keep it personal and take a
stand on issues that are occuring in the world today.

It is predicted that the worth of the global athletic footwear market alone is expected to exceed 95 billion US Dollars by 2025,
and the footwear industry is responsible for 1.4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The demand for more sustainable shoes
has increased as Millennials and Generation Z consumers, who hold strong views about environmental issues, dominate the shoe
market (“The Environmental Impact of the Shoe Industry”). The negative environmental impact that the shoe industry caused is
leaving many individuals restless. Among social media users, nearly seven-in-ten Gen Zers (69%) say they felt anxious about the
future the last time they saw content about addressing climate change. 28% of Millenials have taken actions to help address
climate change in the last year by donating money, contacting an elected official, volunteering or attending a rally (Tyson,
Kennedy, & Funk, 2021).

This demand will only continue to grow, and corporate parent Nike is already establishing credibility in the space by offering a
ReUSE-A-Shoe program for when your shoes are showing their age. This program will ground down the shoes, separate the
foam, rubber and fiber parts. Then, these materials will be Cput to use and be involved in the creation of track surfaces, gym
floor tiles, and playground mats (Converse Renew). Not only is this a much better alternative than throwing the shoes away, but
this way, the worn out shoes are being put to good use.

Along with being environmentally-conscious, Generation Z and Millenials are extremely diverse, socially aware and politically
active. Generation Z, however, has a trait that no other generation can claim.

Converse emulates Generation Z and Millennials political and social efforts by supporting impactful organizations and creating a
program to give back to the community. Converse’s parent company, Nike, Inc. announced a four-year, $40 million commitment
in support of organizations focused on social justice, education, and addressing racial inequality in America. For its part,
Converse has committed a portion of its share of the $40 million to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and the Equal Justice
Initiative (Nike News). Converse recognizes how important it is to fight for justice and help the community the best they can.
Opportunities were created for the general public to take their part and give back with the Converse’s Give Your Best program.
The Give Your Best program will match personal donations to approved charities, dollar-for-dollar, up to $10,000 per year. For
every hour you volunteer, Converse will reward you with $10 to donate to the eligible charity of your choice, (Converse, Social
Impact). Do good and get good back. Converse recognizes how lucky they are to have a following that is educated and
passionate about giving back. As the most creative generation, these social issues are what fuel the artistic minds of Generation
Z. This is key because these emotions experienced by Gen. Z consumers are what fuel their artistic minds to create.

Social Media Audit

Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok Twitter YouTube

Name/ CONVERSE @converse Converse converse @Converse CONVERSE


URL https://www.f https://www.i https://www https://www. https://twitter. https://www.yo com/Converse
converse m/converse/ m/company converse?lan ?ref_src=twsrc nnel/UCfigptVgX
/converse g=en %5Egoogle%7 1LGgUKZkQ2BZ
Ctwcamp%5Es MQ

Number of 46,237,274 10.2 Million 215,366 209,400 1 Million 133,000


Average 0 posts a 3 posts a 0-1 post a 2 posts a 4 posts a week 1 post a month
week week month week
Number of
Posts Per

Social Media Audit

Converse has proven to be a space of artistry and originality through their

posts featuring artists expressing themselves in their converse. Converse
has also established social responsibility for issues in our society.
Converse uses its social platforms to support BLM, LGBTQ rights, along
with sustainability, and the act of self-expression.

Unique Content
The majority of posts on Twitter and Instagram promote
their new sneakers by posting visuals of new designs.
This is an effective way to draw attention to the posts
and increase sales, but overall they post this repeatedly.
While this content can be engaging, the repetitive use of
influencer posts and new launches lacks excitement and
becomes predictable. This can result in their followers
paying attention to different brands who post new and
different content.

Converse has some weeks that they post everyday and others where they go a
week without posting. They also have some days where they post 4 posts in
one day, which can be overwhelming to the audience.Converse’s competitor,
Vans has a larger following at 17.2 million and likes per post than Converse
does. While this isn’t always an indicator of how well the brand is performing,
it could come down to consistency of a posting schedule.

Converse has a instagram following of 10.2 million, yet engagement on their
posts don’t reflect the large following. Their average likes per post on
Instagram are 40,689 and 172 comments per post. This data shows a lack
of engagement, but by posting unique and trendy content along with a
consistent post schedule an increase will be seen.
See Appendix 8 for social media background
SWOT Anaylsis

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Key Insights

Converse is established and
well known in the public

The brand, although well known, can

sometimes be “underwhelming”

Converse has environmental and
social credibility

Target Audience

Educated Male and

individuals female

Ages 13-19, 20-35, and 35+


Create and maintain external
brand awareness

Develop a more intentional and
consistent social media strategy for
engagement and outreach across all
relevant platform

Establish Converse as the iconic
shoe brand for self-expression

Key Message
Platform (KMP)

Converse is America’s iconic shoe brand with a

rich history, a strong credibility in creative spaces,
and a lower environmental footprint than most
shoe brands. These shoes never go out of style.

“Everyone can create with Converse.”

Social Media Hashtags:


Positioning Statement:
Converse wants you to convey yourself through fashion,
art, or any other mode of creativity you feel comfortable
expressing yourself with. Converse has been around for
over 100 years and has represented an iconic force in
the fashion industry, something other brands cannot

Campaign Target

education-focused men and women
ages 14-20

Seek design, versatility, Key interests in

and comfortability in fashion, shoes,
their everyday shoe and accessories; as
well as expressing
creativity and
Spend $500 or more individuality
On clothing annually
Objective One

Maintain near-100% brand awareness

among Gen Z through June 2023
Benchmark: near ubiquitous awareness due to
iconic status and history


Social Media

To maintain near-100% brand awareness

among Generation Z, white bucket hats will
be made with the Converse logo on it. This
item would then be handed out at our events
and sold to the general public. This hat will
be encouraged to be shared on platforms
with the #CaptureYourCreativity, giving
people who do not follow Converse a chance
to re-discover what converse is now all
Objective One Cont.

Maintain near-100% brand awareness

among Gen Z through June 2023
Benchmark: near ubiquitous awareness due to
iconic status and history

Tactic 1: Sell Converse branded White Bucket Hat on Official


Front Back

Tactic 2: This hat will be encouraged to be shared on

Converse social platforms by the general public using
#CaptureYourCreativiy (see Appendix 1)
Objective Two

Develop Converse’s reputation as a socially and

creatively-conscious brand among the audience by 2022


Media Relations

Social Media

To develop Converse’s reputation as a socially

and creatively-conscious brand we will be
partnering up with the non-profit organization
Americans for the Arts to spread awareness
and support schools with low funding for the
arts. They will also showcase what the
Converse brand is doing to help the
environment and how they plan to improve in
the future.

Objective Two Cont.

Develop Converse’s reputation as a socially and

creatively-conscious brand among the audience by 2022

Tactic 1: Travel to 10 different schools with low funding for the

arts in big cities around the United States and hand out white
bucket hats for the students to decorate (See Appendix 2)

Tactic 2: All the money collected from the white bucket

hats on Converse’s website will go directly to Americans for
the Arts

Tactic 3: Create a news release about the event (See Appendix


Tactic 4: Post a few times across social platforms about how

converse is doing their best to be environmentally friendly (See
Appendix 4) 22
Objective Three

Increase social media engagement by 30% by June 2023.

Benchmark: Current average likes per post on Converse Instagram
are at 40,689 and average comments per post are 172.

Social Media

To increase social media engagement Converse will

post more consistently while making better and
more meaningful connections with their publics.
Converse will partner up with influencers across all
platforms to not only increase engagement but to
spread an important message.

Objective Three Cont.

Increase social media engagement by 30% by June 2023.

Tactic 1: Post consistently 2-3 times a week across Instagram,

Twitter, and TikTok

Tactic 2: Partner up with 10 artistic influencers (4 micro,

6 macro) to create something with the white bucket hat
and share with #CaptureYourCreativity (See Appendix 5 and

Tactic 3: Create posts about the Step Up for the Arts Tour using
#StepUpForTheArts so get students all over interacting with the
event (See Appendix 7)


Appendix 1

Converse White Bucket Hat Social Media Posts

Twitter TikTok


Appendix 2

‘Step Up for the Arts’ Tour Locations

The ‘Step Up for the Arts Tour’ will be taking place over five months in different cities around the
United States. Each month a few team members from both Converse and Americans for the Arts
will visit two schools with low funding for the arts. At each location they will provide the students
with their very own converse bucket hat along with arts supplies to make the hat their own. Jerelle
Jenkins, Americans for the Arts local arts and service director, will also talk to the kids and
encourage them to keep utilizing their creativity and give them resources on how to obtain a
creative outlet.

See chart below for tour dates:


January 1, 2022 Boston. MA West Roxburry Academy

January 26, 2022 Cincinnati, OH Western Hills University

High School
February 9, 2022 Dover, DE Dover High School

February 23, 2022 Sioux Falls, SD Jefferson High School

March 9, 2022 Memphis, TN Hamilton High School

March 23, 2022 Missoula, MT Sentinel High School

April 6, 2022 Fort Worth, TX Boswell High School

April 20, 2022 Phoenix, AZ St. Pauls Preparatory

May 4, 2022 Las Vegas, NV Palo Verde High School

May 11, 2022 Seattle, WA Garfield High School

Appendix 3

Press Release


Nov. 18, 2021 (847) 254-4993


(Boston, MA) Starting Jan. 2022, Converse will commence its first annual “Step Up for the Arts Tour.” Starting in their
hometown of Boston, Converse will make their way across the United States bringing the excitement of personal expression to
high schools, all while teaming up with Americans for the Arts Organization to spread awareness and help support schools with
low funding for the arts.

Americans for the Arts is a nonprofit organization whose primary focus is advancing the arts in the United States. Jarelle
Jenkins, Americans for the Art’s local arts and service director said, “My passion in life is spreading positivity through
different creative outlets. Not only do I plan to talk to the variety of young creatives during the tour, but it is my duty to provide
them with resources on how to obtain creative outlets. I can not wait to see what they create!

Each month, two schools will be given the opportunity to express their creativity freely and openly. As well as spreading art
awareness and help support schools with low funding for the arts, Converse will distribute white bucket hats to the public to
individually design, along with art supplies. Not only will the hat also be offered on the Converse website for the general public
to purchase, but all the money from the purchases of the bucket hats will go directly to “Americans for the Arts” Organization.

West Roxbury Academy, located in Boston, will be the first stop. “Step Up for the Arts Tour” begins Jan. 12, 2022, and ends
May 11, 2022. Other cities and states on the tour list include Cincinnati, Ohio; Dover, Delaware; Sioux Falls, South Dakota;
Memphis, Tennessee; Missoula, Montana; Fort Worth, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Seattle, Washington.

Ten social media influencers will be representing Converse. Throughout the tour, each influencer will post the hat they designed
under the hashtag #StepUpForTheArts. Converse will then repost the creations and photos of the influencers on their social
media platforms. Then, you will get to see your favorite influencers featured, and be apart of the conversation to support the

“I am counting down the days until I get to see the unique designs the students create,” visual artist and designer Amina
Mucciolo said. “Not only has art been my passion since I could hold a pencil, but I am so happy I get to share that feeling with
thousands of other kids over the next few months, even if it’s from afar. Converse creating this not only showcases the
consumer connections being made but gives young adults the opportunity to express themselves freely. And to me, that is

Expressing yourself creatively is key when you are a young adult trying to figure yourself out. “The Step Up for the Arts Tour”
is a great way to showcase the importance of giving kids an outlet for self-expression through school arts programs.

Appendix 4

Environmental Social Media Posts





Appendix 5


We have chosen an amazing group of influencers to

work with Converse. We believe in creativity and
individuality, which is something all our influencers
embody. Whether that be through makeup, artwork, Scott Nagy 8,391K IG
singing, or fashion; our Converse influencers know how Scott is a mural artist who has
created amazing
to be true to themselves and stand up for what they
artwork. He enjoys travelling to
believe in. Converse has always wanted to create a paint in public
community where people can express themselves freely spaces where his work can
and we will continue to do so. become part of someone's

Fatimata Cham 3,973 IG 17.1K Jake Villegas 40K IG 21K TikTok

Kolbi Elston 5,026 IG 57.8K TikTok
TikTok Digital creator, Jake Villegas gives a
Kolbi shows of his creativity and
Human Rights Activist & Poet, platform to BLM and LGBTQ rights
artistic skills
featured while
through his colorful and unique
in Teen Vogue advocates for Black showing his creativity in his own
Lives posts.
Matter and Muslim rights.
Appendix 6


Ashley Strong
673K IG 393.3K TikTok Louis pisano
Ashley is a makeup influencer who 124K IG
has collabed with Morphe to create Writer for Harper's Bazzar
her own eyeshadow pallet. her artistic magazine and model for Vogue,
abilities shine through in her crazy Louis uses his platform to focus
Elizabeth Israel makeup looks on diversity, fashion
56.5K IG 10K TikTok & pop culture.
Small business owner, Elizabeth
focuses on creating products that are
handcrafted and safe for the
environment. She advocates for
mental health and sustainability.

Amina Mucciolo 317K IG Maggie MacDonald

Amina is a visual artist and designer 194K IG 69.4K TikTok
that loves individuality and being true Located in Boston, Maggie uses her
to oneself, which can be seen through platform to show her style, travels,
her fun, colorful outfits. and vlogs about her life.
Kelsie She advocates for BLM along with
31.1K IG 1.1Mil TikTok Autism awareness
Kelsie has a passion for crochet and
knitting, and creates diy videos on
how to make your own fun clothing
Appendix 7

Step Up for The Arts Social Media Posts




TikTok Twitter

Appendix 8

Social Media Audit Background

Converse first joined the world of social media in 2008 when they
launched their facebook page. Two years later they joined twitter
and these two platforms were their only social media pages at this
time. Converse joined instagram in July of 2018, which was a
couple years behind it’s competitor Vans and Adidas. In less than
two years on Instagram, Converse had accumulated 10.1 million
followers (Jiang, 2020). Converse focuses on posting collabs with
macro influencers such as Tyler the Creator and Milly Bobby
Brown. They aim to stand out on social media against their
competitors through their individualistic tone and creative

Today Converse’s largest platform is Facebook which has 46
million followers compared to Vans 19 million. Compared to
their competition, Converse has a lower average follower
count. For example, Adidas has accumulated 39 million
followers on Facebook, 26 million followers on Instagram,
and 4 million followers on Twitter. Because they only recently
started posting on TikTok a few months ago, their following is
not as high as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They are
still behind their competition on TikTok as Converse has
218K followers, while Adidas has 824K and Vans has 426K
followers. 33
The PRemier Team

Grace Pellock

Mackenzie LeClere

Hannah Youkhana

Lauren Bjerke

Taylor Soreghen


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