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Field Experience


Date: Preservice Teacher Name: Mr. Thomas

Student Name: Noah Vernon

Behavioral Objective: The students will be able to perform the dynamics that are written into his All-Region

TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) documentation: 3.E. Demonstrate correct intonation,
appropriate phrasing, and appropriate dynamics

Required Materials/Setup: Region Music, Metronome.

Instruction: List every step in sequence; include questions and specific language.

1. Hello, I how has your week gone? 1. Student responds

2. Lets start by playing F-Remington.
Q: What are the values that we hold each note for 2. Student responds
in this exercise?
A: Half. whole. Half.
3. Awesome! Lets move to our lip slurs.
Remember to make every not the same
volume, and feel like you’re rooted to the
bottom note always know where you are
coming from because that’s where you’re goin
4. Lets pull up our scale sheet and work on a 4. Student responds
couple scales for today. We already did Db and
Gb major last week. Lets review our sharp keys
starting with G Major
Q: If we are coming from C Major and we are
adding a sharp what scale would be next? And
what sharp are we adding and how do you finger
A: G Major. Add F sharp, and you finger it 2-3.
5. Lets play the scale together at 70bpm. Work 5. Student plays
out finger issues or slow it down for better
6. Lets get into our region music. Okay, so I want 6. Student responds
you to treat this next part as though we are in
the audition room.
Q: Tell me what you’re gonna do then do it.
A: Empty out spit valves. Take a deep breath in
and out. Play the first note. Take a deep breath and
7. Sounded good. 7. Student responds
Q: What do you think could have been better
about what you just played?
Field Experience

A: Having a steady centered pitch while playing

through the the etude.
8. I want you to play this phrase of the etude and
I am going to record you so make the best
sound you possible can. 9. Student buzzes
9. Take out your mouth piece and I want you to
buzz along with the recording and waste all of
your air It doesn’t matter where you take
breaths at in the exercise. 10. Student plays
10. Now, Put your mouth piece back in your horn
and let me hear you play the etude now. 11. Student responds
11. That sounds very good!
Q: Did you hear a difference in the piece and if so
what are did you hear that was different?
A: Every pitch started strong and didn’t wobble.
Everything was centered and in tune.
12. You are doing a really good job and I have no
doubt that you are going to do amazing. Welp,
That’s the end of your lesson for today. Ill see
you next week.

Assessment: Student will be able to play etude in broken phrases having better starts of the notes and
more centered notes by playing his second etude (not the one we did in the exercise).

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