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Article (Part 2) D Look at notes A-H and choose whether to .

engaging the reader include them in paragraph two (a simple

description ofthe object) or paragraph three
~ WRITING REFERENCE p.185 (the reasons why it's special to you).
o Look at the exam task and answer
the questions. A ei9Meenth birthday present from parents
1 What kind of style will you write it in 7 How do B I'lot expet)iv e Ql)d very ordinary to look at
you know 7 c two years old
2 What information do you need to include 7 o J
vS'ed to have to Share my brother , computer
E all my phot09raphs are on it
You see this advertisement in a magazine for young
F made by Toshiba
G user-friendly
What I'd save in a fil'e H co"toin> friends'! detailS'
Write us an article describing
something you own and explaining
why it's important to you.
D Work in pairs. Write paragraphs two and three,
using the ideas in Activity 3.
The best artIcle will be published ill
:..t.~: .~.~q~~;r:~. ~:~! .t;1.~r;~ ..... ....... ... : D Look at possible concluding sentences A and
Write your article in 140-190 words. B. Which one would have the most positive
effect on a reader?
fJ Look at opening paragraphs A and B. Wh ich
one is most effective? Think about
A 50 for all these reasonS, the first thin9 I would
how appropriate the style is.
think of takin9 with me is my laptop .
2 how varied the language is.
3 whether it engages the reader.
B The main reason I'd grab my laptop first
EXAM TIP In a fi re IS because I'd be heartbroken to

Try to 'speak' directly to the rea der for maximum impact lose al l my photos, which have so many
happy memOries for me.

A What I~ rave io a fire

Have yov eVer thov9M about which po~~e~sion
m Make notes on your own response to the
advert. Choose a favourite possession and
yO(J~ choo~e to ra ve if yovr house WaS" 0/"1
divide your notes into four paragraphs:
tire? Well, for me it wovld definitely be my
laptop. ObViously, I!:l reScue my family aod pets 1 Introduction (an introduction to get the readers'
tirst but after that it would be my precious attention)
compvter. 2 Backgrou nd (a description of the object)
3 Opinion (the reasons why it is important to you)
4 Conclusion (a brief conclusion)

B What I'd save In a fire LANGUAGE TIP

My laptop 15 very Important to me and
Use extreme adjectives such as amazing, and extreme
I wo uld be very upset If It got lost adverbs such as ab50lurely and incredibly for emphasis.
or damaged. I 5pend hours every day
uSing my laptop and I wou ld be 105t
Without It. I think m05t people feel the
D Write your article in 140-190 words. Then
check it for spelling and punctuation. Write
same way about the ir laptops. another draft if necessary.

III Read other students' articles and choose

which ones to include in the magazine.

34 Unit 3 Things that matter

D Discuss the importance of friends throughout My closest friend
a person's life.
From the moment I saw Lucie , I
knew we would be friends. She was so
Article (Part 2) cool ! How could I resist her?
Using a range of vocabulary It was my very first day at university
~ WRITING REFERENCE p.185 when I first set eyes on her. I was
struggling up the stairs when she
El Read t he exam task and check you understand
rushed out of her room and grabbed
what you have to include in your article.
one of my cases. Not only did she insist
You see this advertisement on an English language on carrying it for me, but she helped
website. me unpack too. I was immediately
attracted by her unusual clothes,
ARTICLES WANTED of dark curly hair, bright eyes
My closest friend . and energy. But what really made the
Where did you meet him/her? How friendship work w&5'her warm friendly
long have you know n him/her?What personality. We were really good mates
influ ence has she/he had on your life?
until the end of our second year. Then
Write us an article answering these we had a stupid argument and never
questions. We will publish the best
spoke to each other ever again!
articles on our website .

Write your article in 140- 190 words.

IJ Read the first two paragraphs of a model

D How do you think the article might continue?
Discuss what mig ht be in a th ird paragraph
article and answer the questions about the
and think of a memorable conclu ding
techniques the writer has used to engage t he
Look at the words/structures in italics. What is the g Plan and write you r own article using t he
effect of using t hese' guidelines 1-4.
2 Underl ine the'more colourful'verbs which are used to
1 Think about who you are going to write about and
express the following: saw, walking with difficulty, ran,
plan what will be in each paragraph.
took, a lot.
2 Think of how you will make your introduction and
3 Which words are used to avoid repeating friends
conclusion effective, using some of the techniques
and saw' Think of similar words or expressions for
from Activity 3 to interest and engage the readers.
immediately, attracted by, unusual, have an argument,
stupid, spoke. 3 Include a range of vocabulary.
4 Check your article for spelling, punctuation and
grammar mistakes.

Instead of repeating the same words, use a near
synonym or more extreme adjective to make your
writing more interesting and demonstrate your ran ge of

~.: ~etJ l f· BF 95

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