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Report (Part 2) Give each ofthe four sections of the report a

text organ isation heading, so that it is easier to read.

~ WRITING REFERENCE p.184 Advantages Potential problems

o Read the report wh ich a teacher was asked to Introduction Recommendations

write for the director of her language college.

Answer the questions in pairs. Look at the underlined phrases in the text.
1 What was the purpose of her report? Find examples of the following and discuss
2 Wha t is her recommendation?
why they are commonly used in reports.
3 Is it w ritten in an informal or a sem i ~forma l style? passive form s/repo rting verbs
Give examples. 2 li nking words
3 cla uses of purpose

Report on suggestion
for a college cinema
m Read the exam task and underline the key

(1) ... The director of your col lege has asked you to write
The aim of this report is to outline the a report on a visit you made to a self~ study centre at
a local univers ity. You should explain how successful
advantages and potential problems of it has been and recommend whether or not your
investing money in a small cinema, and make co llege should have one.
recommendations. In order to do this, both Wri te your report to the director. Write your answer
students and staff were consulted. In 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

D Divide these points into the advantages and

It was generally believed that a college disadvantages of the study centre you saw.
cinema could have wi de~reaching benefits 1 It is under~ used at weekends. d
for both students and teachers. It was 2 People from the comm unity use the fac ilities, which
suggested that films in other languages as helps to fund it a

well as English could be shown, which would 3 Many students sti ll prefer to study in their own rooms. d
widen the appeal, and that the cinema might 4 The worksheets provided give extra practice of
classroom work. a
also be used for conversation classes .
S A ful l ~ti m e assistant has to be on duty even if the
centre is empty. d
6 The facility helps to attract potential students to the
The main concerns that were raised are as
college. a
f ollows:
7 It cost a lot to set up because of all the computers, eK d
1 jJ; would be expensive to set up and run.
8 Writing materia ls for the centre is time~consuming for
2 Since many students watch OVOs t he teachers. d
on their laptops, they might not be
prepared to pay to watch films . m Write your report. You can use some of the
points in Activity 5 as well as your own ideas.
3 Only big cinemas have access to
blockbusters when they first come out .
(4) .......................... Organise your report under clea r head ing s and include
I am concer ned that the cinema may not num bers or bullet points to make your points clearly.
pay its way at first. However, all things
considered, the benefits outweigh the
disadvantages. I would therefore recommend
going ahead with the project.

66 Unit 6 On camera
Report (Part 2) fJ Complete the sentences w it h th e correct
Making recommendations fo rm of spend. Sometimes more tha n one
answer is possible.
I would therefore recommend .:spe!!i!ilJ!J.. the
o Read t he exam task and a student 's report. Then
answer t he q uestions. 2
money on security cameras.
My recommendation would be.. ..... more money
on security cameras.
Is all the necessary information included'
3 I recommend the college, , .. , more money on
2 Is there any Irrelevant information'
security cameras.
3 Is the report written in an appropriate style'
4 It is recommended that the money, '" on
The college whe re you study has been given security cameras.
some money to spend on improving security,
either by instal ling lockers for students to 11 Wh ich verbs cou ld be used to replace
keep valuables In, or secu rity cameras inside recommend in each sentence in Activity 2?
the building. Now the director of the college
has asked you to write a report describing the
benefits of both ideas and saying which one the
D Work in pairs. Read th e exam task
and make notes under t he head ings
money should be spent on and why.
Advantages, Disadvantages and
Write your report in 140-190 words. Recommendations.
A large number of mobile phones have been
Introduction stolen from your college recently. The director
"The purpose of this report is to recommend how the monei of the college wants to avoid this problem
by banning mobile phone use in college and
provided for improving sewri\i at the college should be has asked you to write a report about this.
spent It has been suggested that either loc~ers for students' You should explain what the advantages and
valuables or sewri\i cameras should be installed. disadvantages of this idea would be and make
Benefits of installing loc~ers Wri te your report in 140-190 words.
Currentli there is nowhere for students to ~eep valuable
possessions such as laptops or sports eqUipment If loc~ers D Write your report in 140-190 words.
were installed, students would no longer have to car~ all their Remember to check your work using the
valuable things with them around the college, which reduces writ ing checklist on page 179.
the ris~ of them being stolen. I dropped mi laptop in the
canteen last iear and bro~e it EXAM TIP
Benefits of installing sewrit'j cameras You should finish your report by giving one or two
would reduce the number of mobile phones and other reco mmendations. It doesn't matter wh at solutions
you suggest as long as your ideas are expressed
valuables that are stolen each iear
would discourage people from stealing
would ma~e it easier to identifi thieves
Nthough both ideas would be popular with students, I thin~
the sewriti cameras would be more suaessful at improving
sewriti and reducing crime. "There also isn't enough space
in the college for enough loc~ers to be installed. I would
therefore recommend spending the monei on putting sewri\i
cameras inside the bUilding But another solution is to
discourage students from bringing valuable things to school.

128 Unit 12 Crime scene

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