Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Niaga

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Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Niaga

1. The problem that arises when a black market occurs is that it can further harm consumers
who consume these illegal products and this activity also provides benefits for black market

-certainly has an impact on state finances The first is that the government loses revenue,
secondly the purpose of transactions carried out on the black market is to avoid all kinds of
taxes paid to the government and third, the black market makes it difficult for the country's
economic development

2. -As the main mover, the strategy that can be done by the company to face competition is
to build and maintain a brand image so that it can form a positive brand image in the minds of
consumers. A positive brand image is not only useful for attracting consumer buying interest
in choosing a company or product, but also in improving consumer attitudes towards the
organization so that it will have an impact on purchasing decisions. The product brand image
that has been embedded in the minds of consumers will make consumers more frequent or
prioritize the product to be purchased, because the knowledge and consumer confidence in
the product is thus expected that consumers can easily make purchasing decisions.

3. Monopoly system of PT. KAI is raising ticket prices, especially during Eid for all types of
trains. The monopoly system implemented by PT KAI, a state-owned company, is able to
generate extraordinary profits and will increase state revenues contributed by PT. KAI
through its sales profits and taxes. Although PT KAI was able to obtain extraordinary profits
due to the policy of increasing ticket prices, especially Eid transportation tickets, the service
to PT KAI passengers did not seem to experience an increase in the Indonesian
Transportation Society.

-PT KAI is a natural monopoly because a company can be called a natural monopoly when
there is only one company that survives because the other company is unable to finance its
business operations and requires a very large investment to build network infrastructure. As
the number of users increases, the company's average cost falls and their production becomes
more efficient.

4. If this situation continues it will kill the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
sector because there are few opportunities for MSMEs to market and develop their businesses
to encourage the progress of MSMEs in Indonesia for the sake of increasing Indonesia's
economic growth and of course cooperation between the Government, e-commerce
practitioners is needed. -commerce, business actors and also the support of the community all
to be a solution to these obstacles.

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