ASME B73.1M Specification For Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps For Chemical Process (1991 31p)

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ASME B23.1M 92 MM O759670 0085382 T mm ASME B73.1M-1991 ESO Ree ae Specification for Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Process AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD eee ae Scanner aati ASNE 73-20 91 MM 0758670 0085363 1 mm cs AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Specification for 'e Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Process ASME B73.1M-1991 (REVISION OF ANSVASME B73.1M-1984) ‘The American Society of Machanical Engineers a ae ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017 = e a CAN SOCIETY OF MECHAICAL ACINEERS (ASHE) ee we rte ASME 873-34 93 MM 0759670 0085384 3 mm Dae of ca: August 16, 1801 This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of 8 naw edition. There will be no addenda or written interpretations of the requirements of this Standard issued to thie edition. ASME Is the slstered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, This code or standerd wes developed under procedures accradited as meeting the criteria for ‘American Nationel Standards, The Consensus Committ that approved the code or standard ced to assure that individuals from competent and concemed interests hava had an ‘was made available for publi review public input from Industry, acaderis, ‘and comment which provides an opportunity for adit regulatory agencl ASME does not “approve, ;ndarée” any item, construction, proprietary deviee, or activity. 'ASME does not take any postion with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any terns mentionad inthis document, and doee not undertake to ingure anyone Uiliing a standard against labfity for infringement of any epplicabla Letters Patent, nor assume ‘any such labllty. Users of a code or standard ara expressly advised that determination of the valldty of any such patent rights, and the rek of Infringement of auch rights, ls entiraly their own responsibilty. Participation by fadecal agency representative(s) or parsonia)affilated with industry ia nat to be Interpreted ae government or industry endorsement ofthis code or stenderd. ‘ASME accepts responsiblity for only those Interpretations issued in accordance with governing ASME procedures and policies which prechuda the lasuence of interpretations by individual vor untaors, No part ofthis document may be reproduced In any form, Ii an electronic retiavel eystem or otharwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Copyright © 1963 by ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS ‘Al Rights Reserved Printad in USA. bythe AMERICAN SOCTETY OF MEGMMLICAL, PNCINEERS SHED ASME 873.14 92 MM 075970 0085385 5 am FOREWORD (This Foreword Is not part of ASME 873.1M. 1091.) In 1955 the Standards Committee on Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Industry Use, 1873, undertook the development of centrifugal pump standards to meet the needs of the chemical industry. Although the Standards Conimittee bad not completed its assignment, the work of one of its task forces resulted in the development of « de facto standard which was published by the Manufacturing Chemists Association in 1962 as en American Voluntary Standard. More than a dozen manufacturers of chemical process pumps have ‘been marketing pumps conforming with the AVS since that time. In 1965 the Hydraulic Institute published & tentative standard similar in content to the AVS, but updated certain postions. Although the Hydraulic Inetitute Tentative Standard reflected more neatly the current practice of manufacturers and users, it was believed necessary to publish a new document which would supersede both the original AVS and the tentative standard, and which could Incorporate the technical content of both doc- uments, in addition to dimensional criteria and features generally accepted by manufac- turers and users. The January 1968 revision of the AVS was therefore approved as an ‘American National Standard under the existing standards method and published as ANSI BI23.1-1971, ANSI B73.1 superseded ANSI B1231-1971 and was first published in 1974, The 1974 dition brought to 15 the number of pump sizes covered by the standard, Since then, the committee has continued to be active and has added five more sizes for a total of 20, ‘and made a number of revisions in the text of the standard. With the growing emphasis on the metric system of measurement, itis likely that further revisions to the standard ‘ill be made, and continued activity of the B73 Standards Committee will be maintained. ‘The revision of ANSI B73.1-1974 was approved by the B73 Standards Committee, and final approval by the American National Standards Institute was granted on September 7,197). Shortly thereafter, the American National Standards Committee B73 undertook to revise the standard, and as a result, now information on baseplate rigidity, bearing frame ‘adapter, and bearing housing drain was introduced. The 1984 edition included, for the first time, Appendix information that covers documentation of pump and driver outline drawing of the centrifugal pump, data sheet, mechanical seal drawing, stuffing box piping plans, and cooling/neating piping plans. ‘This proposal was approved by letter bailot of the B73°Main Committes on April 25, 1983. Following acceptance by thé Sponsor, the revision was refecred to the American National Standards Institute for designation as an American Notional Standard. This ‘was granted on March 23, 1986. The 1991 revision includes larger and self-venting tapered ceal chambers, as well as conventional stuffing boxes, revised baseplate dimensions, with a new identification num- bering system, and a ductile materiel requirement for the beating frame adapter if it clamps the rear cover plate to the casing, i jn. he AMERICA SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (ASKED oor ae ASME B73. 93 MM 0759670 0085386 7 Mm ‘This proposal was approved by letter ballot of the B73 Main Committee on March 7, 1990, Following acceptance hy the Sponsor, the revision was referred to the American National Standards Institute for designation as an American National Standard. This ‘was granted on January 22, 1991. Suggestions for improvement in this Standard will be welcome and should be sent to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017. ht by he ERIC SOCIETY OF MEOMAICAL NINERS AOE) ASME 673-36 92 MM 0759670 0085387 9 am ASME STANDARDS COMMITTEE B73 Chemical Standard-Pumps {The foowing ts tho roster of the Commitee atthe 19 of approval of thle Standord) OFFICERS: JA Reynolds, Chairman R. McGinnis, Secretary COMMITTEE PERSONNEL W, Adams, Durametalic Corp. Kalamazoo, Michigan F, Buse, Ingorea-Rand,Philipaburg, New Jersey laaby, Durkon Coy Dayton, Ohio ‘Newark, Delaware R. Hart EJ, DuPont da Nemours & Co. Wilmington, Oalmware P. Lahr, Goulde Purp, Ine, Senace Fels, New York . Montoe, Monsanto Co, St. Lous, Masourt ‘J Rabe, National Electical Menufacturers Assocation, Washington, D.C. C. Ramsey, Dow Chemical Co, Freeport, Texte FL Ranson, John Cran In, Larchmont, Now York 4. Reynolds, Union Carbide Corp, South Chevleston, Weet Virginie 9, Herrigon, New Jersey 4. Swallay, Atemata, £1. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Witnington, Oteware R. Yeung, Afternave, Goulds Pumpe, Ine. Senaea Foils, New York =: vam mo cE oF CUNO EINES Ce) 0759670 DDS5383 D ASME 872.30 92 CONTENTS, Foreword, Standards Committee Roster 1 Scope .. 2 Alternative Design 3. Nomenclature and Definitions .. 4 Design and Construction Features .. 5S General Fnformation . a 6 1 Gplindrical Seal Chamber . 2 Self-Venting Tapered Seal Chamt 3° Stuffing Box e 4 Seal Chamber Face Runout 5 6 Seal Chamber Register Concentricity Shaft Sleeve Runout «... Tables 1 Pump Dimensions a 2 Baseplats Dimensions 3 Approximate Performance of Standard Purops (50 H¥2) . 4 Approximate Performance of Standard Pumps (60 Hz) .. Appendix ‘A Documentation .. 'e a Al Pump and Driver Outline Drawing .. 2 Mechanical Seal Piping Plans ‘A3— Cooling and Heating Piping Pans ‘A& Typical Seal Arrangements. Form Al Centrifugal Pump Data Sheet ora ht the ORELGA SOCIETY OF MEQHIENL, EINES ASD 1 SCOPE ‘This Standard covers centrifugal pumps of hork- zontal, ond suction single stage, centertine discharge design, This Standard includes dimensional inter- changenbility requirements and certain design fea- tures fo facilitate installation and maintenance, It is the intent of this Standard that pumps of the same standard dimension desigeation from all sources of supply shill be Interchangeable with respect. to mounting dimensions, size and location of suction and discharge nozzles, input shafts, bascplates, and foundation bolt holes (see Tables 1 and 2). 2 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN Alternute designs will be considered, provided they meet the Intent of this Standard and cover construc- tion and performance which are equivalent to and ‘otherwise in accordance with these specifications, All D=2i0 0-268 i 8 ae or Min. 2 2 rs « = 2 3 2 2 838 SER888 Bae/FE BBS BERERE KERR 888 BBEEEE BAe RRRRSS Mh ELESROO OL9US20 mw Th WETELA SUSY noves: {Mota eb not ed yond nd tbe (2) baseplate number denotes pup fare 1,2, r 3 and baseplate HB In inches. {3} incodas O.13n, (em shaming slowaoee where motor height control. lest-nieea any ASME B73.1-1091 ‘minimum, Drilling and tapping of the boss(es) is optional 4.3.3 Support. The casing shall be supported by {eet beneath the casing or a suitable support between the casing and baseplate. 4.3.4 Disassembly. The design shall permit back ‘removal of the rotating clement from the easing with- out disturbing the suction and discharge connections or the driver. Tapped holes for jackscrews, or equiv- alent means, shall be provided to facilitate disessem- biy of the casing and stuffing box cover and to avoid the necessity of drive wedges or prying implements. 4.38 Jackets, Jackets for heating oF cooling the casing, stuffing box, and/or seal chamber arc optional. Tackets shall be designed for « minimum operating pressure of 690 kPa gage (100 psig) at OTC (340°F). Heat jackets may be required for jacket temperatures t0 260°C (SO0*F) with a corre- sponding reduction in pressure. Connection shall be %in, NPT minimum, with ¥ in, NPT preferred. ‘Wen a jacket is to be used for heating by steam, te inlet connection shall be located at the top quad- rant of the easing or stuffing box, andthe drain con- nection shall be located at the bottom partion of the casing or stuffing box to prevent the formation of water pockets. Jackets for water cooling sball have drain for freeze protection. 43.6 Gosket(s). The cusing-to-cover_gasket(s) shall be confined on the atmospheric side to prevent blowout. 44 Impeller 4.44 Types. Impellers of open, semiopen, and closed designs are optional 4.4.2 Adjustment. Means for extemal adjustment of the impeller axial clearance shall be provided it aujustment is required by the design. 4.43 Balance. All impellers shall be single-plane spin balanced as « minimuro. However, when the ra- tio of the maximum outside diameter divided by the ‘width at the periphery including the shroud(s) is less than six, a two-plane spin balance may be required 4.4.4 Attachment. The impeller may be keyed or threaded to the shaft with rotation to tighten. Shaft ibreads and keyways shall be protected so they will not be wetted by the pumped liquid. ASME 873-3" 91 mH O7S9670 0085394 b mm HORIZONTAL END SUCTION CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS 45 Shatt 4.5.1 Diameter. The diameter of the shaft or shaft slocve through the stuffing bax or seal chamber shall be sized in inerements of 3.18 mm (4 in.). To provide for the use of mechanical seals, the tolerance on that diameter sball not exceed nominal to minus 0.05 mm (0.902 in). 45.2 Fintsh. Surface finish of the shaft or sleeve through the stuffing box and at rubbing contact bear- ing housing seals shall not exceed a roughness of 0.8 tum (32 win.) unless otherwise required for the me- chanical sca 4.5.3 Funout, Shaft runout ut the fuve of the stuf ing box and at the impeller shall not exceed 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) FIM (full indicator movement). 4.5.4 Deflection, Dynamic shaft deflection at the impeller centerine shall not exceed 0.13 mm (0.005 in) at: {@) maximum load for pump sizes AA through ATH! (@) design load for pump siecs A80 and larger? 455 Running Clearances. Running clearance must be sufficient to prevent internal rubbing con- tact 488 Critical Speed. The first lateral critical speed ofthe rotating assembly shall beat feast 120% of the maximum operating speed. 45,7 Flats and Radil. All shaft shoulder radi shall be made as large as practical und finished to reduce additional stress risers 4G Shaft Seating 4.8.1 Design. Two basic types of sealing covers shall be offered, one called w seul chamber and a second called a stufling box. The seal chamber is designed to accommodate mechanical seals only snd ccan be of several designs for various types of seals. ‘The design includes a separate gland plate where required. The stuffing box is intended for packing but ‘arimum ood ts defined a the mama hyéraule load on tbe ‘ergo moat operant ey pat on mano peed cute witha Figid specie gravity of 1 Consult manufacturer Shen Heol specie pally Geoeds 1.0, “Desig Toed Is defined as the maim hydraulic load on the lnrget irmeller operating within the manufacturers specified ‘ange ob lr maxiem speed curve with specie grat of 10. ‘Conmalt manufacturer when ligld specie gravity exceeds 1.0 ASME 873.34 91 Ml 759670 0085395 8 mm HORIZONTAL END SUCTION CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS. is designed to accommodate mechanical seals as an. alternative. A separate universal cover adapter to ac- commodate either a seat chamber or stuffing box is optional. 4.6.2 Seal Chamber. The seal chamber can be & ‘lindrical or a tapered design. The tapered bore seal chamber shall have a minimum of a4 deg. taper open toward the pump Impelter. ‘The seal chamber shall be designed to incorporate the details quantified in Figs. 1 end 2, ‘The secondary seal contact surfoce(s) shall not ex- ceed a roughness of 1.6 yam (63 nin.) Seal chambe? bore comers and entry holes, such as those used for flushing ar venting, shall be suitably ‘chamtered or rounded to prevent damage to second- ary seals at assembly. ‘The seal chamber shall include means of eliminat- ing trapped air or gas. Vent connections, when re- quired for this purpose, shall be located at the highest practical point; druins, when provided, shall be located at the lowest practical point. The location of piping connections to the seal charsber for other funetions is optional ‘The size of all piping connections to the seal cham ber and seal gland shall be Y in, NPT minim, with % in. NPT preferred, 4.8.3 Stuffing Box. The stuffing box packing bore surface shall not exceed a roughness of 1.6 um (63, nin), One lantern ring connection shall be provided, ‘A second connection is optional. The bor also shall, be suitable for proper installation and operation of mechanical seals, including means of eliminating trapped air or gas at the highest practical point. The location of piping connections to the stufing box and sland ts optional. The size shall be Y in, NPT mini mum, with % in, NPT preferred. Registers shall maintain the stuffing bor bore concentric with the axis of the pump shaft within 0.13 mm (0,005 in.) M and tho stuffing box fuce perpendicular to the sis of the assembled pump shaft within 0.08 mm (0.003 in.) FIM. Figure 3 shows the recommended stuffing box dimensions, 4.64 Seal Chamber Runout. Mechanical seal performance is highly dependent on the runout con~ itions that exist nt the mechanical seal chamber. ‘Types of runout having significant effect on seal per- formance include: (a) Seal Chamber Face Runout. This is « measure ‘of the squareness of the seul chamber face with re- spect to the pump shaft It is measurcd-by mounting 1 diel indicator on the pump shaft and measuring the gm bythe AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MEGMATCAL DACINEERE ASHE) eli baa 138 ‘ASME B73.1M-1991, {otal indicator runout atthe face of the seal chamber. ‘The maximum allowable runout is 0.08 mm (0.003 in.) FIM (see Pig. 4). (6) Seal Charaber Register Runout, Provisions shall bbe made for centering the gland with either an inside or outside diameter register. This register shall be concentric with the shaft or sleeve and shall have a total indicator runout reading no greater than 0.13, ‘mim (0.005 in.) FIM (cee Fig. 5). (6) ShaftlShaft Sleeve Runout. This is a meature of runout atthe shaft or shaft mounted sleeve O.D. with respect to a fixed point in space. It is usually mea- sured by mounting a dial indicator at a fixed point in space, such as the face of the seal chamber, and measuring the FIM runout at the shaft mounted sleeve O.D. The maximum allowable shaft sleeve runout is 0.05 mm (0,002 in.) (see Fig. 6). 4.8.5 Space Requirements Space in the various seal chamber de- signs shall provide for one or niore of the following configurations of cartridge ar noncartridge seals: (a) single inside mechanical seal, balanced or un- balanced, with or without a throat bushing, and with ‘or without a throttle bushing; (®) double seal, balanced or unbalanced inboard ‘and outboard (c) outside mechanical seal, balanced or unbal- anced, with or without a throat bushings (d) tandem seals, cither balanced or unbalanced. .2 Space in the stuffing box and exterior clearance urea shall provide for: (a) five rings of packing plus a lantern ring and repacking spaces, (®) throat bushing, a lantern ving, and three rings of packing; (6) single inside mechanical seal, balanced or uin- balanced, with or without a throat bushing. 4.8.8 Gland 8.6.1 Bolting. Pumps shall be designed for four gland bolts, but glands shall be: (a) two-bolt or four-bolt for packing; (®) four-bolt for mechanical seul Gasket. The gland-to-stuffing box gasket or O-ring used for mechanical seals shall be confined ‘on the atmospheric side to prevent blowout, 46.8.3 Materials of Construction. The me- ‘chanical seal gland shall be 316 SS minimum. Other ‘materials shall be the purchaser's option, € 5 ASME B73.LN 91 MM O755E70 Q0653%b T am HORIZONTAL END SUCTION CENTRIFUGAL ASME 873.1M-1901 PUMPS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS S, i_ {4 \ \ 7 1.0mm 04010) ‘Toleel Deburred Chamfer Dimension Radial Clearance Designation Miia rer mm (A Ind ‘A08— A80 mm (78 in) ‘A90— A120 Xe 2640 mm (1.0 ind FIG. 1 CYLINDRICAL SEAL CHAMBER 52 tose ASNE 873-16 92 MM 0759670 0085397 | HORIZONTAL END SUCTION CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS ‘ASME B73.1N-1001 Dinan Radial Clearance e@ Designat Minima ery = 1905 mim (4 nd ‘A08— 80 X= 22.22 ev (78 nd) a80 = A120 X= 2540 em (1.0 In} FIG, 2 SELF-VENTING TAPERED SEAL CHAMBER, ASME 673-1N 93 MM 0759670 GO8S39S 3 am HORIZONTAL END SUCTION CENTRIFUGAL ASME B73.1M-1901 PUMPS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS $a] ~! “Ss Typlea! Deburred Chamtor | Dimension Rail Cearence Datignaton x Mininuen Roa = 7.98 mn HG nd = 952 mm (98 Ind See TAT mm G8 inp FIG.3 STUFFING BOX. 10 Copyright by the QMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHOMICAL DIGINEERS (ASME) ASME B73.4H 93 MM 0759670 0085399 5 mm HORIZONTAL END SUCTION CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS FIG. 4 SEAL CHAMBER FACE RUNOUT FIG.6 SEAL CHAMBER REGISTER ‘CONCENTRICITY FIG.6 SHAFT SLEEVE RUNOUT My the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MEGWICAL ENGINEERS (ASHE) aka to:2a:92 1990 n ASME B73.1M.1901 4.7 Bearings 4.7.1 Design. Two antfeiction beating assemblies shall be provided, one assembly free to float within the frame to carry radfal thrust only, and the other assembly arranged to cary both radial and axial teu. 4.7.2 Life, Boatings shall be selected in accordance with ANSI/AFBMA.9 and ANSI/AFBMA-11, Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball and Roller Beuz- ings, Pump sizes AA through A70 shall have a mi {mam L's, bearing life of 17,500 he at maximum losd.* Pump sizes A8O and larger shall have « minimum Ly ‘bearing life of 17,500 rat design load? (refer to para. 454). 4.7.2 End Play. End play in’the shaft from the thrust bearing shall be at a minimum, the definition ‘of which depends upon internal clearances and me- chanical seal requirements. 47.4 Sealing. Beating housing shall be con- structed to protect the bearings from water, dust, and other contaminants. 4.75 Lubrication. Oil fabrication is standard, ‘Bearing housing shal be tapped for constant level oil feed regulator or level indicator. Other methods of lubrication may be specified. 476 Drain, Bearing housing shall be provided with tapped and plugged drain hole at its lowest point. 4.8 Materials of Construction ‘The identifying material of a pump shall be that of which the major pumpage-wetted parts are con- structed. Pumps ahould be available with the follow. ing materials of constructir Masel Material Spectfeation Cantivon(nottobeveedior ASTM A 27M (or A 8 foe azure gus) ‘monpresuuce containing. pen) (Cat dct tron ASTM A. 355 (or A 536 for nonpresare containing pans) (Cat carbon ste ASTMA 216 ~ Grade WCB Ca high alloy sect (int. ASTM A 746 — Grade CFEM. arto 316 sales sex) otter Optimal No repair by plugging, pening, or imprognation is allowed on any pressure containing, wetted metal pacts, ASME 873-4 9) MM 0755670 OUSSHOO 6 mm ASME A73.1M-1994 4.9 Corrosion Allowance ‘The casing, cover, and gland shall have a corzosion allowance of at least 3.2 mm (% 4.40 Direction of Rotation Diyection of rotation shall be clockwise. when viewed [rom the coupling end. An arrow showing the direction of rotation shall be provided, either cast on the casing 07 stamped on a plate of durabic construc: tion affixed to the pump in a prominent location. 4.11 Dimensions Pump dimensions shall conform to Table 1. Base- plate dimensions shall conform to Table 2. 4.12 Miscellaneous Design Features 4.12.1 Safety Guards. A coupling guard in ac- cordance with ANSVASME B15.1 shall be furnished ‘on all units that include a pump and driver mounted, fon a common hascplate. Guarding of the shaft be- tween the stuffing box and bearing bracket shall be furnished if there are hazardous attachments on the slinft Ifthe shaft or sleeve is smooth, additional pro- tection is not required, An auxiliary device to control spray from stuffing box leakage shall be provided when specified 4.12.2 Threads, All threaded parts, such as bolts, puts, and plugs, shall conform to ANSI standards. 4.12.3 Lifting Rings. A lifting ring or other cquiv- alent device shall be provided to facilitate handling. the frame and associated asscmbly if ts mass exceeds 27 kg (60 Ib). Eyeholts on motors are not suitable for lifting the entire pump motor assembly. See the pump manu- facturer's manual for proper lifling instructions. 4.12.4 Tapped Openings. All tapped openings, {including those in the mechanical seal gland which may be exposed to the pumped fluld under pressure, shall be plugged with threaded metal plugs. Plugs normally in contact with the pumped fuid shall be of the same material as the case, except that carbon steel plugs may be used:in cast iron or ductile iron pumps. ‘Threaded plugs shall not be used in the heat- ing or cooling jackets, including glands with heating cooling pasiages; instead, snap-in plugs or water- proof tape shall be used to relieve possible pressure accumulation until piping is installed, 2 HORIZONTAL ENO SUCTION CENTRIFUGAL 'PUMPS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS All tapped openings in the mechanical seal gland shall be identified to designate their purpose. This designation should be cast or stamped immediately adjacent to the opening, Designations are F for fush, 1D for drain, Q for quenci, and V for vent. When & steam quench is specified, the inlet connection shall be located at the top quadrant of the mechanical seal sland, and the drain connection shall be located at the bottom position of the mechanical scal gland to prevent the formation of water pockets. 4.12.8 Identification. The manufacturet’s part identification number and material designation shall be cast or clearly die stamped on the casing, cover, and impeller. 4.12.6 Adapter. The bearing frame adapter shall be designed to resist a torque at least as high as the ultimate torque strength of the pump shaft at the coupiing end. ‘The frame adapter or adapter ring, when it lamps the rear cover plate to the pump easing, shall be sake of a suitable ductile material such a8 cast duc- tile irom or east carbon steel. 4.127 Baseplste Rigidity. Baseplates which are to de freestanding (foot or spring supported rather than held by anchor bolts and grouted) shall be 30 structurally rigid as to limit the movement of the river shaft relative to the pump shaft to 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) paralle offset when the driver torque of ‘nameplate horsepower is applied, 5 GENERAL INFORMATION 5.1 Application 5.1.1 Terminology. Pump application and appli- cation terminology shall be in accordance with the HYydraulic Institute Standards 5.1.2 Flange Loading. Allowable {lange loading imposed by the piping shall be available from the pump manufacturer. 6.1.3 Noles. The maximum sound pressure level produced by the pump shall comply with the limit specified. Tes, if specified, shall be conducted in ac- cordance with the standards of the Hydraulic Insti- tute. Drier and pump noise data must be determined separately. 5.1.4 Vibration. The unfiltered vibration level measured on the pump bearing housing at the man- uufacturer’s test facility at sated speed 5% and rated flow * 5% shal not exceed 6.35 munisec (0.25 in./sec) SETI Sythe MENLO stCTETY OF MCRL MEINEERS casH ee | ASME 873-36 93 MM 0759670 GOSS4OL T am HORIZONTAL END SUCTION CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS peak velocity oF 0.054 mm (2.5 mils) peak-to-peak: displacement. 5.1.5 Hydraulic Coverage. Tables 3 and 4 show the approvimate hydraulic coverage for 50 and 60 Hz, 52 Tests 8.2.1 Hydrostatle. After machining, casings, cov- cers, and jackets shall be fydrostaticaly tested for 10, ‘nia minimum with water at 1.5 times the maximum, design pressure corresponding to 38°C (100°F) for the material af construction used. The test water temperature shall be 15°C (60°F) minimum when testing carbon steel 5.2.2 Performance. When performance tests are required, they shall be conducted in accordance with, the Centrifugal Pump Test Code of the Hydraulic Institute Standards. 5.2.3 Performance Curves. Published perform ance curves shall be based on tests conducted in ac- ‘cordance with the Hydraulic Institute Standards, 5.3 Nameplates Nameplate(s) is to be of 24 U.S. Sid. Gage (min- ‘mm AISL 300 series stainless steel and shall be securely attached to the pump. It shal include pump ‘model, stendare dimension designation, serial num- ber, size, Impeller diameter (maximum and in- stalled), material of construction, and maximum design pressure for 38°C (100°F). 6 REFERENCES 6.1 American National Standards ‘The following are available from the American Na- tional Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036. ASME standards are also svailuble from The American Society of Me- chanical Engineers, 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Fair field, NJ 07007-2300. AFBMA standards are also available from the Anti-Friction Bearing Manufac- turers Associatton, Inc., 1101 Connecticut Avenues, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036. When the following American National Standards referred to ca SOCIETY OF MEGHAICAL ECINEKES (ASME) 3 ‘ASME 872.1441 in this document are superseded by & revision ap- proved by the American National Standards Insti tute, the revision shall apply. ANSUAFBMA 9, Lond Ratings and Fatigue Life foc Ball Bearings ‘ANSVAFBMA 11, Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings ‘ASME B1.1, Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and ‘UNR Thread Form) ANSV/ASME 120.1, Pipe Threads, General Pur- pose (Inch) ANSU/ASME B1S.L, Safety Standard for Mechan- fcal Power ‘ransmission Apparatus ASMEVANSI B16.1, Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ‘ASMEJANSI BI6., Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fit- tings 6.2 Other Publications 62.1 ASTM Publications. The following are published by the American Society for ‘Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103- 1187, ‘ASTM A 48, Standard Specifiation for Gray Iron Castings "ASTM A 216/ A 216M, Standard Specification for ‘Steel Castings, Carbon, Suitable for Fusion Welding, for High Temperature Servico ‘ASTM A 278M, Standard Specification for Gray tron Castings for Premure-Containing Parts for ‘Temperatures up to 345°C ‘ASTM. A 395, Standard Specification for Forritlc Ductile ron Pressure-Retaining Castings for Use at Elevated Temperatures ASTM A 536, Standard Specification for Ductile Tron Castings ASTM A 744 /.A.744M, Standard Specification for ‘Castings, Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resist- ant, for Severe Service 6.22 Hydraulle institute Publications. ‘Tho following are published by the Hydraulic Institute, 30200 Detroit Road, Cleveland, OF 44145-1967. Hydravlle Trattute. Standards for Centrifugal, Vertteal, Rotary and Reciprocating Pumps HI 1.6, Testing for Centrifugal Pumps eee eS | ASHE 873-30 4 370 oossuo2 1 me HORZONTAL END SUCTION CENTRIFUGAL ASME 673.16-1901 PUMPS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS TABLE 3 APPROXIMATE PERFORMANCE OF STANDARD PUMPS (50 Hz) ous ee 180.00 mcm ransion | Nominal impeller ee Copecity mse = | eon | e w= | mxrxel a | a wz | a] we | oe | os Me | MEnEE] Sf S| 8 | eh] a | Ss SL Srere) 8] ms Sf | a] | gs rn ee ee Bo | se | oe | Bs we [a xixe| @ we | oe | we | ae | oes S@ lo tnre| & m foe | ss] ae | as (3 tyke] ae] Bi me | | B58 | om mL SEI) ae | a] | aif | ae te | 8 xa ks] ie | Bio jee] Bg wom [a xsxea| we) m7 | ae | nz | a | me | oz | ms gen | sree] | Be |e | ag | ae es | se | ies men (are 8] ge | gs | ie | ap | mt | lee | me | es me] ara] a foe |e |e ‘ wo [a xmxa| a | as] me | ae | - @ [S2P8) 8) Bp] a | ae] os lee pabee lates tele corals tose ne fete ra] a ee] | a3 |: wo | ove xn| we | az | a | np fm | 28 28] Bo | ma] S|) Bs qm xe rel te | ime foe | Be) oo fo ener nor e ‘Fan Stondard does not cover exeet hyéroull performance of pure. Information on approximate heat end capacity atthe best ‘Micloney point or standard pars is for gararal Information only. Conaul menutacturers regarding hydraulc perormance data | for apeshe appleatone Nore: {i} Moximom impair dlamater may be tented due to tmitations of pumps rotor by. “ byt SHER SOCIETY OF REGWAICAL, NINERS (ASME) ASHE 873-34 93 MH 0759670 0085403 3 mm HORIZONTAL END SUCTION CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS FOR CHENECAL PROCESS ‘ASME B73.1M-1001 TABLE 4 APPROXIMATE PERFORMANCE OF STANDARD PUMPS (60 Hz) e om 3600 rpm Dimension Copacty “Total Head Gapaciey Total Head, Designation | Diameter pm | mm | = | om | mm | * A mei «el 7 |e | @ | 7 | wo | 1 | sen a a'xtyxs] 8 | wo | a | 97°] wo so | as | ger a0 axe xe| 126 | ma) 32 | 97 | 260 sey '| 12 | 301 an mxtxs] so | ona wo | a7 | 250 | 702 ‘50 a'xiyxe| 100 | 227 200 asa | 260 | 702 ‘80 a xz eel 10 | a0 300 ee | 200 | vez 470 4x3 xa] 20 | 687 soo | nas | 260 | 702 05 2xixwo] oo ] na 00 227 | aso ‘450 a xx] 10 | 27 200 454°) 380 ‘480 a x2 x] wo } 340 300 ca | 350 e@ 470 4x3 x10] 300 | 61 00 | 1362 | 350 480 6 x4 x10] 1000 | 2270 rao0 in) | 227 | 380 ai | a x1 x1] 20 | ae | 60 400 soa | -e00 aso@ | 3 x2 x19] 300 | ext | 160 soo | 1250 | 550 saat) | 4 x3 x13] 600 | 1966 | 160 aso | 1032 | 400 480 8 x4 x13] moo | 200 | 150 | fc eee 90 exe x13| 2000 | aaa | os | as |... aio | 10 x8 x13 | 3500 | ross | tae | ans | 1: ano a xs x%5| 2000 | eco | 200 | 610 : ao [10 xa _x1{ 3800 | 745 | 200 | ero | 2 General nore: Sh Stadad Joe not cover exact cate patoance of pos norman on approximate head wd cepa tthe bot Bienes far nerd poner gr omaton ey. Com martes oerdngWy Scie prance Se @Q frees noes: (1) Liga and may be modified for tha condion. (2) Maximum iepaller dlaroter may be imited due to Ertatlone of pumps rotor eyat 15 ght bythe MERON SOCIETY OF MEOWICAL, BHEIEERS. MED ASNE 873-0" 9) MMM 0759670 OOSS4O4 5 mm APPENDIX A DOCUMENTATION (This Appendte la not part of ASME B73.1M-1901, and Is Included hare fr Information purposes only) ‘Al SCOPE ‘The documentation specified within this Appendix covers the minimum required to provide clear com- munication between the pump urer and pump manufacturer and to facilitate the safc design, in- stullation, and operation of the pamp. Additional data, as required for specific purposes, shall be avail- able, if requested. It isthe intent of ASME B73.1M- 1991 that information be furnished in a similar form from all sources to improve clarity and foster efficient utilization of the documentation. A2 DOCUMENTATION A21 Requirements ‘The following documents shall be supplied for each pump item furnished: (a) pump and driver outline drawing; (6) centrifugal pump data sheet; (c) mechanical seal drawing (if applicable); (d) mechanical seal piping drawing (if applicable); {€) manufacturer's cooling/heating piping drawing (€ applicable); () performance curve with rating point () cross section drawing with parts list; (i) instruction manual A22 Ste Each document shall be in a size that is « multiple of Yin. x 11 in, 42.3 Information ‘A description for each document is vs follows. ‘A2.3.1 Pump and Driver Outline Drawing (@) The pump and driver outline drawing shall contain all information shown on and should be ar- (OF MECIMICAL EHGINES (ASME W ranged as the sample outline drawing included herein and identified as Fig. Al. (6) All tapped openings shall be uniformly iden- tified on the drawing with the Roman numerals as shown in Fig. Al, ‘2.3.2 Centrifugal Pump Data Sheet (a) The centrifugal pump data sheet may contain all information shown on and may be arranged as the sample data sheet included herein and identified as Form Al, (2) This document may be used for inquiry, pro posal, and as-built. ‘A233 Mechanical Seal Drawing (a) A mechanical seal drawing shall be included if the pump is fitted with a mechanical shaft seal. (®) The drawing shull show the general arrange- ‘ment of the mechanical scal, identifying all parts ‘with name and material of construction for the exact application. () Tt shalt include dimscnsions complete with seat sotting dimension with the gland bolted in place. (d) The drawing shal! have a title block duplicat- Ing that on the pump data sheet, Form A1, and have a blank space for the ser’s identification stamp 1% in. x 3 in minimum, ‘A2.3.4 Mechantcal Seal Piping Drawing (@) A mechanical seal piping drawing shall bo is cluded if the pump is fitted with a mechanical seal piping system supplied by the pump manufacturer. (@) The mechanical seal piping drawing may con- tain all information amd uniform monenclature shown in snd may be arranged as the sample draw- ings included herein and identtfied as Fig. A2. ‘A2.3.5 Manufacturer's Cooling/Heating Piping Drawing (2) A cooling/teating piping drawing shall be in- cluded if the pump is fitted with a heating/cooling piping system supplied by the pump manufacturer. ASME 873-3N 9) MM 0759470 OO8S405 7 mm (U) ‘The coolingjheating piping drawing may con- tain all information and uniform nomenclature shown in and may be arranged as the sample draw- Ings included herein and identified as Pig. A3. A2.3.6 Performance Curve (a) ‘The type of curve shall be a composite (family) curve for full impeller diameter range, plotting head against capacity and including efficiency, NPSH, power consumption, and speed. The design impeller diameter shall be stated with the rating point iden- tified. (@) Xf the pump Duid viscosity or specific gravity affects the pump performance, it shall be so noted cn the performance curve. A2.3.7 Cross Section Drawing, The cross section xawing shall show all assembled parts of the pump. Tt shall be complete with a parts list referenced to the drawing ‘82.3.8 Instruction Manuel (q) The instruction manual should include infor- imation on the correct installation, preparation for startup, starting up, operation, trouble checklist, and maintenance information for the pump model fur- nished. (6) Any imitations or warnings on the installation, operation, et. of the unit should be clearly defined, (c) The instruction manual shall be an 8% in. x 1 In, booklet. (d) ‘The use of a single manuat to describe many similar models of pumps should be minimized to re- @uce user confusion on the exact model furnished. (e) Recommended tolerances for coupling align- ment and pump part fits would be beneficial to the ser, @ Kastruction manuals for the pump driver, me- chanical seal, coupling, etc» shall be supplied by the pump manufacturer ff inclided as part oftheir sup- ly. 3 SPECIALLY REQUESTED DOCUMENTATION Documentation in addition to that listed under para. A2 is sometimes required by some users. This additional documentation shall he made available to those users upon specific request. ght by the AERC SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL BAINES cour. no tacront OsDER HOR" Pan BERAL NOB. iesocor are re one copteh by th a fenton SOCIETY OF MEOWICAL BNINEEES (ASHE mom aCe ASHE B73.3N 91 MM 0759670 0085409 4 mm Seat Fah Piping Recirculation of Pump Fld Pues connecsione : foc porte hs Plan No, 7907 Plan No. 7302 Ivara reireviaton from pump ead onde se! chamber With no Siacharge 0 ma ‘iroutation of Maa, Winer cooled at herr ack and coat ‘bushing reaured unlow oxvare sectd Plan No. 7301 Recirculation from purnp css through ‘rites fo we! Plan No, 7921 Recirculation rom pump cou through ‘ute and enol 0 08) Plon No, 7331 eciruiaton fom puny em trough yclone epartordaikerng lean Tid {o sal ana fei wae bark to meoner @ erence ono wn Boek ve © at mermomere,onty whan ‘ated Plan No. 7342 rom pum ease tou Racireletion rom pump eas trouah tara Fahd By mamutcnirer, acommended okey uae 5 meat Plan No, 7302 Inigtion yo aa rom aan wource ‘oF clvn oot tuts 1c Note 11) Leceno brvsue switch, incuding bck ‘va, nly when spacing QO © ‘tow inestr, ony wl speed Sh Yaya FIG. A2 MECHANICAL SEAL PIPING PLANS. 2 ght the ERICA SOCIETY OF MEGHALCAL ENGINEERS (ASHE fe Plan No. 7219, Recirculation Irom wel chamber trough orton and becs to pump wean Pian Wo. 7328 acieclation trom eal with pumping ‘ing thug colar ond back ta sat Plan No. 7241 Recirculation rom puro ave through eyetonesoperaterdeiverng clean tld rough cool tn al and Hs wth ‘slide back te pump wetion we oe A> check vive aries ramovebe aifice or an Ineaga: pressure breakaowrs serangerent) ASME 873.2" 9h MM 0759670 0085420 0 Mw Buffer Fld md Quaneh Ping Fao a — {Ee Pon Plan Mo. 7381 Deadhead Banka Pun No, 7302 sxewnat Exarn id reservie fo tana le prenure sour “Tmormoeyahon or fered crouse, 90 cures. “oe [See Now (11 Desin vee Plan No, 7353 External ltd earl for double ee ‘Tharmotyphon o forced eveuleton, eb recuired. Plan No. 7366 Ciretation of sian butter Huis ‘rom an external 0roe ‘Note (1 shel apply wien wise eo ‘supply fl tear, gx, water, other? eo auxin eating vin MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION (See Note (1) {ee Nove (11 Prugsed one ~ Phage 5 XN erain Plan No. 7381 ‘Teppad connection for user's ws ae excrnal te quench (stmr, gos, water, otha) Tsa0 Nate (1) Code cous 8 code code code & Goa nor Corgrighe by the QAERICN SOC GENERAL NOTE! Thea pi (al Tubing: erbon sea, 28 in. 0.0, x 0.098 I, wall, ASTI A BI (0) Tube Feige: carton meet ie type. inet eet 378 18.0.0; x 0.098 in. wel, ASTM A 260; (by Tube Frege (a) Plow carbon sas 3/8 Ino (0) Pipe Feng: carbon etet, 150 8, ASTM A 108. allae ston, 2/2 in, nominal Schedule 40, ASTM A 312; 1 316 tines stow, 160 8, ASTM A 182, ‘Tubing armored TRE rain with ellabe wlio Menge, cevian prewure of 360 plat £OCF. ‘Ovnm (pect. xoreent commonly std systema, Other veratione ate aatahle and shoul be specified Inderal {12 Ur ahall pecty uid charatortce when supotomantal sel fille provided: Menutscura shal apcity the gala lowe ate sel prsturyovhere esa ao feet FIG, A2_ MECHANICAL SEAL PIPING PLANS (CONT'D) 2 OF HECIIICAL EXCIMER CASMED nn nr ne Tne nrnenene eer ea ao a Plan seat lend neta PD ‘coating heaton to seal chamber Plan € otng ro seal ena hacker ona Denes ASME 873.30 93 MM 759670 085i] 2 mm GENERAL NOTE: Flow incicator are options, furnished only wlan seed. FIG, A3_ COOLING AND HEATING PIPING PLANS % pera low Plan P cooling to ASME 873-3" 9% MM 0759670 0065412 4 Ml Sinan? Oe eee : ca chet rant ae eens ene . eae ‘ingle Mechanica Sat — 8 Unbalanced ot n skates or balnced. With Or without cleutlon or (nection tothe tale faces, Wit or without troet bushing, Seu Nove (1). 81: (eal arranoyment (82: Outta erangament {58 Inui arrangement with rotating eal out ‘Muiple Mashantst Saal — © Elona or both may be unbalanced or Blanca. Soe Nota (1) Inbowtd Outboard en] ‘a 12 Double arrangement (821 Tandem arongerent ‘Gueneh Arrangement —O For sof packing, single and dausle mechanical sel, 1: ain sat wien trot (02: Mal sea with aullary bathing seal oF oucking (QeNERAL NOTES: {Gy Lgutd quench — n at bottom, out at ton. (6) Stam orgs quench = Nore: (9) Add "0" 10.98" or "D” for cary erangament. FIG. Ad TYPICAL SEAL ARRANGEMENTS. 2s ©

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