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Preservice Teacher: Kaitlyn Norwood, Preston Rice, Student or Class: Elementary Music Class
and Jayden Thomas
Date: October 26th, 2021 School: Bruce Shulkey Elementary School
Grade level(s): 1st Grade Class time: 9:08-10:08am

Objective(s): ➔ The students will model sirens as their vocal warmup

➔ The students will move their bodies during the physical warmup
➔ The students will be able to sing back “Charlie Over the Ocean”
➔ The students will be able to play the “Charlie Over the Ocean” game
TEKS: 2.A--read, write, and reproduce rhythmic patterns, including quarter note/paired eighth
notes and quarter
3.A--sing tunefully or play classroom instruments, including rhythmic and melodic patterns,
independently or in groups
4.C--explore new musical ideas using singing voice and classroom instruments.
6.C--respond verbally or through movement to a short musical example
Materials: ● Singing Voice
● Good Attitude
● Spacing for students
● Microphone (maybe)
● Drum and Stick
● Bean Bag

Estimated time Activities/Sequenced Teacher Behaviors Student Behaviors

2 Minutes Movement: Mr. Rice will lead
● Mr. Rice will lead the movement ● The students will come into class
● Ms. M will put up the slideshow to ● The students will listen to Ms. M and
show different trees during different Mr. Rice explain instructions
● Mr. Rice will tell the students to
stand up
● Mr. Rice will drum on the drum
● The students will pose when the
provided and when he stops the drums stop
students will pose like the tree on
the board
● Mr. Rice will repeat this activity
multiple times for the three
● This exercise will last roughly 2
2 Minutes Warm-up: Ms. Norwood will lead
● Ms. Norwood will stand in the front ● The students will turn in the right
of the classroom and have the direction criss-cross-applesauce
students face him
● Ms. Norwood will hold the large ● The students will listen to Mr. Rice
pieces of paper with the written out
sirens if not able to place them on
the board
● Ms. Norwood will model the sirens ● The students will respond to Mr.
that are written out Rice’s sirens
○ Ms. Norwood will model 4 ● *Students just learned peaks and
examples valleys for the “mountains”
○ Ms. Norwood is going to ● Students will stand up and model
show the sirens will his body, the sirens with their bodies
going low for low sounds and
high for high sounds ● Students will sit down after the
● Mr. Thomas and Ms. Norwood will warm-up has concluded
assist the students and Mr. Rice
when applicable
5 Minutes Charlie Over the Ocean:
● Mr. Thomas will lead the song ● The students will listen to Mr.
Charlie Over the Ocean. Thomas
● Mr. Thomas will sing the entire song ● The students will continue to listen
○ Charlie over the ocean
○ Charlie over the sea
○ Charlie caught a big fish
○ Can’t catch me
● Mr. Thomas will chunk the first ● Students will sing when prompted
○ “Charlie over the ocean”
● Mr. Thomas will chunk:
○ “Charlie over the sea”
● Mr. Thomas will chunk:
○ “Charlie caught a big fish”
● Mr. Thomas will chunk:
○ “Can’t catch me”
● Mr. Thomas will then sing through ● The students will sing the entire
the whole song with the students at song with Mr. Thomas
least twice if not three times ● Mr. Rice and Ms. Norwood will be
● Once Mr. Tomas feels the students walking around singing and
know the lyrics he will ask the assisting when needed
students what they can catch in the ● Students will raise their hand to
ocean? answer Mr. Thomas
○ ex. shark, treasure,
pufferfish, nemo
● This exercise could go on for as long
as Ms. M allows

Assessment: To determine content/ skill mastery, Ms. Norwood, Mr. Rice, and Mr. Thomas will have the
students perform/ sing “Charlie Over the Ocean”.

To determine content/ skill mastery, Ms. Norwood, Mr. Rice, and Mr. Thomas will have
students sing constantly throughout the whole lesson to solidify “sol” and “mi”.

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