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Miranda B.

Resume for position of
3rd grade teacher
Special Skills and strong character traits:
Extremely comfortable around children, with strong enthusiasm to see them grow
Strong organizational skills when lesson planning
Goal oriented and willing to adapt and improve
Consistent, dependable, and hard working

Applicable work history:

Volleyball coach Planning practices, attending This job is what inspired me
games and facilitating players to become a teacher in the
before and after games, first place. I felt very
leading devotionals, setting comfortable planning and
up/ tearing down for practice running practices, and I have
every day, engagement with learned so much about how
girls, and planning seasonal students respond and what is
parties the best way to approach
Babysitting Helping with homework, I have been babysitting for
playing games, cooking countless families for
dinner, changing diapers, and countless years. I have been
engaging with kids inspired to show kids the joy
of playing, crafting, and
engaging, as opposed to
watching t.v. I have learned
how to find a balance with
kids between a mutual
respect, and a strong

Associate of Arts --- College of Western Idaho --- 2021
Bachelor of Arts --- to be received

Community Involvement:
Volunteer time in church nursery and children’s group

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