4th Year Comps GTU - BH - Qbanks

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GTU | Winter Exams 2021, Brainheaters - Question Banks

M.C.W.C QuestionBanks
for Semester Examination

1. Difference between Analog and Digital Data Transmission

2. What is Transmission Media and Multiplexing LANs, MANs and
3. Difference between Switching Techniques and its Circuit
Switching and Packet Switching
4. Explain Principles of Cellular Networks
5. Explain 1) First-Generation Analog 2) Second-Generation TDMA
3) Second-Generation CDMA and 4) Third-Generation Systems
6. Define Propagation Modes
7. Explain Spread Spectrum
8. Difference between Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum and
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
9. Difference between Error Detection and its Block Error
Correction Codes and Convolutional Codes
10. Explain Frequency division multiple access and it’s 1)
Time-division multiple access 2) Code division multiple access
3) Space division multiple access
11. Define Multiple access with collision avoidance.
12. Define GSM architecture

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questions are taken from the Bh.QuestionBanks and we strongly recommend
you to complete all 35+ Questions available in the StudyRoom for your
subjective exam.

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GTU | Winter Exams 2021, Brainheaters - Question Banks

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GTU | Winter Exams 2021, Brainheaters - Question Banks

C.D QuestionBanks
for Semester Examination

13. List and explain Interpreter and assembler.

14. Difference between interpreter and compiler.
15. Briefly describe Compilation of source code into The target
16. Explain Role of the Lexical Analyzer.
17. Explain Specification & Recognition of Tokens.
18. Explain Elementary scanner design and its implementation
19. Explain Finite Automata for recognition of tokens.
20. Explain Discuss Parser and CFG
21. Explain Left Recursion and Left Factoring of grammar
22.Discuss the Top-Down and Bottom-up Parsing Algorithms

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questions are taken from the Bh.QuestionBanks and we strongly recommend
you to complete all 35+ Questions available in the StudyRoom for your
subjective exam.

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GTU | Winter Exams 2021, Brainheaters - Question Banks

A.I QuestionBanks
for Semester Examination

1. Discuss the AI Problems & techniques

2. Explain Production System Characteristics and Issues in the
Design of Search Programs
3. Discuss Hill Climbing
4. Discuss Best-First Search
5. Discuss Means-Ends Analysis
6. Discuss Computable Functions and Predicates
7. Discuss Procedural versus Declarative Knowledge
8. Discuss Logic Programming
9. Discuss Forward versus Backward Reasoning.
10. Discuss Logics For Non-monotonic Reasoning.
11. Explain Probability And Bayes' Theorem
12. Explain Bayesian Networks
13. Explain Fuzzy Logic

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questions are taken from the Bh.QuestionBanks and we strongly recommend
you complete all 35+ Questions available in the StudyRoom for your subjective

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GTU | Winter Exams 2021, Brainheaters - Question Banks

M.L QuestionBanks
for Semester Examination

1. Difference between Human Learning and Machine Learning

2. Explain Types of Machine Learning
3. List the Applications of Machine Learning
4. Explain Tools and Technology for Machine Learning
5. What are the types of data in Machine Learning
6. Define Structures of data
7. Define Data quality and remediation
8. Explain Dimensionality reduction
9. What is Feature subset selection?
10. Explain Training a Model for supervised learning
11. Explain Model representation and interpretability
12. Evaluating and Improving the performance of a model

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questions are taken from the Bh.QuestionBanks and we strongly recommend
that you complete all 35+ Questions available in the StudyRoom for your
subjective exam.

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GTU | Winter Exams 2021, Brainheaters - Question Banks

C.C QuestionBanks
for Semester Examination

1. Define Cloud Infrastructure Management and their Challenges

and Applications.
2. Define Cloud Services IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
3. What are the Challenges of SaaS Paradigm
4. Explain Virtual Machines Provisioning and Manageability
5. Virtual Machine Migration Services and VM Provisioning and
Migration in Action.
6. Explain Integration of Private and Public Cloud
7. Explain Virtualization Technologies
8. Define Load Balancing and Virtualization
9. Define Virtual Machines 1) Provisioning and Manageability 2)
Migration Services, 3) Provisioning and Migration in Action
10. Explain Provisioning in the Cloud Context
11. Define Virtual Clusters and Resource management

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questions are taken from the Bh.QuestionBanks and we strongly recommend
you to complete all 35+ Questions available in the StudyRoom for your
subjective exam.

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GTU | Winter Exams 2021, Brainheaters - Question Banks

M.A.D QuestionBanks
for Semester Examination

1. Explain Software Engineering with SDLC

2. Explain DFD
3. Explain SQL database
4. Explain Android System with Architecture
5. Development with Android its Platforms, Tools, Versions
6. What is Setup Android Environment?
7. Explain Building Blocks of Android Application
8. Define Activity Lifecycle
9. Differentiate Intents Fragments and Fragment Lifecycle
10. Create Android UI and Custom Layouts
11. Work with UI Components and Events
12. Differentiate RecyclerView and Card View

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questions are taken from the Bh.QuestionBanks and we strongly recommend
you to complete all 35+ Questions available in the StudyRoom for your
subjective exam.

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GTU | Winter Exams 2021, Brainheaters - Question Banks

D.F QuestionBanks
for Semester Examination

1. What is Digital forensic?

2. Explain The digital forensic process
3. Define Locard’s exchange principle
4. What are Scientific models?
5. Explain Basic computer organization
6. Explain File system
7. Explain Memory organization
8. Explain Data storage concepts
9. Define Cybercrime scene
10. Explain Documenting the scene and evidence
11. Define Maintaining the chain of custody
12. Explain Forensic cloning of evidence

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Visit Brainheaters StudyRoom - Open QuestionBanks and get started. These
questions are taken from the Bh.QuestionBanks and we strongly recommend
that you complete all 35+ Questions available in the StudyRoom for your
subjective exam.

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