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LEDDA, Dirick N.

BSE 3 Filipino


(Teaching & Learning Activities)
Activity I. Glatthorn have identified seven types of curriculum operating in the school
system. In relation to this, identify the characteristics and importance of these based
on your understanding.

Recommended Recommended Curriculum Recommended Curriculum

basically gives the academic provides the basic framework for
standards of one curriculum the curriculum. It embodies all the
planning. It sets the direction of missions, vision and goals of one
an institutions as its provides educational systems.
the learning content, the
learning content and the ideal
type of objectives to be met.

Written Written Curriculum details the Written Curriculum concretized the

vital parts of learning. From aims and goals of Recommended
planning the subjects up to the Curriculum. It offers concrete and
production of books and systematic planning towards the
modules. It also must contain delivery of lesson from the
the needs and interests of the educational management up to the
students by using lesson classroom setting.
planning and using books in
teaching-learning process.

Taught Taught Curriculum is the actual Taught Curriculum gave

application and execution of assurances that the mission and
what is in the guidelines. That’s goals of the curriculum are directly
why it must possess learning deliver towards the learner. In day
activities and assessment tools by day imparting of lesson, taught
needed to ensure that the curriculum was being established.
learning competencies must be
met. The most important of this
part is the achievement of
learning content.

Supported Supported Curriculum is the Supported Curriculum provides the

overall resources needed for support management system
the accomplishment of the toward the learning. In order to
lesson. Whenever teachers are achieve the effective and
giving learning activities, acceptable teaching-learning
resources like books facilities, process, a variety of materials
computers must be visible so inside and outside of classroom
that students can be must be present.
comfortable in teaching. This
supported curriculum also
includes the facilities and
people who will provides the
support for the learner.

Assessed Assessed Curriculum provides Assessed Curriculum evaluates the

the different varied type of process of learning. In ensuring
assessment towards the that learners are really learnt on the
growth and development of the topic, various assessment tools are
lesson. Assessment can be used.
done before, during and after
the lesson proper in order that
continuous learning is attain.

Learned Learned Curriculum is not only Learned Curriculum established

focused to the acquired the importance of learning towards
knowledge but also how they the students. If the students did not
perceived their learning realize and understand the purpose
through skills, values and of their learning, then it will became
critical thinking. It is the invalid.
accomplishment of their

Hidden Hidden Curriculum is the set of Hidden Curriculum helps students

all unintended, and complex to be prepare and socially adjusted
because it is continuously by acquiring norms, values and
evolving to the perception of the skills in their society.

Activity II. Cite a definition of curriculum from any of the experts, draw your own
definition of it based on the cited example, and try to find a situation in real classroom
setting where you can fit the drawn definition of curriculum.


John Dewey
curriculum as a
Curriculum is the
set of all the
learning content Curriculum
moving from the
needed by the happens when
learner's present
learners to students acquired
experience out
achieved through skills and practices
into that
the use of they apply in their
represented by
systematic day to day life
the organized
strategies and
bodies of truth
that we call
Activity III. Among the types of curriculum identified by Glatthorn, which of these is
given the least attention to base on your experience as a student and base on an
experience of a teacher – interview a teacher for this. Figure out the reasons and the
effects of this.
Reasons Effects
The reason why hidden The effect of this is
curriculum is being minimal to the actual
Hidden Curriculum neglected is it is teaching of lesson
unintentional to teach and because it is still
it is does not have formal unacknowledged by the
way and structure how to students
be integrate in lesson
Teacher Hidden curriculum is It does not really affect the
unwritten and teaching lesson planning from
Hidden Curriculum
students without it can stating of objectives to the
proceed and have a evaluation tasks
positive outcome

Activity IV. The types of curriculum identified by Glatthorn are all equally important.
But in this activity, try rank them according to what should be given the most attention
to and explain your answer.
1. Learned Curriculum For me, learned curriculum is the most important
because in this part the students are really learned
towards the lesson. They are imparted by the
knowledge and skills according to what the lesson
plan stated.
2. Written Curriculum The next important is the Written Curriculum. It is
vital to achievement of learning because what is
written on the book, modules, and instructional
materials should be utilize effectively.
3. Recommended Next is the Recommended Curriculum because it
Curriculum is the backbone of the learning system. As what it
mandates like DepEd, all the teachers should
follow because they know what will be the best for
every learners.
4. Assessed Curriculum Assessed Curriculum the evaluation of how
students really learn in lesson. Not all of teaching
meant that students learn that is why assessment
is important. It is to determine really what level
does students get in and if the remediation is
necessary for students to continue to the next
5. Taught Curriculum Next is the taught curriculum as it strengthens the
interaction of students to teacher. Learning
activities are being made for the ability of students

6. Supported Curriculum After that, is the supported curriculum. They are

the resources who are willing to help in the
achievement of what is recommended. They have
big role in effective learning outcome. Parents,
teachers and facilities all contributed to this.

7. Hidden Curriculum
Lastly is the hidden curriculum. It is also important
because students also acquired skills necessary
for them to develop holistically without what is
written in lesson plan.

Assessment Task
1. Explain the statement “In the heart of all type of curricula, the teacher has a
major role.”
2. As a teacher, how will you address the hidden curriculum inside the
classroom to prevent or to lessen its existence?
3. Does taught curriculum solely and directly affect the learned curriculum?

1. Based from the statement, the teacher is the center of all the seven types of
curriculum. They are the bridge who connects the aims of Recommended
Curriculum towards the students. They contextualize what is written in the
curriculum. They are the one who checks and evaluate if students really learn.
Various learning strategies and methods are dependent on them. That’s why
the role of teacher in curriculum planning and execution is vital as the
curriculum itself.
2. As a teacher, I can serve a role model in order for hidden curriculum to lessen
its existence. Acquisition of skills and norms among learners are done in
subconscious ways. That’s why, if I become a good role model of values and
proper conduct, the students will be behave accordingly. As Bandura’s Social
Learning Theory have said, imitation and role modelling is good example of
behavior acquisition.
3. As a teacher, I believe that taught curriculum directly affects the learned
curriculum. As one said, that learners will learn the concept or lesson on the
way how it taught to them. It given emphasis on the relation on how teaching
really evident to how and what students will learn no matter what way.

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