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Nooe^bef 4113.

05 A

VOCABULARY Q Qj 6.3 Listen to a conversation about a selfie time-lapse video. What did
it show/? How many photos did the boy take to make it?

time and place H E ^•'^ Listen again and write words or phrases from the conversation
next to the definitions.
H Read vocabulary box 1. Complete the selfie
quiz with suitable prepositions. Then add two 1 every day = •
questions of your own. Work In palrs and ask 2 continué to do sth difficult = 1) 2)
and answer the questions. 3 made fáster = 1) ,2)
4 sometimes but not often =
explore vocabulary 1 5 during a whole period of time =

prepositions of place ^ Q Would you like to make a selfie time-lapse video? Why / Why not?
Try to learn prepositions of place in context or
iSj Read vocabulary box 2. Work in pairs and discuss the differences
combined with particular nouns. ^ between the phrases in 1-3.
Madison Square Garden is^bn^th Avet^u^Jñ^
I'll meet you(át]thei)ark|[3[i'&osit^the^iinema,
explore vocabulary 2
líhe mairt^entrance.
time phrases
Try to use a range of time phrases in your speaking and writing.

Selfie quizl
at the last minute, in the middie of doing something, on the point of
doing somethinq, on time, in time (for somethinq), be runnlnq late, tUe
time, every other (day/week., etc.jl, in§gg¡¡ t)m§.- .W.OS ÍÍW^SÍA[[ XOfí^,^
or later, to begin with
1 W/here is yourfavourite place to take
selfies? 1 I was in the middie of / on the point of cooking a meal.
2 ; was on time / in time / in good time / running late.
A ...at.. schoot
j ) ....1)0 my room 3 I always do my homework at the last minute / sooner or later /
C the tow/n centre in no time at all.
D other U Read the difterent v\ewpo\nts on time-keeping from an oniine forum.
2 Haveyouevertaken a selfie Complete the gaps with words and phrases from vocabulary box 2.
A ....o.Ü.thebus?
B ....aÍí...theairport? Katie, 16 have a horrible probiem with time-keeping. When l've
^ .VA..an unusual place?
arranged to meet my friends, l'm hardiy ever' time.
D Other?
3 What do you usually do with your Efil^afi] I set my alarm on my mobile every morning but
selfies? time l'm ready to (eave the house, Cm always
A keepthem....'.¿.o...mymobile late, l'm so slow!
(§) put them ..g.t?..<?!^ocial media
C delete mostof them l^llulll' ^se the calendar on my phone to organise my time in
n other advance. I just can't do things • ! That's how I am!

4 Where were you when you took your I kept an-iving late for football training and I was
favourite selfie? ' being kicked off the team. Fortunately, I got myself
0 ....Q!Cí...holiday organised and started arriving *. I aven got to the
B ....Qrt:....home training ground before the coachi
C the sea
D other

Speak up
I Work in pairs and "discuss the questions.
1 How well do you plan your time? How punctual are you?
2 Do you usually turn up late or early for things?
3 Do you get annoyed if other people are late or keep you waiting?


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