Unit 5

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6 Viewpoints

Power up *^
n Do you ever use maps? When? W h y ? ^^ ^

Q Look at these different types of maps and discuss their uses.

atlas globe Google Earth navigational charts road/metro (underground) map

topographical map (showing features such as mountains. rivers. etc.) digital map / Google Maps

Listen up
6.5 Listen t o a giri taiking about a map exhibition.
W h i c h types of map listed in Ex 2 does she mention?

Lile Zvl 6.6 Read the exam tip and answer the question.
Listen agatn. Complete the sentences with a word or
short phrase.

exam t i p : sentence c o m p l e t i o n
Remember that the sentences follow the order of the recording. The answer will be a word
or phrase from the recording, so listen carefully. You must not make any changes at all to it.
In question 1 in Ex 4, is the answer'border' or 'borders'? i-rdl^V^

At the cxhibition, Emma was interested b\ an educator who showcd some maps where the countries
had no ' )0.9SÁ?.Í.^. - Tli"-' oider maps were different from modern oncs bccaus
of the ^ P.lSr.'!^.)?.!^..^. of dilVcreni (hings ihcv had on them. ( ) n ihc nu thicíü maps,
places on the map that might be dangerous u ere rcpresented b y ' 3:€:.f^..l[;^.íí??^5!^.^.?.
The facr that some maps showed that the F.arth was * amused r-'mma.
Bmma was surprised that a ' was being used as part of the cxhibition.
Rmma ihought seeing visual images such as the extent of the world's * C.C<r..*r^.0.5
was a great method of educating people. A display of maps from litcrarure includcd ones bv |RR 'lolkien
that showed the ' .f'?!..O.Í.C?..'!v!jt he'd spent so long creating. |{mma was keen to
start working on a digital map of her ."ÍCMI.'Í^ • l^c-fore the davs of saielliics, map-
makcrs of ihe past relied on ' ^.y..p.).!?..'C..^;r£ to garher the data for their maps. l'.mma
hadn'r previouslv considered how much '° .*.)O.^Q.'(.'f!y!?í5^.^í.9>(^. panicular map can coniain.

Match the words from the listening with their meanings.

Speak up
1 functional A a mixture of two things together
2 revolve O B increase in size or importance 3 Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
3 project {v) C practical and useful rather than attractive 1 How importont do you Ihink it is to be able to
read a map?
4 combination ^- D movc around a central point
2 Is there any use for paper maps anymore?
5 sepárate (oc/j) f- E cause an image to appear on a screen
3 How has the use of satellite mapping and
6 expand £ ) F existing in a different physical space
photography changed the way we look at the worid?
4 Research some of Ihe possibilities of Google Earth
or Google Sky and report back to the class about
your findings.

82 Find where your favourite planet is in the sky tonight. Simply type it into G o o g l e Sky.

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