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Lauren Perez


ENGL 1302

“Literature Review: e-Leadership”

1. Does the author have clear thesis? What is the thesis?

Yes, the author does have a clear thesis. Their thesis is that e-leadership in
traditional ways is starting to become outdated on how technology is growing.
Therefore, is it wanting the author to research the different ways how e-leadership
can catch up with the growth of technology, and to make sure it is successful.

2. Does the author describe or summarize the sources sufficiently for you to understand?

Yes, because in each paragraph the author gives a brief summary of each
source they find. The author also made it clear the difference between the no
virtual, and virtual sections.

3. What is the author evidence for his/her review of the literature?

The author grabs information from different resources to help benefit their
thesis question. The sources usually come from the same area involving e-
leadership, and the dates of the sources are consistent; there are rarely any jumps
in years.

4. How was author organized the information?

I am used to seeing how other research papers have sections that divide
the paragraphs between informing the reader where the topic is on, yet with this it
seems continuous. It can throw me off, and makes me forget how it is structured. I
have also noticed that the majority of the paragraphs start off with a citation then
talk about the source he found.

5. What can you take from this article to use in your writing?

I wouldn’t say I like how the author used a citation at the beginning of
each paragraph, although I liked how it is summarized and talked about
thoroughly. I will also be taking notes of how the author explains the reasonings
to help benefit his point.

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